Networking Quotes

Quotes tagged as "networking" Showing 31-60 of 379
Suman Pokhrel
“At this juncture, the 'world' is no longer confined to just one or two places; it has spread worldwide.”
Suman Pokhrel

Pooja Agnihotri
“One thing I believe in is that knowledge increases when you share.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Jarod Kintz
“FREE networking tip #13: Instead of offering your hand when meeting someone, extend a rubber duck that squeaks. It's just a small gesture that says, "I'm here, you're here, and I really care.”
Jarod Kintz, BearPaw Duck And Meme Farm presents: Two Ducks Brawling Is A Pre-Pillow Fight

Olawale Daniel
“Make use of your network, but don't make your network feel used.”
Olawale Daniel, 10 Ways to Sponsor More Downlines in Your Network Marketing Business

Terri Nakamura
“Every friend starts out as a stranger.”
Terri Nakamura

“Social capital is the new gold. Add value to others, value others and you will be valued.”
Lynn Ujiagbe

Nicky Verd
“The key to keeping quality people is to become a person of quality yourself.”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

Jarod Kintz
“I have rubbed shoulders with the rich, the powerful, and the armless. It’s how to network when handshakes aren’t an option.”
Jarod Kintz, There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't

Nicky Verd
“It isn’t just what you know, it’s who you know.
It isn’t just what you do, it’s what others are willing to do for you. Your network is your net worth!”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

Jonathan Stroud
“Well,” Lockwood said, “if you judge success by the number of enemies you make, that was a highly successful evening.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull

Binod Shankar
“The old practice of doing your job and keeping your head down doesn’t work that well anymore. As an experienced professional, you must be out there and if you are not visible you might as well not exist. And if you are looking to change careers or jobs, visibility is not a luxury — it’s a necessity.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

“Level up your skills, sharpen your mindset, grow your network, then watch the universe bend to your will.”
Jeff Ocaya

Kevin Kelly
“A friend with a boat is better than owning a boat.”
Kevin Kelly

Geoffrey Ocaya
“Make sure you know someone somewhere, who knows someone somewhere. Somehow, you will need someone to get somewhere.”
Geoffrey Ocaya

Sukant Ratnakar
“The real potential of humans is in sharing and creating a mind cloud through a network of minds with different perspectives but radiating the same positive energy.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Robert J. Braathe
“Networking isn't about lead generation - it's about generating life.”
Robert J. Braathe

Julie Lythcott-Haims
“But now let's talk about your network, which is made up of the people you know--family, friends, acquaintances, current and former coworkers, teachers, and neighbors--and the people they know. These people may be able to help you get informational interviews. And they might even be able to get your resume on the right person's desk. If, when I refer to networks, you feel, Lady, I don't have one, I want you to visualize the person who comes to mind when I say, Who cared about you? You can begin to build your network by simply checking back in with this person. Tell them what you're up to and ask how they're doing, too. Share your thoughts about where you might be headed in life. Get their feedback and advice. And with all respect due, ask if they'd be willing to help with whatever your next step might be. Their help could be as simple as just telling you that they believe in you so that you can believe in yourself too, or being listed as a reference, or writing you a letter of support. If your life has been such that you do not have much of a network, I want you to recognize that you may actually have different strengths, like the wherewithal to hustle and make good use of whatever resources you can find.”
Julie Lythcott-Haims, Your Turn: How to Be an Adult

“It's not what you know, it's not who you know either, it's who knows you!”

“I'm old enough to remember when a social network was called a school playground. - Chris Geiger”
Chris Geiger

Olawale Daniel
“If your team is not working, then you WORK. It is a simple and working antidote to success in network marketing!”
Olawale Daniel, 10 Ways to Sponsor More Downlines in Your Network Marketing Business

Avijeet Das
“If you are a good artiste you must get work on the basis of your talent and hard work. How can a self respecting artiste do networking to get work?”
Avijeet Das

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Visiting people and inviting them over is a skill; making true connections is an art.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Modified Leadership

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“One of the greatest art that every leader around the world should learn from Modi Ji is networking and connecting.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Modified Leadership

“It is said, “your Net-worth is about your Networks, your networks are your contacts, your contacts are your contracts.”
Kinoti J.C.

Robin S. Baker
“Something that has gotten me far, is the way that I listen more than I talk in important moments. And when I do speak, best believe it is of substantial quality. Practice this.”
Robin S. Baker

Janna Cachola
“I put myself in places where I feel like I don't "belong" to get used to its for when I am there.”
Janna Cachola

“I maintain a four-column list:

1. The people I know and who know me, but I should get to know better.

2. The people I know, but they don't yet know me.

3. The people that know me but I don't know them.

4. The people I don't know, but I should.”
Lauren Hasson, The DevelopHer Playbook: 5 Simple Steps to Get Ahead, Stand Out, Build Your Value, and Advocate for Yourself as a Woman in Tech

“When choosing committees, look for opportunities that will help you level up as opposed to volunteering for the sake of volunteering. Ultimately, what I am involved in today either fulfills me personally, or it fulfills a strategic objective. Try everything once and then whittle down your list by evaluating afterwards with these questions:

- Did I meet the people I wanted to meet?
- Did it help me meet people who have influence?
- Will it bring me visibility?
- Will it get me decision-making power or a seat at a table I wouldn't normally get a seat at?
- Is it worth attending again?

It wasn't long after I started prioritizing networking that people began to notice that i was looped in. When people came to me with their work issues, I either had the answers to their questions, or I knew exactly where to send them. Since I had networked across all levels within my company, I was in a unique position to be helpful up and down the org chart.”
Lauren Hasson, The DevelopHer Playbook: 5 Simple Steps to Get Ahead, Stand Out, Build Your Value, and Advocate for Yourself as a Woman in Tech

“As an introvert, going home and sitting on my couch often appeals to me more than going to a breakfast, or a meetup, or a day-long conference. Like I felt that day at the first hackathon, sometimes I really don't want to show up. One of the most important deals I made with myself was to make networking micro-commitments. These are the three small commitments that I make with myself before an event, and you need to make these commitments, too:

1. I will show up.

2. I will meet three people, and then I can high tail it out of there.

3. I will show up one more time.

I've honored these micro-commitments consistently.”
Lauren Hasson, The DevelopHer Playbook: 5 Simple Steps to Get Ahead, Stand Out, Build Your Value, and Advocate for Yourself as a Woman in Tech

“It is the Power of Network and NOT Net-Worth!”
P. Anshu