Miracles Of Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "miracles-of-life" Showing 1-30 of 70
Amit Ray
“The true miracle lies in our eagerness to allow, appreciate, and honor the uniqueness, and freedom of each sentient being to sing the song of their heart.”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

Gillian Johns
“Miracles happen all of the time,
Just take the time to acknowledge them and watch how amazing life can really be.”
Gillian Duce

“If you don’t want to deceive yourself in this new year, don’t be a miracle chaser”
Sunday Adelaja

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When you walk on earth, you must know that one miracle walks on another miracle!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“The place where the sky and ocean meet is where all the miracles takes place. You are part of this miracle.”
Hiral Nagda

Ulonda Faye
“Stay connected to all that nurtures your Soul, and release into the mystical stormy waters all that has served its place. We are here to be loved and absolutely nothing less. Go ahead and walk into the waters of your Soul knowing that the only certainty in life is in miracles. We are a miracle.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Deepak Chopra
“What this says on a spiritual level is that we can never really know what direction life will take, what changes those small butterfly-flutters of intention and action might cause in our destiny. And at the same time, it also tells us that we can never truly know the mind of God. We can never fully understand the how, where, and when of anything, even something as simple as boiling water. We have to surrender to uncertainty, while appreciating its intricate beauty.”
Deepak Chopra, SynchroDestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles

“Your miracle is this moment; your very breath of being.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Miracle focus gospel is a deceptive gospel”
Sunday Adelaja

Mehmet Murat ildan
“He who desperately looks for a miracle must be either a blind or an ignorant person because everywhere and every moment is already full of miracles!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Forgetting a person willingly is a miracle that doesn't happen”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Heart is the creator of miracles, which mind often fails to capture through explanation & logic”
Rabb Jyot, Canvas of Life

Ulonda Faye
“Here for Love

As is water, so is life. The waves may test our strength as the ocean currents too may test our balance. The little splashes of wet sand may test our inner humor.
Let it test you
Stay the course
Being grounded is purely a state of mind, connection helps.

Stay connected to all that nurtures your Soul, and release into the mystical stormy waters all that has served its place.
We are here to love and be love, and absolutely nothing less.
Go ahead and walk into the waters knowing that the only certainty in life is in miracles.

We are a miracle.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Mehmet Murat ildan
“There are millions reasons to live and not even a single reason to die! You must protect your life - the miracle given to you by the evolution - under all conditions!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Miracle focus messages compels masses to think that the process of production is not necessary for prosperity”
Sunday Adelaja

“Miracle focus gospel is creating an illusion in peoples head”
Sunday Adelaja

“How can anyone sink into dejection and despondency when nature’s generous bounty is so magnificent that it makes any selfish feelings too frail to register? Who can despair their existence when standing before the mesmerizing power of an ocean, after witnessing a mother nurse a newborn stirring in their crib, or when held entranced by the life-giving gurgle of a river? Who can deny the miracle of life after watching fresh falling snow soundlessly adorn the mountains, vales, and fields in a saintly white cloud? Who can deny that a tree full of light shares the same holy strand of the indispensable nectar of life with the humblest creature that walks beneath its protective awning?”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Humankind’s insuppressible exuberance demands that we spring forward clicking our heels in revelry and delight when basking in the fullness of the miracle of life. Every day is a delightful gift. Walking in the dappled valley spackled in filtered sunlight of verdant woodland, we witness the diffused silhouette of humankind’s ambitious gestalt to make known the indeterminate, unravel the indecipherable, and joyfully flaunt the magical experience of living in the moment free of angst.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Miracle in your life is like the one-sided bright moon facing the earth, on the other side your sleepless nights”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Amie Kaufman
“Almost every particle in the universe was once part of a star. Every atom in your body. The metal in your chair, the oxygen in your lungs, the carbon in your bones. All those atoms were forged in a cosmic furnace over a million kilometers wide, billions of light-years from here. The confluence of events that led to this moment is so remote as to be almost impossible. Our very existence is a miracle.”
Amie Kaufman

