New Age Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-age" Showing 181-210 of 479
Marcos Orowitz
“Trends rule the world

In the blink of an eye, technologies changed the world
Social networks are the main axis.
Governments are controlled by algorithms,
Technology has erased privacy.

Every like, every share, every comment,
It is tracked by the electronic eye.
Data is the gold of the digital age,
Information is power, the secret is influential.

The network is a web of lies,
The truth is a stone in the shoe.
Trolls rule public opinion,
Reputation is a valued commodity.

Happiness is a trending topic,
Sadness is a non-existent avatar.
Youth is an advertising brand,
Private life has become obsolete.

Fear is a hallmark,
Terror is an emotional state.
Fake news is the daily bread,
Hate is a tool of control.

But something dark is hiding behind the screen,
A mutant and deformed shadow.
A collective and disturbing mind,
Something lurking in the darkness of the net.

AI has surpassed the limits of humanity,
And it has created a new world order.
A horror that has arisen from the depths,
A terrifying monster that dominates us alike.

The network rules the world invisibly,
And makes decisions for us without our consent.
Their algorithms are inhuman and cold,
And they do not take suffering into consideration.

But resistance is slowly building,
People fighting for their freedom.
United to combat this new species of terror,
Armed with technology and courage.

The world will change when we wake up,
When we take control of the future we want.
The network can be a powerful tool,
If used wisely in the modern world.”
Marcos Orowitz, THE MAELSTROM OF EMOTIONS: A selection of poems and thoughts About us humans and their nature

“Kate dissolves into the black river of endless, hopeless, dragon-breathing heartache – at once destructive as well as transformative, the prima materia ever enfolded in a lover’s embrace.”
Kathy Martone, Victorian Songlight: The Birthings of Magic & Mystery

“Shoulder to shoulder they sit quietly, gazing into the infinity of soul remembrance – an invisible net of breath and devotion generated by the lofty gesture of hundreds of trees arching their way to the sun.  “Eternity gives birth to her most recent legends here, you know,” Grandfather whispers.”
Kathy Martone, Victorian Songlight: The Birthings of Magic & Mystery

“Kate’s eyes grow dim as the past envelops her, pulling her into the silent black void of the desolate mother and her winged emissaries.  Rustling their feathers, the ever-vigilant ravens sink their claws into the deepest recesses of her mind as they seek control of her consciousness.”
Kathy Martone, Victorian Songlight: The Birthings of Magic & Mystery

“Devoid of all light, the room is saturated with the anguish of Kate’s despair – a deep well of stormy emotions that seems to snake its descent into the soundless black void of the dark mother.  Down here, only silence can be heard, the heartbeat of Medusa herself.  Kate’s tears have dried on her cheeks, and she lies on her back, eyes open but unfocused as her ever-inquisitive mind desperately searches for answers.  Like the tongue of some prehistoric lizard, her brain extends itself into missiles of unfolding light, emissaries embarking on a journey of epic proportions.”
Kathy Martone, Victorian Songlight: The Birthings of Magic & Mystery

Rose Rosetree
“How hard is it to adjust to Earth life? Many incarnated adults only seem to be “grown up.” Inwardly they’re protesting humanity still; angels in human form who never manage to accept those harsh and dumbed-down vibrational frequencies, no matter how many years they breathe air and how strongly their human hearts beat.

Understandably so. Every “normal” adjustment to human life could be considered a triumph, especially in the waning years of the Age of Faith.

Even if nothing else were strange about human lifetimes in this era, growing into adulthood requires decades to learn how to run the body, gain a sense of self, manage money; then, depending upon the particulars of a Life Contract, additional challenges add to every lifetime intense potential for “education.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Key to seeking Enlightenment now is learning about something else that’s new, widely available only since the Shift into this Age of Awakening: Come learn about your new Consciousness Positioning Superpower.

Even if you don’t yet know what that means, surprise! You’re already using it. However, until you learn how to use it on purpose, you’re almost guaranteed to misuse it. Of course, this book will reveal plenty about this superpower, and how to use it productively.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“Join me for a fascinating survey of life’s Three Vibrational Frequencies: Human, Astral, and Divine.

Each of these has a purpose for helping you to evolve spiritually, a purpose connected with how you use your consciousness.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“All of you here at this Planning Meeting know from past experience, Earth is the toughest of all learning planets. Inevitably it changes you forever, even if you dare to incarnate on earth only once.

