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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company

Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan

Section :A
CONTRACTOR NAME Imperial Trading and Contracting Company Revision :0
Date :28-06-2015
ITCC Health Safety and Environment Plan Page : 1 of 50

Company Name : Imperial Trading and Contracting Company

Mailing Address : P. O. Box : 23665, Doha - Qatar

Telephone No : (+974) 44684437

Fax No : (+974) 44684439

Email : [email protected]

Document Title : ITCC Project HSE Plan


Client Name : Al Nafees Real Estate Development Co.

Consultant : Qatar Design Consortium W.L.L

Project Name : 108 Villa Compound at Al Wakra

Project Description : Construction of Villa Compound at Al Wakra for Al Nafees Real Estate
Development Co.

Prasanth K.M Senthil

0 28-06-2015 Issued for Approval
Thomas Kumar
Accepted by
Revision Date Revision Details Prepared by Reviewed by

Controlled Uncontrolled Copy

Document Ref No: ITCC-HSEP/ CVCAWANRED /15 Revision No: 0 Page 1 of 50

Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan

Section : B
CONTRACTOR NAME : Imperial Trading and Contracting Company Revision: 0
Date: 28-06-2015
ITCC Health Safety and Environment Plan Page : 2 of 50
Revision Section Page
Date Summary of Changes
No. No. No.

Document Ref No: ITCC-HSEP/ CVCAWANRED /15 Revision No: 0 Page 2 of 50

Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan

S/N Contents Page No

1.0 Introduction 6
2.0 Scope of Work 6
3.0 Purpose of Plan 6
4.0 Policy Statements 6
4.1 Quality and HSE Policy 7
4.2 Environmental Protection Policy 8
4.3 Smoking Behavior 8
4.4 Drug and Alcohol Screening 8
5.0 Project Objectives and Targets 8
6.0 Pro-active Management System 9
7.0 Roles and Responsibilities 9
7.1 Project Manager 9
7.2 HSE Manager 9
7.3 Safety Engineer 9
7.4 Safety Officer 10
7.5 Project Site Staff 11
7.6 Workforce 12
7.7 Safety Watch 12
7.8 Banks man 12
7.9 Fire Warden 13
8.0 HSE Project training/Meeting 13
8.1 Training Plan 13
8.2 HSE Orientation/Induction 13
8.3 Work Authority for Sub- Contractors 13
8.4 Visitor Rule 13
8.5 Toolbox Talk Meeting 14
8.6 Monthly HSE Progress Meeting 14
8.7 Behavioral Safety 14
8.8 Project HSE Violation 14
8.9 Incentive Program 15
9.0 Site HSE Requirements 15
9.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 15
9.2 HSE Notice Board 15
9.3 Safety Signs 15
9.4 Site Security 16
10.0 Welfare Facilities 16
10.1 tFirst aid 16
10.2 Food Hygienic and safety on site 17
10.3 General Sanitation 17
11.0 Health 18
11.1 tHeat & Cold management 18
12.0 Risk Management 19
13.0 Permit to Work 20
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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
13.1 Hot Work Permit 20
13.2 Cold Work Permit 20
13.3 Excavation Permit 20
13.4 Confined Space Entry Permit 20
13.5 Lifting Permit 21
13.6 Energized Electrical Works 21
14.0 Project HSE Reporting Procedure 21
15.0 Site HSE Inspection/observations 21
15.1 tClient/Contract weekly HSE walk through inspection 21
16.0 Corrective and Preventive Action 21
17.0 General Safety Rules and Regulations 22
18.0 Site Office Environment 22
18.1 Display Screen Equipment 22
19.0 Construction Activities 23
19.1 Manual Handling 23
19.2 Access and Egress 23
19.3 Underground and Overhead Utilities 23
19.4 Excavation 23
19.5 Working Over or Near Water 24
19.6 Scaffolding 24
19.7 Ladders 25
19.8 Fall Prevention and Fall Arrest 26
19.9 Prevention of Falling Objects 26
19.10 Working at Height 26
19.11 Carpentry Works 27
19.12 Suspended Working Platforms 27
19.13 Structural Steel Erection 29
19.14 False Work and Form Works 29
19.15 Reinforcement and Concerting 29
19.16 Lifting Appliances and Lifting Gear 30
19.17 Lifting and Rigging 30
19.18 Demolition/Dismantling 30
19.19 Housekeeping 31
20.0 Night Work 31
21.0 Electrical Works 32
21.1 Electrical Equipment’s
R 32
22.0 Power Tools 33
22.1 Hand Tools and Portable Power Tools 33
23.0 Mechanical Works 34
23.1 Welding
P 34
23.2 Cutting 35
23.3 Grinding 36
23.4 Color Coding 36
24.0 Plant and Equipment 36
24.1 Mobile Equipment’s 36
24.2 Generator 38

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
24.3 Compressors 39
25.0 Traffic Management 39
25.1 Vehicle Requirements 39
26.0 Hazardous Substance 40
26.1 Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 40
26.2 Handling and Storage of chemicals 40
26.3 Material Safety Data Sheet 41
26.4 In case of Oil/Chemical Spillages 41
26.5 Prevention and control measures of oil/chemical spills 41
26.6 Explosives 41
27.0 Fire Prevention and Protection 41
27.1 Fire Extinguisher, Blankets 42
28.0 Accident / Incident Reporting 43
28.1 Accident & incident reporting Procedures 42
28.2 Injury Protocol 43
28.3 Incident Investigation, root cause analysis & corrective action 43
28.4 Near Miss 43
29.0 Environmental Management 44
29.1 Noise 43
29.2 Air Pollution Control 44
29.3 Dust Control 44
29.4 Odour Control 44
29.5 Asbestos 45
30.0 Water Consumption 45
31.0 Waste Management 46
32.0 Emergency Response Plan 47
33.0 HSE Audits 48
33.1 HSE Reviews 48
33.2 Control of HSE Documents and Records 49
33.3 Environmental Records 49
33.4 Documents Identification 49
33.5 Document storage 50
33.6 Documents Protection 50
33.7 Documents Retrieval 50
33.8 Documents Retention Time 50
33.9 Disposition of Records 50

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
1.0 Introduction

Maintaining excellence in the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) of the work being done is a
primary requirement not only for well-being of the personnel engaged in construction work but also
for the benefits that accrue through higher moral and the expedition of the construction time of a
project. It is for this reason; a Health, Safety and Environment plan is formulated. Imperial Trading
and Contracting Company (ITCC) is fully committed in ensuring health and safety of all personnel,
in the preservation of environment and security requirement, permit to work systems, and Health,
Safety and Environment regulations. We will adhere to Client/Consultant, ISO14001 and OHSAS
18001 standards and Qatar National Standards:

 Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) and Site Security requirements for ITCC and ITCC Sub
 Qatar Construction Specification-2014 (QCS)
 Qatar Labor Law No.14 of the year -2004
 Environmental Protection Law No.30 of the year 2002.
 Worker Rights Booklet 2009 (National human rights committee)
 Qatar Traffic Law no.19 of the year-2007
 Civil Defense law No. 9 of the year 2012
 Qatar 22 Workers Welfare Standard
 CDD(Civil Defense Department)-Fire safety hand book

ITCC is an ISO certified company, we are having the following certificates:-

 ISO 9001: 2008 – for Quality Management,

 ISO 14001: 2004 – for Environmental Management
 OHSAS 18001: 2007 – for Occupational Health and Safety
Assessment Series

2.0 Scope of Work

The scope of this Plan is to detail the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management System
adopted by ITCC for Al Nafees Real Estate Development Co – site activities for the Construction
of Villa Compound at Al Wakra for Al Nafees Real Estate Development Co...

3.0 Purpose of Plan

To define the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Plan adopted by ITCC to perform all site
activities as per Client/Consultant requirements.

4.0 Policy Statements

ITCC is fully committed in ensuring/improving the corporate policy standards of Health, Safety &
Environment in all our work sites, accommodation and also that of our clients, subcontractors and
suppliers. It will adhere to the State of Qatar & International code of practices in placing the HSE
Matters as a supreme priority and will adopt these as the minimum requirement.

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
4.1 Quality and HSE Policy

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
4.2 Environmental Protection Policy

ITCC shall comply with Client/Consultant, ISO 14001 Environmental requirements and regulations
in accordance with the laws of State of Qatar. Such environmental requirements shall include,
protecting the environment by acting to preserve air, land, water, human life, animal and plant life
from the adverse effects resulting from its work or operation of the services.

4.3 Smoking Behavior

Smoking is only permitted in designated free zones. Smoking area “signs” shall be posted in
smoking booths. Smoking and carrying of matches or cigarette lighters in flammable material
storage, confined spaces and hydrocarbon areas is strictly prohibited. Smoking should be done by
considering others concern also. Cigarette buds should be properly disposed and ensure that it is
put-off before leaving.

Violator of this rule will be penalized according to ITCC disciplinary procedure

4.4 Drug and Alcohol Screening

The abuse (or misuse) by employees of alcohol, drugs and similar substances impair their duty to
perform properly and may have serious adverse effects on themselves, on the health & safety
efficiency and productivity of other employees and the construction site as a whole.

The use, possession, distribution or sale of illicit drugs or un-prescribed controlled drugs or alcohol
on Client/Consultant premises is strictly prohibited and is grounds for appropriate disciplinary
measures up to termination.

CONTRACTOR reserve the right to:

 Conduct unannounced searches for drugs and alcohol;

 Carry-out random and “for reason” testing of any person.

5.0 Project Objectives and Targets

ITCC HSE objectives and targets are aligned with the requirements of the company HSE policy and
international standards including ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001. They also compliment the
company in its efforts to comply with all legal obligations regarding HSE.

The objectives and targets are to:

 Zero Accidents
 Zero environmental incidents.
 Induction of all personnel in compliance with approved contractor HSE plan.
 Total compliance of conducting inspections and audits as per approved HSE plan.
 100% incident recording and reporting.
 100% adherence of usage of appropriate PPE at work.
 Protect, promote and improve the health and wellbeing of employees & workers.
 Minimize and manage occupational exposures to all personnel.
 Minimize adverse impacts of our operations to host communities.
 Provide a work environment where people are able to work safely and understand their rights
and obligations towards a safe workplace.
 Promote the reduction and prevention of pollution, efficient use of resources and energy and
biodiversity protection.

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
Every staff, workforce and other employed by ITCC and suppliers are required to comply fully with
this policy and our TARGET will achieve the goal with ‘zero incident’.

6.0 Pro-active Management System

In ITCC the proactive management foundation is an open, engaging type of management that
includes gathering information from all departments or managers before making decisions. Being
proactive also creates a strong learning environment for employees. Proactive management focuses
on breaking down systems and processes to find flaws and control problems before they become out
of control.

7.0 Roles and Responsibilities

7.1 Project Manager

The Project Manager is responsible for all site HSE matters and for giving direction to ITCC's Site
project team members.

The Project Manager will act as follows:-

 Assume full responsibility for HSE on the project and maintain liaison with Chief Executive
Officer, General Manager, Operations Manager, Manager Project and H.R Manager etc. and
Plan & direct the site HSE program. Promote HSE by enthusiastically advocating the program.
 Delegate responsibilities for the various HSE functions and authority, for Departmental and craft HSE
Promotion. Require full HSE compliance by ail ITCC employees and Subcontractors personnel.
 Establish the site HSE rules with special attention to unusual operations and HSE requirements
of Client/Consultant.
 Maintain a current awareness of the Construction HSE performance status and HSE moral.
 Establish disciplinary actions necessary to develop a good functioning HSE program.

7.2 HSE Manager

HSE Manager will occasionally visit the Project site and render his advice to site safety officer and
ensure the site improvements and implementations on HSE matters

 HSE Manager Reports to Operations Manager-ITCC,

 To develop, implement and monitor Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Policy,
Programs, and Procedures in ITCC.
 To assist the organization in complying with current HSE legislation and/or regulations with the
objective of ensuring that all reasonable and proper measures are taken to protect the safety and
health of learners, staff and Employees.
 To establish budget proposals for the operation of the Occupational Health and Safety and
specific training programs.
 To increase HSE awareness at all levels within the organization
 Ensure implementation of Integrated Management System for HSE Dept.
 Reviewing HSE reports and inspections and initiating rectification where necessary
 Investigating hazard reports and ensuring that corrective and preventive actions are undertaken.
 To act as liaison with all related governmental bodies and regulating agencies.
 Participate meeting with top management and suggest on improvements and implementations.

7.3 Safety Engineer

Safety Engineer will periodically conduct site visit for monitoring the HSE performance in site and
review the HSE procedures and requirements.
 Safety Engineer Reports to HSE Manager-ITCC
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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
 To guide and monitor a team of safety officers assigned in the project site.
 Establish and coordinate the implementation and maintenance of HSE plan, procedures and
requirements in Project site.
 To conduct safety meeting with site Safety Officers and Project team.
 To follow up site Safety officers duties in all sites.
 Render assistance to Project Manager for formulating Health and Safety Plan in line with the
policy of the company, requirements of contract and location / activities involved
 Issue necessary directives to Safety Officers and render advice to Project Manager as required.
 Review toolbox meetings conducted by supervisors and Safety Officer.
 Develop and conduct safety awareness programs for employees and subcontractors of the
 Monitor HSE Matters on sites and review performance on new safety measures
 To identify hazards and potential risks and suggest solutions.
 Conducting periodic internal audits based on ISO:9001,ISO:14001 and OHSAS:18001 to ensure
compliance with approved IMS.
 Investigate job-related nearmiss, incidents and other accidents occurring on the premises of the
company or within its jurisdiction.
 Participate meeting with top management and suggest on improvements and implementations.
 Develop and maintain Emergency response procedures for sites and company facilities
 Keen eye for quality work and work with safety

7.4 Safety Officer

A full time Safety Officer shall be assigned at site in working hours for ensuring the health and safety
of employees and workforce.

