Colorado 2020 ballot measures

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Eleven statewide ballot measures were certified for the ballot in Colorado for the election on November 3, 2020. Nine were approved and two were defeated.

  • Voters decided on eight citizen-initiated measures, of which seven were approved and one was defeated. The legislature referred the other three measures. Two were approved and one was defeated.
  • Colorado was the first state to ever vote on following proposals:
  • Proposition 113 was the first veto referendum to be certified for the Colorado ballot since 1932.
  • On the ballot

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment B Taxes and Property Repeals the Gallagher Amendment of 1982, which limited the residential and non-residential property tax assessment rates so that residential property taxes amounted to 45% of the total share of state property taxes and non-residential property taxes amounted to 55% of the total share of state property taxes
    LRCA Amendment C Lottery Requires charitable organizations to have existed for three years before obtaining a charitable gaming license instead of five years; allows charitable organizations to hire managers and operators of gaming activities so long as they are not paid more than the minimum wage
    CICA Amendment 76 Suffrage Amends the Colorado Constitution to state that “only a citizen” of the U.S. who is 18 years old or older can vote in federal, state, and local elections, instead of the existing language that says “every citizen” who is 18 years old can vote
    CICA/SS Amendment 77 Gambling Allows voters in Central City, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek to vote to expand allowed gaming types and bet limits
    LRSS Proposition EE Tobacco and Taxes Increases taxes on tobacco, creates a new tax on nicotine products such as e-cigarettes; dedicates funds to education and health programs
    VR Proposition 113 Elections Joins Colorado into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, awarding Colorado's electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote
    CISS Proposition 114 Forests and parks and Environment Reintroduces gray wolves on public lands
    CISS Proposition 115 Abortion Prohibits abortion after 22 weeks gestational age
    CISS Proposition 116 Taxes Decreases the state income tax rate from 4.63% to 4.55%
    CISS Proposition 117 Taxes Requires voter approval of new enterprises that are exempt from TABOR if their revenue is greater than $50 million within its first five years
    CISS Proposition 118 Healthcare Establishes a program for paid medical and family leave

    Summary of campaign contributions

    See also: Ballot measure campaign finance, 2020
    Ballot Measure Support Contributions Oppose Contributions Outcome
    Colorado Amendment 76, Citizenship Requirement for Voting Initiative (2020) $1,446,689.09 $59,825.18 Approved
    Colorado Amendment 77, Allow Voters in Central, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek Cities to Expand Authorized Games and Increase Maximum Bets Initiative (2020) $4,022,609.10 $0.00 Approved
    Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates Measure (2020) $7,848,712.10 $722,140.10 Approved
    Colorado Amendment C, Charitable Bingo and Raffles Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
    Colorado Proposition 113, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Referendum (2020) $5,453,011.14 $1,784,350.10 Approved
    Colorado Proposition 114, Gray Wolf Reintroduction Initiative (2020) $2,403,079.01 $1,060,184.14 Approved
    Colorado Proposition 115, 22-Week Abortion Ban Initiative (2020) $785,819.66 $9,794,256.44 Defeated
    Colorado Proposition 116, Decrease Income Tax Rate from 4.63% to 4.55% Initiative (2020) $1,556,208.33 $3,193,676.40 Approved
    Colorado Proposition 117, Require Voter Approval of Certain New Enterprises Exempt from TABOR Initiative (2020) $2,175,026.19 $3,258,177.40 Approved
    Colorado Proposition 118, Paid Medical and Family Leave Initiative (2020) $9,039,577.89 $799,926.02 Approved
    Colorado Proposition EE, Tobacco and E-Cigarette Tax Increase for Health and Education Programs Measure (2020) $4,722,266.09 $4,545,670.20 Approved

    Referral of 2020 ballot measures

    The following table illustrates the vote requirements for the legislative referrals certified for the ballot, the votes that the referrals received, and how Democrats and Republicans voted on the referrals in each legislative chamber:

    Colorado Proposition EE, Tobacco and E-Cigarette Tax Increase for Health and Education Programs MeasureDemocratsRepublicans
    Senate:Required: 18Yes votes: 20 (57.14%)No votes: 13 (37.14%)Yes: 19; No: 0Yes: 1; No: 13
    House:Required: 33Yes votes: 41 (63.07%)No votes: 19 (29.2%)Yes: 38; No: 0Yes: 3; No: 19
    Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates MeasureDemocratsRepublicans
    Senate:Required: 24Yes votes: 27 (77.14%)No votes: 7 (20.00%)Yes: 19; No: 0Yes: 8; No: 7
    House:Required: 44Yes votes: 51 (78.5%)No votes: 14 (21.5%)Yes: 41; No: 0Yes: 10; No: 14

    Local ballot measures

    See also: November 3, 2020 ballot measures in Colorado

    In 2020, Ballotpedia covered local measures that appeared on the ballot for voters within the top 100 largest cities in the U.S. and a selection of notable police-related and election-related measures outside of the top 100 largest cities. Ballotpedia also covered all local measures in California and all statewide ballot measures. Click here to see the scope of Ballotpedia local ballot measure coverage by year.

