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1.Green Computing is

a) Green ICT
b) The study and practice of designing of Computer Systems with minimal or no
impact on the environment.
c) Manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers Systems with minimal or no
impact on the environment.
d) All of the Above mentioned
2. The 3Rs of Green IT are

a) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
b) Repurpose, Reuse and Recycle
c) Reduce, Remanufacture and Recycle
d) Reengineer, Reuse and Recreate

3.Environmental Intelligence is

a) refers to technologies, applications presentation of business information.

b) refers to practices for the collection, integration, analysis of business information.
c). an intelligent use of business tools and technologies which can lead an enterprise to a
green enterprise.
d) an intelligent use of technologies which can lead an enterprise to a Successful
4. The one of the Characters of Green Enterprise is

a) Switching off monitors and recycling laptops.

b) Taking Print outs on double side papers.
c) Disposing the Computer Systems.
d) None of the Above.

5. What refers to addressing the environmental impact of computer use in an

environmentally responsible manner?

a) Fair use
b) Cybersquatting
c) Ethical computing
d) Green computing
6. The major factors that contribute to carbon emissions in an organization?

a) Large number of computers, laptops, and mobile devices

b) The networks and communications equipment
c) The buildings and related infrastructure
d) All of the Above mentioned

7. What standards do many organizations require all newly purchased computer equipment
to meet?

a) HUD
b) Energy Star
c) DNR
d) ACM
8. What are the four encompassing layers of a comprehensive Green IT vision of an
a) IT as a Consumer, IT as a Creator, Green Enterprise, Green Collaboration.
b) IT as a Producer, IT as an Enabler, Green Value, Green Collaboration.
c) IT as a Consumer, Business Intelligence, Green Enterprise, Green Collaboration.
d) IT as a Producer, IT as an Enabler, Green Enterprise, Green Collaboration.
9. ____________________intersects people, process, and technologies, and creates new
correlations in the organizational data warehouses.

a) Environmental intelligence
b) Business intelligence
c) Artificial intelligence
d) None of the Above
10. Which of the following factors does not contribute to Business to Environmental
Intelligence Impact across Organization?

a) Technical Process
b) Social Dimensions
c) Economic Dimensions
d) Financial process
11. Purchasing Green equipment/services and turning existing services into green services is
one of the polices and practices of ERBS.

a) True
b) False
12. The four main paths to be taken in order to gain the environmental sustainability and
efficient use of energy through computing are

a) Green Use, Green Disposal, Green Design, Green Manufacturing

b) Reactive machines, Limited memory, Theory of mind, Self-Awareness
c) isolates analytics, ability to see and understand data, making critical decisions
d) Systematic mapping study, Intelligent Design, Intelligent Manufacturing, , Intelligent
13. Which one of the following is not Green IT strategies to reduce the carbon emission in IT

a) Purchasing Non-renewable energy

b) Increasing the use of paper and other consumables
c) Minimizing equipment disposal requirements
d) None of the above.
14. ________________is the sum of the financial, environmental, social, information and
functional benefits that a green product or service can provide to the consumers

a) Business Value
b) Green value
c) Financial Value
d) None of the Above.
15. Product Longevity and Algorithmic Efficiency are Practical Applications of Green IT
a) True
b) False
c) None of the above.
16. IMEC Laptop is

a) Powered by solar energy

b) Uses OLED touch screen
c) Powered by electrical energy
d) Powered by mechanical energy
17. Carbon Footprint is

a) The total amount of Greenhouse Gases produced by human activities

b) Sum of all emission of carbon dioxide for a given time frame is
c) Ecological Footprints
d) All of the Above mentioned

18. Which one of the following is the Metric used for measuring power consumption in data
a) Computer Efficiency
b) (TDE) Thermal Design Power
c) Power Efficiency
d) Power Usage
19. Which one of the following is not the Advantages of Green Computing?

a) More sophisticated recycling processes

b) Waste reduction
c) Increase in resource depletion problem
d) Less pollution

20.Which one of the following is in-house program recyclable products

a) fluorescent light-bulbs
b) LED light Bulbs
c) Paper products
d) None of the above


1) d 2) a 3) c 4) a 5) d
6) d 7) b 8) d 9) a 10) d
11 a 12) a 13) b 14) b 15) a
16 a 17) d 18) b 19) c 20) b


1. The three major phases or activities associated with the lifecycle of these assets
a) Procure, Run, Demolish
b) Operate, Execute, Produce
c) Develop, Establish, Dispose
d) All of the above mentioned

2. Green assets need not to be organized in an efficient way throughout their lifecycle.

a) True
b) False

3. The Green or Sustainable buildings are characterized by

a) reinforcement of artificial systems

b) restoration and protection of environmental quality
c) Mismanagement of material resources and waste
d) None of the above

