Moment Of Being Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moment-of-being" Showing 1-23 of 23
Tom Stoppard
“Because children grow up, we think a child's purpose is to grow up. But a child's purpose is to be a child. Nature doesn't disdain what lives only for a day. It pours the whole of itself into the each moment. We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in its flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung? The dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future, too. We persuade ourselves that the universe is modestly employed in unfolding our destination. We note the haphazard chaos of history by the day, by the hour, but there is something wrong with the picture. Where is the unity, the meaning, of nature's highest creation? Surely those millions of little streams of accident and wilfulness have their correction in the vast underground river which, without a doubt, is carrying us to the place where we're expected! But there is no such place, that's why it's called utopia. The death of a child has no more meaning than the death of armies, of nations. Was the child happy while he lived? That is a proper question, the only question. If we can't arrange our own happiness, it's a conceit beyond vulgarity to arrange the happiness of those who come after us.”
Tom Stoppard, The Coast of Utopia

Tim Tharp
“I open my arms wide and let the wind flow over me. I love the universe and the universe loves me. That’s the one-two punch right there, wanting to love and wanting to be loved. Everything else is pure idiocy—shiny fancy outfits, Geech-green Cadillacs, sixty-dollar haircuts, schlock radio, celebrity-rehab idiots, and most of all, the atomic vampires with their de-soul-inators, and flag-draped coffins.

Goodbye to all that, I say. And goodbye to Mr. Asterhole and the Red Death of algebra and to the likes of Geech and Keeeevin. Goodbye to Mom’s rented tan and my sister’s chargecard boobs. Goodbye to Dad for the second and last time. Goodbye to black spells and jagged hangovers, divorces, and Fort Worth nightmares. To high school and Bob Lewis and once-upon-a-time Ricky. Goodbye to the future and the past and, most of all, to Aimee and Cassidy and all the other girls who came and went and came and went.

Goodbye. Goodbye. I can’t feel you anymore. The night is almost too beautifully pure for my soul to contain. I walk with my arms spread open under the big fat moon. Heroic “weeds rise up from the cracks in the sidewalk, and the colored lights of the Hawaiian Breeze ignite the broken glass in the gutter. Goodbye, I say, goodbye, as I disappear little by little into the middle of the middle of my own spectacular now”
Tim Tharp, The Spectacular Now

Lorii Myers
“To gain self-respect, you need to put yourself first.”
Lorii Myers, Make It Happen, A Healthy, Competitive Approach to Achieving Personal Success

William Glasser
“Good or bad, everything we do is our best choice at that moment.”
William Glasser

J.R. Rim
“Two friends raised their heads up to the sky on a dark evening.
-Look at the stars.
--Let us make a wish.
They each took a moment of silence.
-What did you wish for?
--For you to have peace with your wish.”
J.R. Rim

“The only thing that ever came close to tugging my heart strings is music. I know this because that is the only time I've felt them move.”
Hafsa Shah

Jay Woodman
“Mindfulness & Meditation help focus on the moment while at the same time knowing we cannot capture that moment, we are in a flow of moments we let flow. We can watch moments in detail without being attached to them. Non-attachment to past & future stems from this practice. Worry about past or future is wasted energy, however we can observe the past & learn from it without agonising over it & trust ourselves to handle the future better. We can celebrate the opportunity to grow as we gain understanding from observation & experience. We can watch ourselves & avoid being caught up in over-reactions. "I am loved, right now, in this moment, I love, and am part of love itself. I am aware of myself at every level - the mental slowing gracefully to sense the spiritual within & all around, and the physical being still, or moving. I tune in to the flow of life in my body & the flow of life everywhere. I circulate love with each breath - from without to within & from within to all around.”
Jay Woodman

Mitta Xinindlu
“Take care of the present moment because it is all that you will ever have.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Death occurs in unexpected times.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Life is defined by time. Time defined moments. Time is priceless gift.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Time is made of moments.
The present is today.
New day and new grace.
Today is my precious time on earth.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Miranda J. Barrett
“Any moment can be a spiritual moment, if allowed.”
Miranda J. Barrett

Nanette L. Avery
“The way you take your lunch reflects the way you live.”
Nanette L. Avery, The Fortune Teller and Other Short Works

Abhijit Naskar
“Empirically speaking, there is no such thing as history, destiny and even future for that matter, what there really is, is the “now”. And this very “now” – this very moment is the only thing which you have in your hands – in fact, it is the only time that actually exists – the “now”. So, be aware of that “now”and you will literally begin to see all moments like a true seer, without all the mystical nonsense.”
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

Ashim Shanker
“This naked moment may well be apprehended with greater acuity in retrospect, but how can we know if what we view in hindsight will ever have truly been? The uncertainty of it is frightening—but maybe, at the same time, we need not look upon it as a crisis of the human condition. Assimilating this irresoluteness may indeed be our greatest capacity. To live in this perpetual bewilderment and without respite is to be honest, even genuine, with oneself. Perhaps we must embrace the disinterested nature of our anxiety even if we know that it is contrastingly woven from competing threads of self-interest. It is sad that we cannot trust what our senses tell us, trust the information we are given. Or maybe it is beautiful if you see an aesthetic to the indecipherable, to the very thought that even the tiniest shard of logic may pierce at us whilst yet eluding us.”
Ashim Shanker

Ruth Ann Oskolkoff
“They were calm and the doings of the night didn’t necessarily matter anymore. Their vibes were ecstatic notes that would float down the street to whoever heard. Melodies people would feel. Bliss that could be experienced as simple being. Then the sun would rise and the stars would be gone. The moment would fade like it always does.”
Ruth Ann Oskolkoff, Zin