    Click here for more information about local ballot measures on the November 2020 ballot in Colorado.

    Getting measures on the ballot

    See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in Colorado and Laws governing the initiative process in Colorado

    Deadlines and signature requirements

    In Colorado, citizens have the powers of initiative, both statute and constitutional, and veto referendum. To get an initiated state statute or initiated constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2020, proponents needed to collect 124,632 valid signatures. On May 17, 2020, Colorado Governor Jared Polis (D) signed Executive Order D 2020 065, which removed individual initiative signature deadlines of 6 months after ballot language finalization and instead required that signatures for all initiatives are due by August 3, 2020.[4]

    Colorado is one of 23 states that allow citizens to refer an enacted bill to the ballot as a veto referendum. As with initiatives, a veto referendum required 124,632 valid signatures. A referendum petition must be filed within 90 days following the Colorado General Assembly's final adjournment of the session in which the bill was passed.

    The Colorado General Assembly may also propose amendments to the people as legislatively referred constitutional amendments. A two-thirds vote of each chamber of the legislature is required to refer an amendment to the ballot.

    Proposing measures and applying to petition

    Initiative proponents must submit the original text of the measure to the directors of the legislative council staff and the office of legal services for review and comment. The results of the review are presented in at least one public meeting. The proponents may then make revisions in response to the recommendations given at the meeting. If the revisions go beyond the recommendations, the revised language must be resubmitted. If no further recommendations/comments are required an additional hearing is not required. Compliance with these recommendations is not mandatory.

    Once the proposed measure has been reviewed, the original, amended and final drafts must be filed with the Colorado secretary of state. The secretary must then convene a "title board," which includes the secretary of state, the Colorado attorney general, and the director of the Office of Legislative Legal Services or the director's designee. At a public meeting, the board selects a title for the measure by majority vote. The title must be phrased in the form of a "yes" or "no" question. The board may also reject a measure if it fails to comply with the state's single-subject rule. If the proponents or any registered voter are unsatisfied with the title board's chosen title or single-subject ruling, a motion for a rehearing may be filed. If objections remain after the rehearing, the proponents or any registered voter may file an appeal with the Colorado Supreme Court.

    Changes to Colorado ballot initiative process due to COVID-19: On May 17, 2020, Colorado Governor Jared Polis (D) signed Executive Order D 2020 065, which authorized the Colorado Secretary of State to establish temporary rules allowing for ballot initiative petitions to be signed through mail and email. The order also temporarily suspended the state law requiring signatures to be submitted six months after ballot language finalization. Under the order, signatures for 2020 Colorado initiatives were due by August 3, 2020.[5] Legal challenges were filed against the order, specifically challenging the mail and email signature gathering provisions. Those provisions of the order were ultimately struck down by the Colorado Supreme Court on July 1, 2020, meaning proponents needed to collect signatures in person.[6][7] [8][9][10]

    Historical facts

    See also: List of Colorado ballot measures and History of Initiative & Referendum in Colorado
    • A total of 108 measures appeared on the statewide ballot in Colorado during the 20-year period between 1999 through 2019.
    • Through all years between 1999 and 2019, odd and even, the approval rate for measures appearing on Colorado's ballot (all types) was 42%.
    • From 1999 through 2019, the number of measures on statewide ballots ranged from zero to 14.
    • From 2000 through 2018, an average of about nine measures appeared on the statewide ballot during even-numbered years. The approval rate for measures on the ballot in even-numbered years was about 41%.
    • During odd years, an average of 1 measure appeared on the statewide ballot.
    • From 1999 through 2019, about 42% (45 of 108) of the total number of measures that appeared on the statewide ballot were approved, and about 58% (63 of 108) were defeated.