 Site Safety Officer Reports to Safety Engineer/Project Manager

 Conduct Health Safety Environment (HSE) Induction to Visitors, New site staff, Sub- Contractors
& Workforce
 Giving instruction and support the site Engineer, Supervisor and Foreman for conducting tool box
talks related to the activities.
 To conduct In-House On-the-Job-Training.
 To ensure good welfare facilities are provided for the workforce. (Site hygiene, drinking water
facilities, rest rooms, toilet facilities etc…).
 Pay attention to the safety and environmental aspects of the ongoing project site allotted.
 Interpreting and Implementing the stipulated HSE rules and procedures as defined in the
company HSE policy and HSE Plan, procedures.
 Prepare & update all HSE forms as per IMS Procedure.
 Ensure all Site staff & workforces are complying with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
 Ensure first aid box is equipped with medicine & other required items.
 Inspect & ensure the fire extinguisher is placed in relevant Locations.
 To ensure all the HSE sign boards are placed in appropriate locations
 Prepare JSA/ Risk Assessment related to each activity
 Conduct HSE site Inspection on daily basic and submit HSE observation to Project Manager in
stipulated time.
 Find out unsafe conditions and report to project manager.
 Identify the Hazards and potential Risks and suggest solutions to engineers, foreman & workers.
 To approve Permit to work as per site condition.
 To check whether valid documents are available with Drivers/Operators and equipments.
 Preparing of near-miss accident/incident reports and submitting to the project manager in
Specified time

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
 Prepare site Emergency evacuation plan and also conduct emergency evacuation mock up drill
and submit the report to HSE Manager
 Prepare & submit weekly HSE report to Head Office & Client/Consultant.
 Preparing and Participate in weekly HSE Meetings.
 To coordinate with the disposal of Hazardous Wastes.
 Attend review meeting conducted by supervisor/Engineer
 Any other additional duties & responsibilities as entrusted by HSE Dept. heads regarding

The site safety officer will render assistance to Project Manager for formulating Health, Safety and
Environment Plan and will assist in implementing and monitoring the HSE Plan. The specific
responsibilities of safety Officer will include but not limited to take a proactive approach to the
implementation of the HSE culture within ITCC and Subcontractor personnel. Implementing and
monitoring the HSE plan and all procedures/programs developed under the umbrella of this
construction HSE plan.

The Safety Officer shall coordinate with site project team (ITCC and Subcontractors) in enforcing the
HSE Plan and all supplementary procedures and programs. He should be familiar with the all
applicable HSE legislations and regulations and the requirements of this plan. Inspect construction
area frequently to identify hazards, non-conformance and non-compliances. Investigate all
incident/accidents as defined in the construction HSE plan and ensure such reports are timely
submitted to site Project Manager & Client/Consultant Maintaining publicity materials on site
bulletin boards, poster and HSE signs, on regular basis.

7.5 Project Site Staff

Duties and Responsibilities

The Project Engineer/site Engineer shall confirm that vendors, Engineering Consultants or field
parties are made aware of the construction HSE plan and need for individual cooperative compliance
with the program. The Supervisor/Foreman/performing party should be familiar with all current
applicable HSE requirements stipulated in the construction HSE plan and all its supplementary
procedures and programs as an integral part of their job responsibility.

 Site Engineer should ensure that new project employees have received adequate HSE Induction
training and proper instruction has been given before they are allowed to commence the work
and ensure the workforce is eliminating the hazards at site
 The site Engineer/Supervisor/Foreman shall coordinate the activities of Subcontractors in area of
his responsibility and monitoring their activities to ensure that construction proceeds In
accordance with current applicable HSE legislations.
 Site Supervisor shall be directly responsible for controlling the activities and operations during
the construction of Project Construction and he shall review all work and all new personnel for
HSE needs
 Site Supervisor/foreman in coordination with safety officers shall conduct regular HSE
inspections and arrest hazards and risk identified at time of inspection and also he will monitor
the attitudes of the workforce toward HSE insisting on compliance with all HSE legislation and
regulation before and during the execution of construction activities and operations.
 Initiating plans to ensure proper and safe tools, materials and equipment necessary for the
performance of construction work are provided to the workforce.
 Site Engineer should incorporate HSE procedures into routine construction activities and
operations and ensure workforce are made aware and implement HSE procedures.
 Site foreman, Supervisor or Engineer shall conduct regular HSE meetings with the workforce,
Conducting daily toolbox meeting and site HSE inspections to identify and correct any existing
unsafe conduction.
 Site Engineer shall coordinate construction activities and operations with site safety Officer and
ensuring such works are being carried out in a safe manner.
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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
 The site staff shall report all incident/accidents, unsafe conditions and defects in equipment to
site Safety Officers/supervisor shall ensure the affected areas are not disturbed until the
completion of investigation.

7.6 Workforce

General responsibilities for the worker shall be as follows:

 Obey all hazards and safety signs.

 Actively participate in Tool Box Talks.
 Use correct personal protective equipment as directed and report any defects to the Foreman.
 Use correct tools and equipment, report any damages or faults found to the respective Foreman.
 Keep and maintain tools and assigned equipment under his control, in a safe and fully
operational state.
 Ensure that their work activities do not endanger themselves or others.
 Help new employees to become aware of known hazards and to maintain discipline (No ‘Horse
 Personal hygiene shall be maintained.
 Report all incidents / near misses to respective Foreman.
 Co-operate in maintaining and improving a safe and healthy working environment.

7.7 Safety Watch

Safety Watch must be competent & performing at the time of confined space work.

 He is familiar with confined space access & egress.

 Finding of work hazards/unsafe conditions.
 Prompt action at the time of emergency.
 Must control the entry/exit log sheet.
 Must know the emergency procedure in case of any alarms.

7.8 Banks man

A Banks man will be competent, medically fit, with particular regard to eyesight, hearing, and
reflexes with effective communications.

 All moving operations should be suitably planned prior to commence the work.
 Fully understand signaling and able to give clear and precise signals.
 Ensure safe working loads (SWL’s) are always complied with.
 When using signals then stand where you can clearly see the load, the driver/operator can
clearly see you, and make your signals clear and using only flag.

7.9 Fire Warden

ITCC shall provide In-house training to fire wardens. They will be competent in the use of fire
extinguishers and be capable of extinguishing small fires.

 Familiarizing themselves with the emergency plan and shall perform at the time of emergency.
 Familiarizing themselves with all exits, locations of fire extinguishers and hose-reels etc.
 To check and ensure the passage way to fire extinguishers and fire exits are kept clear at all
 Monthly inspection of fire extinguishers and exit signs.
 Should be familiar with the location of all Muster Points/Assembly Points near the working area.
 In case of any fire he has to communicate with Client/Consultant.
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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
 In case of serious fire he has to communicate with the fire department/emergency services.

8.0 HSE Project Training/Meeting

8.1 Training Plan

All staff and workers will go through In-house HSE orientation/induction program before their
deployment at site. Also in addition HSE trainings are conducted for all staff and workers as per the
training calendar published every year.

An effective accident prevention and occupational health hazard control program is based on proper
job performance. When people are trained to do their job properly, they will do them safely. Also
training is the only way to influence human behaviour. HSE In House training/On Job trainings and
JSA training shall be conducted on based of project work activities for each category of workers to
maintain their work quality and HSE awareness. Engineers, supervisors. forman shall ensure the
workers are been trained regarding the work hazards and controls before the commencement of
each work.

A training program is needed

 For new employees

 When Procedures have been revised or updated.
 When new information must be made available
 When new equipment or processes are introduced.
 When Employees’ performance needs to be improved

8.2 HSE Orientation/Induction

Any new ITCC & ITCC Sub Contract personnel employed in the Project site, visitors shall be
provided with an HSE Induction training to introduce them with the HSE policies, plans and practices
of the organization. Safety officer will brief them on the site HSE rules, guidelines and regulations
based on site specific.

 A written record of date of induction, name/details of attendee inducted will be documented and
maintained at site office
 The inducted personnel’s helmet will be pasted with ITCC induction sticker.

8.3 Work Authorization for Subcontractors

Sub-Contractors are treated as integral part of contract, and are subjected the same standard of
treatment as that of contract. The HSE requirements of ITCC and Client/Consultant shall be
communicate to the Sub-contractors prior to the contract. The site project team will ensure that sub-
contractors are undergoing all the training requirements. In house trainings and JSA briefing will be
done for the sub–contractors also.

The project engineer and Safety Officer shall ensure that subcontractor personnel are complying
with the HSE specifications and HSE regulations applicable to activities on site by regular

8.4 Visitors Rule

The safety Officer shall conduct HSE induction for all new visitors including sub-contractor visitors.
Moreover, visitors are not allowed to enter the construction area without HSE induction/briefing and
not wearing minimum personal protective equipment. (PPE)

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
The visitors should report to security, site secretary, safety officer or other key person in order to be
escorted, supervised or monitored.

8.5 Toolbox Talk Meeting (TBT)

As part of the project's continuing ITCC and Sub-Contractor Supervisor/foreman shall conduct daily
"Tool Box Talks", (TBT) with their workers. The topic in the TBT should be chosen to relate to the
nature of work that is being performed by site employees. These TBT meetings may be chaired with
the help of the Safety officers if needed.

 All topics relating to the health & safety of employees shall be covered. And it is the responsibility
of ITCC and Sub-contractors supervising staff to check that all workers attend. Records of
attendance and topics discussed shall be documented and maintained at site.
 Every week there will be a focus points to be discussed on Tool Box Talk and the focus points
will be based on previous observations/inspections.

8.6 Monthly HSE Progress Meeting

HSE progress meeting shall be conducted monthly once with site project team, project Safety Officer
will be represented for the progress meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss all aspects of
the services and as a minimum each meeting shall cover of the following:

 A review of the Risk Assessment associated with the daily work activities.
 A review by ITCC on their HSE Program and employees HSE training. ITCC shall provide
documentation of the HSE training received by all of their employees who will be performing the
 Discussing all site HSE related issues
 A review of any near misses or incidents

8.7 Behavioral Safety

ITCC has been maintaining a proper methodology in defining and implementing the behavioral
safety. The Company will identify and operationally define critical health & safety related behaviors
and will observe and gather data on the frequency of the behaviors and thereby provide the
feedback to the employees through appropriate training. Company is also prompt in behavioral
safety process so that we are getting ahead of accidents by being proactive, visualizing the
consequences of an activity / behavior and will work out what might be done to avoid those
consequences and putting them to effect in behavior. The company has been using a detailed
methodology for the implementation of behavioral safety such as establishing baselines, collecting
information, providing feedback and reinforcement through training, setting targets and goals and
also monitoring them through audits and reviews.

8.8 Project HSE violation

Un-safe acts/ conditions, violations created by ITCC and their sub-contractors personnel’s during the
working hours at project site will not be tolerated.

 Disciplinary action may include the removal of an employee from the Project.
 Disciplinary action may be extending to supervision and/or subcontractors in the Project.
 ITCC shall comply with ITCC Disciplinary Code and procedure or Client/Consultant
Disciplinary/violation procedure.

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
8.9 Incentive Program

Employees who are in the worksite and are performing a Good Safety Behavior/Safe Work Practices
will be given a safety incentive token. This will be ITCC’s prerogative when choosing the candidate.

9.0 Site HSE Requirements

9.1 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE’s shall be supplied as per BS standards.

Personal Protective Equipment is a physical material or equipment that is placed between the
employee and workplace hazards to reduce the injury potential of the hazard.

ITCC shall endeavor to eliminate any hazards as deemed reasonably practicable. However, when
hazards cannot be removed, appropriate PPE must be utilized. PPE when selected, maintained and
used properly helps to establish a measure of protection between the worker and the hazard, but it
does not eliminate the hazard. Basic PPE is considered to be mandatory.

 Coming from and going into your work location ensure you have the proper and adequate PPE.
 PPE is to be selected and provided to employees assigned duties where hazards cannot be
sufficiently abated or removed to prevent occupational injury or illness

The basic PPEs are hard hat, safety shoe, coverall, full body harness, goggles, hearing protection,
dust mask, hand gloves, toxic clip for gas detection etc.

9.2 HSE Notice Board

The Project site shall set up and maintain cleaned and legible safety notice boards in prominent
locations at project site, which shall be clearly visible to all ITCC employees and ITCC Sub
contractors working at site and while they move around the site. The safety Notice board will be used
as a method of communicating information and messages on Health and Safety. The ITCC
employees shall be made fully aware of the notice boards prior to commencing duties on Site.

9.3 Safety Signs

HSE signs, signals, barricades and information boards on worksite are effective communication of
Safety control. It is not only to protect the persons working directly on the worksite but also other
persons in the vicinity, including visitors and public.

All HSE signage that is displayed in and around the sites shall be in both English, Hindi & in local
language understood by majority of workman. The HSE Signs are classified into Prohibition,
Mandatory, Warning, Emergency Escape, First aid Signs and Fire Fighting Signs.

 Mandatory signs shall be provided for enforcing the use of personal protective clothing and
equipment and providing specific instructions appropriate to the task or condition.
 Warning signs shall be erected and displayed for fire hazards, electrical equipment, openings,
overhead working, noisy areas, and other hazards.
 Prohibition signs will be displayed for restricting access or entry, no smoking areas, no parking,
and any other unauthorized acts.
 Fire signs shall be provided at areas where fire equipment has been sited e.g. fire extinguishers
and fire Points etc.
 Emergency exits, Access, first aid stations, muster point shall be highlighted with safety signs
 It is the responsibility of supervisor and safety officer to ensure that Safety signs and barriers are
being erected as appropriate to the conditions.

