Linkedin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "linkedin" Showing 1-30 of 35
Germany Kent
“If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.”
Germany Kent
tags: abundance, abundance-and-attitude, abundance-creation, abundance-quote, advice, analytics, attitude-is-everything, best-practices, biz-talk, brand-experience, brand-strategy, brands, break-the-cycle, communication-online, communication-tips, content, cyberspace, digital-citizens, digital-citizenship, digital-footprint, digital-influencer, digital-life, digital-lit, digital-media, digital-skills, digitale, direction, driven-by-purpose, ed-tech, entrepreneur, facebook, facebook-quotes, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, goals, golden-rules, google-plus, gratitude, higher-education, hope-guru, ideas, inspiration, instagram, instagram-quotes, internet, life-and-living, life-experience, life-hack, life-lessons-quotes, life-philosophy, lifestyle, like-a-pro, linkedin, linkedin-quotes, live-in-the-moment, live-with-purpose, marketing-automation, media-literacy, millennials, motivational-enlightenment, motivational-inspirational, motivational-speaker, need-to-know, need-to-know-now, netiquette, network, network-marketing, networking, networking-quotes, note-to-self, on-trend, online, online-communication, online-discussion, online-education, online-marketing, optimism, optimization, passion, passion-quotes, passionate-living, perception, perception-of-reality, perceptions, personal-branding, personal-development, personal-growth, pinterest, positive-outlook, positivity, productivity, professional, promote, real-talk, rebranding, seo, smart-tech, social-education, social-intelligence, social-media, social-media-101, social-media-addiction, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-author, social-media-behavior, social-media-for-authors, social-media-life, social-media-marketing, social-media-mind, social-media-tools, social-networking, social-networks, success, success-self-improvement, success-strategies, table-talk, take-action, tech, the-hope-guru, think-before-you-post, think-before-you-tweet, tips-and-tricks, to-do, to-do-it, to-do-list, top-tips, trends, twitter, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quote, twitter-quotes, web, what-you-tweet, words-to-live-by, you-are-what-you-tweet, you-owe-it-to-yourself, you-tube

Germany Kent
“What you post online speaks VOLUME about who you really are. POST with intention. REPOST with caution.”
Germany Kent
tags: best-practices, branding, content, content-marketing, content-strategy, cyberspace-internet, digital-age, digital-citizens, digital-citizenship, digital-culture, digital-etiquette, digital-footprint, digital-life, digital-marketer, digital-marketing, digital-media, digital-skills, ed-tech, ethics, ethics-and-moral-philosophy, etiquette-and-attitude, etiquette-rules, facebook, facebook-quotes, germany-kent, germany-kent-quotes, hate-speech, internet, internet-etiquette, internet-manners, internet-marketing, kindness-to-others, linkedin, mannerisms, manners-quotes, marketing-digital, netiquette, netiquette-rules, netiquette-words, online-ethics, online-etiquette, personal-branding, personal-branding-reputation, pinterest, pinterest-quotes, post, reputation-management, reputation-quotes, responsibility, responsibility-of-everyone, responsibility-quotes, responsible, seo, social-change, social-education, social-intelligence, social-media, social-media-addiction, social-media-advice, social-media-audience, social-media-behavior, social-media-behaviour, social-media-branding, social-media-for-authors, social-media-marketing, social-media-mind, social-media-post, social-media-posting, social-media-quotes, social-media-tips, social-media-today, social-networking, stop-bullying, the-hope-guru, think-before-you-post, think-before-you-tweet, think-twice, tips, tips-for-teens, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quotes, web-marketing, what-you-tweet, you-are-what-you-tweet, youth, youth-age, youth-outreach

Germany Kent
“Don't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you with positivity in person.”
Germany Kent
tags: attitude, attitude-in-life, attitude-is-everything, attitude-of-gratitude, attitude-quotes, attitude-toward-life, attitude-towards-life, bad-attitudes, be-who-you-are, branding, content, content-marketing, content-strategy, contribute, cyberspace, cyberspace-internet, digital-age, digital-citizens, digital-citizenship, digital-culture, digital-etiquette, digital-marketer, digital-marketing, digital-media, digital-mind, digital-skills, ed-tech, energetic-passion, energetic-quotes, energy-of-the-universe, ethics, ethics-and-moral-philosophy, etiquette-and-attitude, etiquette-rules, facebook, facebook-addiction, facebook-quotes, facebook-status, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, hate-speech, hope-guru, internet, internet-etiquette, internet-manners, internet-marketing, kindness-to-others, life, life-and-living-life-philosophy, life-experience, life-lessons, life-quotes, linkedin, mannerisms, manners-quotes, marketing-digital, negative-and-positive, negative-people, negative-thoughts, negativity, netiquette, netiquette-rules, netiquette-words, online, online-education, online-ethics, online-marketing, positive, positive-attitude, positive-life, positive-mindset, positive-motivation, positive-outlook, positive-quotes, positive-thinking, positivity, reputation-quotes, responsibility, responsibility-of-everyone, self-appreciation, seo, social-change, social-education, social-intelligence, social-media, social-media-addiction, social-media-advice, social-media-audience, social-media-authors, social-media-behavior, social-media-branding, social-media-marketing, social-media-tips, social-media-today, social-networking, stop-bullying, the-hope-guru, the-real-you, think-before-you-post, think-before-you-tweet, think-twice, tips, tips-for-teens, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quotes, web-marketing, what-you-tweet, you-are-what-you-tweet, youth, youth-age, youth-outreach

