Wes Streeting

Updated: 08:58 EDT



Labour reveals plan to ban trans conversion therapy 'abuse' in King's Speech to allow people to 'explore their sexual orientation and gender identity'

17/07/24 11:46

15/07/24 16:44

The Harry Potter author and gender rights campaigner backed Wes Streeting as he faced a backlash over a decision to keep the prohibition on the strong drugs.

14/07/24 22:01

Wes Streeting said he was 'treading cautiously' because the long-term impact on young people taking the drugs is unclear and hit out at 'highly irresponsible' statements by critics.

12/07/24 22:03

Jolyon Maugham hit out at Health Secretary Wes Streeting for wanting to make permanent the emergency restrictions introduced at the end of the Conservative administration.

12/07/24 18:55

Yusuf Mahmud Nazir, who had asthma, was taken to A&E at Rotherham General Hospital after struggling to drink, swallow, talk and breathe, but was sent home with antibiotics.

10/07/24 00:20

Health Secretary Wes Streeting used his first speech in his new role to outline plans to get people off benefits and NHS waiting lists and back to work.

08/07/24 00:14

Junior doctors could settle their long-running campaign of strikes 'within the week' as they prepare to sit down with Labour's new health secretary.

07/07/24 10:30

The new UK Government says it has already started to work on fixing the service and that the effort to get 40,000 extra appointments a week 'starts straight away'.

07/07/24 01:32

The PM has already taken strides in government with calls to foreign leaders and the appointment of a decorated cabinet of veteran politicians and field experts

06/07/24 13:29

At his first press conference in No10, the PM said questioners could call him 'Keir' as he acknowledged that his government will be 'judged on actions not on words'.

06/07/24 11:34

Keir Starmer gathered his senior ministers in Downing Street for the first time after his dramatic landslide triumph.

06/07/24 09:07

Keir Starmer will gather his senior ministers in Downing Street on his first full day, as well as holding a press conference around lunchtime.

05/07/24 12:18

Rachel Reeves is almost certain to become the first female chancellor, while Yvette Cooper is likely to be home secretary, and David Lammy named as foreign secretary.

04/07/24 23:07

Mr Streeting, lined up to be the country's new Health Secretary, 'welled up' as the exit poll was revealed at 1pm - tipping Sir Keir Starmer's party for a majority of 170.

04/07/24 22:56

Rachel Reeves is expected to become Britain's first female Chancellor while Yvette Cooper will become Home Secretary, as Sir Keir Starmer unveils his Cabinet.

03/07/24 20:58

The eleventh hour decision was branded 'sickening' in Liverpool, a Labour stronghold which has shunned the paper since the Hillsborough disaster.

27/06/24 11:17

CCHQ has put out an ad depicting the House of Commons with psychedelic lights flashing. Keir Starmer's head has been put on a figure writhing to a dance beat.

26/06/24 00:47

Figures from NHS show Northamptonshire-based company Full Support Healthcare supplied at least 1.57 billion items of personal protective equipment that will never be used.

25/06/24 00:09

Women and equalities minister Kemi Badenoch has warned Labour's plan to make it easier for people to change gender would 'unravel' protections for women and girls.

24/06/24 15:17

Wes Streeting said he was 'depressed' that the Harry Potter author felt Labour had 'abandoned' people who were alarmed about controversial gender identity theories.

24/06/24 08:59

Labour is expected to propose removing the need for trans people to prove that they have lived in their preferred gender for two years.

23/06/24 23:39

The party is launching adverts on Monday featuring an image of a child's mouth with rotting teeth in select areas where dental practices have shut their doors to new NHS patients.

23/06/24 14:58

Across the country, Labour MPs seeking re-election including Naz Shah and shadow frontbencher Wes Streeting, are facing tough battles from independent candidates campaigning on foreign policy.

18/06/24 23:55

The shadow health secretary told an event at the Royal Society of Medicine that delayed discharges cost the NHS £1.7 billion a year, which could be better spent elsewhere.

18/06/24 23:35

JEREMY HUNT: It is an iron law of British politics. Conservatives want to keep your taxes lower, the Labour Party will use any excuse to hike them up wherever they can.

17/06/24 09:22

Jonathan Ashworth insisted the party would not be fiddling with the charges on properties in a round of broadcast interviews.

