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Exercise normalization

The following table is already in first normal form (1NF). There is only one entry per field. Please convert this table to
the third normal form (3NF) using the techniques you learned in this Unit. Write a short report about your solution and
post it in the discussion board. Check the other solutions and comment them, if necessary. If you have questions, you
can also post them in the discussion board. A tutor will look at the questions regularly and give feedback and answers.

A table with the students and their grades in different topics.

UnitID StudentID Date TutorID Topic Room Grade Book TutEmail

U1 St1 23.02.03 Tut1 GMT 629 4.7 Deumlich [email protected]

U2 St1 18.11.02 Tut3 GIn 631 5.1 Zehnder [email protected]

PU1 St4 23.02.03 Tut1 GMT 629 4.3 Deumlich [email protected]

U5 St2 05.05.03 Tut3 PhF 632 4.9 Dümmlers [email protected]

UnitID StudentID Date TutorID Topic Room Grade Book TutEmail

U4 St2 04.07.03 Tut5 AVQ 621 5.0 SwissTopo [email protected]

Consider the relation scheme R = {E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, M} and the set of functional

dependencies {{E, F} -> {G}, {F} -> {I, J}, {E, H} -> {K, L}, K -> {M}, L -> {N} on R. What is
the key for R?

Consider a relation scheme R = (A, B, C, D, E, H) on which the following functional

dependencies hold: {A–>B, BC–> D, E–>C, D–>A}. What are the candidate keys of R?

Consider the two tables below:



1. Consider the following employees and departments tables from the sample

 find all employees who locate in the location with the id 1700.
 finds the employees who have the highest salary:

 The following statement finds all employees who salaries are greater
than the average salary of all employees:

 finds all departments which have at least one employee with the salary
is greater than 10,000:
 finds all departments that do not have any employee with the salary
greater than 10,000:
 finds all employees whose salaries are greater than the lowest salary of
every department:

The following database diagram illustrates the HR sample database:

2. Which one of the following is used to represent the supporting many-
one relationships of a weak entity set in an entity-relationship diagram?

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