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Once Rejected, Twice Accepted
Once Rejected, Twice Accepted
Once Rejected, Twice Accepted
Ebook213 pages3 hours

Once Rejected, Twice Accepted

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About this ebook

On the eve of the Eva's seventeenth birthday, the story begins. Her father's enemies are abusing her. Alpha's daughter, Eva, is the protagonist of the story. Her pack was killed. She was the only survivor. Due to her young age, the pack that slaughtered her family decided to turn her into a slave. She was mistreated and hungry since she was a child, and she did all kinds of menial tasks. When confronted with insults, the heroine was obstinate, fighting back and talking back. She still retains Alpha's blood in her bones, despite being a slave. When she became an adult and her powers awakened, she secretly intended to flee this pack. She still believes in love and hopes that the moon goddess will provide her with a mate who will cherish and protect her at this time.
The pack's leader's son, Alpha Liam, knew the Eva once was his chosen mate at his 18, but he despised her low status on the one hand and was pulled to her beauty on the other. He looks down on her and plays around with other girls, influenced by the pack members.
On her eighteenth birthday, the Eva's wolf awoke, and she realized that Liam was her mate, and she was furious because Liam was the son of her father's assassin. Alpha Liam reject Eva. Eva released. However, the wolf within her is a little depressed. Alpha Liam's mother and her daughter assaulted Eva again while she was preparing the inheritance ceremony for Liam. Eva was saved by an Alpha from another pack. This was Alpha Raquel. He was invited to participate in the inheritance ceremony of Alpha A.

Release dateNov 3, 2023
Once Rejected, Twice Accepted

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    Book preview

    Once Rejected, Twice Accepted - sholly

    Chapter 1

    Eva’s POV

    I jerked awake with a force and snapped my head around me quickly, peering into the darkness that had befallen my old pigsty of a room.

    I felt different, insanely different and it felt as though I could see life from a different perspective. Quickly rolling out of the mat on the floor, I turned on the coal lamp that I had placed close to my bed and gasped when I realized that it was way past midnight.

    What the hell?

    I slowly rose on my feet, unsure of what it was that must’ve awakened me until a small voice whispered at the back of my head that today was my birthday… My 18th birthday!

    Today was also exactly a year after my family and a lot of people from my pack were killed. The day I had been forced to become an orphan and a slave. I couldn’t believe it.

    How time flies…

    I could vividly remember how they had snuck in in the middle of the night, while everyone was busy preparing for my 17th birthday party the next morning; and had taken out every living soul in my pack, ranging from little children to adults.

    Surprisingly, they had spared me for some sick reasons, and had taken me as a form of souvenir to their Alpha who immediately waved me off and recruited me as one of his many slaves.

    They always mistreated me in every way, threw insults at me and even beat me up for the slightest reasons but those ill treatments they meted on me wasn’t enough to keep me locked up, nor enough to have my mouth sealed.

    I was a Princess, the daughter of a strong Alpha for that matter, and thus I couldn’t tolerate being trampled upon even now that I had been reduced to the position of a palace slave.

    I remembered how weak I had been that night, and how I had been abused by Alpha Adonis’s soldiers. The thought brought fresh tears into my eyes, but I wept not out of sadness but out of anger.

    Now I was of age and I could already feel it. I had always wanted a day like this to come, a day when I would be classified as an adult and would be able to escape this hell hole of a place.

    I seeked revenge too, but that would have to come later, after I had successfully escaped from here and had returned to pick up the burnt down remains of my father’s pack.

    Anger surged through me like I was reliving that gory day, and it also brought tears to my eyes whenever I remembered everything I had lost.

    A noise in the hall snapped me out of my reverie. I could hear the unmistakable sounds of a female whimpering and I quickly stood up, I was curious and wanted to know what was happening.

    I stealthily crept out of my room, following the sounds of the whimpering until I arrived at a scene where one of the brutal soldiers of this pack was trying to force himself upon a young girl of about my age.

    I wasn’t surprised though, because stuff like this was a usual occurrence around here but I still got pissed whenever I saw or heard of it happening.

    In blind rage, I picked up a plank which was carelessly discarded on the floor and used its blunt edge to hit the soldier hard against the head.

    His agonized screams filled the air, but in a way it seemed to make me feel better.

    Bitch! Bitch! He chanted, holding his head but I ignored him and quickly went to help the girl to her feet.