4. Green IT Hardware is

a) the design and architecture of IT hardware and the manner in which it is procure,
run, demolish which has a minimal impact on environment.
b) the design and architecture of IT hardware and the manner in which it is Procure,
run, demolish which will increase business turn over.
c) the design and architecture of IT hardware and the manner in which it is Procure,
run, demolish which will increase business intelligence.
e) All of the Above mentioned

5. Who does not have Green data centre?

a) Amazon
b) HCl
c) Ebay
d) Bigbasket

6. Virtualization is

a) hardware reducing, cost saving and energy saving technology

b) allows multiple operating system and multiple applications to run on a single
c) Uses a Software called hypervisor
d) All of the above mentioned
7. Which of the following is not a reason for using Virtualization in Green Computing

a) Decreased energy use

b) Reduction in toxic waste
c) Reduction in facility requirements
d) Reduction in Paper Usage

8. Which of the following is not a type of Virtualization

a) Server virtualization
b) Printer virtualization
c) Application virtualization
d) Desktop virtualization
9._________________is not a Green Device

a) Compaq EOS
b) Igglu modular PC
c) Bento Computer
d) Compact HCl
10. Green business process management is

a) overall management of all internal and external processes of an organization from a

green perspective
b) environmentally conscious business processes
c) improving and optimizing process during a green enterprise transformation.
d) All of the above mentioned

11. Functional and non-functional are two major parts of green requirements Modelling.

a) True
b) False
12. Which one is not an advantage of GISCM

a) Reduction in unwanted inventory.

b) increase the number of people in handling material.
c) Reduction in carbon overhead relating to material transfer and storage.
d) Improved usage of infrastructure/equipment through sharing of resources

13. Which is not a Green Information Systems?

a) GIS
d) EIS
14. Which one of the following are the Phases in a GIS Development and Deployment?

a) Develop, Configure, Use

b) Develop, Establish, Dispose
c) Develop, Establish, Procure
d) None of the above

15. The two subsystems of GIS

c) GOP & RSP
d) None of the Above

16. RSP stands for _____________.

a) Regulatory Standards Portal

b) Retail Service Provider
c) Retail Sales Price
d) None of the Above
17. GIS will be deployed as SaaS via internet.

a) False
b) True
18. Green System Architecture evolves

a) Integrated through Linear to Collaborative

b) Basic through Linear to Collaborative
c) Integrated through Linear to Collaborative
d) Basic through parallel to Collaborative
19. A GEA provides basis for defining, assessing, measuring, analysing, reporting, and
monitoring the Business IT systems and processes.
a) True
b) False
20. Non-functional requirements of Green requirements modelling consists of

a) behaviours and operations of a system

b) software requirements
c) capabilities
d) robustness


1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) d
6) d 7) d 8) b 9) d 10) d
11 a 12) b 13) c 14) a 15) c
16 a 17) b 18) b 19) b 20) d


1. Which of the following is a type of virtualization?

a) Storage
b) Application
c) CPU
d) All of the mentioned
2. Point out the correct statement.

a) A virtual machine is a computer that is walled off from the physical computer that
the virtual machine is running on
b) Virtual machines provide the capability of running multiple machine instances, each
with their own operating system
c) The downside of virtual machine technologies is that having resources indirectly
addressed means there is some level of overhead
d) All of the mentioned
3. State true or false. Server virtualization is the partitioning of a physical server into smaller
virtual servers.

a) True
b) false
4. What components on SAN can be virtualized

a) Disk
b) Tape Drive
c) Tape Library
d) All of the mentioned
5. Which of these statements about telecommuting is not true?

a) Telecommuting saves energy and reduces pollution.

b) Roughly 5 million workers in the largest corporations telecommute via the Internet.
c) Studies show a 10–50 percent reduction in productivity for telecommuters.
d) Telecommuting allows for more flexible work schedules.

6. Which of the following is not an energy saving computer model?

a) Blackle
b) Fit-PC: a tiny PC that draws only 5w
c) Hp _PC
d) Zonbu Computer
7. Which of these statements is a limitation of Green computing?

a) Green Computing saves energy.

b) Green Computing could be quite costly.
c) Green Computing reduces Carbon Footage.
d) All of the above mentioned.