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 Ensure barrier, handrail protection, safety signs, warning tape and blinker lights are provided as
appropriate around the edge protection of excavations, floor openings and where hazards may

Adequate signs throughout the worksite are necessary so that wherever a particular HSE sign is
displayed, it intimates the same warning or information to all persons.

9.4 Site Security

ITCC will provide day to day management of Security, and shall develop a tired security
management which consists with project requirement and can be escalated according to the security
treat level prevailing and include emergency response.

The Site Security shall

 Monitor and authorize entrance and departure of site employees, visitors, and vehicles, to guard
against theft and maintain security of premises.
 Enable the checking of arriving goods, departure goods and personnel in case of heightened
security treat.
 To maintain exit entry log book.
 The security will act quickly and effectively in emergencies and shall call the police, ambulance
or fire departments.
 Checks the condition and operation of building equipment during regular rounds and assures that
safes, doors and windows are secured;
 Verifies that barricades, Safety hoarding, blinkers; and other safety measures are in proper order
at construction sites.
 Registers persons entering and leaving especially after normal working hours; answers
questions, directs visitors to proper destinations, and explains rules limiting visitors on the
 May assist with crowd control and other critical functions during emergency situations.

10.0 Welfare Facilities

ITCC shall provide the adequate welfare facilities for ITCC employees and their sub-contractors at
from start and are maintained throughout the construction phase. This guidance information has
been developed to protect all persons working on the ITCC project from the possibility of contracting
illness or disease due to poor sanitation conditions or food hygiene practices.

This following guidance will be used and monitored by members of the Project Team, Supervisors,
Safety Officers and Subcontractors personnel responsible for the provision and maintenance of
sanitation facilities.

10.1 First Aid

Basic First Aid training will be given to Project first-aider and also ITCC shall ensure that trained first-
aider and first-aid equipment is available on site.

ITCC shall provide arrangements for:

 Availability of a first aid room and first aid box with duly equipped medicines shall be located at
worksite with readily accessible
 On Induction everyone working on site shall be informed about where the first aiders and the
first-aid kits can be found.

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 Don't move casualties who are obviously injured unless it is necessary to do so - summon the
first aider immediately and contact external emergency services.
 In an emergency, assess the situation but do not put yourself in danger.
 All first aid injuries shall be recorded in first aid log.

10.2 Food Hygienic and Safety on Site

ITCC shall provide clean and hygienic food for site employees and workforce. Dining areas are
provided for both employees & workers. The facility will have adequate number of tables and chairs.
The dining areas shall be well maintained and clean. Refrigerators and microwave ovens are
provided in the site canteen to preserve the food. Eating and sleeping on site are prohibited

10.3 General Sanitation

a. Drinking Water

Only approved potable water systems shall be used for the distribution of drinking water.

ITCC shall assure adequate supply of wholesome (hygienic) drinking water provided in relevant
places of work areas, and also cool water will be provided during hot weather. The Portable drinking
water dispenser shall be designed, constructed, and serviced to ensure sanitary conditions, shall be
capable of being closed, and shall have a tap.

b. Toilets

ITCC shall provide adequate number of temporary toilets facilities in designated locations with
hygienic condition. The number needed will depend on total workers on site and the type of facility
provided.The toilet facilities shall be so constructed that the occupants will be protected against
weather and falling objects; all cracks shall be sealed and the door shall be tight-fitting, self-closing,
and capable of being locked.

 Toilet facilities shall be constructed so that the interior is lighted and adequate ventilation shall be
provided and all windows and vents screened.
 Provisions for routinely servicing and cleaning of all toilets and disposing of the sewage shall be
established before placing toilet facilities into operation: the method of sewage disposal and
location selected shall be in accordance with local municipality regulations
 Solid and liquid waste shall be removed infrequent intervals, a way that avoids creating a
menace to health and as often as necessary to maintain a sanitary environment.
 Shall provide sufficient trash containers at appropriate locations

c. Washing Facilities

ITCC shall provide washing facilities as needed and shall maintain healthful and sanitary conditions
provided with water.

 Washing facility includes a supply of clean water, sufficient ventilation and lighting, sinks large
enough to wash face, hands and forearms.
 Washing facilities are provided for those persons engaged in the application of paints, coating,
concerting, or other operations where contaminants may be harmful to employees. Such facilities
shall be near proximity to the work site and shall be so equipped as to enable employees to
removal of the harmful substance.
 Whenever employees are required by a particular standard to wear protective clothing, changing
rooms with storage facilities for clothes and separate storage facilities for protective clothing shall
be provided.
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11.0 Health

It is the policy of ITCC to ensure that the worker’s health and life is protected during their normal
work and during any emergencies. The general policies that ITCC develops with respect to the basic
occupational health can be depicted as follows
1. Disease
A. Routes of Entry

Hazardous materials in the workplace may cause disease in the body at four main sites
1. Where they enter the body –entry routes such as the lungs, skin, and intestines
2. In the blood that carries the hazardous materials throughout the body
3. In the central nervous system
4. In the organs which have the ability to remove toxic agents from the body i.e., the liver, kidneys,
and bladder (exit routes).

2. Skin Irritation

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin which can be caused by hundreds of workplaces

substances like solvents (paints), epoxy resins, acids caustic substances, and metals. Dermatitis
appears as redness, itchiness, or scaling of the skin. There are two types of dermatitis.

1. Primary irritation dermatitis(contact dermatitis)

2. Sensitization dermatitis (allergic dermatitis)

11.1 Heat & Cold Management

Workers required working in high temperatures or cold environments must take precautions against

Symptoms Treatment
 Pulse weak and rapid  Move out of the heat
 Breathing rapid and shallow  Place at rest
Heat Exhaustion  Vision blurred  Loosen tight clothing
 Skin cold and clammy  Keep head low, raise legs and feet
 Nausea and vomiting. slightly
 For cramps, give a glass of slightly
water. Give as much as the casualty
will take.
 Exposed to extreme hot  Sponge with cold water
temperature.  Cover with wet Cloth etc…
 Pulse rapid and progressively  Direct current of air around casualty by
Heat Stroke weaker hand or electric fan
 Breathing noisy  Obtain prompt medical aid
 Often no perspiration in cases of
non-exhaustion heat stroke
 Nausea and vomiting

A) Cold Exposure

Exposure to cold can injure the surface of the body causing local tissue damage (frostbite). It can
also cause general body cooling that can be fatal (hypothermia) contributing factors include.
 Temperature
 Wind velocity
 Workers age and physical condition
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 Degree of protection given by clothing or covering
 Exposure to cold or icy water Stay Warm
 Wear clothing that will maintain body heat without sweating. Several layers of light, loose-fitting
clothing trap air and have greater protective value than one layer of heavy clothing.
 Cover your hand. A warm hat liner is ideal for keeping your head and ears warm.
 Avoid tight-fitting boots. When practical, change boots regularly to allow each pair to dry
completely. This will keep your feet a lot drier and warmer.

B) Eye Injuries

Do not attempt to remove particles on the pupil or stuck to the eyeball.

 Remove loose particles with care using the moistened corner of a tissue
 If that fails, cover the eye lightly with a dressing to prevent movement and transport casualty to a
medical facility.
 Avoid rubbing the injured eye and causing further injury.

C) Unconsciousness

Loss of consciousness may threaten life if the casualty is face-up and the tongue has dropped to
the back of the throat, blocking the air way.

 Make certain that the person is breathing before looking for the cause of unconsciousness.
 If injuries permit, place the casualty in the recovery position with the neck extended.
 Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious casualty

12.0 Risk Management

Risk management is the discipline of identifying, monitoring, limiting risks. The purpose the risk
management is to establish a system for the identification and assessment of Occupational Health &
Safety (OH&S) hazards and risks related to activities, analyze for the significant hazards, suggest
control measures to minimize the risk and monitor the same and the residual risks. The risk
assessment shall cover all the major activities carried out by ITCC work places. The procedure of the
risk management involves the aspects of health of the workers and also the environmental issues.
The risk management involves two aspects:-
Hazard Identification: - The hazards related to each activity is identified prior to the work

Risk Assessment: - Risk associated with each hazard is assessed based on the probability of its
occurrence and severity of its consequences. Each risk is evaluated against a set of control options
and the most effective controls methods is suggested for the risk associated with each hazard. The
risk control process is sufficiently supported by deriving a hierarchy of controls

The risk assessment will be done in five stages:-

 Identifying the hazards

 Deciding who will be harmed and how
 Evaluating and deciding on the precautions
 Recording the findings and implementing.
 Reviewing the assessment and updating if necessary.

ITCC Supervisory staff will monitor the hazard, risk and its exposures in accordance with the project
HSE plan and risk assessment. Unsafe act/condition, practices shall receive an immediate attention
from supervisory staff and will be corrected in a timely manner based on severity of the hazard.

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13.0 Permit To Work

A specific form documenting a contract agreed upon between two parties, issuing authorities and
performing party, which gives authorization to carry out work as per the record of identified hazards
and required methods of control.

Approved method statement & Risk Assessment will be submitted along with the permits. ITCC will
follow the minimum requirements for PTW.

13.1 Hot Work Permit

Any work activity involving a source or potential source of ignition. Examples of hot work involving a
source of ignition are Welding, Gas cutting, Burning, Grinding, Sand blasting, Running of I.C.
Engines, steel wire brushes and use of battery powered cameras.

 A hot work permit is required/mandatory prior to start any hot works (Welding, Cutting & Burning
 All hot works will be performed by competent persons.

13.2 Cold Work Permit

Cold Work is any work activity that does not involve a source of ignition. This includes but is not
limited to Procedure excavations to a depth of less than one meter, bolting and unbolting of pipeline
and vessel flanges not containing flammable materials, removal of electrical and instrument
equipment which has been de-energized or de-activated. A permit is not required for “work” that is
restricted to visual inspection.

13.3 Excavation Permit

Hot work permit/related permits if any will be required for any excavation, which breaks the ground
surface and extends below it, with the exception of designated garden areas where the depth of
excavation does not exceed 200 mm. Excavation includes digging by hand or by mechanical means.
Excavation includes trenching, digging, boring, drilling, grading, pile driving or any other form of work
likely to disturb the strata below the ground surface. During excavation work, should unidentified
services, cables or pipelines be located, work must cease until Issuing Authority’s approval is given
for re-commencement. The Issuing Authority will involve representative, so that the line can be
identified and recorded.

13.4 Confined Space Entry Permit

A confined Space Certificate is required for entry into a confined space which is defined as any
enclosed or partially enclosed space where:
Entry is possible; AND
Access might be physically restricted; AND
Egress is restricted or difficult; AND
There is a risk of oxygen deficiency; AND
There is a risk of, or accumulation of dusts, vapors or gases which are flammable or hazardous to
health. If the excavation is greater than 1 meter depth, the confined space certificate will be used.
Only competent & trained person to enter the confine space and safety watch should be deployed
during the duration of the job .Log in and log out sheet to be maintained during the duration of the

Doorways and other portals through which a person can walk are not to be considered limited or
restricted means for entry or exit. However a space containing such a door or portal may still be
deemed a confined space if an entrant’s ability to escape in an emergency would be hindered.
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Any “entry” Spaces may include but are not limited to:-

 Storage tanks, process vessels, boilers, pressure vessels, columns and other tank like
 Open-topped spaces such as pits or trenches.
 Pipes, sewers, shafts, ducts, pump, valve pits.
 Fin fan enclosures, roof spaces, under floors, air ducts, furnaces, excavation greater than 1
meter in depth.
 Trained/competent hole watch will be provided

13.5 Lifting Permit

The purpose of this permit is to ensure the correct selection, safe use and maintenance of all Lifting
equipment and lifting accessories. Lifting procedure, Method statement and risk assessment
required for this task. For every lifting operation the concerned person
(Engineer/Supervisor/Foreman) should receive permit from the project manager coordinating with
site HSE team. Third Party certificate required for crane (Mobile/Tower), Crane operator, Rigger,
Rigger Supervisor, Lifting accessories (Web Sling, Chain Sling, Shackles etc.)

13.6 Energized Electrical Works

ITCC and their subcontractor employees shall be made aware that if equipment is locked out or
tagged out with an energy- isolating devise they are not to operate the equipment until the lock or the
individual identified on the lock or tag removes them.

Any works to be performed at live electrical activity or circuits need to be isolated or shut down. Lock
out, Tag out

14.0 Project HSE Reporting procedure

The project HSE Induction, Toolbox talks, HSE Observation, Near miss, Incident, First aid cases and
Statistics report will be prepared and maintained by the Safety Officer. The statistics reports will be
submitted as per Client/Consultant requirement.

15.0 Site HSE Inspection/observations

HSE Inspection will be conducted on daily basis by Safety Officers. The Inspection/observations
report with Corrective action and action required period also will be mentioned in the report and the
report will be forwarded to the concerned project performing party for taking Corrective and
preventive action.

15.1 Client/Contractor weekly HSE walk through Inspection

The objective of the weekly HSE walk through is to improve the site conditions and to rectify the
concern observations found out by the Client/Consultant

 ITCC project team will be responsible for Client/Consultant and weekly HSE walk through
 The Inspection/observation report of the Client/Consultant will be closed-out by ITCC and the
report shall be submitted within stimulated time.

16.0 Corrective and Preventive Action

ITCC follows the documented procedure Corrective and Preventive Actions, in order to establish
and implement any Corrective and Preventive Action to be taken to eliminate the causes of actual
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and potential non-conformances.