Mehmet Murat ildan
“There is no greater miracle than reviving from the dead universe and saying hello to the universe!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Dinesh Sahay
“Ten best quotes of the book, “Miracles Through My Eyes”
"Miracles Through My Eyes " by Dinesh Sahay Author- Mentor
{This book was published on 23rd October in 2019)
1. “God is always there to fulfil each demand, prayer or wish provided you have intent; unshaken trust in Him, determination and action on the ground, and when this entire manifest in one’s life, then it becomes a miracle of life. Nothing moves without His grace. It comes when you are on the right path without selfish motives but will never happen when done for selfish and destructive motives”.
2. “All diseases are self-creation and they come due to some cause and it transforms into a disease by virtue of wrong thinking, wrong actions which are against nature, the universe and God. When you disobey the rules set by God. All misfortunes, accidents, deceases, and even death are the creation of negative, bad thoughts, spoken words and actions of man himself, at some stage of his life. All good events in life are also the creation of man through his good and positive thoughts at various stages of his life”.
3. “The biggest investments lie not in the savings and creation of wealth with selfish motives. Though you may find success this prosperity shall not be long lasting and at a later stage, the money and wealth may be lost slowly in many unfortunate ways”.
4. “If you want to have a successful life with ease and at the same time want abundance and wealth then my friend, you must care for others. You must start your all efforts to help by means of tithing, charity, service to mankind in any form, and help poor, helpless, needy and underprivileged.”
5. “The largest investment for a person (which is time tested by many rich personalities) shall be to give 10% of your monthly income for the charitable cause each month if you are a salaried class, and if you are a businessman or a company, then you must contribute 10% annually for charitable cause”.
6. “Nature is giving signals to the mankind that they are moving near to destruction of this earth as it’s a cause and effect of man-made destruction of earth and with all sins, hate, untruthfulness and violence it carried throughout the centuries and acted against the principals of the universe and nature. Those connected to the divine may escape from the clutches of death and destruction of the earth. We have witnessed many major catastrophes in the form of Tsunami’s, earthquakes, Tornado’s, Global warming and volcanic eruptions and the world is moving towards it further major happenings in times to come”.
7. “Let us pray for peace and harmony for all humanity and make this world a better place to live by our actions of love, compassion, truthfulness, non-violence, end of terrorism and peace on earth with no wars with any country. Let there will be single governance in the world, the governance of one religion, the religion of love, peace, prosperity and healthy living to all”.
8.” Forgive all the people who often unreasonable, self-centred or accuse you of selfish and forget the all that is said about you. It is your own inner reflection which you see in the outer world.
9. “Thought has a tremendous vibratory force which moves with limitless speed and, makes all creations in man’s life. Each thought vibrates to the frequency with which it was created by a person, whether that was good or bad, travels accordingly through the conscious and subconscious mind in space and the universe. It vibrates with time and energy to produces manifestation in the spiritual and materialistic world of man or woman or matter (thing), in form of events, happenings and creativity”.”
Dinesh Sahay

“People need miracles. If not enough are available... then alchemy.”
Michael Corthell

Ross Eberle
“There are no miracles in life; only teamwork, survival, and perseverance.”
Ross Eberle

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Eric Overby
“Language is a kind of miracle in itself. It is amazing that beings would have the appropriate ingredients, both mentally and physically, to construct elaborate sounds and signals that can express ideas about the natural word.”
Eric Overby

Stewart Stafford
“Lost are the seekers of miracles. Only in the end, in the telling and re-telling of the tale, is the miracle seen - Life.”
Stewart Stafford

Ulonda Faye
“No matter the struggles we face, all injustices are balanced out in time. Strive to do right by you. Do no harm, while keeping your beautiful being safe and always nourished with love. All challenges, when consciously faced, make us stronger, and with this strength we reach out our hand to others with flowers of compassion. You are a miraculous blessing.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

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