8. Which of these statements is not a definition of E-waste ?

a) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

b) All types of waste containing electrically powered components
c) Computers, consumer electronics, fridges etc which have been disposed of by their
original users.
d) Waste generated by healthcare facilities
9. ________________________is the process of destroying waste through burning.

a) Open Burning
b) Scorching
c) Incineration
d) Sweltering

10. Which of the following is not an example for E-waste ?

a) Washing machines, Dryers, Refrigerators, Air conditioners, etc.

b) Old drugs, chemotherapy agents
c) Vacuum cleaners, Coffee Machines, Irons, Toasters
d) PCs, Laptops, Mobiles, Telephones, Fax Machines

11. ____________is one of the most widely used methods of waste disposal.

a) Land filling
b) Ground dumping
c) Garbage lot
d) Ash heaping

12. Which of the following is not one of the Critical Components in the E-waste?

a) Lead glass from CRT screens

b) CFC gases from refrigerators
c) Light bulbs and batteries
d) Shrub and yard clippings
13. Which one of the following is a first step in the recycling process is the removal of critical
components from the e-waste in order to avoid dilution of and / or contamination with toxic
substances during the downstream processes.

a) Shredding
b) Refining
c) Detoxication
d) None of the Above Mentioned
14. _______________is an industrial large scale operation to obtain concentrates of recyclable

a) Shredding
c) Detoxication
d) None of the Above Mentioned

15. Which of the following are steps in recycling of e-waste .

a) Detoxication Shredding Refining

b) Shredding Detoxication  Refining
c )Refining Shredding Detoxication
d) None of the Above Mentioned

16. Which of the following is not a Best practice for Green PC

a) Buy energy efficient hardware

b) Use Energy Star compliant PC instead of thin clients to reduce GPU power usage
c) Use power management technology and best practices
d) Use more efficient displays

17. The _______ is a non-profit consortium whose mission is to become the global
authority on resource efficiency in information technology and data centres.
a) National Grid
b) Electric Grid
c) Green Grid
d) Reginal grid

18. The _____________will focus on the qualitative advantages and disadvantages of data
centre cooling architectures.
a) Cooling Options Study
b) Power Distribution Options Study
c) Data Centre Efficiency Baseline Market Study
d) None of the Above mentioned
19. Which the following statements are in the list of green server strategy considerations?

a) Online, real-time list of server inventory that enables location and uses of the servers.
b) Power consumption bill in real time—mapped to carbon generation
c) Data capacity forecasting
d) All of the Above mentioned.
20. State true or False. Every “bit” adds to the carbon generation from the data center.

a) True
b) False


1) d 2) d 3) a 4) d 5) c
6) c 7) b 8) d 9) c 10) b
11 a 12) d 13) c 14) a 15) a
16 b 17) c 18) a 19) d 20) a


1. Green compliance is

a) Environmental Compliance
b) Conforming to various state, federal and local environmental laws and regulations.
c) to make sure businesses that manufacture, import and sell products are responsible
for their end-of-life environmental impact.
d) All of the above mentioned
2. Which of these statements is not about the green compliance management lifecycle steps?

a) Defining the goals

b) Selecting a Management Approach
c) Developing Case Studies.
d) Evaluation, Compliance and Enforcements

3.The Socio- Cultural aspects of green IT includes

a) Commitment to improving environmental quality
b) Promoting environmental education
c) Promoting sustainable development in the construction industry
d) All of the above
4. _______________is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially
accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.
a) Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
b) Council of Scientific Research (CSR)
c) Council of social responsibility (CSR)
d) None of the Above mentioned.

5. The ____________ is the process of systematically and actively managing and leveraging
the stores of carbon-relatedknowledge in the organization

a) Business knowledge management

b) Green knowledge management
c) AI knowledge management
d) All of the Above mentioned
6. __________is technology that is used to better communicate with a group that may be
geographically dispersed.
a) Videoconferencing
b) Telecommuting
c) Green Conferencing
d) None of the Above.

7. State True or False. Personalization of the green context by end-users will not leads to
change in attitude.
a) True
b) False
8.Which of the following is the newer profession?

a) IT
b) Teaching
c) Medicine
d) Green IT
9. Which of the following are the advantages of establishing code of conduct in Green IT?
a) Agree to a fundamental obligation of business to reduce carbon emissions in all the
b) Conform to total honesty in recording, analysing, and reporting of carbon data.
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

10. The two major communication in the organization Occurs

a) Between managers and employees.
b) With the customers, partners, and regulators
c) Both a and b
d) None of the Above
11. Which one of the following are the categories of communication channels.
a) Personal
b) Collaborative
c) Mobile
d) Collective
12. _______________are the group of employees that are associated directly or indirectly
with an organization’s endeavour to become a green organization.
a) Green Class workers
b) Green HR
c) Green Decision Makers
d) Green Managers

13.______________ are the groups formed through social networks allow people to interact
irrespective of geographical and political boundaries that addresses green issues.

a) Green Virtual Communities

b) Face book Communities
c) WhatsApp Groups
d) None of the above mentioned.
14. ________________ is a program undertaken by an organization to change its structure
and dynamics that would change its carbon footprint for the better.
a) Business Enterprise Transformation
b) Green Enterprise Transformation
c) Business to Green enterprise Transformation
d) None of the Above.

