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Haryana Skill Development

(Skill Development & Industrial Training
Department, Haryana)

RFP HSDM/SKD/2017-18
Request for Proposal
(RFP) For
Empanelment of Centers of Excellence for Imparting
Employment Driven Skill Training to the Graduate Youth of Haryana

Haryana Skill Development Mission

Skill Development & Industrial Training Department, Haryana,
30 Bays Building, Sector-17, Chandigarh
Email- [email protected], Phone No- 0172-2722542


The information contained in this Request for Proposal ("RFP") or

subsequently provided to Bidder (s), whether verbally or in documentary or any
other form by or on behalf of Haryana Skill Development Mission (herein after
HSDM) is provided to interested parties on the terms and conditions set out in
this RFP and such other terms and conditions subject to which such
information is provided.

This RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor an

invitation by HSDM to interested parties who apply for empanelment (hence
forth Bidders) in response to this RFP. The purpose of this RFP is to provide
Bidders with information that may be useful to them in preparing and
submitting their proposals (Proposal) for empanelment with Haryana Skill
Development Mission as a 'Center of Excellence' for providing employment
oriented skill development training to the graduate youth in Haryana.

HSDM makes no representation or warranty and shall have no

liability to any person or Bidder under any law, statute, rules or regulations or
tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss,
damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on
account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the RFP and any
assessment, assumption, statement or information contained herein or deemed
to form part of this RFP or arising in any way from this empanelment process.

HSDM may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any
obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment
or assumptions contained in this RFP.

The issue of this RFP does not imply that HSDM is bound to
empanel any Bidder(s) or select any Bidder(s) for any project. HSDM reserves
the right to reject all or any of the Bidders without assigning any reason

The Bidders hall bear all costs associated with or relating to the
preparation and submission of its Proposal including but not limited to
preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any
demonstrations or presentations which may be required by HSDM or any other
costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and
expenses will remain with the Bidder and HSDM shall not be liable in any
manner for the same or for any other costs or expenses incurred by a Bidder in
preparation or submission of the Bid, regardless of the conduct or outcome of
this RFP and related processes.


1.1 Contents of this RFP

1.1.1 This RFP comprises the Disclaimer set forth hereinabove, the
contents as detailed below, and will additionally include any

1.2 Background of Haryana Skill Development Mission

1.2.1 Haryana Skill Development Mission ("HSDM") was registered on
4th May, 2015 under the Haryana Registration & Regulations of
Societies Act, 2012 to function as an autonomous organization
under Department of Technical Education Haryana.

1.2.2 The primary objectives of HSDM are:

The mission shall function as a non-profit, independent and
autonomous organization for implementation of skill development
mission in the State. The mission shall have the following specific

(i) Increase employability of the youth and empower them to take part
in the economic growth of Haryana and India, through skill
training in modern and market driven professions at reasonable
cost and monitoring its delivery, and thereby reducing
unemployment, poverty and socio-economic inequality.

(ii) To provide skill training to the students passing out from schools,
school dropouts, Unemployed youth, Informal sector workers,
Women and other disadvantaged groups.

(iii) To inspect, monitor the quality of training imparted.

(iv) To map demand for skill sets in the market and formulate
programmes to meet such demand through high quality skill

(v) Develop self employment and entrepreneurial skills for youths of

(vi) To act as a platform for job seekers and provide assistance in
getting self employment.

(vii) To assist the State Government in formulating appropriate policy,

legislations and/ or measures to fulfil the skill gap and constitute
task forces for this purpose.

(viii) To carry out or implement any other activities/ schemes which are
beneficial to make the youth of State of Haryana employable.

(ix) Assist in creating an enabling environment to attract investment in
professional and skill development sector.

(x) To undertake the capacity building programmes of various

stakeholders working in the professional and skill development

(xi) To enter into any arrangement / agreement with any person,

company or association having similar objectives.

1.3 Objective of the Empanelment Process

1.3.1 To give impetus to skill driven employability initiatives in the State,

HSDM intends to empanel Center of Excellence (CoEs) to provide
knowledge, soft-skill as well as technical-skill driven training in the
identified industry sectors to the graduate youth of Haryana in a
manner broadly in conformance with National Skills Qualifications
Framework (NSQF) notified by the Ministry of Finance on 27th
December 2013 and the Common Norms notified by the
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship on 15th July,
2015 and to meet the objectives of HSDM.

Empanelment as a Center of Excellence for the selected Bidders

will be subject to the Bidders willingness to commence programs
across all of the sectors listed in Clause 1.4.7.