16/06/24 22:46

Labour's Shadow Health Minister Wes Streeting gave the clearest hint yet that the party plans to spend more than it has set out in its blueprint for government.

16/06/24 10:13

He would not confirm that the party would match a Conservative manifesto pledge to leave council tax bands where they are - at a level set more than 30 years ago.

12/06/24 23:54

WES STREETING: Our sick society is holding back Britain's prosperity. It is a major cause of our country's economic malaise under the Conservatives.

12/06/24 00:43

Wes Steeting sparked fears that Labour could increase the duty on the sale of assets in its first budget to raise money.

11/06/24 09:14

The party said it proposes to outlaw the sale of drinks containing more than 150mg of caffeine per litre to minors if it wins power on July 4.

02/06/24 01:48

Wes Streeting reveals that his family has been affected by the bone scans postcode lottery, as he pledges to deliver on The Mail on Sunday's campaign to end it.

30/05/24 01:26

At a campaign event in Worcester on Wednesday, Mr Streeting told reporters that Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper had 'no plans' to change the rules.

29/05/24 12:27

The opposition leader tried to bat away criticism amid reports that the Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP, a close ally of Jeremy Corbyn, had been told she could not run on July 4.

29/05/24 10:34

Labour is promising to tackle the NHS backlogs and Sir Keir Starmer today set out his party's bid to clear waits of more than 18 weeks within five years of taking office.

29/05/24 10:33

Keir Starmer is facing a mounting backlash over the treatment of the veteran left-winger, who has been MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington since 1987.

29/05/24 07:52

Diane Abbott, who has been MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington since 1987, spoke out to clarify the situation as Keir Starmer faces a major backlash.

26/05/24 00:06

Around half of women over 50 and one in five men will have a fracture due to osteoporosis, where bones become thinner and break more easily.

20/05/24 12:23

Even presenter Tim Lovejoy expressed surprise Sir Keir was appearing on the light entertainment show rather than face serious policy questioning as other politicians were doing.

19/05/24 16:27

Wes Streeting said nearly 200,000 days a month were being lost to the problems, and quicker treatment will mean people can continue working.

19/05/24 10:23

Wes Streeting was challenged to list Labour's commitments as he appeared on the BBC this morning.

19/05/24 00:47

Hospitals would be expected to pool staff and share waiting lists as part of a Labour drive to deliver an extra 40,000 NHS appointments a week, shadow health secretary Wes Streeting revealed.

11/05/24 22:58

Babies would be vaccinated by health visitors under Labour plans to tackle outbreaks of whooping cough and measles.

10/05/24 22:00

Insisting he is 'going for a majority', Sir Keir Starmer again refused to say whether he would make a pact with the Lib Dems to secure the keys to No 10.

10/05/24 09:39

The shadow minister was forced to watch on as not one person in the studio raised their hand when asked if the Dover MP would boost Labour's cause.

01/05/24 23:56

On the eve of polling day, Wes Streeting accused Conservative candidate Susan Hall of campaigning 'from the gutter' with 'dangerous and divisive politics'.

30/04/24 21:47

The 36-year-old suspect had rammed his van into a house near Hainault Tube station early this morning before allegedly slashing at members of the public and police officers who responded.

26/04/24 11:08

Mr Philp, a married father of two and MP for Croydon South has previously hit the headlines for putting his foot in it on other issues as well.

25/04/24 21:54

Policing minister Chris Philp shocked the audience - who gasped and laughed as he repeatedly blundered in front of the camera.

24/04/24 07:23

The veteran politician, who spent 40 years as MP for Birkenhead and pioneered welfare reform in the Tory Blair government had revealed a terminal diagnosis in 2021.

20/04/24 23:59

Ashley Dalton was ridiculed for saying that anyone who decides they're a South American cousin of the camel should be treated with 'dignity and respect'.

17/04/24 11:39

EXCL: The Tobacco and Vapes Bill, which would make it illegal for anyone born after January 1 2009 to ever buy cigarettes, was voted through last night as MPs voted by 383 to 67 to back the plans.

17/04/24 09:07

Some 59 Tories - including six ministers - went against the PM as the phased block on sales of tobacco products cleared its first hurdle in the Commons last night.

