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My Cruel Mate: The Unwanted Luna
My Cruel Mate: The Unwanted Luna
My Cruel Mate: The Unwanted Luna
Ebook210 pages3 hours

My Cruel Mate: The Unwanted Luna

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"You mean nothing to me. Don't ever expect anything from me. You were bought here to play the part of my Luna and satisfy my desires," my mate snarled without a trace of affection or remorse.

Though tears welled up in my eyes, I refused to cry for the man who slept with other women in my presence.

"Yes, Alpha." I met his gaze and replied.

"No," he growled.

"Yes, Alpha," I repeated, but he merely walked past me. As soon as he was out of sight, my legs gave out, and tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Congratulations, Luna. You're pregnant," the doctor said with joy, but my world came to a halt. I couldn't be happy, not when I'd suffered so much at the hands of my fated mate.

I ran, but it wasn't far enough to escape the mighty Alpha's reach.

Release dateMar 9, 2023
My Cruel Mate: The Unwanted Luna

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Rating: 4.821428571428571 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So good I need moreee! Alpha also needs to get his head out his ass!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    nice is so easy to read it. storiline do need some explanations but you get everything in no time...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Es mega interesante la historia y atrapa mucho la profundidad de ella
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really like this story and I can't wait to find out what's going to happen next with the alpha and Luna
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Really got into it but to bad it's not completed. It was just getting good too.

    3 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Where is the next book common dont leave me hanging

    2 people found this helpful

Book preview

My Cruel Mate - Sunshine Princess

CHAPTER 2 Bought You a Luna

Edward's POV

You bought me what! I roared.

A Luna, I'm sorry brother, but the deal is already done, we need that pack under our control as Dean was after it,

Dean is a Lycan Alpha who hates me because I killed his father in a duel. The old man came here to intimidate and challenge me about my territory.

How does that useless pack help us in any way? They are insignificant,

You know that land is historical, hence no pack can fight there. Having it under us is a benefit plus. Evelyn mentioned Dean was seeking it out. He brought some favorable terms as well, My brother, Jamal sighed.

And how does the girl come into play, I growled.

She solidifies the agreement, she's the Alpha's daughter,

Oh please, Jamal, we could get that land without going through all this, I sneered.

I know that but the former Luna begged me to take them under our protection. Evelyn was our mother's dear friend, I couldn't turn her away.

I growled and hit my desk, making it break in half. I can't believe he did that.

The pack needs a good Luna,

I can choose my own.

You know that's a lie.

I don't need a Luna, I retorted.

Didn't you hear what I said about the historical land? Besides, I've already bought her, He shrugged, not caring that he had brought a woman I didn't want. Jamal is my brother and beta, he is a good judge of character and he knows what's best for the pack and if he thinks the woman is good, I will keep her. She will be my Luna only in name but I will never accept anything more.

She's your problem henceforth and I shall not do anything for her, I declared, reaching the door, I turned to him and smirked

Maybe fuck her once or twice, I should get my money's worth, right? I winked and exit the room, leaving Jamal with an oh fuck face.

I shift into my huge Lycan form and take a run into the woods, remembering what happened when I allowed myself to care about a woman, she cheated on me and plotted my death. I vowed never to love another woman again.

In the evening, I went to my room, but surprisingly, the pack whore, Candace, was in my bed, naked. I pulled her by the ankle and slammed my erection into her pussy. I covered her mouth with my hand, not wanting her to lament stupid things.

Caliana's POV

My childhood best friend Levy escorted me to the "Golden Stone Pack, my new pack. The Chasia brothers couldn't make it so they sent a car and driver.

People say the pack members of the Golden stone members are rude and inhumane as their leaders, He says. They consider themselves Golden Lycans, a rare kind because they are the strongest for miles.

They do call themselves gods of the west, I sighed, sarcasm dripping off my words.

I meet the driver's gaze through the rearview mirror and his lips curl into something sinister. My eyes widen and I press a black button that puts a barrier between us.

Why did you decide to go today?

I had no choice, I found my luggage outside the house, I sneered.

That bitch,

Levy holds my hand as he tries to cheer me up the rest of the way, but it's ineffective. I'm leaving the only home I knew to stay with a cruel man.

I'm miserable. I give Levy a small forced smile and he takes it, reaching the "Golden Stone Pack, the driver opens the door to the limo and we step out.

