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Not Just Any Omega: Why Would I Reject You?
Not Just Any Omega: Why Would I Reject You?
Not Just Any Omega: Why Would I Reject You?
Ebook146 pages2 hours

Not Just Any Omega: Why Would I Reject You?

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“Why would I reject you? We are mates. Tell me why.” he demanded to know.
“I am an omega. They say my mother was banished. I have been an omega for as long as I can remember,” I told him and felt shame wash over me as I twiddled with my fingers.
He let out a low growl and caused me to recoil into the corner of the bed.
“Victoria, I assure you that I will do nothing. Those who have harmed you in any way will be dealt with accordingly. Mark my words,” he said, leaning over to kiss my forehead.
Victoria is nineteen years old and unwanted in the Red Moon Pack. She’s just the Omega Girl that nobody wanted. Beaten and scolded daily, she sees no end to her pain and no way out. When she meets her future mate, she is sure he will reject her too.

Most of the werewolves get their wolves when they hit eighteen, but here she is, 19 years old and still not got her wolf or shifted. Of course, the pack found it to be yet another reason to treat her like trash, beating and bullying her.
Except she’s not just an omega girl. Victoria is about to find out who she really is, and things are about to change.
Will Victoria realize her worth and see she is worthy to be loved? What will happen when her sworn enemy, Eliza, vows to take everything from Victoria?

Release dateJul 3, 2023
Not Just Any Omega: Why Would I Reject You?

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    Book preview

    Not Just Any Omega - Rosie Meachem


    Victoria’s POV

    It hurt.

    My body felt weak; pain overwhelmed me. I couldn't cry out or make any sound for help. What was the point?

    Nobody would care.


    I was just a plain old worthless omega—only suitable for preparing the food for the whole pack and cleaning up. I barely got a chance to eat myself. Maybe that's why I was so weak and my wolf hadn't come to me.

    Most of us get our wolfs when we hit eighteen, but here I am, 19 years old, and still not gotten my wolf or shifted.

    Of course, the pack found another reason to treat me like trash, beating and bullying me.

    Today was the worst one of all. Eliza had only stopped when her brother, the future alpha, came in and ordered her to stop. Of course, nobody would disobey the orders of an alpha.

    He didn't care about me.

    None of them did.

    I couldn't blame them; my parents were traitors to them, after all.

    I was just the child of traitors and now an orphan who nobody wanted.

    You see, my name is Victoria. I am nineteen years old and live here at the Red River Pack. My mother was banished from the pack when I was five. Rumors had spread that my mother was having an affair with someone from an enemy pack, and my father abandoned me not long afterward.

    The mate bond was too much for him; he missed his mate and couldn't stand around me because I was a constant reminder of what he had lost.

    We are one of the largest and strongest packs in the world. The Alpha Evan and Luna Michelle lead us. We have a high-security level, so it took a lot of work for anyone to get in and attack us. Our warriors were trained thoroughly daily from a young age.

    As an omega, we prepared top-of-the-chart healthy meals to ensure our pack was always healthy and that anyone rarely got unwell. Their wolf side would heal so quickly. Without my wolf and being unable to attend the pack hospital, it was more complicated, and I took longer to recover from any bruising and beating I received.

    If I left, I would stand little chance out as a rogue. I hoped I would find my mate one day and everything would be different.

    I missed my mother so much and wished that everything were different. I often wondered what life would be like if I were still surrounded by the family that once loved and adored me. I may have only been five, but I still remember my mother's beautiful smile and twinkling eyes. I saw her every night in my dreams.

    It would be better if I never woke up; I could feel happy and be with my mother again in spirit.

    None of this would have happened to me if she were still here to love, care and protect me.


    Victoria’s POV

    Get on with your work, you lazy piece of shit. Ralph appeared beside me with a smirk on his face. He’s the son of the Alpha’s Beta Craig—another one who enjoys nothing more than making my life miserable.

    I had just finished mopping the floors when my heart sank at his chirpy voice.

    He was a handsome guy, tall and muscular. His thick brown hair was a mop of curls on his head; it fell over his dark green eyes. Most of the girls in the pack fell over to get his attention. Alice was the worst for it; she worshipped the ground he walked on. Always there, sticking to his arm like super glue. Any girl that looked his way would have a war on their hands, and if looks could kill, you would be dead.

    I gulped nervously and gripped the mop handle, praying he would leave me alone to get on with my job.

    I couldn’t take any more hassle.

    Can I get you anything, Mr Ralph? I mumbled politely, hoping that he would not start anything.