It is of paramount importance that the empanelment as a Center of

Excellence mandates industry internships and assured offer of
employments for all the programme participants coordinated and
arranged by the Bidders.

1.3.2. Empanelment of CoEs shall be based on evaluation criteria in clause


1.3.3 Bidders selected for empanelment pursuant to this RFP will be

responsible for delivering 4-8 months training to graduate youth of
Haryana through a combination of in-class pedagogy and on-job
internship followed by assured placement in the relevant industry
across India or internationally. Required training infrastructure,
both in terms of facility as well as industry expertise, shall be
arranged for by the Bidder. The training cost for the programmes
run by the CoEs shall be exclusively borne by the enrolled
graduate students. Under no circumstances shall HSDM remit any
funds / monies to the Bidder towards infrastructure setup or
training delivery for skill development programs under the CoEs.

1.4 General Terms of Empanelment

1.4.1 Bidders must be eligible to apply for empanelment as per Clause

2.1. Bidding as a consortium is not permitted.

1.4.2 To get empanelled as a CoE, the Bidder must submit program /

curriculum details for all programs broadly in conformance with
National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF).

1.4.3 On the basis of proposals submitted by Bidders for CoE

empanelment, in response to this RFP, HSDM will constitute a
Panel of Bidders eligible for providing employment-driven
knowledge, soft-skill and industry-driven technical-skill training
to the graduate youth.

1.4.4 The tenure of the empanelment shall be for a period of five (5)
years from the date of empanelment, with the empanelment
status being renewed every year on the basis of:

i) the CoE continuing to meet the eligibility and qualifications

criteria as required by the prevailing conditions for
empanelment, or as may be amended by HSDM from time to
time; and

ii) the performance of the CoE post empanelment process.

Various factors as provided in Schedule B may be considered
for the performance review.

At the time of empanelment renewal, documentary support

for eligibility qualifications and credentials must be furnished
to HSDM as requested.
1.4.5 HSDM, at its discretion, can modify or terminate the Panel
earlier than the expiry of the five (5) year period in the event
of change in law or due to other relevant reason(s).

1.4.6 HSDM, at its discretion, can terminate the empanelment of a

CoE earlier than the expiry of the five (5) year period in the
event of failure of CoE to remain eligible in view of prevailing
eligibility conditions (as revised from time to time) or to
perform as per contract deliverables or other relevant
reason(s) given in writing to the CoE.

1.4.7 Empanelment as a Center of Excellence will be undertaken

for providing training and assured placements for the
following sectors. Training in others sectors may also be
provided as per demand of the industry.

i) Infrastructure Management.
ii) Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI).
iii) Healthcare Administration.
iv) Hospitality.
v) Retail.
vi) Aviation.
vii) Logistics.
viii) Event Management.
ix) Media & Public Relations.
x) Digital Marketing.
xi) Networking & IT Support.
xii) Data Analytics.
xiii) Information Security.
xiv) Cloud Computing.
xv) International Business.
xvi) Sales & Marketing.
xvii) Human Resources.
xviii) Entrepreneurship.
xix) Tourism.
xx) Agriculture and allied sectors.
xxi) Dairying.

1.4.8 Empanelment with HSDM will not entail any form of income/
award of work / retainer fees. It is explicitly understood that
HSDM will neither provide any infrastructure nor bear any
cost of training or remit any fund to the CoEs for the same.

1.5 Description of Empanelment Process

1.5.1 Interested eligible Bidders can participate in the
Empanelment Process by submitting their proposal in the
format given in the Appendix. Each Bidder must submit a
single proposal, irrespective of the number of sectors in
which the Bidder wants to get empanelled as a CoE.

1.5.2 Eligible Bidders shall be considered for empanelment with

HSDM and shall be invited for a technical presentation
before a competent Committee appointed by HSDM if they
meet the requisite cut-off as per Clause 3.3.3.

1.5.3 Along with the Proposal, a Bidder is required to deposit a

non-refundable processing fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees
Ten Thousand only). The Processing Fee must be in the
form of a crossed demand draft drawn on any scheduled
bank in favour of Haryana Skill Development Mission,
payable at par in Chandigarh.

1.5.4 HSDM shall endeavour to adhere to the following schedule
but reserves the right to alter the same:

S. No. Details Tentative Dates

1. Issuance of RFP 10th September, 2017
2. Last date for submission of 29th September, 2017
3. Announcement of Qualified 9th October, 2017
4. Technical Presentation by 13th October, 2017
Shortlisted Bidders

1.6 Terms and Scope of Work

Following will be preferred mode of operationalising scope of work:

1.6.1 Subsequent to empanelment of CoEs under the present

Empanelment Process, the Empanelled CoEs may conduct
seminars / workshops at places identified in joint
consultation with HSDM to educate the graduate students
about the employment opportunities existing in the emerging
industry sectors.

