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Question 1

What is the advantage of using SPSS over calculating statistics by hand?

a) This is how most quantitative data analysis is done in "real research" nowadays
b) It reduces the chance of making errors in your calculations
c) It equips you with a useful transferable skill
d) All of the above
answer c

Question 2
In SPSS, what is the "Data Viewer"?
a) A table summarizing the frequencies of data for one variable
b) A spreadsheet into which data can be entered
c) A dialog box that allows you to choose a statistical test
d) A screen in which variables can be defined and labeled
answer b
Question 3
How is a variable name different from a variable label?
a) It is shorter and less detailed
b) It is longer and more detailed
c) It is abstract and unspecific
d) It refers to codes rather than variables
answer a
Question 4
What does the operation "Recode Into Different Variables" do to the data?
a) Replaces missing data with some random scores
b) Reverses the position of the independent and dependent variable on a graph
c) Redistributes a range of values into a new set of categories and creates a new variable
d) Represents the data in the form of a pie chart
answer c
Question 5
How would you use the drop-down menus in SPSS to generate a frequency table?
a) Open the Output Viewer and click: Save As; Pie Chart
b) Click on: Analyze; Descriptive Statistics; Frequencies
c) Click on: Graphs; Frequencies; Pearson
d) Open the Variable Viewer and recode the value labels
answer b
Question 6
Why might you tell SPSS to represent the "slices" of a pie chart in different patterns?
a) Because the program tends to crash if you ask it to use colour
b) Because the patterns form symbolic visual images of different social groups
c) In order to make full use of the facilities that SPSS can offer
d) If you do not have a colour printer, it makes the differences between the slices clearer
answer d
Question 7
When cross-tabulating two variables, it is conventional to:
a) Represent the independent variable in rows and the dependent variable in columns
b) Assign both the dependent and independent variables to columns
c) Represent the dependent variable in rows and the independent variable in columns
d) Assign both the dependent and independent variables to rows
answer c
Question 8
In which sub-dialog box can the Chi Square test be found?
a) Frequencies: Percentages
b) Crosstabs: Statistics
c) Bivariate: Pearson
d) Gender: Female
answer b
Question 9
To generate a Spearman's rho test, which set of instructions should you give SPSS?
a) Analyze; Crosstabs; Descriptive Statistics; Spearman; OK
b) Graphs; Frequencies; [select variables]; Spearman; OK
c) Analyze; Compare Means; Anova table; First layer; Spearman; OK
d) Analyze; Correlate; Bivariate; [select variables]; Spearman; OK
answer a
Question 10
How would you print a bar chart that you have just produced in SPSS?
a) In Output Viewer, click File, Print, select the bar chart and click OK
b) In Variable Viewer, open bar chart, click File, Print, OK
c) In Chart Editor, click Descriptive Statistics, Print, OK
d) In Data Editor, open Graphs dialog box, click Save, OK
answer a
In the Data View in the SPSS Data Editor, each row represents what?
a. A case.
b. A data point.
c. A missing value.
d. A variable.
A case (e.g. Participant)
In the Data View in the SPSS Data Editor, each column represents what?
a. A case.
b. A data point.
c. A missing value.
d. A variable.
A Variable
In the Variable View in the SPSS Data Editor, each row represents what?

a. A case.
b. A data point.
c. A missing value.
d. A variable.
A variable
Which of the following is true about the names of variables in SPSS?

a. They cannot contain spaces.

b. They cannot begin with a numeral.
c. They cannot contain any special characters.
d. All of these choices are true.
All of these choices are true.
Which of the following statements about nominal data is true?

a. Nominal data have magnitude.

b. Nominal data are categorical.
c. Nominal is a synonym for 'continuous'.
d. All nominal variables are dichotomous.
Nominal data are categorical.
SPSS uses the term 'Scale' to refer to:
a. Categorical data.
b. Both nominal and ordinal level data.
c. Both interval and ratio level data.
d. All of these choices.
Both interval and ratio level data.
Which of the following statements about ordinal data is true?
a. There are equal intervals between points on an ordinal scale.
b. Ordinal is a synonym for 'continuous'.
c. There is always an absolute zero on an ordinal scale.
d. Ordinal data have magnitude.
Ordinal data have magnitude
Value labels are most likely to be necessary for which type(s) of variables.
a. Nominal variables.
b. Ordinal variables.
c. Value labels are always necessary for all types of variables.
d. Scale variables.
Nominal variables.
When entering data collected using paper questionnaire into SPSS, Sophie notices that some
participants have neglected to answer the question about their annual income. What should Sophie do
about this?
a. Make up an annual income figure for any participants who did not answer the question.
b. Use a random number generator to generate an annual income figure for each of the participants
who did not answer the question.
c. Specify and use a missing values code to indicate instances where the question has been left
d. All of these choices are appropriate.
Specify and use a missing values code to indicate instances where the question has been left
100 students enrolled in three courses completed a five item 'course satisfaction' questionnaire.
Disregarding the identification variable, how many columns wide will the data file be when looking at it
in the Data View of the SPSS Data Editor?
a. 6
b. 15
c. 100
d. 5
Five columns will be needed for the questionnaire items, and a sixth column will be needed to
indicate which course each participant is enrolled in.
Question 1
What is the difference between interval/ratio and ordinal variables?
a) The distance between categories is equal across the range of interval/ratio data.
b) Ordinal data can be rank ordered, but interval/ratio data cannot.
c) Interval/ratio variables contain only two categories.
d) Ordinal variables have a fixed zero point, whereas interval/ratio variables do not.
Answer a
Question 2
What is the difference between a bar chart and a histogram?
a) Bar charts represent numbers, whereas histograms represent percentages.
b) A histogram does not show the entire range of scores in a distribution.
c) There are no gaps between the bars on a histogram.
d) Bar charts are circular, whereas histograms are square.
Answer c
Question 3
What does the term 'outlier' mean?
a) A score that is left out of the analysis because of missing data
b) The arithmetic mean
c) A type of variable that cannot be quantified
d) An extreme value at either end of a distribution
answer d
Question 4
What is the function of a contingency table, in the context of bivariate analysis?
a) It shows the results you would expect to find by chance.
b) It summarizes the frequencies of two variables so that they can be compared.
c) It lists the different levels of p value for tests of significance.
d) It compares the results you might get from various statistical tests.
Answer b
Question 5
If there were a perfect positive correlation between two interval/ratio variables, the Pearson's r test
would give a correlation coefficient of:
a) - 0.328
b) +1
c) +0.328
d) – 1
answer b
Question 6
What is the name of the test that is used to assess the relationship between two ordinal variables?
a) Spearman's rho
b) Allergy
c) Cramer's V
d) Chi Square
answer a
Question 7
When might it be appropriate to conduct a multivariate analysis test?
a) If the relationship between two variables might be spurious.
b) If there could be an intervening variable.
c) If a third variable might be moderating the relationship.
d) All of the above.
Answer d
Question 8
What is meant by a "spurious" relationship between two variables?
a) One that is so ridiculously illogical it cannot possibly be true.
b) An apparent relationship that is so curious it demands further attention.
c) A relationship that appears to be true because each variable is related to a third one.
d) One that produces a perfect negative correlation on a scatter diagram.
Answer c
Question 9
A test of statistical significance indicates how confident the researcher is about:
a) understanding the data set
b) passing a test about their significant other.
c) the inter-coder reliability of their structured interview schedule.
d) generalising their findings from the sample to the population.
Answer d
Question 10
Setting the p level at 0.01 increases the chances of making a:
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Type III error
d) all of the above
answer b

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