    Not on the ballot

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    VR Early Childhood Development Districts Referendum (HB 1052) Education and Public works Seeks to block the creation of special districts to provide early childhood development services for children from birth through 8 years of age Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Limits on Housing Growth Initiative Housing Limits privately owned residential development to 1% growth annually for 2021 and 2022 Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Farm Animal Confinement Standards Initiative Treatment of animals Establishes confinement standards for certain farm animals including egg-laying hens, breeding pigs, calves raised for veal; creates fines for violations of confinement standards Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Prohibit Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from Making Certain Rules Less Stringent Initiative Natural resources Prohibits the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from making certain rules— including those regarding safety, aesthetics and noise control, reporting, and emissions— less stringent Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Minimum Distance Requirements for New Oil, Gas, and Fracking Projects Initiative Fracking Provides setback requirements for new oil, gas, and fracking development projects Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA/SS Graduated Income Tax Initiative Taxes Repeals the flat tax and creates a graduated income tax rate Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Prohibit Laws Limiting Use and Installation of Natural Gas Initiative Utilities Prohibit laws limiting use and installation of natural gas Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Colorado Initiative to Require Fiscal Impact Statement with Ballot Question Direct democracy Requires fiscal impact statement to appear on the ballot preceding an initiative's ballot question Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS $40 Tax Credit for Voting Initiative Taxes and Suffrage Establishes a refundable $40 tax credit for those who vote in primary and/or general elections Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Establish Approval Voting System Initiative Elections and campaigns Establishes an approval voting system for state and local elections in Colorado Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS General Elections as State Holidays Initiative Elections and campaigns Establishes the day of a general election (the Tuesday following the first Monday in November in even years) as a state holiday in Colorado Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Vouchers for Campaign Contributions Initiative Elections and campaigns Provides for "nontransferable personalized monetary vouchers" to be used for making contributions to candidates for office in Colorado Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Tobacco and Nicotine Tax Increase Initiative Taxes and Tobacco Increases taxes on tobacco; creates a new tax on nicotine products such as vapes/e-cigarettes Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA/SS Tobacco Tax Revenue for Preschool Program Initiative Taxes, Tobacco, and Education Creates a new preschool program using existing tobacco tax revenues Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA TABOR Repeal Initiative Taxes Repeals Section 20 of Article X of the Colorado Constitution, the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Permanent Daylight Saving Time Initiative Time standards Makes daylight saving time the year-round standard time in Colorado, which is one hour ahead of Mountain Standard Time (MST) Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Establish "Expanded Learning Opportunities Program" Initiative Education and Taxes Establishes an "Expanded Learning Opportunities Program"; some versions include funding the program through a new tax on nicotine Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Limit Corporate Tax Deductions to Fund Out-of-School Programs Initiative Education and Taxes Increases taxes on corporations through limiting corporate tax deductions; establishes an "Out-of-School Learning Opportunities Program" Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Financial Assurance Requirement for Oil and Gas Operators Initiative Natural resources Requires oil and gas operators to provide $270,000 in financial assurance to cover "future closure, remediation, and restoration" of oil and gas wells Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Changes to Tax Policy Initiative Taxes Amends constitutional tax policy to state that taxpayers "are entitled to a fair and just tax system" and require that each taxpayer shall pay an equal percentage of income in taxes Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Require Voter Approval for Tax Increases Initiative Taxes Requires voter approval for certain state tax increases Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Changes to Initiative Process Measure Direct democracy Makes changes to the state's initiative process Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Out-of-School Learning Program Initiative Education and Taxes Creates an out-of-school learning program to be funded through an income tax credit Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Tax Deduction for Limited Driving Initiative Taxes and Transportation Creates tax deductions for driving a personal vehicle a limited number of miles ($10,000 deduction for driving nine thousand miles or less; $5,000 for driving 12,000 miles or less) per tax year Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Delegate Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Regulatory Authority to Counties and Municipalities Natural resources Delegates the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission's regulatory authority to counties and municipalities Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Publish and Allow Public Comment on Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Rules Initiative Natural resources Requires the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to publish new rules and specify the authority through which they may adopt such a rule, allow public comment on rules, and publish certain impacts of the rules Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Extend Time to File Independent Ethics Commission Complaints Initiative Government accountability Extends the time a person may file a complaint with the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission to the preceding 8 years rather than the last one year Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA/SS Require Independent Oil and Gas Board to Set Minimum Distance Requirements for New Oil and Gas Projects Initiative Natural resources Replaces the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission with an independent oil and gas board; requires the board to set a statewide minimum distance requirement for new oil and gas development projects Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Change Political Candidate Ballot Access Requirements Initiative Elections and campaigns Repeals political party assemblies as a method of candidate nomination; changes candidate petition signature requirements Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Changes to Fees and Processes for Expungement of Criminal Records Initiative Civil and criminal trials Concerns eligibility criteria for expunging criminal records and associated fees Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    See also

    External links