17.0 General Safety Rules and Regulations

In general Regulations/Guidelines must be followed by all personnel/workers concerned with the

project as a minimum:

 Think Safety: Before starting work on any job, identify potential hazards and safety precautions.
 Act Safely: Obey all rules and procedures applicable to the job. Use proper equipment’s for the
concerned job.
 No horseplay
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment
 Smoking is allowed at designated areas.
 Report all near misses, incidents, unsafe conditions and unsafe practices.
 Maintain Good House Keeping: Remove unwanted materials from the work place, and keep job
sites free of hazard. Maintain good hygienic condition.
 Inspect Tools and Equipment’s: Do not use faulty equipment’s. Report defects to ensure repair or
 Do not operate or repair equipment, unless you are authorized and qualified
 Do not remove or misuse guards or protective devices of equipment’s.
 Drive and Operate Safely: Obey all speed limits inside the site and operate all the equipment’s
safely. No overtaking is permitted inside the site.
 Understand Emergency procedure: Know the alarms, know the proper muster points/assembly
points and know where the fire extinguishers are located.
 Observe all warning signs that warn of existing hazards
 Listen to tool box talks and briefing before job start

18.0 Site Office Environment

Site office environments are low risk, however, offices in the field are not always constructed or
maintained to the standards seen in permanent offices and as a result accidents can happen and to
prevent these the following advice is given.

Many injuries in the office environment are caused by slip, trips and falls, many involving persons
carrying loads. These accidents can be prevented by:

 Ensuring that cables are coiled under desks.

 Ensure suitable and sufficient illumination will be provided.
 Reporting torn or badly fitted carpets and stair-treads,
 Keeping passageways and corridors clear,
 Making sure that a clear view is kept when carrying loads.
 Damaged or suspect leads and plugs will be reported to the Electrical Engineer & repaired
immediately by competent person.
 Before leaving work, all electrical appliances, including computer terminals, will be switched off
unless otherwise instructed
 Staff will ensure that they are aware of the locations of fire extinguishers and the nearest fire exit.

18.1 Display Screen Equipment

Work with display screen equipment (DSE) is a low risk activity. While, health problems can arise,
they are preventable.

 Normally use DSE for continuous spells of an hour or more at a time.

 Ensure work station for users are ergonomically designed for safe use.
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 To transfer information quickly to or from the screen and also need to apply high levels of
concentration or have little choice about using DSE.

19.0 Construction Activities

19.1 Manual Handling

Fatal manual handling accidents are extremely rare, however back injuries are the greatest single
cause of sick leave. Sprains and strains are the result of excessive or incorrect use of bodily force
such injuries can lead to permanent disability.

Manual handling' includes lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying a load, throwing/dropping
catching an object by direct application of body force or by physical effort.
No person(s) should be required to lift carry or move any load which, by reason of its size, shape
and weight is likely to jeopardize their health or safety.
Assessments need to be made on items to be lifted and considerations as to whether the load needs
to be handled at all. Assessments need to be reviewed with experience of the tasks, when there is a
change in the handling operations and if a manual handling injury occurs

 The most effective way in avoiding injuries from manual handling is performed through the use of
lifting aids or the service of a trained lifting team.
 Ensure that the manual handling of loads are kept to a minimum and that all persons carrying out
manual handling duties are using the correct techniques.
 The working environment may be improved by ensuring more space for manual handling
operations and by keeping working platforms free from obstruction

Workers shall be familiar to recognize loads whose weight, in conjunction with their shape, size and
other feature, and the circumstances in which they are handled, might cause injury. In general,
unfamiliar loads should be treated with caution and, if undue strain is felt, the task should be

19.2 Access and Egress

ITCC will provide the following facilities for appropriate access and egress at site.
 Keep all means of egress clean, clutter-free, and unobstructed.
 Do not place hazardous materials or equipment in areas that are used for evacuation.
 Do not use corridors or stairways for storage or office operations.
 Transport management for safe movement of people, vehicle, machinery and equipment
 Cable management for avoid obstruction.
 Safe emergency exit from workplaces.
 Frequent housekeeping at site.

19.3 Underground and Overhead utilities

Work near energized electrical installations and power lines, whether underground or overhead, is
high risk work. A person in control of the work area shall ensure that no person, plant or material
enters the area.

19.4 Excavation

 Area must be scanned prior to excavation; underground utilities should be identified & marked.
 Keep a watch on underground utilities/buried cables and underground systems
 Edge protection shall be provided including suitable provision to prevent vehicle of plant falling
into excavation.
 Design support will be given to existing services where they cross the path of excavations.
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 During excavation, the excavated materials shall be dumped at safe distance from the edge of
 Necessary slopes and stepping shall be provided to the sides of trenches. Shoring is to be
provided at places where there is a danger of slide collapses due to seepage, over-burdened
soil, etc.
 Excavations and trenches, as well as adjacent areas shall be inspected by a competent person
 Erect solid barricades at least 1mtr away from edge of excavation whenever possible & practical.
 Employees shall not work in excavations where water is accumulating unless precautions have
been taken to protect employees against the hazard posed by the water accumulation.
 Ensure proper ladder will be provided into excavation pit for access/egress.
 Safe cross walkways are to be provided at convenient places to carry the excavated muck from
the deep trench. Ladders shall be firmly secured to the ground and rungs of the ladders shall be
properly secured and made safe.
 Ladder gangways are to be provided at convenient places for carrying the excavated muck from
deep trenches. Ladders shall be firmly secured to the ground and rungs of the ladders shall be
properly secured and made safe.
 Emergency escape ladders to be provided in deep excavations at suitable locations
 Whenever the presence of underground pipes, cables, vessels or structures is known or
suspected, mechanical excavators shall not be used until all such obstructions have been
exposed by hand digging. Only plastic shovel and scraper shall be used close to / near cables.
 All the water that is pumped from the excavated pits shall be drained away from the area of
 Ensure sufficient lights are provided during night or darks areas.
 Suitable and sufficient warning lights & fluoresce cones will be provided.

19.5 Working Over or Near Water

ITCC will provide suitable PPEs for the personnel who carrying out the task. (E.g. Gumboot,

 Provide proper access to the work place.

 Only competent personal shall allow doing the task.
 Do not allow to work alone.
 Use Water removal equipment (eg. De-watering pump used and monitored by competent
 Inspection shall be made by a competent person(work site supervisor) Daily and before the start
of each shift.
 Remove all power cable from the area.
 Provide full time supervision.

19.6 Scaffolding

Scaffolding, platforms, or temporary floors shall be made for all works/activities which cannot be
done safely from ground level.

 Trained and competent scaffolders and Supervisors shall be allowed to erect, dismantle or alter
scaffolding. Violation against this regulation is enough ground for removal from site.
 Scaffolds shall be erected plumb and on a sound foundation. Loose bricks, lumber, etc. shall not
be used to level or support scaffolds.
 Scaffold material shall be free of defects.
 Supporting structures must be complete with each elevation diagonally braced in each direction.
 Scaffolds shall be tied into structure to help prevent collapse.

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Work platforms shall:

 Be completely decked.
 The decking shall be secured in place.
 Be equipped with standard guardrail, mid-rail and toe boards.
 Personnel working from scaffolds must wear approved fall protection equipment and keep the
lanyard secured at all times to some other adequate structure or lifeline.
 Personnel shall not ride on tower scaffolds while the scaffold is being moved.
 Green Tag – signifies the scaffold was built to meet scaffolding regulations and is complete and
safe to use.
 Red Tag – signifies the scaffolding is incomplete and / or unsafe. It shall not be used.
 Special type of scaffolding shall be designed by qualified and competent person.

Mobile Scaffolding
Mobile Scaffoldings are popular with most trades – painters, electricians, heating and ventilating men
and maintenance people, because these trades and specialists must move around in an area. When
the height to minimum base ratio of the scaffold exceeds 4 to 1 stabilizers are required. Stabilizers
may be used with castors or adjustable screws with base plates. Cross bracing must be used with
the stabilizer legs. Stabilizer legs rotate 90 degrees to facilitate use for moving through narrow areas.

Inspection of Mobile Scaffolding

 Check to see that the platform height does not exceed four (4) times the smallest base
dimension unless the tower is properly guyed or otherwise stabilized.
 Check to see that, if adjusting screws have been used, they are not extended more than 12”.
 Check to make sure the caster brakes are in good working condition and are properly applied
when the tower is not being moved.
 Inspect to make sure horizontal diagonal bracing (plan bracing) has been placed near the
bottom, top, and at 20’ intervals measured from the rolling surface.
 Cross bracing has been installed on both sides of every lift.
 Check the area in which the tower is to be used to ensure there are no obstructions either in, on,
or above the floor which will interfere with the proper and safe use of the rolling tower.
 Check for guardrails and toe boards.
 Check to see that all planking is properly installed.
 Check that the load on the caster does not exceed the capacity of the caster.
 Check that access ladder is correctly installed.
 Mobile scaffold not to be moved while workers are aboard

Suitable protection / barriers shall be provided to scaffold where there is a risk of passing traffic
colliding with supports /standards.

19.7 Ladders

Only properly manufactured ladders shall be provided and used in the work places. Visual inspection
and monthly color code system will be followed by ITCC competent personnel.

 Ladders must be in good condition and free from defects.

 Not be painted which can cause to hide effect.
 Monthly inspection record shall be maintained in record log book with their serial numbers.

Ladders must be:-

Securely fastened, extended up to 1mtr (2 rungs) above the working platform.

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19.8 Fall Prevention and Fall Arrest

Fall protection is required whenever employees are exposed to heights 6 feet or more, or employees
are exposed to falls into dangerous equipment of other hazards.

 All surfaces on which employees may walk or work shall have the structural integrity to safely
support the workers and the materials, which are placed upon the surface.
 Guardrail systems shall consist of top rails and mid rails or the Equivalent. Typically guardrails
are constructed of lumber or tubular steel.
 Only commercially purchased full Body Harness with locking snap hooks and Deceleration
devices shall be used. Safety belts shall not be used for fall arrest.
 Lifelines shall be designed, installed, and used under the supervision of a qualified person. The
system shall maintain a safety factor of at least two. When vertical lifelines are used, each
employee shall be attached to a separate lifeline.
 Anchorage points shall be capable of supporting at least 5000 pounds per persons.
 When used as a warning line system, roped, chains, wires, and stanchions shall be erected not
less than six (6) feet from the Road edge and flagged with high visibility material at intervals not
exceeding six (6) feet. No employee shall be permitted in the area between the Roof edge and
the warning line unless the employee is performing work in that area.

19.9 Prevention of Falling Objects

ITCC will provide the following Precaution for preventing falling object at site

 Fall protection shall be provided for walking/working surface with an unprotected side or edge at
the height
 Cover or guard floor holes or openings as soon as they are created.
 Construct all floor hole covers so they will effectively support two times the weight of employees,
equipment, and materials that may be imposed on the cover at any one time.
 Will provide Safety Net Systems
 ITCC will provide safe working platform with fully planked
 Carried out regular removal of loose materials from scaffold platform
 Stack the materials at site & store room as per standard.
 Use tool lanyard for working on MEWPs
 Provide Barricades with signage for lifting areas to prevent unauthorized entry.
 Provide training on the fall protection program

19.10 Working at Height

Only those persons who have received formal instruction will work on temporary structures or
means of access such as ladders, scaffolding and power operated mobile work platforms at
heights above 2 meters.

The main purpose and objective of this document is to arrest incident/accident resulting from
workers falling from height. A full body harness will be worn when there is a potential of a fall and
no other fall protection is available.

 Persons will normally only work from ladders and steps up to a height of 2 metres (6.5ft). and
ladder will only be used as a means of getting on to a roof if no fixed access is provided,
however, if height is less than 3 meter or more than 3 meter a scaffolding platform shall be
 ITCC employees who are required to work at height or to perform inspection at height of 2
meters and above will be required to wear and use a full body harness.

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 Travelling at unguarded work locations will involve the use of the full body harnesses and a
lifeline. Lifelines (vertical and horizontal) will be installed by qualified rigging personnel and will
be subjected to daily inspection by the rigging group and weekly by the respective supervisor.
 Each lifeline will as a minimum be able to support 5,400 lbs. It will be frequently inspected by
approved/competent scaffolders.
 Any work which results in openings being created where persons can fall through, or removal
of side walling/barriers where persons can fall from must be effectively protected to prevent
injury and will require a detailed Method Statement, Work Permit and designated supervisor.
 Materials, equipment or plant shall be properly secured to prevent them falling from height.
 Where there is a danger of falling material, effective steps (i.e. solid barriers and warning
notices) must be taken to prevent access, and warn people about the hazard.
 Work on fragile or sloping roofs where personnel can fall through or from the roof, must use
crawling boards
 Fall protection barriers must be erected around all roofs, before work commences.
 Incase scaffolding platform is not possible we will use third party certified man lift with
competent operator.

Full body harnesses are required as follows:

 Any task carried out at height exceeding 2 meter above ground.

 On elevated equipment such as fan housings, pipes, motors, and switchgear without handrails.
 On a slope or roof without handrails and angle greater than 15 degrees to the horizontal.
 On a ladder when the worker’s waist is above a protective handrail on an upper level adjacent
to the edge.
 Full body harnesses will be constructed with a buckle fastener and a single ‘D’ ring for multi-
purposes, with a 1/2 in. nylon lanyard 6 ft long. Lanyard will be eye spliced into the ‘D’ ring with
a drop forged steel double locking snap hook on the other end.
 Full body harnesses will be inspected by the user on daily basis prior to each use. .

