Networking Quotes

Quotes tagged as "networking" Showing 241-270 of 379
Germany Kent
“If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.”
Germany Kent
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Ana Claudia Antunes
“When thinking is overrated
And friends are easy to make,
Check if it's too complicated
Knowing yourself somehow...
Inner peace's not hard to take,
Never lost or underestimated.
Get out of social media... NOW!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic

“The most intelligent or brilliant of us all are not usually the most successful, financially or career wise.

A lot depends on the ability of a person to break into circles, meet people, network and interact.

A well marketed yam may sell better than a not-so-well marketed Jollof.

Do not just stay in the library and read all the books there, lest you become publicly dusty like the books you read.

Food for thought!”
Magnus Nwagu Amudi

Abhishek Ratna
“The focus should be on becoming a strong and
influential personality – cultivate compelling communication skills, focus on building trust and learn how to expand and leverage your professional network.”
Abhishek Ratna, No Parking. No Halt. Success Non Stop!

“I hope you're golfing today.”
Colleen Ferrary Bader

Abhishek Ratna
“Use social events, social networks and every get-together at work to build a stronger brand YOU!”
Abhishek Ratna, No Parking. No Halt. Success Non Stop!

“Grace is a network, not hook-work. Your networking grace is what determines your networth in life which is the amount by which your assets will exceed your liabilities.”
Benjamin Suulola

“Golf is the great conductor of life's symphony. Not in my lifetime have I seen anything with more ability to change the course of futures. It has the ability to build lasting relationships in a few short hours, promote executives, fund projects, build teams, break down barriers, and create an environment of deal-making, stress relief, and wellness. It's the one place where we willingly shut off our phones, turn away from distraction and become one with nature and ourselves. -Thank you for being a part of our symphony, Network & Golf”
Colleen Ferrary Bader

Christina Engela
“The Beetle’s body, whether it be a ’49 split or a ’73 Jeans Bug, or an ‘03 Mexican, was originally conceived in the mid 1930’s. This is evident in it’s body styling which aside from it’s rear engine layout and absence of front radiator (or radiator!) grille, is very similar to other cars of the same period. Believe it or not, in those days streamlining was a hot new concept, kind of like how wireless networking is today with computing.
The only problem was, in the beginning they didn’t seem to realize that streamlining ought to be applied sideways as well as longitudinally!”
Christina Engela, Bugspray

Olawale Daniel
“Network marketing is not for everyone because, NOT EVERYONE has goals. Stop trying to make everyone around you goal-oriented.”
Olawale Daniel

Frank  Sonnenberg
“The best networkers have learned that, as with anything in life, what goes around, comes around.”
Frank Sonnenberg, BookSmart: Hundreds of real-world lessons for success and happiness

Phil Dourado
“You can't dominate a network with old-style leadership.

But, you can emerge, with the network's consent, as one of its leaders, regardless of your formal position or job title.”
Phil Dourado, The 60 Second Leader: Everything You Need to Know About Leadership, in 60 Second Bites

“In MLM 10 people sign up and 11 leave.”
Alin Sav

Anne-Marie Slaughter
“building a network—connecting people or institutions in specific ways for specific purposes—is a far better starting point than a strategy of deterrence, cooperation, or coordination with another government.”
Anne-Marie Slaughter, The Chessboard and the Web: Strategies of Connection in a Networked World

“Success largely depends on the relationships you build along the journey.”
Jason T. Rogers

Amber Hurdle
“Be clear about what it is you do, and you will find it becomes clear who your competition is, how to market your business, what resources are available to you, and what type of complementary businesses can help you succeed faster.”
Amber Hurdle, The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave Female Entrepreneur

Amber Hurdle
“Well, I admit it. I’m a people addict, and I don’t want to quit!”
Amber Hurdle, The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave Female Entrepreneur

Amber Hurdle
“Whether networking comes naturally for you or is some seriously scary stuff, it is important to be intentional about every networking opportunity you decide to pursue.”
Amber Hurdle, The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave Female Entrepreneur

Amber Hurdle
“Make no mistake: if you want to make it as an entrepreneur, you simply can’t do it on your own. This is a nonnegotiable!”
Amber Hurdle, The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave Female Entrepreneur

Susan C. Young
“Presenting “Mix, Mingle & Glow” in a social context is a lovely way to describe how you can make a great first impression by taking the initiative to help other people shine. Think of the times when you have attended an event where there were a lot of people.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“ASK YOURSELF: Do you remember a gracious hostess, an engaging guest, or someone who worked the room like a honey bee in a flower garden? They would glide from one person to the next, spreading good will and cheer, being the glue that brought everyone together with ease.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Hostess with the Mostest

“Think of a time when you have had a party in your home or had friends over for dinner. Didn’t you want to make sure they were nurtured, cared for, and well-taken care of? Didn’t you want your guests to interact with each other and enjoy the experience so they would remember it fondly?”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“In his book, Networking is a Contact Sport, Joe Sweeney advises that when you attend networking events, act as if it is your party and you are the host or hostess. By doing this, you will help others be at ease and demonstrate a heart of service and generosity.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Inversely, when you are in a small group of people or friends and you don’t make the effort to speak to everyone, it may be considered as rude. Rather than run the risk of people feeling neglected or dismissed, make the effort to Mix, Mingle, and Glow . . .”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young

• Be situationally aware and pay attention to the people in the room.
• Introduce guests or help strike up a conversation.
• Be the one who takes the initiative and makes and effort to “work the room.”
• Make eye contact and acknowledge others with a smile and friendly gestures.
• Greet people as they arrive, even if it is not your expected role.
• Spot the people who may be first timers or guests and help them feel more welcomed and embraced.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young

What can you do and how can you be in order to bring out the best in others and truly help them shine?
• Be complimentary; say something nice.
• Be a great listener and make them feel like you are hanging on every word.
• Create enthusiasm and anticipation for the person they are getting ready to meet.
• Act as you have personally invited them to the party and help ensure they have a wonderful time.
• Give people an experience, not just a conversation”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young

Do you feel fully present and engaged in the way you live your life? Do you immerse yourself in the moment or do you strive and struggle as you negotiate the distractions of our modern world? It’s easy to have blind spots regarding how you are showing up for life when you are consistently bombarded with distractions, commitments, and personal preoccupations, isn’t it?”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact