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 Utterance, talk, speech, discussion, and conversation.

 An extended expression of thought and ideas
 The ideas in discourse are not connected or do not have a particular
 To study discourse is to analyze the use of spoken or written language
in a social context.

Connected discourse/speech forms are the spontaneous pronunciation

changes in adjacent words or sounds spoken at a natural speed.
(Weinstein, 2001)

Rosa (2002) suggests that these forms are common elements of spoken
English, found in all registers and all rates of speech.

Features Of Connected Discourse

-the sound at the end of one word changes to make it easier to say the
next word
‘could have’ sounds like ‘coulda’
‘ten boys’ sounds like ‘tem boys’
‘fat boy’ sounds like ‘fap boy’
‘good boy’ sounds like ‘goob boy’
‘that cat’ sounds like ‘thak cat’

-the last consonant of the first word is joined to the first vowel of the
next word
‘an apple’ sounds like ‘a napple’
‘get up’ sounds like ‘getup’
-means losing a sound in the middle of a consonant cluster, sometimes
from the middle of a word or from the end of a word.
‘chocolate’ sounds like ‘chaklut’
‘sandwich’ sounds like ‘sanwich’
‘fish and chips’ sounds like ‘fishnchips’
-an extra sound ‘intrudes’; three sounds that often do this are /r/ /j/
and /w/
‘go on’ sounds like ‘gowon’
‘I agree’ sounds like ‘aiyagree’
‘law and order’ sounds like ‘lawrunorder’
‘please do it’ sounds like ‘please do wit’
‘I want to eat’ sounds like ‘I want toweat’


-A conversation involves a number of participants, at least two, who

express their individual thoughts and emotions through spoken words.
Some expressions may be in the form of words, phrases, clauses,
sentences, or even paragraphs.
-A written discourse involves one individual who expresses his/her ideas
and feelings through written words. Seldom does a writer make use of one
word for a sentence. The shift or change in his/her topic is simply marked
by transitional words.
-used to show the relationship or connection between idea in
sentences and paragraphs

Transitional Words
 Agreement/Addition/Similarity
-Transitions like also, in addition, and, likewise, add information,
reinforce ideas, and express agreement with preceding material.

in the first place equally again

not only…but also identically to
as a matter of fact uniquely then
in like manner like moreover
in addition as as well as
coupled with too of course

 Opposition/Limitation/Contradiction
-Transition phrases like but, rather, and or express that there is
evidence to the contrary or point out alternatives, and thus introduce a
change in the line of reasoning (contrast).

in spite of then again or

in contrast above all unlike
different from in reality but
of course..,but after all
at the same time be that as it may
on the other hand although this may be true
 Cause/Condition/Purpose
-These transitional phrases present specific conditions or intentions.

in the event that given that since

for the purpose of owing to due to
with this intention in as much as in view of
in the hope that while as
in order to only/even if because of
provided that in case
because of seeing/being that

 Examples/Support/Emphasis
-These transitional devices (like specially) are used to introduce
examples as support, to indicate importance or as an illustration so that an
idea is cued to the reader.

in other words that is to say

to put it differently with attention to
for one thing by all means
as an illustration another key point
in this case important to realize
for this reason to put it another way

 Effect/Consequence/Result
-Some of these are time words that are used to show that after a
particular time there was a consequence or an effect. Note that for and
because are placed before the cause/reason. The other devices are placed
before the consequences or effects.

thus therefore for

then henceforth thus
accordingly as a result for this reason
consequently in that case thereupon

 Conclusion/Summary/Restatement
-These transitions conclude, summarize, and/or restate ideas, or
indicate a final general statement. Also some words like (therefore) from
the ‘Effect/Consequence’ category can be used to summarize.

to summarize in the long run

generally speaking given these points
overall as has been noted
all things considered in a word
as shown above in short


Spoken Discourse
 less lexically dense
 tends to have longer noun groups
 more attached to context

Written Discourse
 more structurally complex and more elaborate
 has high level of nominalization (i.e. more nouns than verbs)
 more explicit
 more decontextualized

Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information

 Brainstorming List
-means what its name suggests --- a list of what you have brainstormed
-to think quickly and creatively about the text you have read
-starts at an individual level and generally begins with a question or two
(What are your ideas about?) (What did you think about?)