1.6.2 CoEs may conduct employability assessment of interested

students in the sectors and job roles of their choice before
commencing training.

1.6.3 The following is the broad scope of work for Empanelled


a) Mobilization of Graduate Trainees

Prior to initiation of training, ground-level
mobilization must be done by empanelled
CoEs at their own cost in areas identified in
consultation with HSDM.

Mobilization should be accompanied by

counselling wherein empanelled CoEs are
expected to provide candidates all possible
information on the nature of work in the sector /
trade, availability of jobs, potential pay and
entitlements, growth prospects and risks

Registration of trainees must be linked to their

Aadhaar identity, which the empanelled CoEs
are expected to facilitate before trainee

b) Batch Management: A training batch would consist

of not more than 50 trainees.

c) Center of Excellence Infrastructure
CoEs are required to have a self-owned / leased
training facility of a minimum 30,000 Sq. Ft. at
a single location in Haryana for skill trainings
and placement coordination.

Each CoEs must be equipped with the

infrastructure required for training under the
specific sectoral training programs.

CoEs infrastructure must be owned by the

Bidder or infrastructure may be on lease for 5

d) Training Delivery
CoEs are not allowed to provide training
through a franchisee arrangement. No part of
the Center shall be sub-let to any agency /
individual in any form.

The empanelled CoEs shall be responsible for all

aspects of the training including facility
readiness, quality of training delivery,
assessment and certification, and outcomes
required from the training.

e) Graduate Training Curriculum

Curriculum of the training shall be National
Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF)

The graduate training curriculum must have

mandatory modules on personality
development, communication skills, relevant
industry orientation, industry-specific computer
knowledge and sector-specific technical skills.

Adequate practical and on the job training /

internship as per the module must be arranged
and provided by the CoE.

f) Trainers
Persons deployed as trainers by the empanelled
CoEs must be certified instructors in possession
of requisite knowledge, skills and experience in
their domain.

For each of the graduate training programs, the

trainings must be imparted by certified trainers
having relevant industry experience.
g) Assessment and Certification
CoE shall run continuous internal assessment
in the form of quizzes, assignments and tests as
part of the course curriculum.

CoE will run a final assessment on the trainees

through a third party and in accordance with a
pre-defined criteria, award a certificate to the
qualifying trainees to ensure acceptability in the

h) Facilitating National & International Employment

for Graduate Trainees
Providing wage employment to the beneficiaries
is the prime focus under HSDM skill training(s).
Achievement of outcomes, in terms of
sustainable wage employment being facilitated
for trainees, shall be a crucial element for
assessing the performance of empanelled CoEs
at the time of annual empanelment renewal.
Other indicative parameters for assessing the
performance of empanelled CoEs are given in

The CoE shall be responsible for securing

national as well as international offers of
employments in relevant sector (of the
program) for all trainees successfully
completing the graduate training program.

i) Post Placement Tracking and Support

To ensure sustained benefits from
training, empanelled CoEs are required to
track and report successfully placed
candidates for a period of 1 year.

CoE shall be required to furnish

information such as appointment letter,
remuneration, etc. to HSDM as per terms
of the Agreement between HSDM and the
empanelled CoEs.

Contact details of successful trainees

should be passed on to HSDM for sample

1.6.4 The following is the broad scope of responsibility of HSDM
a) Promulgating the CoE Programs to Graduates
HSDM shall take all steps necessary to
promulgate the graduate training and
employment programs across various
universities in all the districts of Haryana.

b) Monitoring of CoE Graduate Programs

HSDM shall undertake regular monitoring of
CoEs as well as perform annual reviews of
training quality and placements of trainees
successfully completing the programs.

c) Others
Any other initiatives in joint consultation with
the CoE provided the same does not has direct
financial implications for HSDM.

1.6.5 All records including but not limited to those pertaining to

attendance, class progress, assessment, certification, and
training outcomes, must be maintained both manually (hard
copies submitted to HSDM) as well as uploaded on HSDM
website, the States Skill Management Information System.
Likewise, attendance of trainees and trainers must be
maintained both in the form of physical hard copies as well
as through biometric records.