“Millennials (aka Generation Y) are great at social media (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter,Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, and Periscope) but lack time tested social skills ( patience, humility, active listening, respect for parents, teachers, elderly)”
Ramesh Lohia

Melanie Pinola
“A huge number of jobs that are filled are never advertised to the public, or if they are, they’re filled by people who have a connection to the employer.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

“Intellectual Property must be respected if we want to have a thriving market economy.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.

“To create a culture of creativity, you have to celebrate creativity.

Often times, when organizations become bureaucratic, following the rules is what's celebrated; walking the line is what's celebrated; doing it the way it's done around here is what's celebrated.

No judgement if that's how you want your organization, but IF you want a culture of creativity... IF you want a culture of innovation.... You have to be willing to turn a blind eye sometimes when the rules are broken. You have to be willing to have the business endure the risks associated with a culture of creativity - less certainty, etc. And you have to celebrate teammates when they create a new process, redesign a workflow process or solve a problem on an unconventional way.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.

Melanie Pinola
“Your LinkedIn profile should leave no room for doubt about the kind of job you’re looking for and why you’re the best person for that position.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

Melanie Pinola
“Make sure your LinkedIn profile has a targeted headline. Not only should the headline clearly state your career focus, it’s also the most important place to add a keyword or two, because this influences how you appear in search results”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

David Chiles
“Use the Internet to help your daily life, not replace to replace it.”
David Chiles

“You'll have the right to be angry about Vault 7 only after you boycott dragnet surveillance data providers like Google, Microsoft, Skype, Facebook and LinkedIn. The true threat is coming from the private sector surveillance profiteers.”
James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

Melanie Pinola
“One of the great things about LinkedIn is it isn’t the same kind of networking that happens at conventions, where you’re wearing a name tag, trying to meet strangers, and awkwardly attempting to make small talk. LinkedIn is networking without the pressure.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

Melanie Pinola
“When recruiters, co-workers, old classmates, and other people Google your name and click on a link to you on LinkedIn, your profile page is what they will see. They’ll learn about your work history, education, skills, interests, reputation, and other details you provide. It’s like your own 'Who’s Who' entry on LinkedIn.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

Melanie Pinola
“How do you want the world to see you professionally? What kinds of work do you enjoy doing? Why are you on LinkedIn? Those are the questions you should think about when creating your LinkedIn profile, so it’s aligned with your personal brand. While marketing-speak like 'personal brand' feels fake to many of us, we’re really just talking about setting the right tone for your profile and positioning yourself for the kinds of opportunities you’re interested in.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

Melanie Pinola
“Your LinkedIn profile must be consistent with how you portray yourself elsewhere. Not only should your official résumé match the experience you list on LinkedIn, but it also should be consistent with Twitter and public Facebook information.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

Melanie Pinola
“Your LinkedIn profile must include keywords for specific skills that match your desired job.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

“Don’t second guess your professional first impression.”
Mitch Miles

David Chiles
“The Social Networking Netiquette Loop: Read, share, like, and repeat.”
David Chiles

David Chiles
“Discuss internet rules to follow with friends and family. Use the site as a reference. Set boundaries. Share.”
David Chiles

Petra Hermans
“Ter promotie, van LinkedIn, de meest waardeloze video's, cursus met vaardigheden ter promotie van corruptie. Alsjeblieft.”
Petra Hermans

Petra Hermans
“LinkedIn is 't meest smerige netwerk via de sociale media. Ze verdedigen Facebook, Pepsi & the United Nations.”
Petra Hermans

Petra Hermans
“Normally, I love Beyoncé.”
Petra Hermans

Guy Kawasaki
“„Cei 5 P ai rețelelor sociale: Google+ este pentru pasiuni; Facebook este pentru persoane; LinkedIn este pentru prospectare; Pinterest este pentru poze; Twitter este pentru percepție. Hai să-l vedem acum pe Philip Kotler cum poate să o întreacă pe asta.”
Guy Kawasaki

“Verrate nie alles auf einmal – es geht um die Dwell Time (sie müssen zurück kommen…)”
Roger Basler de Roca

“Social Media ist kostenlos, aber nie umsonst”
Roger Basler de Roca

Farshad Asl
“A growth mindset is essential because it allows you to shift from a traditional, limited approach to recruiting to one that is more dynamic and inclusive.”
Farshad Asl

Ehsan Sehgal
“I tag many figures, but impressions stay zero or a few. It verifies that evil-minded people execute mutations against my posts. I complained about it several times, but only LinkedIn eliminated such cases, whereas Twitter and Facebook failed.”
Ehsan Sehgal

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