Production and Operations Management MBA Important Questions

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Questions Unit 1

Briefly explain the historical development of production and

operations management
Briefly explain the duties and responsibilities of production
manager and comment on their emerging role in POM
Give your views on the recent trends in production and
operations management

Questions Unit 2
Explain the different factors influencing
product design
Briefly explain different approaches to product
Briefly explain three different types of process

Questions Unit 3
Briefly explain the different factors
to be considered for selection of
plant location
Explain any two of the following
types of layouts:
a) Process Layout b) Line Layout

Unit 4
What is aggregate planning? Comment on the objectives and
nature of aggregate planning
Explain about the process involved in the preparation of
aggregate demand forecast
Explain the specifications of organization policies for
smoothing capacity utilization
What are factors to be considered in determining a feasible
production process and feasible production alternatives?
Explain the process of determination of optimal production

Unit 7
Define quality. Explain about the different tools
and techniques for quality improvement
Explain the concept of quality assurance, quality
inspection and quality control
Discuss about the concept of acceptance
sampling. What are its merits and demerits?
What is a control chart? Explain about the
different types of control charts
Explain the following terms: a) TQM and ISO 9000
b) Sig Sigma Approach

Work study Procedure, Diff. b/w work and

method study
Industrial Engineering
Total Productivity Model

Scheduling in Job, Mass, Continuous and

Project Shop Type Production
Shop Loading
Assignment and Sequencing
Methods of Production Control

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