2. Instructions

A. General

2.1 Eligibility Criteria

2.1.1 An eligible Bidder must be a legal entity in the form of

Proprietorship Firm / Partnership Firm / Private Limited
Company / Public Limited Company / Society / Trust.

2.1.2 An eligible Bidder must have a self-owned training facility of

a minimum 30,000 Sq. Ft. at a single location in Haryana for
graduate skill trainings and placement coordination.

2.1.3 An eligible Bidder must have prior experience of a minimum

of two financial years in training and placement in at least
eight (8) of the sectors listed in Clause 1.4.7.

2.1.4 An eligible Bidder must have a minimum annual turnover

of Rs. 3 Crores being generated from training / placement
services since the past 3 financial years i.e. 2014-15,
2015-16, 2016-17.

2.1.5 An eligible Bidder must have a graduate-level sourcing,
training and placement experience of a minimum of 3 years
in the area of graduate education, training and placement
with a minimum 75% placement record.

2.1.6 An eligible Bidder having experience of international

placements over the last 3 years with a minimum of 50
international placements over the period 2014-17 will be
given preference. Details of the same are to be furnished
along with proof of placements for verification.

2.1.7 An eligible Bidder must not have ever been blacklisted by

any State Government / Central Government / Donor

2.2 General Terms of Proposal Submission

2.2.1 Each Bidder must submit a single proposal, irrespective of

the number of sectors in which the Bidder wishes to get

2.2.2 HSDM shall receive the proposal in accordance with the

terms set forth in this RFP and other documents that may be
provided by HSDM pursuant to this RFP as amended /
clarified from time to time by HSDM.

2.2.3 Along with the Bid, the Bidder is required to deposit a

non-refundable Processing Fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees
Ten Thousand only) in line with details provided in Clause
1.5.3. The RFP shall be summarily rejected if it is not
accompanied by the Processing Fee.

2.2.4 Bidders shall not have a conflict of interest that affects the
empanelment process or any sanction of work that may
follow. Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest is
liable to be disqualified.

2.2.5 Any misrepresentation shall lead to disqualification of the

2.2.6 HSDM will not return any proposal or any information
provided along therewith.

2.2.7 In case it is found at any time during or subsequent to the

empanelment process or anytime during the period of
subsistence thereof, that one or more of the pre-qualification
conditions have not been met by the Bidder or that the
Bidder has made material misrepresentation or has given
any materially incorrect or false information, the Bidder shall
be disqualified forthwith and any Agreement/ Contract, if
signed, shall be liable to be terminated by a communication
in writing by HSDM to the Bidder, without HSDM being liable
in any manner whatsoever to the Bidder.

2.2.8 HSDM reserves the right to verify all statements, information
and documents submitted by the Bidder in response to the
RFP. Failure of HSDM to undertake such verification shall
not relieve the Bidder of its obligations or liabilities
hereunder nor will it affect any rights of HSDM there under.

2.2.9 The Bidders shall be responsible for all the costs associated
with the preparation of their proposal and their participation
in the Empanelment Process. HSDM will not be responsible
or in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct
or outcome of the Empanelment Process.

2.3 Due Diligence, site visit and verification of information

2.3.1 It shall be deemed that by submitting a Bid, the Bidder has:
a) made a complete and careful examination of the RFP;

b) received all relevant information requested from


c) satisfied itself about all matters, things and

information necessary for submitting an informed
Proposal and for execution of work in accordance with
the RFP and for performance of all of its obligations
there under.

2.4 Right to accept and to reject any or all Proposals

2.4.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, HSDM

reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and
to annul the empanelment process and reject all
Proposals at any time without any liability or any obligation
for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without
assigning any reasons thereof.

2.4.2 Such misrepresentation / improper response as described

herein shall lead to the disqualification of the Bidder.

2.4.3 In case, it is found during the evaluation of proposals or at

any time before signing of the Agreement or after its
execution and during the period of subsistence thereof, that
one or more of the pre-qualification conditions have not been
met by the Bidder or that the Bidder has made material
misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or
false information, the Bidder shall be disqualified forthwith
and the Agreement, if signed, shall be liable to be terminated
by a communication in writing by HSDM to the Bidder,
without HSDM being liable in any manner whatsoever to the

B. Documents

2.5 Contents of the RFP

2.5.1 The following are the Schedule attached as part of this RFP
a) Training Locations.
b) Indicative parameters for annual performance review of
2.5.2 The following are the appendices attached as a part of this
a) Format for Covering Letter for the Proposal.
b) Format for Affidavit on not being blacklisted.
c) Format for Bidder Details.
d) Format for Financial Capability Statement.
e) Format for Graduate-Level Training and Placement
Record (all-India).
f) Format for Additional Information.

g) Format for Board Resolution for Proposal Submission.

h) Format for Authorization for signing of Proposal &
Other Documents.
2.6 Clarifications
2.6.1 Bidders requiring any clarification on the RFP may
notify HSDM in writing or by letter and/or e-mail.
Queries should be sent in before the last date for
submission of proposal. HSDM shall post queries and
responses thereto on its website without identifying the
source of queries.