 Graphic Organizer
-show the relationship between and among facts, concepts or ideas
-help increase recall, arrange information, interpret and understand
examples: concept map, series-of-events chain, flow chart, T-chart, Venn
diagram, and discussion web
-CONCEPT MAP-shows relationships associated to the concept being
-SERIES-OF-EVENTS CHAIN-shows the arrangement or events in
chronological order; may help in discussing cause and effect of something
-FLOW CHART- displays the steps or stages in a process
-T- CHART- show the similarities and differences between two things,
people, events, or ideas
-DISCUSSION WEB AND VENN DIAGRAM-allows you to give the meaning of
what you read; also privileges you to polish own interpretation against

 Topic Outline
-arranges ideas hierarchically (shows which are main and which are -
sub-points) in the sequence you want and shows what you will talk
-identifies all the little mini-topics that the paper will comprise and
shows how they relate
-lists words or phrases

 Sentence Outline
-formatted exactly as topic outlines, but whole sentences replace the
brief headings
-sentences state the crucial point of each stage of the paper
-provides a real test of the argument
-makes use of sentences

Patterns of Development in Writing

-This is a method of organization that writers use to organize their

ideas about a topic.
-The selection of a pattern of development is based on the writer’s
The 9 Patterns of Development

 Narration
-A narrative paragraph or essay tells a story and explains how
something happened

EXAMPLE:The one day I spent in Morocco, Africa was an experience of a

lifetime. When I finally reached Morocco and got off the bus, there were
four little girls standing shoe less in the hot sun. After I swallowed my tears,
I could not even try to picture this in America as it is not something you
often see in the U.S. Meanwhile my tourist guide instructed me not to give
them money as it encouraged the children to beg; however, I was wearing
four silver bracelets.

 Classification
-A classification paragraph or essay explains briefly a subject by dividing
into types or categories.

EXAMLE:Malinowski proposed a three-way classification for folktales and

distinguished between myth, legend and fairy story. The first of these, he
suggested, represents a statement of a higher and more important truth of
a primeval reality. As such, it is regarded as sacred. Fairy stories, on the
other hand, are simply entertainment. Nobody attaches any special
significance to them, and nobody believes them to be true.
Legends, however, are believed to be true historical accounts.

 Comparison and Contrast

-A comparison and contrast paragraph or essay explains how two
subjects are similar or different.

EXAMPLE:There are several characteristics which distinguish plants from

animals. Green plants are able to manufacture their own food from
substances in the environment. This process is known as photosynthesis. In
contrast, animals, including man, get their food either directly from plants
or indirectly by eating animals which have eaten plants. Plants are
generally stationary.
 Cause and Effect
-Cause and Effect explains the reasons (causes) why something
happened, and describes the results (effects) of an event, action, or

EXAMPLE:People turn to alcohol to escape their problems whether in their

family, work, or even love life. But it has certain effects. One important
effect is the damage it can do to your body. Drinking can lead to severe
illness and even eventual death; some health consequences to consider
might be liver disease, kidney failure and, for pregnant women, the loss of
their unborn child. Another detriment is that an addiction could lead to
drinking and driving; possibly causing a fatal car accident for either yourself
and/or an innocent by stander.

 Description
-A Descriptive paragraph or essay describes a person, thing, place, or

EXAMPLE:The much advertised meteor show this summer was a memory

to behold. The air was crisp and cool. I did not even feel a hint of a breeze
on my skin as I lie on my back in the darkness. The warm temperature of
the water against the cooler air created a drifting airy fog that whispered
over the lake. Darkness enveloped the sky as only a slight curve of the
moon shone in the night; consequently, this made the perfect stage for the
breathtaking view of twinkling stars.
 Persuasion
-It is also called an argument, this tries to persuade a reader to accept
your point of view or even to change his or her point of view.

EXAMPLE:The school fair is right around the corner, and tickets have just
gone on sale. We are selling a limited number of tickets at a discount, so
move fast and get yours while they are still available. This is going to be an
event you will not want to miss! First off, the school fair is a great value
when compared with other forms of entertainment. Also, your ticket
purchase will help our school, and when you help the school, it helps the
entire community. But that’s not all! Every ticket you purchase enters you
in a drawing to win fabulous prizes. And don’t forget, you will have
mountains of fun because there are acres and acres of great rides, fun
games, and entertaining attractions! Spend time with your family and
friends at our school fair. Buy your tickets now!

 Example or Illustration
-An example paragraph or essay makes a point about a topic by
providing examples to support it.

EXAMPLE:Sometimes children must perform important tasks within the

family. Children can be of great assistance to their parents and other family
members. For example, they may help by cleaning the household, washing
dishes, taking care of pets, or through doing other chores. By doing these
tasks, children are doing their part in the family and learning how to be
responsible and prepare for life. Another example of children performing
important tasks is the help they provide the parents while the parents are
busy or working; the children might bring the parents something they need
or answer the phone while the parents are busy.
 Definition
-A definition paragraph or essay explains what something is in
comparison to other members of its class, along with many limitations.

EXAMPLE:Subsequent to materials design is the preparation of learning

materials. Learning materials refer to both printed and non-printed objects
or items that teachers and learners use to facilitate language learning.
Nowadays, materials are becoming more and more sophisticated,
incorporating authentic language samples and realias that help make a
connection between classrooms and real-life activities.

 Problem-Solution
-A problem-solution paragraph identifies a problem and proposes one
or more solutions.

EXAMPLE:Obesity and poor fitness decrease life expectancy. Overweight

people are more likely to have serious illnesses such as diabetes and heart
disease, which can result in premature death. It is well known that regular
exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, which means that
those with poor fitness levels are at an increased risk of suffering from
those problems.

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