19.11 Carpentry Works

ITCC/Subcontractors carpentry workers will follow the following work procedures

 Ensure the power tools that are fit for purpose and have all necessary guards in place.
 Sharp cutting tools are safer to work with than dull ones. Do not use tools with defective
handles or mushroomed heads. Keep saws proper set.
 Keep boards with nails in them out of passageways and working spaces. Nails should be
pulled out, or boards piled out of the ways.
 Always de-nail timber when striking or dismantling timber structures
 Never leave loose boards or tools on scaffolds, runways or platforms where they may be
knocked off on to people below or cause workers to trip.
 Keep work shoes in good condition so that your footing will always be solid and secure. Turn
trouser cuffs up inside and sew.
 Do not carry sharp-edged tools in your pockets

19.12 Suspended Working Platforms

ITCC shall use of suspended crane work platforms in only where there is no other means of
access to the work location. The use of suspended work platforms shall be controlled by a
competent supervisor prior to use of any work platform suspended from cranes or derricks for
hoisting personnel.

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Pre-Lift Meeting

A pre-lift meeting attended by the crane operator, signal person/banks-man/rigger(s), employee(s) to

be lifted, and the person responsible for the task to be performed shall be held to review the lift and
work procedures to be followed and the meeting shall be held prior to the trial lift at each new work
location, and shall be repeated for any employees newly assigned to the operation.

Crane Operation Criteria

 Hoisting of the personnel platform shall be performed in a slow, controlled, cautious manner with
no sudden movements of the crane or derrick, or the platform.
 Load lines shall be capable of supporting, without failure, at least seven times the maximum
intended load, except that where rotation resistant rope is used, the lines shall be capable of
supporting without failure, at least ten times the maximum intended load.
 Load and boom hoist drum brakes, swing brakes, and locking devices such as pawls shall be
engaged when the occupied personnel platform is in a stationary working position.
 The crane shall be uniformly level within one percent of level grade and located on firm footing.
Cranes equipped with outriggers shall have them all fully deployed.
 The total weight of the loaded personnel platform and related rigging shall not exceed 50 percent
of the rated capacity for the radius and configuration of the crane or derrick.
 Cranes and derricks with variable angle booms shall be equipped with a boom angle indicator,
readily visible to the operator.
 Cranes with telescoping booms shall be equipped with a device to indicate clearly to the
operator, at all times, the boom's extended length, or an accurate determination of the load
radius to be used during the lift shall be made prior to hoisting personnel.

Personnel Platform

 Access gates shall swing inward and be provided with a positive latching device.
 The suspension system and personnel platform shall be designed to minimize tipping of the
platform due to movement of employees occupying the platform.
 The personnel platform shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least
five times the maximum intended load.
 The personnel platform shall not be loaded in excess of its rated load capacity. When a
personnel platform does not have a rated load capacity then the personnel platform shall not be
loaded in excess of its maximum intended load.
 The number of employees occupying the personnel platform shall not exceed the number
required of the work being performed
 Personnel platforms shall be used only for employees, their tools, and the materials necessary to
do their work, and shall not be used to hoist only materials or tools when not hoisting personnel.
 Materials and tools for use during a personnel lift shall be secured to prevent displacement.
 Materials and tools for use during a personnel lift shall be evenly distributed within the confines of
the platform while the platform is suspended.

Work Practices

 Employees shall keep all parts of the body inside the platform during raising, lowering, and
 Before employees exit or enter a hoisted personnel platform that is not landed, the platform shall
be secured to the structure where the work is to be performed, unless securing the structure
creates an unsafe situation.
 Tag lines shall be used unless their use creates an unsafe condition.
 The crane or derrick operator shall remain at the controls at all times when the crane engine is
running and the platform is occupied.
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 Hoisting of employees shall be promptly discontinued upon indication of any dangerous weather
conditions or other impending danger.
 Employees being hoisted shall remain in continuous sight of and in direct communication with the
operator or signal person.
 The operator will stop the operation any time either visual or audible communications with the
platform is lost.
 Employees occupying the personnel platform shall use a full body harness system with lanyard
appropriately attached.
 Hoisting of employees while the crane is traveling is prohibited.

19.13 Structural Steel Erection

 100% tie off is required when a potential of fall from 2 meter height.
 Employees involved in the erection of structural steel shall be protected against falls by a full
body harness, lifeline and inertia reel system. Safety net systems shall be provided and
installed in structures that are not designed with permanent flooring (i.e. pipe racks,) the free
fall distance from any location on the structure to the net shall not exceed seven (7) meters.
 Erectors must be informed of the erection sequence before erection activities.

19.14 False Work and Foam work

 The installation, maintenance and inspections of all false work and formwork must be
supervised by a competent person
 When assembling form work and support work make sure the components that are used are
suitable to the job and that they are in good condition and not damaged! The formwork must
always be erected as per the design specifications. Using faulty components or installing it not
as per the design may cause the support work to buckle and collapse under the load
 The support work components must be secure, plumb and square. Only assemble support
work on foundations that have been checked to be adequate, firm, exposed and as level as
possible and visible.
 Remember to space the sole boards correctly to maintain good support and make sure the
area under and surrounding this work is free of material and rubble.
 Maintaining good housekeeping in this area will allow safe access and easy movement
amongst the false work.
 Install sufficient amount of bracing to bring stability sturdiness to the support work.

19.15 Reinforcement and Concreting

 Employees working more than 6 feet above any adjacent working surface, placing and typing
reinforcing steel in walls, piers, columns, etc shall use a safety belt or equivalent device.
 Employees shall not be permitted to work above vertically protruding reinforcing steel unless it
has been protected to eliminate the hazard of implement. In other words, the rebar has to be
protected from the worker.
 Vibrator crews shall be kept out from under concrete buckets suspended from cranes or
 When discharging on a slope, make sure the ready-mix trucks wheels are blocked and the
brakes set to prevent movement.
 Personal protective equipment shall be used when needed.
 All equipment, hand and power, shall be checked and in safe working condition use – replace
or repair all defective tools.

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19.16 Lifting Appliances and Lifting Gear

 Lifting appliances and lifting gear such as crane, web sling, chain sling, shackles to be used by
ITCC in worksites have been checked, and are provided in accordance with third party
 Lifting appliances and gears must be clearly marked with their maximum safe working

19.17 Lifting and Rigging

 Rigging of load and signalling of crane will be undertaken only by trained and competent
persons. All riggers will be required to wear Hi-visibility vest for the purpose of easy
identification on the worksite
 The lifting plan will indicate the required radius, boom length, safe working limits, gross weight
and net weight of the load, ground and site conditions, crane location, swing and tail clearance,
explanation of hand signals, rigging hardware and the engineering design and calculation of
the lifting eyes.
 Lifting/rigging supervisor will ensure the requirements of specifications are compiled at all times
i.e. Lifting plan, load chart, risk assessment, method statement, Inspection certificates of lifting
appliances/equipment, lifting gears along with certification documents of riggers, operators and
PTW prior to mobilize the work.
 Wire rope, shackles rings, master links, and other rigging hardware must be capable of
supporting, without failure, at least five times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted
to that component.

19.18 Demolition/Dismantling

Make provision to keep the public and unauthorized employees away from the structure and
ensure all works comply with Client/Consultant approval.

 Have a competent person make an engineering survey of the structure. Determine the
condition of the framing, floor, and walls, and check for any unanticipated conditions. Check for
hazardous chemicals, gases, explosives, flammable materials, asbestos, hazardous waste,
electrical circuit that may be engaged etc.
 Disconnect utility services (gas, steam, electricity and water) outside the building,
Client/Consultant shall be notified and coordinated in advance. Maintain or install a temporary
water source for fire protection and for wetting down the site to reduce dust.
 Strip off lath and plaster to eliminate excessive dust during succeeding work.
 Remove the walls by picking them apart, using either machine or hand tools. Work from
scaffolds supported independently outside the walls.
 Remove all debris promptly. To minimize production of dust assign persons to wet down the
debris. Post signs that warn of falling materials.
 Avoid subjecting walls to lateral pressure from stored material or to lateral impact from falling
 Barricade any area where material is being dumped, and place barricades where necessary to
protect workers from flying pieces.
 Prohibit employees from working below others.
 Require safety hats, goggles, foot protection, respirators, and gloves as needed for all workers.
 Develop necessary safety procedures floor loads for the storage of waste and debris.
 Make continuing inspections to detect hazards resulting from the demolition operation.

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19.19 Housekeeping

Good housekeeping means clear traffic and work areas out of the way storage, adequate
illumination, and cleanup of debris.
Many injuries result from poor, housekeeping, improper storage of materials, and cluttered work
areas. To maintain a clean, hazard free workplace, all groups management, supervision, workers
must cooperate.

Regulations for safe housekeeping require

 Daily job site cleanup program
 Disposal of rubbish individual clean up duties for all workers
 Materials piled, stacked or otherwise stored to prevent tripping and collapsing
 Work and travel areas keep tidy, well it, and ventilated
 Keep stairs and landings clear and well it
 Signs posted to warn workers of hazardous areas.
 Gather up and remove debris as often as required to keep work and travel areas orderly.
 Keep equipment and the areas around equipment clear of scrap and waste
 Keep stairways, gangway free of material, supplies, and obstructions at all times.
 Pick up, store, or dispose the tools, material or debris which may cause tripping or other
 Wear eye protection when there is any risk of eye injury
 Do not permit rubbish to fall freely from any level of the project. Lower it by means of a chute or
other approved devices.
 Do not throw materials or tools from one level to another
 Do not lower or raise any tool or equipment by its own cord or supply hose.
 The area must be roped off with warning signs posted.

20.0 Night Work

When occasions occur that require working in hours of darkness (Night Works) the responsible Site
in Charge, Supervisor and Safety Officer shall ensure that the Site Employees & Workforce have
been informed and that they are satisfied that all necessary precautions are in place.
Good adequate lighting must be provided ensuring a safe working environment for those persons
who have to work during the hours of darkness and in poor illuminated areas. The work shall be
stopped if sufficient illumination is not provided.

 Ensure that lighting provided is adequate (minimum of 100 Lux) and that personnel are not
working in shadows.
 The illumination shall be sited in a manner prior to the work being carried out
 All points of accesses, exit, egress, pathways ladders and muster points shall be clearly
 Tower lighting shall be sited in a manner that illuminates all parts of the area where the work is
taking place.
 Lighting poles and other metal parts shall be earthed and the circuit fitted with residual current
 Cables laid for the purpose of temporary lighting shall be routed to ensure that they do not
present a trip hazard or other obstruction.
 Sufficient warning lights must also be allocated in specific areas to warn workforce and traffic
movement being carried out in the area.
 All lighting for general illumination shall be protected from accidental contact or breakage.

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21.0 Electrical Works

All temporary cables and equipment used in temporary electrical installation shall be carried out by
ITCC competent electricians.

 All electricians to go through In house training before commencing the job.

 PTW is required for all the job & Isolation to be done if required
 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB), and/or molded
case circuit breaker (MCCB’S) will be provided for all Electrical equipment’s
 Extension cords will be of three wire type.
 Wherever electrical cords are used, frequent self-inspections of the cords is required to ensure
they are in good condition.

21.1 Electrical Equipment’s

ITCC confirms acceptance that all electrical equipment for use within a hazardous area shall be
selected according to British Standard BS 5345, which is summarized as follows.

a. Maintenance of Equipment
It is the responsibility of ITCC to install, use and maintain all Contractors’ portable electrical
equipment during the Services in a safe condition.
b. Isolation from Mains
When not in use, it is the responsibility of ITCC to ensure that all portable electrical equipment is
isolated from the mains. We shall provide means of quick and effective isolation i.e. mechanically
disconnected by unplugging, of all circuits.
c. Ingress Protection
ITCC shall ensure that all electrical equipment shall have a minimum rating of IP 54. In wet areas
or areas liable to become wet, electrical apparatus shall be placed at a minimum height of
450mm above the ground.
d. Electric Power Tools
ITCC shall ensure that wherever possible, low voltage equipment will be used. Lowest voltage
would be 110v.Equipment should be double insulated or used in conjunction with a residual
current device (RCD) or ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). The RCD or (GFCI) if used shall
be fitted as close as possible to the outlet.
e. Extension Leads
ITCC shall ensure that wherever possible the use of extension leads will be minimized and cords
will be inspected regularly to ensure they are safe for use
f. Alternative Shock Protection
ITCC shall comply with the following:
Sensitive earth fault protection by means of a residual current device (RCD) or ground fault
circuit interrupter (GFIC) operating at a maximum setting of 30mAmps. Double insulated
equipment provided that the supply lead is fitted with protection as in a) above Isolating
transformer with a maximum supply cable length of 2 meters.
g. Non-Interchange ability
We shall ensure that lamp holders, sockets, etc., shall be chosen such that equipment
operating on different voltages is not interchangeable.
h. Second Earth Connection
We shall ensure that regardless of any internal earth conductor, a second visible and effective
earth connection consisting of separate flexible line of insulated copper wire of sufficient cross
section must be fitted to those external metal parts of transportable electrical equipment, such as
Generators, transformers, switchgear, distribution gear and equipment which in an event of a
“defect” may become live. The separate earth connection shall be arranged so that it is made
before the plug is inserted in the socket and not broken until the plug has been withdrawn from
the socket

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Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
i. Cords and plugs
 Never cut off, bend back, or cheat the ground pin on three prong plugs.
 Make sure that plugs and cords are in good condition
 Make sure that extension cords are the right gauge for the job to prevent overheating,
voltage drops, and tool burn out
 Check extension cords and outlets with a circuit tester before use
 Use cords fitted with dead front plugs
 Do not use extension or tool cords that are defective or have been improperly repaired
 Do not wire plugs into outlets. Disconnection will take too long in an emergency. Keep cords
out of the path of electric tools and equipment.
 Only qualified and competent person shall repair, modified & inspect the electrical

22.0 Power Tools

ITCC shall ensure that employees have access to proper tools and equipment in order to perform
the work in a safe manner. Our Personnel who use tools shall be properly trained to use, inspect/test
and maintain tools safely.