2.6.2 HSDM shall endeavour to respond to the queries

within the period specified therein through letter/e-
mail. However, HSDM reserves the right not to respond
to any question(s) or provide any clarification(s), at its
sole discretion, and nothing in these Clauses shall be
taken or read as compelling or requiring HSDM to
respond to any question or to provide any clarification.

2.6.3 HSDM may also on its own motion, if deemed

necessary, issue interpretations and clarifications to
all Bidders. All clarifications and interpretations issued
by HSDM shall be deemed to be part of the RFP.
Verbal clarifications and information given by HSDM
or its employees or representatives shall not in any
way or manner be binding on HSDM.

2.7 Amendment of RFP
2.7.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of
Proposals, HSDM may, for any reason, whether at its
own initiative or in response to clarifications requested
by a Bidder, modify the RFP by the issuance of

2.7.2 Any addenda issued subsequent to this RFP, but

before the Proposal Due Date, will be deemed to form
part of this RFP.

2.7.3 Any Addendum thus issued will be uploaded on the

HSDM website ( HSDM will post the
addendum/ replies to the queries on the HSDM
website without identifying the source of queries.

2.7.4 In order to afford the Bidders a reasonable time for

taking an Addendum into account, or for any other
reason, HSDM may, at its own discretion, extend the
timelines mentioned in Clause 1.5.4, having due
regard for the time required by the Bidders to address
such amendment.

2.7.5 Any modification and amendment in the RFP or the

timelines as stated in Clause 1.5.4 shall be uploaded
on the HSDM website. Prospective Bidders are
requested to remain updated with regard to any
addendum / notices / amendments / clarifications
etc. on the HSDM website at HSDM
may not provide separate notifications for such
addendum / notices / amendments / clarifications,
etc. in the print media (press) or individually.

C. Preparation and Submission of

2.8 Format of Proposal Submission

2.8.1 The Bidder shall provide all information sought under

this RFP. HSDM will evaluate only those proposals that
are received in the required formats and complete in all

2.8.2 The proposal should be neatly typed in indelible ink

and signed by the authorised signatory of the Bidder.
All pages should be numbered. All alterations,
omissions, additions or any other amendments made
to the Proposal must be initialled by the person(s)
signing the proposal.

2.9 Sealing and Submission of Proposals

2.9.1 The Bidder shall submit the proposal in the formats

specified in the Appendices, inside a sealed envelope
marked as Proposal for Empanelment of Center of
Excellence for Imparting Employment Driven Skill
Training to the Graduate Youth of Haryana. The
envelope shall clearly indicate the name and address
of the Bidder.

2.9.2 The documents accompanying the Proposal shall be

numbered serially and placed in the order
mentioned below, along with this checklist:

S. No. Description Reference

1 Cover Letter with the Bid AppendixI

2 Affidavit on not being blacklisted AppendixII

3 Bidder Details AppendixIII

4 Financial Capability Statement AppendixIV

5 Graduate Training and Placement Record (all-India) AppendixV

6 Additional Information AppendixVI

7 Board Resolution for Proposal Submission AppendixVII

8 Authorization for Signing of Bid AppendixVIII

9 Pre-Bid Queries Appendix-IX

10 Processing Fee Rs. 10,000

11 CD containing soft copy of the Proposal including all -

information provided as part of Appendix I-VI in

editable MS Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) format

2.9.3 Along with the original set, a true copy of the

Proposal with all documents as per the checklist in
Clause 2.9.2 should be submitted. The true copy
should be placed in another envelope and marked
as: "Copy of Proposal".

2.9.4 Both the original and true copy of the Proposal

should be addressed to:

Mission Director
Haryana Skill Development Mission
Skill Development & Industrial Training Department
30 Bays Building, Sector-17C, Chandigarh

2.9.5 Proposals should be submitted at the address
mentioned in Clause 2.9.4 by registered post or
courier or in person. In case of Proposals submitted
in person, a receipt thereof should be obtained from
the person specified at Clause 2.9.4 or a designated
person authorized by him for this purpose.