Are you sure I can't stay, Cali? Levy asked, looking at the manor in awe. It was lovely indeed and bigger than any of the Alpha manors I have seen over the years.

I don't think so and Evelyn will be mad, I kissed my friend's cheek and pushed him softly into the car. He popped his head out of the window.

Take care of yourself, and please call me whenever you can and I'll take you away from him, he said. I smile knowing that he can. Levy was a determined man and has always protected me since my first day in kindergarten.

I know,

I watched with a hurt heart as the limo left the driveway. I felt tears threatening to spill again, but I inhaled and forced a smile. This is going to be my new home, so I should make my stay pleasant, and be of use for the sake of my pack.

With every step I took, my heart was pounding loudly in my chest and I suddenly felt emotional. I was missing my dad like never before and if he was alive, all this would not have happened. I feel a hand tug my skirt and I look down. It's a beautiful little girl no older than five years old. She is smiling at me.

Hello! She waved. My heart immediately warms up and all my sadness from earlier vanishes. I got on my knees and stroked her blonde hair.


"Are you Caliana? I nodded my response and she smiled, making my heart melt. She was so cute!

My uncle said you were coming, She wanted to say something else but something caught her attention and her big blue eyes lit up,

Sparkles! I followed her gaze to see a white fluffy feline. It ran away and the little girl chased after it.

Hello, Miss Meyers, I got on my feet to see a middle-aged woman. She had one of those looks that said ' I run this manor with her serious face, hair tied in a neat bun, a white shirt, and a navy blue skirt and long heels. She looked graceful.


I'm Lena, I ensure that the house runs smoothly. I will give you a tour for now. Please follow me to your room, Her voice was neutral but polite.

I looked back at my bags.

I'll have them sent to you, I followed Lena inside and I was impressed with the house. It was elegant and simply divine. A few servants were passing by in small uniforms and politely bowing to me.

Lena took me to the third floor and the knot in my stomach increased.

You will stay in the Alpha's suite. I'll send your things up in a few minutes, She pointed at the large door in front of us.

Alpha's suite, but why?

Lena tilted her head slightly in confusion. Because you are here as his Luna, Ma'am,

I swallowed thickly. I wasn't informed of that. I thought I'd come here to work or something. I didn't think I'd be coming here as his Luna! Edward Chasia's Luna, the Luna to the most dangerous and powerful pack in the western territory!

'Evelyn did mention satisfying the Alpha's sexual desires,' My wolf calmly reminded me, and I winced at those words. How can she be so calm about this?

Excuse me, Madam, I'm needed urgently in the kitchen, but I'll send someone to assist you.

Slowly and carefully, I pushed open the door only to find the shock of my life. A couple was having steamy sex on the bed, they were moaning in delight and I just stood there, stunned.

Changing their position when they noticed me and stopped, while the girl covered herself with a sheet, the man just looked angry, his dark eyes were murderous and just then my wolf said the word.



Caliana's POV

I felt an intensifying pain in my stomach as the hot tall man stood naked in my presence. My eyes shamelessly trailed to his cock. It was huge and long, by the way. This man's body was made of pure muscle, no doubt he worked out a lot, and his face, oh my goddess, he had nice sharp features, but my gaze lingered on his cold eyes. They were a mesmerizing gray color but they looked hopeless and bereft. I wanted to touch him and ask what was wrong but I couldn't. After he was done assessing me too, he walked majestically and stopped close to me, we were standing so close. His body radiated heat, and his scent, mixed with that woman he was fucking was and I wanted to punch them. My fists were clenched and I shook in anger.

'Cali!' Screamed my inner wolf and I flinched, clearing my throat before I could say a word to him, he shut the door in my face and it registered to me. My mate is Alpha Edward Chasia, the cruel Alpha, and he didn't even acknowledge my presence. My breath shuddered as my breath was ragged. My legs gave up under me and I slid against the wall to sit down. My mate was on the other side, with another woman in his bed.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I never counted on having a mate but the thought intrigued me.

He hated me. I saw it in his eyes. It was crazy because I didn't even do anything! I wanted to cry and scream at the goddess, but I didn't even have the will to do so.

I'm sorry about that, a small voice said. I quickly got to my feet and faced the young lady who spoke.

Oh, hello, I tried to force a smile, her expression showed that she knew what had happened there.

I'm Juanita, Madam Lena said I'd be attending to you, She smiled. Juanita was a pretty petite girl with a lot of hair that suited her and beautiful big brown eyes.

