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Suggest Legislation

Do you have ideas about laws and policy that will improve communication access and remove barriers in our community? If yes, and if you want to ask for the Commission's help, please share your ideas using this form: Policy Proposal Support Request 

ASL version

English version

Every year, the Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind & Hard of Hearing takes on several policy initiatives to remove barriers and increase communication access and equal opportunity with the 20% of Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing.

Between September and January, the Commission Board and staff review and select policy initiatives for the upcoming legislative session, which becomes our legislative agenda. The Commission Board members make the final decisions and then the staff are responsible for following the Board’s decisions.

The Commission and its staff work on a 5-Year Strategic Plan as a general roadmap of what kind of work we take on and how much we can do to support other organization's initiatives. Before submitting a request for the Commission’s support, please become familiar with our strategic goals and our explanation about how the Commission makes decisions. Use both and be ready to describe how your initiative fits within our existing goals.

If it is helpful, you may also want to review our legislative recaps from past years.

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