2.9.6 Proposals submitted by fax, telex, telegram or e-mail

shall not be entertained.

2.10 Proposal Due Date

2.10.1 Proposals should be submitted by 5:00 PM IST on
the Proposal Due Date as per Clause 1.5.4 at the
address provided in Clause 2.9.4 in the manner
and form as detailed in this RFP. HSDM may, at
its sole discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date
by issuing an Addendum in accordance with
Clause 2.7 uniformly for all Bidders.

2.10.2 Proposals received by HSDM after the specified

time on the Proposal Due Date shall not be eligible
for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.
HSDM will not be responsible in any manner for
late receipt of Proposals.

2.11 Modifications / Substitution / Withdrawal of Proposals

2.11.1 Bidders may not modify, substitute or withdraw
their Proposals after submission. Information
supplied subsequent to the Proposal Due Date,
unless the same has been expressly sought for by
HSDM, shall be disregarded.

2.12 Rejection of Proposals

2.12.1 HSDM reserves the right to accept or reject all or any
of the Proposals without assigning any reason
whatsoever. It is not obligatory for HSDM to accept
any Proposal or to give any reasons for their

2.12.2 HSDM reserves the right not to proceed with the

Empanelment Process at any time, without notice or
liability, and to reject any Proposal without assigning
any reason(s).

2.13 Validity of Proposals

2.13.1 The Proposals shall be valid for a period of not less
than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the
Proposal Due Date. The validity of Proposals may be
extended by mutual consent of HSDM and the

2.14 Confidentiality

2.14.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification,

evaluation and recommendation for the Bidders
shall not be disclosed to any person who is not
officially concerned with the process or is not a
retained professional advisor advising HSDM in
relation to, or matters arising out of, or concerning
the Empanelment Process.

2.14.2 HSDM will treat all information, submitted as part of

the Bid, in confidence and will require all those who
have access to such material to treat the same in
confidence. HSDM may not divulge any such
information unless it is directed to do so by any
statutory entity that has the power under law to
require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any
right or privilege of the statutory entity and/ or

2.15 Correspondence with the Bidder

2.15.1 HSDM reserves the right to not entertain any
correspondence with any Bidder in relation to
acceptance or rejection of any Bid.
3. Evaluation of Bids
3.1 Opening and Evaluation of Proposals
3.1.1 HSDM shall open the Proposals at 10:00 AM on the
day following the Proposal Due Date, or any other
date specified subsequently, at the address specified
in Clause 2.9.4 and in the presence of the Bidders
who choose to attend.

3.1.2 HSDM will subsequently examine and evaluate the

Proposals in accordance with the provisions set out
in Clause 3.2 and Clause 3.3 below.

3.1.3 If at any time during the evaluation process HSDM

requires any clarification, it reserves the right to
seek such information from any or all of the Bidders
and the Bidders will be obliged to provide the same
with supporting documents in the specified time

3.2 Tests of responsiveness

3.2.1 Prior to evaluation of Proposals, HSDM shall
determine whether each Proposal is responsive to
the requirements of the RFP. A Proposal shall be
considered responsive only if:
a) it is received as per Clause 2.8 and Clause 2.9 ;
b) it is received by the Proposal Due Date including
any extension thereof;
c) it is accompanied by the Processing Fee;

d) it does not contain any condition or qualification;


e) it is not non-responsive in terms hereof.

3.2.2 HSDM reserves the right to reject any Proposal which

is non-responsive and no request for alteration,
modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be
entertained by HSDM in respect of such Bid.

3.3 Evaluation and Selection of Bidders for Empanelment

3.3.1 The Bidder has to be adjudged as responsive in terms
of Clause 3.2.1 for participating in the Proposal

3.3.2 Bidders deemed eligible as per Clause 2.1 and

responsive as per Clause 3.2.1 will be evaluated
on their Technical, Financial and Additional
Qualifications as well as suitability for the State
of Haryana. The selection process would involve
an evaluation of the Technical Proposal (Part A)
and Technical Presentation (Part B).

3.3.3 Bidders who score at least 40 out of 70 possible

marks in Part A (referred to as Shortlisted
Bidders) shall qualify for making a Technical
Presentation before the Selection Committee.