22.1 Hand Tools and Portable Power Tools

Hand Tools.

 Supervisor / Foreman should monitor each employee for correct usage of tools.
 Employees should be trained in using the right tools for each job, after analyzing each job for its
safety aspects
 Goggles and screens are to be used wherever needed.
 Insulated tools are to be used for Electrical Maintenance work.
 Spanners and wrenches should fit well. Their jaws should be sharp and not spread out so that
you get a good grip.
 Ensure all hand tools are inspected on a daily basis for safe uses.
 The right spanner depending upon the dimension and shape of screw head or nut.
 Serviceable handle without cracks or other damage to every file, screwdriver or hammer.
 Chisels and punches with mushroomed heads should be ground on the wheel.
 Striking tool heads should be securely wedged on their shaft.
 Edges of cutting tools should be maintained sharp and straight.
 Hands should be behind cutting edges while working.
 Screwdriver should not be used with the object held in hand.
 Eyes should be protected while striking tools.
 Scrap tools that are worn out or are beyond repair to be scrapped.
 Tools should not be laid down giving a chance to roll, or be knocked over.
 Where possible, tools should be hung from racks.
 Ensure all cutting edges, teeth, etc are adequately scaled or well protected when not in use.
 Tools should be kept properly in a box or other suitable container when not in use.
 For long-term storage, they should be returned to the store to be kept locked up.

Portable Power Tools

 All electrically operated tools shall be inspected and tagged.

 Only qualified & competent person to inspect, repair & modify for the electrical tools.
 Operators should be trained properly for the work to be done by telling them the hazards and
safety precautions to be observed.
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Tools should be checked before use for:

 Dead Man’s switch shall be provided wherever applicable.

 Signs of damage.
 Signs of wear or damage to cables and wires. In case of damage, the tools should not be used
but reported for repair. All tools should be properly earthed and provided with the correct type of
fuses. In temporary wiring installations, only approved water proof industrial socket outlets, plugs
and distribution
 Boxes should be used.
 Damaged tools shall be tagged with “do not use”
 All connections to socket outlets or wire-to-wire shall be made only by proper industrial
 Cables and wires should not be allowed to be exposed to moisture.
 Tools should not be carried or dragged by its cable.
 Wires and cables should be laid out of the way of other operatives to avoid tripping hazard.
 Tools should be used at the correct speed setting for the work to be done.
 Correct drill bits or blades should be used and chucks should be secured.
 Tools should be disconnected from mains when not in use and before changing of blades,
discs and drill bits. Regular maintenance of electrically operated tools should be carried out
by properly trained and authorized personnel only, as temporary repairs by amateurs can be
very dangerous. All personnel at the site should know to deal with electrical shock and the
use of correct fire extinguisher for electrical fire.
 Power tools must be inspected & updated to color coding.

23.0 Mechanical Works

 Personnel protective equipment like eye goggles, safety boots, safety helmet, face shield, hand
gloves, respirators, etc as required shall be used.
 Proper and correct lifting methods shall be adopted.
 All lifting tools, tackles and wire ropes, etc shall be certified by approved third party.
 Broken wires and core protrusion in the main body of the wire ropes to be registered.
Manufacturer’s guidelines / standards / instructions to be followed while using fire-ropes and
slings with broken wires. Experience and common sense is of immense help.
 Only safe gangways/walkways shall be used for movement of personnel. Shortcuts shall be
avoided. All live wires to be crossed during hoisting shall be made ‘dead’ near the vicinity of the
area during hoisting/rigging.
 Ropes/cables and slings must be protected with pads or wooden blocks from sharp edges.
 Lifting equipment shall be certified by approved third party.
 Proper communication and alertness on the job to be ensured.
 Safety zones during hoisting, radiography, blasting pressure testing, etc., shall be created and
demarcated. Trespassers shall not be allowed in these areas.
 Correct tools and tackles shall be used. Make shift tools and tackles will result in slippage and
 Firefighting equipments shall be placed at designated locations and kept unobstructed.
 Do not use loose clothing, neckties etc. while on the job.
 Safety precautions recommended by the manufactures / vendors shall be strictly adhered to.
 All machinery, tools and tackles shall be maintained properly and clearly.
 Systems of issuing safety work permits in case of dangerous and hot jobs shall be introduced.
 Safety, protective nets to be used for the safety of personnel working at heights.

23.1 Welding

 Welding sets shall be in good condition, properly maintained, and locally earthed.
 Isolation switches on welding sets shall be readily accessible.
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 Terminals and live components shall be adequately protected.
 Cables shall be frequently inspected to ensure the insulation is intact.
 Damaged cables or electrical holders shall be properly repaired or replaced.
 The welding return cable shall be secured into the work piece.
 Electrical driven grinders can be connected to the utility outlets equipped with ELCB of welding
 Proper cable connectors shall be used when connecting runs of cables.
Welders shall wear:-
 Face and eye protection, with correct grade of filter, integrated into the Safety helmet.
 Welder’s gauntlets.
 Long sleeved flame retardant overalls.

Welding areas should whenever possible be screened off using flame retardant sheeting or other
suitable material.

D.C welding sources shall be used unless permission in writing is received from the cable routing
shall be managed to keep runs as short as practical, and to prevent damage and trip hazards.
Personnel working with welding equipment shall be trained, certified and provided with personnel
protection equipment.
Particular care shall be devoted to

 Handling and storing of the gas cylinders. Regulated acetylene pressure must never be allowed
to exceed 10. kpa (15 psig)
 Eyes / mouth protection from non-ionizing radiation and welding fumes
 Care in implementing the “confined space” procedure when welding is involved
 All industrial Gas Cylinders are to be fitted with flash back arrestor.
 Cylinders shall only be secured on a cradle or material basket when being hoisted
 Cylinders shall be moved by tilting and rolling them on their bottom edges.
 When cylinders are transported by powered vehicles, they shall be secured in a vertical position
 Unless cylinders are firmly secured on a special carrier (trolley) intended for this purpose,
regulators shall be removed and valve protection caps put in place before cylinders are moved.
 A trolley shall be used to keep cylinders from being knocked over while in use.
 The cylinder valve shall be closed when moving cylinders.
 Oxygen cylinders in storage shall be separated from fuel-gas cylinders or combustible materials
(especially oil or grease), a minimum distance of 20 feet (6.1m) or by a non-combustible barrier
at least 5 feet (1.5m) high having a fire-resistance rating of at least one-half hour.
 Cylinders shall be kept far enough away from the actual welding or cutting operation so that
sparks, hot slag, or flame will not reach them.
 Cylinders shall be placed where they cannot become part of an electrical circuit. Electrodes shall
not be struck against a cylinder to strike an arc.
 Cylinders, whether full or empty, shall not be used as rollers or supports.
 Before a regulator to a cylinder valve is connected, the valve shall be opened (cracked) slightly
and closed immediately.
 Suitable clips should be used.
 Hoses, cables, and other equipment shall be kept clear or passageways, ladders and stairs.
 Soap solution for leak test shall be available in each set of cylinders. Leak test to be conducted
before use and after changing cylinders.
 Torches shall be lighted by friction lighters or other approved devices, and not by matches or
from hot work.
 No welding or heating shall be done where the application of flammable paints or the presence of
other flammable compounds, or heavy dust concentrations creates a hazard.
 A trained and identified fire watcher (with vest and sticker on helmet) shall be designated for
each hot work area)

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 Check for any combustible / flammable materials before doing hot work.
 Suitable exhaust system shall be provided to remove fumes from welding area.
 A trained and identified hole watcher should be designated for confined space welding jobs.
 Shall provide appropriate fire extinguishers.

23.2 Cutting

 Cutting torches and hoses will not be connected to cylinders when stored.
 Cylinders will not be placed in containers or buildings.
 The hoses will be bled and a check will be made five minutes later for possible pressure build-up.
 Torches will be removed from the hoses prior to putting them into the toolbox. Smoking will not
be permitted during this stopping procedure.
 Special care will be taken during overhead cutting operations to safeguard and prevent falling
sparks from starting a fire.
 Warning signs will be posted around and at each level below the area of each overhead cutting
or burning operation.
 When cutting, adequate ventilation will be ensured.
 Cylinder hoses will be inspected regularly.

23.3 Grinding

1. A trained competent person should mount all grinding wheels.

2. Do not mount a Wheel of lower rpm than the spindle of the machine.
3. There should not be a gap of more than 1/8” between the tool rest and the grinding wheel.
4. Double eye protection, safety glass & face shield must be used while grinding.
5. In case of grinding wheel, avoid the following:-
 Improper mounting of wheels.
 Running wheels in excess of recommended operating speed.
 Overheating the surface of the wheel by excessive pressure of other causes.
 Striking the wheel a side blow.
 Working on grinding wheels without adequate hoods, tool rest, guards and eye protection.
 The use of badly worn off, unguarded wheels.
 Standing in line with the wheel when starting it, Stand clear till the wheel has reached full
 Grinding the edge of thin or narrow gauge metal without taking special protection.
 Contact of hands or fingers with rotating wheels. Be especially careful in putting in or
removing work.
 Inspected by a qualified person & updated to color coding.
 Never grind a soft material with a grinding wheel.
 Grinding wheel should be inspected before fixing on the machine
 Remove cord or unplug when replacing the wheel grinder.

23.4 Color Coding for Power Tools & lifting equipment.

ITCC shall follow the monthly color coding for the following items:-
 Lifting gears,
 Electrical equipment
 Power tools
Monthly Color Coding Chart will be submitted separately.

24.0 Plant and Equipment

24.1 Mobile Equipment’s

All motor vehicles and other mobile equipment shall be certified, licensed, registered and fit for
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purpose, regularly inspected and well maintained in accordance with Qatari law and good driving
practices. The seats of vehicles and other mobile equipment shall be equipped with seat belts,
preferably of the three fixed point’s type, which shall be used by the driver and all passengers prior
to putting the device in motion

Operational Requirements:

 Heavy Equipment’s will only be operated by persons who are properly trained and qualified hold
a valid license and approved third party certificate.
 Equipment to be inspected and certified safe for use before being put into service.
 No operation will take place without an appointed, identifiable competent rigger and signalman.
 No operation will take place without an adequate system of communication between the
equipment Driver and the signalman.
 Operator must remain in the cab of the equipment with seat belt properly secured whenever the
work is going on
 Passengers are forbidden from riding on/in heavy equipments
 The operating and maintenance instruction manuals issued by the manufacturer must be followed.
 When outriggers are used, they must be set on a solid surface, or on pads.
 Ensure that access/egress are clear from any obstruction
 In house training will be provided for Banks man before commencing the work
 The hoisting mechanism of a crane shall not be used for any purpose other than lifting a load
 Cranes shall not be used to transport loads, unless specifically designed for this purpose. The
hook of a crane must be secured to prevent it swinging when the crane is in transit.
 Cranes of one ton or more lifting capacity shall be fitted with an Automatic Safe Load Indicator, a
Radius Indicator, and a Crane Capacity Chart displayed in the operator's cabin.
 Crane should not operate beyond wind speed of 25 Knots though it is safe to operate at 20
 Aerial lifts shall not be “field modified” unless the modifications are certified by the manufacturer. The
insulated portion must not be altered in any manner that might reduce its insulating value.
 Lower level controls will not be operated unless permission has been obtained from the employee in
the lift, except in the case of an emergency only. Ground controls shall be positive override.
 The truck shall not be moved unless the boom is lowered, the basket cradled and secured, and the
outriggers retracted.
 When employees are in the bucket of an aerial lift, the emergency brake of the vehicle must be set.
Wheel chocks or outriggers shall be used to provide added protection. When the vehicle is on an
incline, wheel chocks shall be used regardless of whether or not outriggers are used. The truck
should sit approximately level when viewed from the rear.
 When a boom must be maneuvered on a street or highway, all of the necessary precautions shall be
taken to eliminate accidents with traffic and pedestrians.
 The operator must always face in the direction in which the basket is moving and he must be able to
see that the path of the boom or basket is clear when it is being moved.
 When two workers are in the basket(s), one of them shall be designated to operate the controls. One
employee shall give all signals, which shall be thoroughly understood by all persons concerned.
 When two line workers are working from the basket, care shall be taken to eliminate one man
contacting poles, cross arms, or other grounded or live equipment while the second line worker is
working on equipment at a different potential.
 In no case shall more than one energized conductor or phase be worked at one time. Clearances.
The aerial lift, together with the workers in the basket, and all tools and equipment must maintain
proper clearances from unprotected energized conductors.
 When using hydraulic or pneumatic tools in a bucket, the operator shall be sure that hoses or lines do
not become entangled in the operational controls.
 All aerial devices shall be equipped with suitable flashing warning lights.
 All controls must have protective guards to prevent accidental operation of the controls.
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 Periodic electrical tests shall be made of the boom insulation and aerial basket liners. When used
near energized conductors or equipment, vehicles shall be properly grounded or barricaded. Ground
crews must not touch the vehicle until it is safely clear of energized conductors.
 Industrial Fork Lift Trucks shall not be used to lift a load greater than the maximum rated safe
working load (SWL) permitted for the truck.
 No rigging gear is permitted on the forks of the lift truck unless it is a No loads or equipment may
be transported in or partially in the cab of the lift truck.
 Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery that can snag on controls or on other parts of the

24.2 Generator

ITCC will provide approved Generator

Before operating any generator system, read the Operator's Manual to become familiar with your
equipment. Safe and efficient operation can only happen if the equipment is properly operated and

ITCC shall be followed the below mentioned Generator Safety precautions.