Okay, can you show me to another room? The second floor, preferably, I wasn't going to stay on the same floor as that man. I wanted to be far away from the Alpha. I didn't know why he agreed to bring me here when, clearly, he didn't need me. Juanita's eyes darkened a little, indicating that she was mind-linking. When she was done, she sadly shook her head.

You shall stay on this floor, Ma'am.

I only nodded, arguing was a waste of time, because I knew that she was just following orders. Juanita took me to a room just next to the Alpha's suite. It was massive with a round bed and a TV stuck on the wall.

These doors lead to a balcony and the bathroom, She informed me. I only smiled at her and sat on the edge of my bed. Juanita exited the room and said she'd be back to call me for dinner and I should enjoy the room. However, my mind roamed to the cruel Alpha, my mate. What were the chances?

'Lia, are you okay?' I asked my wolf.

'Yes, are you?' I sighed and lay on the bed. The truth was that I was not okay, all this happened so suddenly, one moment I was in my father's pack. I wasn't happy living there with Evelyn and Vince, but I fought them and now I'm here, in a strange pack, with my mate who doesn't give a shit about me.

'I'll be fine,' I responded, finally. I'm not a weak woman. I've trained my mind to be strong and he won't break me. I got up from bed and went into the ensuite bathroom to shower. I took a long one and made sure that I cleaned my hair thoroughly as it had been a while since I washed it and the shower had all the products for my hair. After my shower, I wore simple jeans and a t-shirt. I checked my phone and saw a text message from Levy. He informed me that Evelyn threw a party to celebrate the deal they made with the Chasias.

Hours later, the door to my room opened and Juanita walked in, looking jolly.

Hello, Luna! I'm here to call you down for dinner, My heart started to pound out of my chest as I grabbed my shoes. I followed the young servant to the dining area where four intimidating men were sitting, looking mighty as ever. The Chasia brothers.

CHAPTER 4 The Rules

Caliana's POV

I knew that they were domineering men, but seeing them like this, sitting looking like Greek gods and exuding their aura is different. My wolf and I whimper, but I force myself to stand tall. I'm an Alpha's daughter after all.

Hello, Caliana, a handsome man in his mid-twenties stood up. From the pictures on the internet, I recognized him as Jamal, the second brother and face of the company. He was the pack beta too. I tried to remember what was said about him in the article.

'The golden angel of the west,' He looked like one, he had a friendly mask on but behind it, he was as dangerous as the rest.

Hello, I greeted him timidly. He held my hand gently and guided me to a seat next to Alpha Edward, who didn't even spare me a glance.

Caliana, welcome to the family, these are my brothers; Marcus and Marcos, the twins, beta Jamal introduced. The twins are good looking too, with only small features that tell them apart, like their hair and eyes, while Marcus has dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes like Jamal. Marcos had jet-black hair like Alpha Edward and mesmerizing gray-blue eyes.

The twins wave at me, and curtly nod, their faces as serious as their elder brother.

Do I have to introduce her to you, brother, or will you do that honor? Jamal asked the Alpha, who sighed in exasperation, as if this was boring for him. Why did he hate me?

Well, I'll do it then, Beta Jamal smiled. How is he able to be so polite? The Chasia brothers were supposed to be conceited and rude.

'Jamal is the angel,'

That one there is Edward, the eldest, he said quickly, and I nodded. My eyes rushed to Alpha, to see if he'd nod or just look at me but he didn't and it broke my heart.

As we started to eat, Marcos and Marcus talked about their killing, and they explained in detail how they slayed over ten Lycans. A chill went down my body and choked on my salad, making them go quiet and look at me. I bit my bottom lip nervously. I was hoping that they would forget I was there for the rest of the dinner.

I gave his heart to the wild wolves and their masters' bodies to my lions. It was exciting.

Wasn't the other guy alive though?

It was so fun to see. I think we should host games like that during the festivities,

The thought that Marcus would suggest offering people to lions and wild wolves for sport made my stomach churn and I got up, ran to the nearest faucet, and threw up all my dinner... I heard the twins laugh and I shook my head, deciding not to go back there and just go upstairs to my room.

I wore my black silk dress for bed, before I could close my eyes, the door opened and the Alpha walked in. Alpha Edward was standing there, taking steps towards the bed with a look of menace in his grey eyes. I held the mattress tighter. He put a knee on the bed and grabbed my chin so that I'm facing him. At

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