3.3.4 The selection process shall be based on the

evaluation criteria provided in the table below:

Evaluation Criteria for Bidder Maximum of 100 Marks)

Sr. No. Parameters Max.
Part A: Technical Proposal submitted to HSDM
A.1 Technical Qualifications All India incl. Haryana (Max. Marks 40)

a). Successful completion of Employment - Driven Training at 20

Graduate / Post Graduate Level provided to Trainees in the
past 3 financial years across all sectors
General Scoring:
Completion of training for 1000 trainees : 10 marks

One additional mark for completion of training for every 50

trainees (counted in multiples of 50) above 1000, up to a
maximum of 20 marks total.

b). Number of Graduate Trainees placed after Training above CTC 15
of Rs.1.80 lakh / Annum in the past 3 financial years, across
all sectors
General Scoring:
Placement of 500 trainees above Rs. 1.80 Lakh pa CTC : 10

One additional mark for every 50 trainees placed above

Rs.1.8 lakh pa CTC (counted only in multiples of 50) placed
above 500 trainees up to a maximum of 20 marks total.

c) An eligible Bidder must have experience of international 5

placements over the last 3 years with a minimum of 50
international placements over the period 2014-17. Details of the
same to be furnished alongwith proof of placements for
A.2 Financial Qualification (Max.Marks 20)
a). Average turnover from graduate trainings over past 3 years 10
General Scoring:
Above Rs. 3 Crore up to Rs. 6 Crore: 5 marks
Above Rs. 6 Crore up to Rs. 8 Crore: 7 marks
Above Rs. 8 Crore: 10 marks

b). Average net worth over past 3 years 10

Positive net worth of Rs. 1 Crore: 2 marks
Above Rs. 1 Crore up to Rs 2 Crore: 3 marks
Above Rs. 2 Crore: 10 marks

A.3 Additional Qualifications (Maximum Marks 10)

a). Bidders having their own well established facility (with 10
infrastructure & staff) with a network of corporate
employment partner-
Up to 50 corporate partners where graduates have been
placed (5 marks) with 1 mark additional for every 10
additional corporate partners upto a maximum of 10 marks.

Part B: Technical Presentation before the Selection Committee

B.1 Technical Presentation (Maximum Marks : 30)
a). Break-up: 30
Bidders understanding of graduate employability.
Bidders understanding of Haryana and suitability of
graduate training and employability for the state.
Bidders approach & methodology for training and placement
of the graduate youth of Haryana.
Bidder's conceptual clarity; Suitability in context of the
Project; Faculty experience; Approach towards Mobilization,
Skill Training & Delivery and Placements.

Note I: The bidders shall have to indicate the wage promised as part of the
mandatory placement assurance for ALL successful trainees upon
completion of training. The Bidders scoring 40 marks out of 70 marks (as
per criteria) shall be qualified for technical presentation. After technical
presentation up to three successful Bidders will be shortlisted and
considered finally for empanelment with HSDM as an HSDM Empanelled
Center of Excellence.

Note II: For the purpose of this RFP, Bidders are required to submit
information and supporting documents on only such trainings which qualify
as per the guidelines mentioned below:
i) Skill development training implies at least 300 hours of domain-
specific skill training oriented towards employment of trainees;

ii) Only completed skill development trainings (i.e. training followed by

assessment/ certification) shall be considered for evaluation under this

iii) Only such data shall be considered for evaluation which is

substantiated by the Bidder through adequate documentary proof (list
of acceptable/ suggested documents provided under Note in
Appendix-IV and V). The onus of providing adequate and verifiable
supporting evidence lies upon the Bidder;
iv) For number of candidates trained/ placed, past 3 financial
years implies either the financial year 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 or
calendar years 2014, 2015 & 2016.
v) Bidders who have been in existence for less than 3 financial years may
submit data pertaining to the duration of their existence.
3.3.5 After the evaluation of Proposals under Part A, HSDM would announce
a list of Shortlisted Bidders, in line with Clause 3.3.3, who will be
invited to make a Technical Presentation before the Selection
Committee constituted for selecting Bidders for empanelment as CoE.
HSDM will not entertain any query or clarification from Bidders who fail
to qualify for the Technical Presentation.

3.3.6 Bidders shall be empanelled on the basis of obtained scores after

aggregating the scores awarded on the basis of Proposals and Technical
Presentations (Overall Score).

3.3.7 The performance of Empanelled CoEs shall be assessed annually at the

time of empanelment renewal for the subsequent year shall be in
accordance with the performance.

3.3.8 The performance of CoEs in terms of mandated outcomes (specified in

Clause7.1.3 and 7.1.4) shall be crucial. If less than 75% of a batch is
able to secure wage/self-employment as per the guidelines herein, the
CoE may be delisted as a Center of Excellence, unless any relaxation is
provided by HSDM.