    She quickly muttered a rushed; Thank you, and ran off; and I was about to run out of the scene myself when the bulky, bad smelling soldier forcefully pulled on my legs, thus making me fall to the floor with a loud thump.

    I literally kissed the dirt when I fell and spat out some of the dirt in my mouth before I went back to trying to escape. He grabbed at me again, but this time, I was a little more prepared this time. I began stomping at his chest with enough force to break his ribs but he still wouldn’t let go.

    Let go, you animal! I screeched whilst stomping ferociously on his chest in order to make him let go of me but his grip was like a vice, unwilling to tear away.

    During the course of our struggle, a sweet smelling smell immediately attacked my nostrils. It smelled of pines and something minty and surprisingly made my wolf, Isla, jerk awake.

    She suddenly began prancing about in my head, making it quite difficult for me to focus on the soldier who immediately noticed that I had lost focus and used the opportunity to send me sprawling to the floor.

    I struggled against him and at the same time , tried to block out the smell that was attacking my nostrils but they both proved abortive.

    Just as the soldier was about to land a fatal blow to the side of my head, a deep voice sounded at the end of the corridor, immediately halting his movements.

    And what’re you both doing there? The voice asked curiously. I immediately looked up at the owner, only to have my breath hitching in my chest.

    The sweet smell was coming from him, this proving that he was my mate; but that wasn’t the problem now, the problem was the fact that he was Alpha Liam, the son of retired Alpha Adonis.

    His father was responsible for the deaths of my people.

    No! I snarled with a voice so thick with emotions that the soldier literally cowered back in fear. Are you my mate?!

    I had always envisioned my mate as someone I would love and who would love me too. I had always seen my mate as someone who would get me out of this suffering, but then I was presented with this?

    This young man whose only aim was to inflict me with pain and more pain?

    I saw a deep frown immediately etch on his perfect face and from the look in his eyes, I already knew what was coming.

    He was about to reject me and I knew it; I didn’t even try to stop him either, instead, I held my breath and waited for it to come.

    Chapter 2

    Eva’s POV

    Alpha Liam immediately gestured to the soldier who did, scurrying away like a weak ass pregnant woman.

    He turned to stare heatedly at me with a gaze as dark as a crow flying through a pitch black night. For a moment I was lost in his eyes but then the earlier infatuation washed off when I remembered how fully involved he was in my suffering.

    He’s still the son of your father’s murderer. Isla said in my head and I slowly nodded. I hadn’t forgotten,

    He took a few predatory steps towards me and as soon as he was right in front of me, he landed a single punch to my face which immediately threw my head backwards.

    My body twitched violently and I knew I was about to attack him but I reined in my anger because I knew that snapping right now would be the end of me. He would kill me off, the same way that his father had killed my parents.

    Don’t you ever call me your mate..! He growled. His voice sounded low and menacing, the kind that was supposed to scare people off but unfortunately for him, I wasn’t people. I was me.

    I raised my head up to meet his gaze and smirked evilly. I saw the look of shock on his face but that seemed to fuel me even more. He didn’t know what was coming to him at all.

    You dare disrespect me? He snarled but I said nothing. I couldn’t quite understand what he meant about being disrespected when I had literally said nothing to him.

    An awkward silence followed, and when he spoke up after a few minutes, he said exactly what I’ve been waiting for him to say;

    I would not have anything to do with a dipshit like you regardless of whatever the so-called moon goddess has destined, and so, I Liam Blackwood, Alpha of Black moon pack, hereby rejects you, Eva Silverstone as my mate!

    As soon as he uttered those words, I immediately felt a sharp pain run up the length of my chest and back but just as soon as it came, it left, replaced by a feeling of great relief.

    I exhaled unknowingly, relieved that he had freed me of the burden of being the mate to someone like him but was immediately snapped back to him when I saw the look of pure shock on his face.

    I didn’t wait for him to say anything else though, I immediately turned on my heels and left, happy that I wouldn’t have to be the mate to someone like him, but at the same time sad that I had just been rejected.

    I was conflicted, but that didn’t stop the smug smile from appearing on my face as I walked away.


    My head and body ached terribly, and even my limbs felt like they were on fire. I needed to rest, desperately needed to but I knew that resting would only create more problems for me.

    Ever since the day I got rejected by Alpha Liam, it was as if he had told his family about it because suddenly his sister Raquel, and his mother made it their life’s duties to torture me in every way possible.