 No generator manufacturer or installation contractor can anticipate every potential hazard

involved with the installation and use of these types of systems. The warnings, decal and labels
attached to the equipment and used in this Manual cannot cover all hazards. Use of methods or
procedures other than those recommended by the equipment manufacturer must satisfy you that
it is safe for you or others to follow.
 Keep equipment clean and properly maintained. Normal maintenance and servicing of
equipment is a prerequisite to a functional, safely operated machine.
 This equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and repaired by qualified personnel only.
The installation and interconnection of this equipment to facility wiring and other equipment must
be done by a competent, qualified craftsperson that is familiar with applicable standards and
codes governing the installation.
 Installation methods, practices, or procedures that are unauthorized or done improperly are
dangerous and could result in serious personal injury or damage to property and equipment.
 Installation, operation, servicing and repair of electrical power generators and their related
equipment must be done in accordance to applicable codes, standards, regulations and laws.
The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), National Electric Code (NEC), Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, local industrial codes and requirements
must be complied with in the use and servicing of this equipment.
 An open flame, smoking, or welding near a generator is a potential fire hazard. Internal
combustion engine fuels are flammable.
 Ensure all fuel fittings are properly connected and not leaking. Periodic inspection is required to
ensure no leaks develop over time.
 Never fill fuel tanks while the engine is running, unless tanks are outside the engine room. When
fuel comes in contact with a hot engine or exhaust system, there is possibility of a fire or
 Generator to be operated by trained & competent electrician.
 Oil spillage kit to be provided near the generator area.
 Drip tray to be provided for containment of oil during refuelling.
 Appropriate Fire Extinguishers to be provided near the generator area.
 Periodical monthly service will carry out by competent mechanic.
 Service maintenance record will be maintained.

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24.3 Compressors

A trained person should be authorized to operate and maintain compressors.

The following checks should be made regularly.

 Air receiver marked with safe working pressure not exceeding maximum pressure rating,
reducing valve fitted to prevent working pressure exceeding the safe working pressure.
 Air receiver fitted with a safety valve, pressure gauge, drain cock and manhole – all in working
 Compressor sited on level ground in a well-ventilated location with no risk of exhaust fumes, into
trenches, excavations, or enclosed space nearly.
 Damage to gauges and pressure relief devices should be avoided if damage occurs, compressor
should be immediately shut down and a report should be rendered regarding the damage. ‘V’
belt drive guards and guards to other moveable parts of the compressor must be firmly fixed to
the compressor when it is being operated.
 Regular maintenance and cleaning of compressor should be carried out as per maintenances
 Mechanical Engineer should inspect and certify that compressor is in working order and with
safety valves and devices every month.
 Whip check to be provided to prevent accidental release of hose.
 Proper PPE to be provided to all the workers.

25.0 Traffic Management

ITCC shall comply and provide motor vehicles and equipment in compliance with Qatar Traffic Rules
and Client/Consultant safety standards.

 All heavy and light motor vehicles and machinery shall be made available to Client/Consultant
for safety checks and testing prior to commencement of Services on the worksite.
 ITCC shall ensure that only qualified and licensed/certified personnel are permitted to operate
vehicles and equipment.
 ITCC shall ensure that all heavy machinery required for the Services (including but not limited to
cranes, bulldozers, trucks, tractors, vehicles, etc) shall be properly certified, licensed, registered
as well as fit for purpose, prior to and during the period of the Work.
 ITCC shall maintain an up to date register of drivers, type of driving license and approved test
certificates for the duration of the Services.
 ITCC Drivers/Operators of heavy machinery such as cranes, side booms, forklifts, and earth
moving equipment, etc. providing the services may be tested and their competency verified by
Client/Consultant prior to commencing and during the services.
 Such as compressors, welding machines, etc. is allowed, but only after the equipment is properly
and safely connected to the tow vehicle (i.e. all safety pins, safety chains shackles and brae in
place). The towing speed of the vehicle will not exceed recommended speed limit.

Speed limit

A speed limit of 20km/hour will apply to site and will be advised by signs at the site entrance and at
regular points throughout the sites. This limit may be reduced in specific circumstances and the
signage will reflect this.

25.1 Vehicle Requirements

All motor vehicles shall be certified, licensed, registered and fit for purpose, regularly inspected and
well maintained in accordance with Qatari law and good driving practices. The seats of vehicles

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shall be equipped with seat belts, preferably of the three fixed point’s type, which shall be used by
the driver and all passengers prior to putting the device in motion.

All vehicles shall comply with the following requirements:

 All vehicles must be inspected & approved by Client/Consultant representatives, prior to mobilize
on site.
 Vehicles shall be serviced regularly and maintained free from oil leaks
 Vehicles shall only be driven on proper roads and access ways
 All vehicles and mobile equipment shall be fitted with a suitable muffler system
 All motor vehicles, and mobile equipment shall be fitted with a suitable fire extinguisher
 Consideration shall be given to the careful selection of motor vehicles, and mobile equipment

Good communication is essential for maintaining a safe workplace and helps ensure that HSE
information can be spread through the organization and be put into use as effectively as possible.
Managers should listen to the health & safety concerns of their employees and take appropriate
action as follows.

Warning boards, Signals, Diversion Signs, Hard Barricading, Signal man/banks Man, Warning lights

Driving Rules:-

The possibilities of common driving rule violations are:

 Exceed the posted speed limit

 Fail to wear seatbelts including all passengers
 Fail to observe posted instructions e.g. Stop sign, No Overtaking, etc.
 Carry personnel in load area of vehicle
 Driving in a manner liable to endanger others, personnel or property.

26.0 Hazardous Substance

26.1 Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

ITCC shall not carry out any work that is liable to expose employees to substance hazardous to
health to any substance hazardous to health, unless a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks
created by the work. The hazards shall be identified that generate the substances cause’s health
problems. The exposure to the substances should be exactly monitored. Control measures shall be
implemented to reduce the impact of COSHH substances.

26.2 Handling and Storage of Chemicals

ITCC will follow the appropriate Material Safety Data sheet (MSDS) and PPE while handling and
using any type of Chemical substances. Chemical register will be maintained for the storage of

ITCC shall:-

 Be providing isolated and ventilated Chemical storage area.

 Appropriate fire extinguishers.
 Handling only by authorized personnel.
 ITCC shall not bring on site any hazardous materials without the prior written approval from
 For all chemicals MSDS shall be maintained.
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 Frequent training will be conducted for the assigned personnel.
 Chemical storage area to be located far from ignition sources and combustible area.
 Only trained person to handle chemicals with proper supervision by the supervisors.
 Sand will be spread on the storage area and drip tray to be provided to contain the chemicals
 Chemical protected PPE will be provided for chemical handling workers while handling of the

26.3 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

MSDS is a system designed to give employees information about hazardous materials used in their
workplace. Under MSDS there are three ways in which information on hazardous materials could be
provided to employees:

 Labelling of hazardous materials

 Material safety data sheets (MSDS) to supplement the label with precautionary information
 Employee training programs

26.4 In case of Oil/Chemical spillage

Oil/Chemical spills can occur as a result of the following activities:-

 Leaks from machinery and motor vehicles
 Leaks from heavy hydraulic machinery
 Leaks from chemical storage drums, diesel storage drums & oil drums
 Failure of tap connections/coupling from the oil & chemical tanks

26.5 Prevention and control measures of Oil/Chemical spills

Oil/Chemical spills or releases will be /prevented by the following control measures:-

 Correct storage of Oil/chemicals in line with requirements of MSDS
 Storage of Oil/chemicals in correctly labeled and designed containers
 Oil/chemicals handling and transfer to be undertaken by trained/competent person
 Use dip trays to collect and contain leaks
 Use of drum lifting devices to lift and carry drums
 Training of project teams & workers in Oil/chemicals spill response and reporting requirements
 Oil/chemicals spillage or waste will be collected and disposed of safely and without harm to the

26.6 Explosives

 Approval will be taken from the Client/Consultant for the usage of explosives in construction
 Before any work involving the use of explosives is started, a detailed survey will be made of the
site and its adjoining areas
 The effect on utilities, including underground and over-ground services, will be carefully
 Provide signage’s and barricade the area of work
 The storage facilities of the explosives will be inspected & explosives stores must be kept clean
and free from grit.
 The movement of explosives into and out of the store must be recorded.
 It will be ensured that sub-contractors have relevant documents for the usage of explosives.
 No naked lights or other means of ignition should be taken within 25m of explosives
 Suitable and sufficient steps must be taken to ensure that nobody is exposed to risk of injury
from the use of explosives in construction work.

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 Inform the personnel’s nearby before the usage of explosives
 Follow manufacturers guidelines while using the explosives

27.0 Fire Prevention and Protection

 Always ensure that a necessary HOT permit is obtained prior to carry out any hot work at
Client/Consultant premises.
 Check the area of the work. If the work has to be carried out at height check the platform if it is
complete and secured.
 Ensure the Fire watch shall be approved from Client/Consultant
 Before starting welding/grinding/cutting be sure that all flammable or combustible materials are at
a safe distance from your workplace.
 Fire Watcher with proper Fire extinguishers must be available near to the work.
 To control the sparks which can easily ignite a fire the platform should be covered by fire blanket.
 In case of any fire immediately inform to 999.
 When the work is finished Fire Watcher check if any sparks are left at the area before leave the

27.1 Fire Extinguisher, Blankets

ITCC shall position and maintain sufficient numbers of portable firefighting equipment, extinguishers,
blankets etc. at the work-site, office, store-shed, and site access etc.

28.0 Accident / Incident Reporting

To establish an incident investigation and reporting program to ensure that all incidents are
adequately investigated and reported and thereby enabling the company to take the necessary
actions to prevent recurrence
This shall cover incident investigation and reporting on ITCC Client/Consultant project.

28.1 Accident /Incident reporting procedures

All accidents, incidents, first aid cases and near misses will be reported to Client/Consultant and
investigated by ITCC project management team members. Affected employee(s) will complete an
Employee’s report of Occupational Illness and the employee’s supervisor will complete a
Supervisor’s Report of Accident. Investigations of Lost Work day cases may include “Root Cause
Analysis “and measures that will be implemented to prevent similar incidents.
All incidents/accidents which occur at or in association with the Project will be thoroughly
investigated. The incident report shall cover all incidents that have resulted in
a) Occupational injuries, illnesses and first aid cases
b) Vehicle or equipment accidents
c) Property damage
d) All Fires
e) Project employees injured on project site
f) Lost time of more than one day
g) Project employees injured away from the project site performing project duty
h) Near misses.

Incident report will be prepared in the prescribed format (ref F-SE-06) and shall be counter signed by
the project in charge (e.g. project manager, project in-charge etc).
The report shall be submitted to the, Client/Consultant within 24 hours.

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28.2 Injury Protocol

1) When a person is injured on the project to the extent that first aid treatment is needed, the
supervisor must ensure the following:-
a. That the injured /ill employee is taken to the certified site first aider.
b. Adequate first aid treatment has been rendered.
c. The site safety personnel should accompany the injured employee.
d. All first aid injuries/illness will be documented.

2) When a person is injured to the extent that if an ambulance or medical treatment is required, the
site safety personnel must ensure the following:
a. Inform to 999
b. That the Project manager is notified and the ambulance is called immediately
c. Ensure medical treatment is administered throughout the emergency
d. Protect the injured person from further injury.

28.3 Incident Investigation, root cause analysis & corrective action

The purpose of any accident investigation is to identify all possible contributing causes so that future
incidents, similar in nature, can be prevented and to prevent all the facts which may have a bearing
on legal liability. Investigations will be directed towards “fact-finding, not fault-finding”.

 The investigation team shall be headed by project co-ordination team.

 Details of initial notification, response action ,identified problem, hazard and risk involved,
resources used, responsive plans implemented, clean up and recovery, review of
documentations including relevant policies, work procedures, maintenance programmer’s ,
training programmer’s etc.
 The principles for investigating situation that have the potential to cause occupational health
issues are the same as for matters of safety. In particular where psychological health hazards
are involved investigations must review work practices and methods, management systems,
work scheduling and duty timings
 All relevant points brought out during the investigation must be accurately recorded in the
incident report form (F-SE-06) the investigation team shall identify all the contributing factors so
that decision can be made on which conditions and circumstances contributed to the incident.
 The information recorded shall be analyzed and appropriate corrective/preventive actions shall
be initiated and implemented by the Project-in charge /Division Head and the same shall be
recorded in accident/incident report .The appropriate actions implemented needs to be followed
up for verification. The investigation report shall be closed and made available for future
 Operations Manager and HSE Manager will review this procedure on yearly basis and, when
necessary, revise and re-issue the procedure.
 In general the Investigation report will reveal the five “W”s
1. What happened
2. When did it happen
3. Where did it happen
4. Why did it happen
5. Who did it happen to

28.4 Near Miss

An unplanned or unexpected event that could have resulted in, injury to persons, damage to plant,
equipment, or structures, loss of production, release of hazardous substance or any other event and
that could have downgraded the health and safety of persons, plant and environment.

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29.0 Environmental Management

ITCC is committed to achieving high environmental standards, satisfying legal requirements and
limiting the environmental impact of their activities. The project environmental plan describes the
method to follow in order to meet the requirements for protection of environment and fulfill client
/consultant requirements.