    He stuck his hands in his pockets and chucked at the pathetic sight of me.

    You know you would probably be quite pretty if you sorted yourself out occasionally. He shook his head and strolled off down the long corridor.

    I breathed a sigh of relief and continued my cleaning duty but suddenly spotted Alice glaring at me.

    I didn’t have any luck.

    What were you doing flirting with my mate? She growled, marching towards me and grabbing the mop off of me. I stepped back and tried to protect myself, but it was too late. She tipped the entire contents of the bucket over my head, soaking me through. I let out a shocked gasp as the water seeped through my clothes, revealing everything. She threw back her head and laughed.

    A group of people walking by stopped to see what all the commotion was about.

    They joined Alice in laughing and pointing at me.

    I willed myself not to cry.

    No tears Victoria, I told myself.

    Please don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you upset.

    They were just a bunch of cowards.

    What is the meaning of this? Alpha Evan roared from a few feet away.

    Alice and her friends jumped apart and fell silent. I could see them trembling on the spot.

    I was freezing, and the water was dripping from me. I stared at the mess all around me, knowing I would be up even longer tonight now, cleaning this all up while they were in bed sleeping.


    Oh, I wish I could have the luxury of getting some decent sleep.

    Oh, Alpha, Victoria here was just cleaning, and she fell. We were trying to help. Isn’t that right, girls? Alice stated, to which her friends instantly agreed, causing the alpha to snap his eyes at me.

    Is that correct, omega? He thundered.

    I nodded.

    Yes, sir. I will get it cleaned up immediately. I began to clean it up, but he stopped me.

    We have visitors tomorrow. I want this place to look immaculate. He growled.

    On your way now. He ordered. The girls hurried off. And I was left on my own with the alpha.

    He flared his nostrils and glared at me with disgust that I felt anxiety overtake me. I couldn’t breathe and just wanted the ground to swallow me up.

    I will get on with this, Alpha. Sorry for the mess. I mumbled.

    Better be. I don’t want any problems when the Alpha of Blue Creek visits tomorrow. See to it that no problems occur. Or you omegas will face the consequences. He snarled before he walked off towards the elevator.

    I couldn’t stop the tears from falling the second he had gone, and I was alone. The mess was awful, and I was so cold. My body ached, and I longed for a nice bath and sleep. I would no doubt be up in a few hours to prepare breakfast and clean the packhouse, ready for another day of fresh hell.

    CHAPTER Three

    Alex’s POV

    The big pearly white gates opened as my shiny black limousine entered the Red River Pack. It had been some years since I had been here, but everything looked the same. I smiled and remembered long, happy days playing around the pack grounds with my friends. It had been so long, but I never forgot that girl who had my heart.

    Her beautiful blonde curls fell down her back; she had huge green eyes that I could lose myself in and a big beautiful smile that radiated such happiness.

    She was my best friend back then until my parents moved me halfway across the country to take over the Blue Moon Creek Pack. We lost touch, and I had heard rumours that my best friend's parents had been banished from the pack, and I assumed that meant Victoria as well. I felt sad that I would never see her face again, and she must have gone through hell when I should have been there for her.

    But life had been so busy; since my father's death three years ago, I had become the pack alpha but never found my true mate. I had been invited to the red river pack for a business meeting along with my beta George and Gamma Jared.

    Good Morning Alpha Alex. Welcome to Red River Pack. The alpha and Luna greeted me. They looked delighted to have my presence.

    It’s been a long time, I started, shaking his hand before kissing Luna on her cheek.

    An absolute pleasure to have you here.

    I noticed the girl standing beside the alpha and Luna. I knew instantly that she was their daughter, Eliza. The one that would be my chosen mate by my mothers' standards. I looked her up and down, not wanting to judge, but she seemed like a spoilt little brat. Not somebody that I would mainly choose for myself. I wanted someone strong, beautiful and caring for my Luna. My pack was high on respect and loyalty. Even the omegas were treated fairly. I didn’t approve of any form of abuse in my pack.

    Although I admitted this, the wolf was beautiful; she had black hair tied into two braids, brown eyes and a pretty face. She stepped towards me and held her hand out for me to kiss. I did so to show my respect. My parents bought me up to respect and know my manners.

    So pleased to meet you, Alpha Alex. She squealed like a little girl.

    She’s abir over the top. Beta George linked me, causing the corner of my lips to curl into a smirk. She wasn’t my typical type of girl. My mother must have been crazy to think I would be a good match with this girl.

    "I assume you must be hungry after a long

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