16/04/24 19:13

The House of Commons this evening overwhelmingly approved the second reading of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, which aims to phase in a ban on the sale of tobacco products.

14/04/24 11:43

The Cass Review published last week said children have been let down by a lack of research and evidence on the use of puberty blockers and hormones.

11/04/24 23:12

She called on Mr Streeting, who worked for LGBT rights group Stonewall , to apologise over comments he endorsed in the past that 'trans women are women'.

08/04/24 11:48

The shadow health secretary issued a fierce defence of proposals to utilise the 'spare capacity' of private healthcare to boost the post-Covid recovery of the NHS.

08/04/24 09:43

The public remains unclear about the major policies of Sir Keir Starmer's party, including on the economy, immigration and education.

02/04/24 00:47

Labour Together suggested 3.7million people granted 'settled' status after Brexit along with two million with 'pre-settled' status, should be made British citizens automatically.

28/03/24 18:06

Ricky Law, 70, was caught up in a bungled JSO stunt when activists filmed themselves delivering a letter to his property in Enfield, London, believing it belonged to Wes Streeting.

27/03/24 16:11

Phoebe Plummer, 22, regularly features in the eco-activist movement's social media content - and has previously been arrested for breaching bail by attending MPs' home addresses.

21/03/24 10:40

The Socialist columnist for the Guardian has announced he is shifting to support a new pressure group, We Deserve Better.

06/03/24 15:12

The opposition leader took aim at changes to the non-dom tax regime and an extension of the windfall tax on energy firms - both Labour ideas the Chancellor previously criticised.

06/03/24 13:29

This is the moment Jeremy Hunt fat shames Keir Starmer in the budget as he jokes the Labour leader can join him on his marathon training.

06/03/24 09:50

The 2p reduction could save the average worker £450 a year, adding up to £900 when combined with last year's 2p cut.

06/03/24 09:34

Lord Mandelson levelled the extraordinary jibe at 61-year-old Sir Keir in a podcast as he warned that appearance is 'not unimportant'.

19/02/24 10:23

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting acknowledged the anger of activists at Keir Starmer's response to the October 7 Hamas massacre and ensuing conflict.

14/02/24 18:24

The advert, which reads 'Vote for Genocide, Vote Labour', is said to have been taped to a bus stop in the shadow health secretary's Ilford North seat.

09/02/24 01:59

Making his debut on the BBC One programme, McGuinness, 50, said he 'admired' the timing of Keir Starmer's U-turn and stuck the boot into the Tories - leaving viewers to have mixed reactions.

08/02/24 09:57

The PM and former chancellor appeared in a pared-back video released on social media in which he set out the economic challenges the UK has faced in recent times and what he plans to do.

06/02/24 20:52

The NHS Dental Recovery Plan was supposed to be published on Wednesday but an early version of the document was sent out to MPs of all parties by mistake.

04/02/24 01:44

At Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, pest controllers were called in 409 times last year - more than once a day across six hospital buildings.

30/01/24 22:06

Wes Streeting, the Labour party's health spokesman, said it 'should not be beyond the realms of possibility' for the NHS to have separate wards for men and women

23/01/24 10:26

The frontbencher attacked the idea that just pouring cash into the health service would solve its problems, saying: 'You can't just keep on pouring money into a leaky bucket'.

19/01/24 19:31

In a misleading news clip, the PM, who was on a visit to Winchester, appeared to mock a former health worker mid-sentence before walking off when she was talking about NHS waiting times.

19/01/24 17:57

The Prime Minister was told 'you could stop it all', by the ex-NHS worker on a walkabout in Winchester as she quizzed him about lengthy wait times for treatment.

19/01/24 14:45

The Prime Minister was told 'you could stop it all', by a former health worker on a walkabout in Winchester as she quizzed him about lengthy wait times for treatment.

17/01/24 10:44

The shadow health secretary is set to battle with Leanne Mohamad to hold onto his Ilford North seat, in Greater London , when voters go to the polls later this year.

12/01/24 00:33

The broadcaster said the 'only certain outcome' of an ad ban would be to make it harder for commercial public service broadcasters to invest in content, including dramas.

22/12/23 16:31

Mandatory retirement for octogenarian peers could be on the cards should Labour win the next general election.


