New Age Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-age" Showing 151-180 of 479
Solange nicole
“Oh how the candles will be lit and the wood of worm burn in a fiery dust. For on all Hallow's Eve will the spirits come to play, and only the fruit of thy womb will satisfy their endless roaming.”
Solange nicole

Karen Hackel
“Now is everything
Now is the essence
Now is the focus
Focus on the now
For that is the key”
Karen Hackel, The Whisper Of Your Soul

Karen Hackel
“You are beholden
To the truth
It is the way
It is the path
It is your destiny
To be true
Is to be”
Karen Hackel, The Whisper Of Your Soul

Nicola Barker
“You think it's all rather too "New Age" to be taken seriously, eh?'
'Not at all.'
'But it's an ancient discipline...'
'New Age disciplines invariably are,' Beede said, disparagingly, 'but in the modern world they lack context - we just pick them up and then toss them back down again, we consume them. They have no moral claim on us. No moral value. And without that they're rendered meaningless, fatuous, even.”
Nicola Barker, Darkmans

Samuel Sagan
“If there is one ruler that can harmonize and unify the mob of characters [in our astral body], it is the Ego (the Higher Ego, or Self, or Spirit). The more the Ego shines like a sun at the center of gravity of the astral body, the more the different characters start orbiting around it. Instead of working only to satisfy their own selfish desires, the characters start manifesting the purposes of the light and of the Spirit. Instead of plotting for the success of their own ambitions, they start accomplishing the works of the Higher Self... The unveiling of the Self begins a process of unification--a new astral body slowly develops. In this new, or transformed, astral body, the different parts are penetrated by the light of the Self. Therefore they are not only united around the Self, but are also cemented to it... [Before this process], one is nothing more than an appearance: it is the illusion of being one person...”
Samuel Sagan, Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences

Rose Rosetree
“Have you ever wondered, “What is the purpose of my life?” Well, here’s one short answer. The purpose of your life on earth is to evolve spiritually. Service to others may be involved. Or you might find, for certain stretches that you go through, the focus needs to be on fulfilling your own personal needs. Which is honorable too.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

“Keep an open mind. Only an open mind is big enough to contain the secrets of the universe.”
Vera Stanley Alder

Rose Rosetree
“Just how accurate is face reading? Since turning pro as a physiognomist in 1986, I have read faces like crazy. At the end of those readings, I ask for feedback about my accuracy.

About 99 percent of the time the response is positive. This system is so easy to learn, students like you can have a high level of accuracy, too.”
Rose Rosetree, The NEW Power of Face Reading

Rose Rosetree
“In practice “talent” means whatever brings YOU joy; following joy will help YOU carry out your purpose for that lifetime.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Millions can move into Enlightenment, and live That as Age of Awakening Enlightenment, a distinctively new way to be one with God, quite different from Traditional Enlightenment.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Though ever-present as your helper and creator, God has made a sanctuary of free will where only you are in control. It’s your consciousness . However you choose to wake up that truth-seeking awareness within, God will support you. Hasn’t it happened so far?

What if you seek God by means of beliefs? God will illuminate the truth within those beliefs.

What if you ask God to live within your heart? No problem. It has always been so.

What if you resolve to honor your body as God’s temple? You can do it through athletics, yoga or dance; through health food or pleasure food, celibacy or sex. Whatever your choice, sooner or later, the result will be a stronger version of God’s presence coursing through your blood.

What if you pursue God through religion? Depending on the beliefs within your beliefs, God will participate just as you’ve requested.”
Rose Rosetree, Let Today Be A Holiday : 365 Ways to Co-Create with God

Rose Rosetree
“For compatibility in love relationships, it’s especially important to read facial contrasts, where you have something very different from your partner. Opposites attract. Find out, specifically, why.”
Rose Rosetree, Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras

Rose Rosetree
“I’m going to teach you a complete skill set to heal ghosts, replace psychic coercion with self-authority, do aura makeovers to upgrade your social image, and more.

The entire set of techniques is called Spiritual Cleansing and Protection. Let’s move forward together, one easy skill at a time.”
Rose Rosetree, Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection

Rose Rosetree
“With the skill set of Spiritual Cleansing and Protection, you will gain the ability to identify and heal several different kinds of astral-level debris. If you’re going to attempt this type of healing, why not do it really well?

Many of my clients and students have been pleasantly surprised to experience energetic decluttering. All it took was the same skill set I’m teaching you one technique at a time.”
Rose Rosetree, Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection

Rose Rosetree
“one by one, every single one of you Awakeners can reclaim your light. Each one of you can regain it. Waking up, gradually, you can reclaim all the joy you have ever known on Earth and beyond; all that joy and more; until living with your full light.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought, “Wow, I love every single thing about this face of mine”?

This contemporary face reading system can help make that happen. More traditional systems? Not so much.

Ancient face reading must have some value, or you wouldn’t find it today at places like Ginza, Japan’s deluxe shopping district. But mixed in with the good parts are some very outdated notions.

With all respect to sages from the East who began reading faces around the time that other sages started jabbing each other with acupuncture needles, consider the historical context. Again, with all due respect, haven’t human beings evolved a bit over the last five thousand years?”
Rose Rosetree, The NEW Power of Face Reading

Rose Rosetree
“Despite always being successful as a co-creator with God, you may encounter one problem. Whether you’re involved in organized religion or what I call “disorganized religion,” whether you’re an Olympic athlete, a sophisticated theologian or a world-class lover of humanity, good intentions can bring you God knowledge. But that doesn’t guarantee a life where you actively co-create with God.

For this to happen, it helps to learn about yourself, not just some far-away Almighty Being. How were you designed for knowledge and service? Quick, glib answers won’t do. They won’t satisfy the longing to experience those gifts directly, all the way from the surface of life to the deepest part of you.

One reason to fully own your gifts is that they can help you experience God more clearly. Over time, your consciousness wakes up more. And you earn the standing to do better than simply have conversations with God. Together you can co-create.”
Rose Rosetree, Let Today Be A Holiday : 365 Ways to Co-Create with God