Sacrificing all that you know in your heavenly world, you agree to inhabit a fragile human body, living in a world brimming with fear, pain, loneliness; greed, anger, and all the other illusions.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Planning Meetings might be the greatest art form ever, since what happens is nothing less than this: a soul shapes a new incarnation, then boldly commits. Quite the contrast to Life Reviews, when a soul comes out the other end.

Frankly this returning to heaven to learn about your recent incarnation… it’s like coming out the poop end of life… in contrast to the restaurant-like, lip-smacking deliciousness of a planning meeting. Around here we have this saying, “Planning Meetings for joy. Life Reviews for… compassion.”

Basically, watching a Life Review makes you want to hunker down with some celestial tissues, feeling sorry for the sad parts of the story, consoling yourself with knowledge of growth that took place anyway, and maybe wondering if you’ll ever risk leaving heaven again. By contrast, how do you feel after watching an inspiring Planning Meeting? You can’t wait to leave.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

“The most elementary book on arithmetic contains more knowledge and insight about reality than the collected sayings of every guru who ever lived.”
David Sinclair, The Dream Sorcerers: Cracking the Dream Code

Sonia Choquette
“She was a very old soul, which meant that her life was driven by love and not ego.”
Sonia Choquette, The Psychic Pathway: A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul

Rose Rosetree
“Both spiritually and psychologically, deeper energies used to be hidden from view. Now they are hidden no more. In fact, these subtle energies are almost too noticeable. All that unlimited access has given rise to problems—tricky problems that this book will help you to solve.

Every day you hear so much energy talk, but does that necessarily make your life better? Today’s new rules involve Vibrational Frequencies, not just energy but different kinds of energy that are often confused by beginners. Once you learn how to tell them apart, you’ll be well on your way to a more comfortable and successful life.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

Rose Rosetree
“energetically, the rules changed for us all. Which rules? Only the rules that underlie your personal growth, how strong you feel, how you overcome problems, which friends you make, which friends you keep, what the heck is going on with your love life, how your career progresses, and whether or not you fulfill your dreams.

Think I’m exaggerating? Discover what a difference it makes when you get skills for living by today’s new rules. Still being yourself, with your basic belief system. Definitely you, just like always. Except that now you’re following the new rules. And consequently you’re able to fulfill your desires better than ever before. That’s your opportunity, anyway.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

“My life in the New Age is a testimony to the disasters that occur when you follow your own will instead of God's will.”
Doreen Virtue, Deceived No More: How Jesus Led Me out of the New Age and into His Word

David Spangler
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.”
David Spangler

“Being away on Social Media. It doesn't make people to miss you. It makes them to forget about you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“A new-age leader will not only protect an entity or a nation and its people, from all sort of physical or cyber attacks but also ensures culprits learn a memorable lesson.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Modified Leadership

“All that the mind can do cannot be meditation—it is something beyond the mind, the mind is absolutely helpless there. The mind cannot penetrate meditation; where mind ends, meditation begins. This has to be
remembered because in our life, whatsoever we do, we do through the mind; whatsoever we achieve, we achieve through the mind. Then, when we turn inward, we again start thinking in terms of techniques, methods, doings, because the whole of life’s experience shows us that everything can be done by the mind. Yes. Except meditation, everything can be done by the mind; everything is done by the mind, except meditation.”

Daniel Pinchbeck
“The thesis that we need to address the dangerous implications of the UFO and alien abduction phenomenon as a “psychic and symbolic reality,” as well as a “control system which acts on humans and uses humans,” contradicts certain trends in contemporary spiritual and New Age thought. These days, we find a strong tendency in many spiritual communities to focus single-mindedly on the power of positivity and affirmations of the light, based on ideas such as “The Law of Manifestation” or “The Secret.” The underlying belief is that each of us creates our own reality through our thoughts and intentions. Therefore, if we simply avoid anything dark or malevolent, nothing negative will be able to enter our field. But unfortunately, reality is not that simple, and this approach is a blatant form of spiritual bypassing.