    They literally began starving me and even forced me to take on jobs that naturally shouldn’t be given to a lady.

    But did I complain? Of course, I didn’t!

    Today was another one of their several bad days where they had unreasonable mood swings; and I was being punished for it.

    The type of punishment they had come up with was having to make me sort out tons and tons of several fabrics they said was needed for Alpha Liam’s coronation.

    The workload was hectic and I was pre warned not to allow anyone to help me with it, as if anyone would want to in the first place.

    No one would’ve wanted to help though because they had always been banned from relating with me in any possible way.

    I was practically an outcast here.

    I was still bent sorting through the many fabrics when I felt someone or something hit me on the head from behind. The pain was so much that it sent me sprawling to the floor.

    What the he—

    I swiftly turned back to lash out at whoever it must’ve been only to come face to face with the queen and her devilish daughter, Raquel.

    "What’s that for? I groaned in frustration but instead, she smirked at me, whilst showing off her pretty dimples.

    Raquel was beautiful, one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen, after me of course, but just as the moon goddess had blessed her with beauty, she also gave her an overdose of wickedness.

    As if sensing the anger on my face and to spite me, she pulled me by my hair and began tugging at it just as her mother began slapping and kicking at my sides.

    The pain was too much; almost unbearable but I had gone through worse.

    Suddenly I was pushed to the floor and wailed as Raquel began to scratch and claw at her face. All this while, her mother stood back, smirking while her daughter unleashed terror on me.

    I couldn’t fight back though, I knew what would become of me if I did and so I simply laid back while Raquel sent hard blows to my face and body.

    When she was done, she picked up a sharp blade from her mother’s purse and used it to rip the front line of my dress until my chest and some parts of my boobs were out on display.

    Feeling satisfied with what they had done, they spat at me and left.

    I laid there, crying softly, willing all of these to be a bad dream. I couldn’t leave where I was because the entire pack was crowded and I knew that walking out of here would mean exposing my cheetah region to the prying eyes of leering men.

    Just as I thought that all hope was lost, I immediately felt myself being lifted into someone’s arms. I intensively sighed at the comfort but then my eyes sprung open when I inhaled the obviously expensive perfume emanating from his body.

    He was dressed like a Royal but what captivated me the most was his dark piercing eyes.

    Chapter 3

    Eva’s POV

    Who are you? I asked softly, while staring into his deep dark grayish orbs. He had the most enchanting eyes I had ever seen, and the way it glinted under the evening sun held me mesmerized.

    I am Alpha Alpha Trent. He mumbled slowly, his deep voice sounded like melody to my ears, and I smiled slowly, allowing his voice to envelop me like a cloak.

    He momentarily numbed all the aches I felt and for a minute, I almost forgot the scratches and the bruises that were beginning to form on my face and body.

    I quickly took in his overall appearance, noting to myself that he was probably here for Alpha Liam’s coronation, but relaxed all the same because I knew that he wasn’t a member of this bad pack.

    I didn’t ask where he wanted to take me to, didn’t even try to show him the way to my room and simply allowed him to carry me bridal style away from where I previously was to wherever it was that he was taking me to..

    My head immediately began feeling heavy again, and keeping my eyes open turned out to be a great work. I heard him murmur something incoherent to me but just as I was about to begin to think of what he had said, I felt my eyes begin to droop.

    This time, I didn’t fight the peaceful darkness that followed suit and simply succumbed to it, while still in the arms of an absolute stranger…


    I woke up to shuffling sounds, and when I pried my heavy eyelids open, I was shocked to discover that I was on a clinic bed and that I had an IV set passed into a vein in my arm.

    My vision blurred and the only things I could make out was Alpha Trent, a middle aged doctor and a few young nurses who shied away behind the doctor like confused teenagers.

    Where am I?

    My face and body throbbed painfully, even my throat was so dry, it felt as though it had been continuously scraped across the length of an abrasive.

    I could hear the doctor telling Alpha Trent something about someone needing tons of rest but before I could fully decipher what he was talking about, I was immediately plunged into another series of darkness.

    This one wasn’t as peaceful as the last but was instead plagued with nightmares from my 17th birthday eve.


    Thank you Alpha, but I’d love to go back home now. I said stubbornly to Alpha Trent who insisted that I stayed back at his pack house.

    As much as I wanted to be free from Liam and his despicable family, I still didn’t want to go away like this, moreover I had something of value back

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