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Though MAD provides a wide range of consulting services, we also provide our clients with tools that allow them to continue the work established by our consultants. Though the tools are usually tailored to the specific needs of our clients, we have developed some tools that can be used in a variety of organizations. Below are these resources. Please note, these tools are meant to be introductory pieces to the topic or refreshers for past clients. For more information about working with our consultants, please visit the Our Services page.

Choosing a Consultant

A consultant is a person who gives expert or professional advice. Choosing the best consultant for a project starts with thinking about your organization and determining the desired relationship.

Basic Discussion Method

Use the Basic Discussion Method to prepare for small group and interpersonal communication, reports, presentations, and leading meetings. 

Facilitation Skills Tips

Management Analysis and Development's experienced facilitators have developed a two-day course that teaches basic facilitator skills to, and builds confidence in, people who facilitate meetings and focus groups. The following tips are excerpted from the Facilitation Skills Course manual.

Interviews and Focus Groups

Collecting qualitative data is helpful for diving more deeply into a topic or question. Qualitative data can answer “why” and “how” questions that quantitative data often cannot and can be useful when exploring more personal or sensitive subjects.

Creating Surveys

Surveys are a popular instrument for collecting information in many Management Analysis and Development projects. This guide lays out the basics of a survey. 

Guide to Writing Survey Questions

Writing survey questions is easier if certain things are considered before actual question construction. In general, you should first clearly outline the information you need to collect.

Interagency Groups

In recent years more and more state agencies have formed interagency work groups to accomplish something that they could not do alone. This guide offers tips on how to make these groups successful.

Task Force Facilitation

Task forces, commissions, committees, and councils are composed of a select group of people charged with reviewing, discussing, and providing input and/or recommendations on a select topic.

Supporting Good Board Governance

If your organization has a governing body, how can you support good governing practices? We suggest starting with specific tasks: define what governance means, clarify the governing body’s responsibilities, and provide them with the necessary information and time to determine what they need to monitor.


Conflict in the workplace is all too predictable, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult to deal with. Engaging conflict with both skill and heart is critically important; how we do so can literally make or break our careers. Management literature suggests that conflict, properly addressed, can lead to innovation and creativity.


Changing an organization’s structure can seem like a straightforward way to address challenges, but it is not a decision organizations should make lightly. Reorganizations can be successful if they are done for the right reasons, if employees and stakeholders understand those reasons, and if leaders plan and invest in the change.

Position Descriptions

A good position description should answer "exactly what work is this individual performing on a day-to-day or month-to-month basis?" This guide gives you tips on how to write a good position description. 

Leadership Learning Hub

The Leadership Learning Hub, a thoughtfully curated website housed by Enterprise Talent Development (ETD), connects state leaders to articles, presentations, training, and inspiration. MAD is a collaborative partner with ETD and other state government teams in developing content and identifying resources for the site. 

Inclusive and Authentic Engagement

Here are some steps you can build into the stakeholder engagement process to ensure it supports developing relationships and inclusive engagements.

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