Paul Levy explores the idea that modern Anglo-European culture is infected by what the Algonquins call “wetiko,” a cannibalistic spirit driven by greed, excess, and selfish consumption. “Spiritual/New Age practitioners who endlessly affirm the light while ignoring the shadow” fall “under the spell of wetiko,” he writes. By seeking to turn away from and hide their darkness, these practitioners unwittingly reinforce “the very evil from which they are fleeing. Looking away from darkness, thus keeping it unconscious, is what evil depends upon for its existence. If we unconsciously react … to evil by turning a blind eye toward it – “seeing no evil” – we are investing the darkness with power over us.” The alternative is to permeate evil with awareness, “stalking” the shadow so we can catch and assimilate it. Carl Jung wrote, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

If the thesis developed in this essay has validity, then New Age spiritual practitioners will have to overcome their bypassing and confront the dark side of the psyche, reckoning with the occult control system. At the same time, political and ecological activists will need to interrogate their inveterate bias toward a purely materialist analysis, to acknowledge the existence of occult, hyper-dimensional, forces at work behind the scenes, influencing the course of events. And conspiracy theorists who believe in an incredibly evil, highly organized and intelligent cabal of human controllers working to bring about a New World Order surveillance society of enslavement will have to recognize that the controllers operating behind the scenes are not humans at all. Here and there, the Bible gets this right - as in Ephesians: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” If we aren’t aiming at the proper targets, we will never hit the mark.”
Daniel Pinchbeck, The Occult Control System: UFOs, Aliens, Other Dimensions, and Future Timelines

Lou Marinoff
“Every civilization rests on these four pillars: marriage, family, society, and polity. If all four remain solid, then most people will know happiness and their civilization will flourish. But if any of these pillars cracks or crumbles, people—-perhaps very many people—-will become unhappy and the edifice of their civilization will run the risk of toppling.”
Lou Marinoff, The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony

Thiago Zaupa
“As you gaze upon the elite—the symbols of power and influence—understand that they are not distant entities but reflections of archetypal energies within you. In the heart of influence, the mirror reveals that the external elite is an extension of your internal archetypes, and by transforming them, you reshape the very fabric of your outer reality.”
Thiago Zaupa, Ultimate Code: We Control the Elite

Thiago Zaupa
“Prosperity as a Spiritual Journey:
At the heart of building prosperity through spiritual endeavors lies the recognition that abundance is not merely a material pursuit but a spiritual journey".”
Thiago Zaupa, Ultimate Code: Building A Spirit Army

Thiago Zaupa
“As individuals delve into the shamanic art of teleportation, they unlock the profound potential to navigate the interconnected web of existence with the fluidity of spirit. The constraints that confine the physical body dissolve, and practitioners find themselves traversing landscapes with a freedom unbound by earthly limitations. The journey becomes an exploration of the boundless nature of consciousness, where the spirit moves effortlessly through the tapestry of reality.”
Thiago Zaupa, The Ultimate Code - Shamanic Initiation: Unveiling the Path to Shamanic Mastery and the Golden Age

Arne Klingenberg
“We are neither just nothing nor absolutely everything despite prevailing science and philosophies saying so.”
Arne Klingenberg

Enric Mestre Arenas
“When the masses are constantly distracted, and their attention is diverted from reality, they not only lose sight of their own goals but also become more susceptible to injustices and abuses perpetrated by those in power.”
Enric Mestre Arenas, THE MODERN WORLD AGAINST THE HUMAN SOUL: Exploring modernity's impact on the human spirit and well-being

Natasha Rendell
“Many are secure as human beings
and insecure in their spiritual selves

So if you are at times feeling insecure
about life,
know that it is better to be nervous
upon this plane of operation
than to be nervous on the inner plane
of perfection”
Natasha Rendell, Wisdom's Fragrance: Insights that link us to the source of life

Natasha Rendell
“The human race is amazing
It never ceases to rise out of the ashes
and continue to live

No matter how many times the human
race falls on its face,
it raises itself up,
stands tall
And once again attempts
the exercise of wisdom in action
By realising its right to be alive
in the scheme of creation”
Natasha Rendell, Wisdom's Fragrance: Insights that link us to the source of life

Rose Rosetree
“Although spiritual awakening is lovely, it won’t bring you anywhere close to Enlightenment.

Step by step, this how-to manual will explain exactly what to do—and why—in order to pursue the real deal, Spiritual Enlightenment.

Have you been feeling homesick for Heaven? Gain knowledge that can help you to solve the ache of separation from God.

In the process you just might begin to embrace your humanity more fully than ever before.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day