29.1 Noise

Construction generally produces noise. Typical construction work may involve equipment driven by
large and small engines, metal fabrication, power drilling and sawing, air hammering, and blasting –
all of which can produce noise at harmful levels. Depending on the noise level, duration of exposure,
and other factors, a temporary or permanent hearing loss may result. Hearing protective devices are
barriers that reduce the amount of noise reaching the sensitive inner ear. Fit, comfort, and sound
reduction or “attenuation” is important considerations in choosing Hearing Protection Devices (HPD)
 Noise is generally measured in decibel (dB).
 The site personals shall wear hearing protection if he is exposed to average daily noise levels of
more than 85 dB
Noise from construction activities will be minimized by use of the following controls: -

 Where practicable use of acoustic shields to contain and dampen noise.

 The ITCCs equipment shall be kept in good mechanical order for the duration of the project.
Where possible the equipment shall be fitted with exhaust or motor shrouding systems that aid in
reducing excessive noise
 Fitting of mufflers to all combustion engines and pneumatic devices.
 Effective maintenance of plant and equipment to ensure that it does not produce excessive noise
due to worn or faulty parts.
 Conducting of noise surveys to determine noise levels and appropriate controls.
 Training of personnel in correct use of equipment fitted with noise control devices.
 Employ engineering practices, which will help reduce noise i.e., use of hydraulic pile driving etc.
 High level noise areas shall be identified by installing signs.
 Ensure suitable PPE i.e. ear plugs/ear muffs shall be given to workers where exposure is more than

29.2 Air Pollution Control

All vehicles/equipment shall be properly maintained to minimize excessive exhaust emission.

Emissions from stationary equipment shall be visually inspected for the presence of black smoke
and maintenance measures will be made to rectify burner efficiency issues as necessary;

29.3 Dust Control

All practicable measures shall be taken to prevent persons against inhalation of dust, which is likely
to be injurious when the dust produced is in substantial amount.

 Dust mask & other Protective Equipments shall be given to those workers who are exposed to
any situation in which there is a possibility of the atmosphere containing any harmful substance,
whether particle, dust and mist.
 In construction, saws and other tools are often operated in the open air when dust presents no
hazard. However dust masks or respirators should be worn whenever ventilation is inadequate
 Portable ventilator or exhaust system will be provided to protect from the dust if the work has to
be performed inside a room or building.
 Height of exposed soil, stockpile will be restricted in order to prevent dust risk.

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 Dust control shall be accomplished by properly wetting the work area prior to commencing the
work activities.
 Spraying of water on the unsealed surface areas and on exposed stockpile will be done when
visible dust is observed. If necessary the stockpiles will be placed in sheltered or covered areas,
with temporary wind screen erected around the stockpile.
 Trucks carrying the dry soil will be covered with tarpaulins

29.4 Odour Control

Unpleasant odour can arise from specific construction processes, adversely affecting workers and
nearby residents downwind of the construction. The most common sources of construction odour
arise from sewage treatment plants, using of chemicals which have odorous characteristics. Odour
from construction site activities will potentially include a number of sources, such as: inadequately
maintained septic tanks or sewage networks exhaust emissions from vehicles or equipment and
poor waste management (e.g. dumped food waste).
A number of mitigation and management measures can be instigated to reduce air quality impacts
from odour. These control measures include:

 Proper staging of construction activities to minimize impact of construction odours (from painting,
welding or grinding) on areas already occupied or neighboring properties. This may involve
proper timing of activities to avoid adjoining occupants’ work hours or unfavorable wind
 Proper timing of activities – this is a common sense approach that can avoid potential odour
impacts by controlling the timing of certain high-risk activities. Some examples include: Stopping
open air painting during high winds, cleaning commercial grease traps outside normal opening
hours; and carrying out site sewage and maintenance works at appropriate low-use times.
 Control of potential odours emissions at the source – this can be done through appropriate stack
venting or filtration of odorous emissions from:
a. Enclosed painting facilities
b. Restaurant kitchens
c. Sewage lines
d. Wastewater lines
 Long-term storage of wastes will not be permitted onsite. In addition, for short-term storage, no
wastes are to be stored outside designated areas.
 Septic tank lids will be kept tightly in place at all times to stop odours from emanating or rubbish
from blowing into the septic tank.
 Pipe networks and similar that transfer wastewater will be monitored for any leaks that could
cause foul odour water to escape or the buildup of a stagnant water pond.
 Regular maintenance of workers’ amenities, including emptying of effluent storage tanks.
 Work areas should be well ventilated to avoid impacts on the employees.

29.5 Asbestos

The activities are closely monitored and analyzed so as to identify the presence of asbestos. A
suitable risk assessment will be carried out before any work which may expose employees to
asbestos. The asbestos will be properly disposed from the site. Medical and health monitoring of the
workers will be done in periodic intervals. Awareness training, induction training and tool box talks
are given to the workers to make them aware of the hazard due to asbestos.

30.0 Water Consumption

ITCC will ensure all taps are switched-off when not in use and all employees shall be made aware of
water saving techniques. Every effort to ensue reduction in water shall be implemented where

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31.0 Waste Management

ITCC in construction and operation phase, wastes will be managed to avoid adverse impacts on the
life, health and wellbeing of people and the diversity of ecological process. In addition to minimize
the quantity of waste generated as well as to improve the waste disposal and management
techniques will be adopted.

ITCC is committed to the effective waste management of its waste and of the Environment during
the project as per waste management procedures.

Segregation of waste

Waste generated will be sorted and segregated at source to avoid mixing of incompatible waste
materials, in accordance with Qatar regulations. Toxic and hazardous waste shall be collected
separately and be disposed of in accordance with current regulations. ITCC shall comply with the
following for safe and effective methods of waste disposal.

e. Domestic waste

Domestic waste such as kitchen/mess scraps, disposable cups, waste paper, etc. must be
collected by cleaners and taken to a nominated government approved disposal area.

f. Industrial waste

Industrial waste, which includes metal, timber and other waste of a non-hazardous nature, shall be
disposed of into industrial waste skips. Once compacted and full, these skips shall be taken to a
nominated government approved disposal area.

g. Construction waste

Construction waste which includes concrete, metal, steel bits, block pieces, wooden pieces and other
wastes skips, which shall be located around the site. Once compacted full, these skips shall be taken
to a nominated government approved disposal area.

h. Liquid waste

Liquid waste, which includes sewage sludge, oil and grease trap waste and general waste oil,
shall be collected by an approved waste disposal Contractor and disposed of in a dedicated
disposal area. Waste oils from machinery and plant are to be stored in drums and
instructions/approval sought for recycling.

i. Hazardous waste

To ensure that materials treated with hazardous chemicals do not become a hazard to the public, all
such materials shall be disposed of in a safe manner. Operating Procedures shall include information
on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for handling the waste. These substances must be
disposed of by the appropriate method advised by the Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Manager
and as per Municipal regulations

j. Chemicals wastes

All chemicals and materials containing chemicals as constituents e.g. detergents must be considered
Controlled wastes from a disposal view point. These substances must be disposed of by the
appropriate method advised by the HSE Manager and as per municipal regulations

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
k. Contaminated Soil and Construction Spoil

Contaminated soil may be subjected to onsite treatment or sent to a landfill site.

Construction spoil consisting of soil and debris may be sent to an approved landfill
Site, as instructed by the HSE Manager.

Disposal of waste

Waste disposal will be carried out by the approved subcontractors as per the waste management
system and municipal regulations

Environmental matters will be covered as a standing agenda item during Health, Safety and
Environment (HSE) meetings. The objectives of these meetings include housekeeping and the
resolution of any concerns or problems that emerge (e.g. unsound conditions, incidents).

32.0 Emergency Response Plan


An unexpected operational incident which results in fire, collapse of the building, gas leakage,
earth quick explosion or any other like situation where immediate action required is called an
emergency. Emergencies are both man-made and natural, and sometimes may require a
workplace to be evacuated.


The purpose of this procedure is to provide clear and concise communication of the Emergency
Evacuation Plan ITCC & their Subcontractors personnel in Client/Consultant premises. This
procedure exposes the response, action and responsibilities for effective management and the
recovery from emergencies such as fire and gas leak.


This procedure applies to all ITCC & ITCC Subcontractors personnel performing with Project Site
office, work places and subcontractors involved during construction, as well as visitors to the ITCC
construction site.


The Safety officer shall formulate the appropriate emergency procedures for project site/ workplace
and ensure its implementation and he shall conduct the emergency evacuation drill at least twice in
a year.

The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that provisions are in place for emergency response,

 Muster Points/ Assembly point

 Arrangement through Project team/Office crew for the resources for conducting head counts.
 Identification and mobilization of emergency response teams.
 Training of emergency response teams.
 Setting up drills and exercises in co-ordination with the local emergency services.
 Evacuation procedures and emergency escape route assignments.
 Identification of exit routes.

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
In the event of any emergency, the concerned Safety Officer, Search team, Firefighting team,
Rescue team, Fire warden, First aid team or any other responsible member of the staff present
shall take the following actions with full assistance from other staff:-

Evacuation Procedures – In Case Of Fire

In the event of a fire, major incident, fire emergency, explosion, earth quick, building collapse or
any emergency which warrants the need to evacuate, a workplace/office building the actions listed
below shall be followed:-

Raise the alarm by activating nearest alarm call point or by dialing 999 on the nearest telephone or
by calling 999 from mobile phone. If you use a mobile telephone state your name and the location
of the fire in a clear, calm voice.

 Do not panic.
 Be sure someone sounds in the fire alarm to alert co-workers.
 Stop the work and shut down the equipment’s.
 Move quickly, but don’t run.
 Do not overtake others along the route.
 Know your fire emergency evacuation route (follow the signs/arrows) and designated Muster
point/assembly point of your work area.
 Ensuring that essential 'shut downs, are carried out e.g. switch off electrical equipment, closes
doors/windows, and secure valuable data etc.
 Never take chances. Get out fast if there is a risk of injury.
 Do not run or rush causing any further accidents or tripping or falling.
 Do not fight the fire if you have no knowledge or alone.
 All crews (ITCC & Subcontractors) will be assembled in muster point and reported to ITCC Fire
 All personnel shall assemble at their designated assembly points. Safety officers shall provide
guidance and assistance for mustering at the correct assembly point(s).
 Wait until all clear signal.

In Case Of Emergency Situation the Fire Warden Should:-

 Check that everyone has been evacuated.

 Report to the Muster Point.
 Head count the evacuated personnel.
 Report any missing person to fire warden.

Assembly Area / Muster Point

Designated assembly areas/muster point and way to these points shall be marked on site layout
maps. The assembly areas / muster points shall be identified by providing name boards. The route
/ way to such places shall be clear of all obstacles.

All Clear Signal

All clear signal shall be declared by the Safety Officer following a thorough examination of the
area, initiated by him and followed by other team leaders

33.0 HSE Audits

HSE audit is an important and useful technique to evaluate the effectiveness of HSE systems.

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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
HSE audit has been developed to define a system for the conduct of internal HSE activities and
related results comply with planned arrangements and to evaluate the effectiveness of the
implementation of the HSE management system. Internal audit conducted by ITCC team

33.1 HSE Reviews

If deemed necessary carry out HSE reviews over the course of the work or services performed
such reviews may include but not limited to:-

 Legislative and regulatory requirements

 Evaluation and registration of significant HSE effects
 Evaluation and registration of potential HSE impacts
 Assessment and evaluation of existing HSE practices and procedures
 Feedback from previous incidents reports and aspects of non-compliance.

In all instances, normal and abnormal operations of the location/site and potential emergency
conditions will be considered in the review process.
In establishing review criteria the following aspects will be considered: -
 Areas where HSE performance can be improved, e.g., injury, incident & near miss reduction,
noise level reduction, waste reduction, emissions reduction, reduction of non-conformances, etc
 Environmental aspects of products, services and or by-products e.g. waste and emissions
 Resources consumption
 Use of potentially hazardous processes and materials
 Waste and loss minimization
 Use and disposal of hazardous materials, products and waste
 Incorporation of HSE controls in design and operation
 Adequacy of resources
 HSE training criteria
 Communications on HSE factors

33.2 Control of HSE Documents and Records

This procedure describes the identification, collection, indexing, filing, access, storage,
maintenance, retention times and disposition of HSE Documents and records.

 Documents shall be maintained to demonstrate conformance to specified requirements of

project scope of works to Client/Consultant satisfaction and be legible and identifiable to the
relevant department, project, item and activity involved.
 Documents/Records shall be stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily
retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to minimize deterioration, damage
and to prevent loss.
 Documents/Records will be available to Client/Consultant upon request.

33.3 Environmental Records

Our nominated / authorized person shall keep and maintain environmental records in order to
demonstrate and provide evidence of the ongoing operation and management of the environment
policy and program.

33.4 Documents Identification

All documents shall be identified by means of the subject, department/project reference number and
file number. Reports shall be identified by subject, department/project reference number and
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Imperial Trading and Contracting Company
Project- Health, Safety and Environment Plan
sequential serial number.

33.5 Documents Storage

Documents required for storage shall be clearly identified. The documents can be stored in
hardcopy and/or electronic media. The documents shall be stored in suitable storage conditions to
ensure they are maintained in a legible, readily identifiable and retrievable fashion.

33.6 Documents Protection

All documents shall be protected from deterioration. The method of protection shall be defined for
each document.

33.7 Documents Retrieval

All documents shall be retrievable. An archive list shall be developed to identify documents, which
have been stored. A list of documents shall be displayed at filing cabinets etc to identify the
documents contained within.

33.8 Documents Retention Time

The retention period shall be two (2) years for all documents unless otherwise stated by contract

33.9 Disposal of Records

Documents shall be disposed of after the retention period has elapsed by means of an electronic

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