15. Which one of the following is an IT-specific Green framework?

a) Green Class method

b) Green Enterprise method
c) Green point method
d) None of the Above

16. The Four dimensions to achieve GET process

a) Economic, Technical, Process, Social

b) Economic, Business, Process, Social
c) Economic, Technical, Community, Social
d) None of the above Mentioned
17. ____________is the application of technologies and practices that materially reduce
resource consumption and harmful emissions in Information and Communications
Technology (ICT)life cycles.
c) Green ICT
d) None of the Above

18. ______________deals with the procurement, recycling and reuse, and eventual disposal
of all equipment within the organization.
a) Equipment lifecycle
b) POD Life cycle
c) SDLC life cycle
d) None of the Above
19. Which of the following are ICT-based business applications

a) FMS
b) ERP
c) SCM
d) All of the Above mentioned

20. Which one of the following focus on the management and ultimately the
mitigation of an organization’s carbon emissions.
a) FMS
b) SCM
d) CRM


1) a 2) c 3) d 4) a 5) b
6) a 7) b 8) d 9) c 10) c
11 d 12) a 13) a 14) b 15) c
16 a 17) c 18) d 19) d 20) c


1. ERBS is

a) Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies

b) Enterprise Responsible Business Strategies
c) Economically Responsible Business Strategies
d) None of the Above
2. Stakeholders of ERBS are
a) Decision maker
b) Green consultant
c) Engineers
d) All of the Above
3. Which of the following is not a factor that plays prominent role in adopting green
a) Government rules and regulation in implementing environmental measures
b) Customer’s demand or pressure for Green policies
c) Pressure from society to adopt Green policies
d) Non implementation of environmental policies
4. Some of the Green ICT practices

a) Videoconferencing, Telecommuting/Teleworking
b) Fleet and field force management
c) Field Visit
d) Both a & b

5. The tools that aid in to measure Carbon Emissions

a) Dashboard displays
b) Spectrophotometers
c) Radio meters
d) Sonographic meters

6. Strategic Measures for Reducing Carbon Emissions are

a) Use of ICT in minimizing the organization’s environmental footprints

b) Use of alternate source of energy such as solar/wind energy
c) Government regulations that require organizations to limit carbon emissions
d) All of the Above
7. The four major phases of Green Business transformation are

a) Diagnose  Plan  Enact  Review

b) Dispose  Plan  Enact  Review
c) Diagnose  Action  Endorse  Review
d) All of the Above
8. SWOT analysis is
a) Understand how to capitalize on the inherent strengths
b) Understand how to capitalize on the inherent weakness
c) None of the Above
d) Both a & b.
9. ___________helps an organization manage its energy consumption by accurately
recording, analyzing, and reporting on the carbon data.
b) FMS
c) SCM
d) None of the above mentioned

10. ___________ascertains the Green IT maturity of the organization

a) Green IT Standards
b) Green IT Regulations
c) Green IT Audits
d) None of the Above

11._______________________ are ways to conduct Green IT Audits

a) Walkthrough
b) interview
c) Audits
d) All of the Above
12. __________________includes the correlation and insights into carbon data
and information and innovative application of technologies.
a) Environmental intelligence
b) Business intelligence
c) Artificial intelligence
d) None of the Above.

13. “Pay as you go” is the business principle of

a) Green Computing
b) Cloud Computing
c) Grid computing
d) None of the Above.

14. Currently, carbon emission calculations in the Cloud are treated external to the
Organization. State whether the statement is true or false.
a) True
b) False
15. _______________deals with computing at a microscopic level.

a) Microchips
b) Nanotechnology
c) Microprocessor
d) None of the Above

16.Which of the following is not a renewable energy resource.

a) Wind
b) Fossil fuel
c) Solar
d) Tidal

17. State True or false. It is not the responsibility of the top-level management to formulate
the business and strategic plans to foster green environment.

a) True
b) False
18. Mapping the business objectives with the environmental goals deals with

a) Policies for purchase of Green equipment and related services

b) Policies related to safe disposal of hazardous waste, material
c) Policies for adopting and implementing recycling of equipment
d) All of the Above
19. Which of these is not an Environmental goal of the organization to adopt Green policies

a) Reduction of carbon footprint in your organization

b) Improvement of the reputation of your organization
c) Increase of energy consumption in your organization
d) Reduction of the operational costs in your organization

20. When purchasing new ICT hardware taking in to consideration of Energy saving choice
is one of the organizations practices regarding energy saving data centres and
equipment. State true or False.
a) True
b) False

1) a 2) d 3) d 4) d 5) a
6) d 7) d 8) d 9) a 10) c
11 d 12) a 13) b 14) a 15) b
16 b 17) b 18) d 19) c 20) a

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