It is provided that the HSDM Empaneled Bidder will deposit 5% of fee
collected from the batch with HSDM, within 10 days of start of the batch, as
security deposit. If less than 75% of the batch is able to secure wage/self
employment as per guidelines, security deposit as mentioned above will be
forfeited. It is further provided that the security deposit will be refunded to the
HSDM Empaneled Bidder within 30 days of furnishing complete proof of 75%
of the batch having secured wage/self employment failing which HSDM will
pay 8% simple annual interest from the date of completion of 30 days.

3.4 Contacts during Proposal Evaluation

3.4.1 Proposals shall be deemed to be under consideration
immediately after they are opened and until such time HSDM
makes official intimation of award/ rejection to the Bidders.
While the Proposals are under consideration, Bidders and/ or
their representatives or other interested parties are advised to
refrain from contacting, by any means, HSDM and/ or their
employees/ representatives on matters related to the Proposals
under consideration.
4. Fraud and Corrupt Practices

4.1.1 The Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and
advisers shall observe the highest standard of ethics during and
subsequent to the Empanelment Process and during the
subsistence of the Agreement.

4.1.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, or in

the Agreement, HSDM shall reject a Bid, withdraw any award of
work, or terminate the Agreement, as the case may be, without
being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Bidder, if it
determines that the Bidder has, directly or indirectly or through
an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice,
coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice in
the Empanelment Process.
4.1.3 In such an event, HSDM shall appropriate the Performance
Security Deposit, as the case may be, without prejudice to any
other right or remedy that may be available to HSDM hereunder
or otherwise.
4.1.4 For the purposes of Clause 4, the following terms shall have the
meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them:

a. corrupt practice means (i) the offering, giving receiving, or

soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to
influence the actions of any person connected with the
Empanelment Process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of
employment to or employing or
engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any
official of HSDM who is or has been associated in any manner,
directly or indirectly with the Empanelment Process or award of
work or has dealt with matters concerning the Agreement or
arising there from, before or after the execution thereof, at any
time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official
resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of
HSDM, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a
person connected with the Empanelment Process); or (ii) engaging
in any manner whatsoever, whether during or after the
empanelment process or after the execution of the Agreement, as
the case may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to
the Project or the Agreement, who at any time has been or is a
legal, financial or technical adviser of HSDM in relation to any
matter concerning the project;
b) "fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation or omission of
facts or suppression of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in
order to influence the Empanelment Process;
c) "coercive practice" means impairing or harming, or threatening to
impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any person or property to
influence any
person's participation or action in the Empanelment
d) "undesirable practice" means (i) establishing contact with any
person connected with or employed or engaged by HSDM with the
objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or
attempting to influence the Empanelment Process; or (ii) having a
Conflict of Interest; and
e) "restrictive practice" means forming a cartel or arriving at any
understanding or arrangement among Bidders with the objective of
restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in the
Empanelment Process.
5. Miscellaneous
5.1.1 The Empanelment Process shall be governed by, and construed in
accordance with, the laws of India and the Courts at Chandigarh shall

have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under, pursuant to
and/or in connection with the Empanelment Process.

5.1.2. HSDM, at its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or
liability, reserves the right, at any time, to;
a) suspend and/ or cancel the Empanelment Process and/ or amend
and/ or supplement the Empanelment Process or modify the
dates or other terms and conditions relating thereto;
b) consult with any Bidder in order to receive clarification or further
c) retain any information and/or evidence submitted to HSDM by,
on behalf of, and/ or in relation to any Bidder; and/ or
d) independently verify, disqualify, reject and/ or accept any
and all submissions or other information and/ or evidence
submitted by or on behalf of any Bidder.
5.1.3 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Proposal, the Bidder agrees

and releases HSDM, its employees, agents and advisers, irrevocably,

unconditionally, fully and finally from any and all liability for claims,
losses, damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any way related to or
arising from the exercise of any rights and/ or performance of any
obligations hereunder, pursuant hereto and/ or in connection herewith
and waives any and all rights and/or claims it may have in this respect,
whether actual or contingent, whether present or future.


6.1.1 The CoE shall be required to impart training at their designated Center
for graduate trainees sourced from any of the Districts of Haryana.


6.1.2 The performance of Empanelled CoE shall be assessed annually at the

time of empanelment renewal based on their achievement of
performance targets.
6.1.3 Some indicative parameters for annual performance review are:
Achievement of targets : In terms of beneficiary numbers; Against
geographical and sectoral work allocation. (10 Marks if allocated targets
achieved 100% by the end of financial year. Thereafter marks
proportionate to %age of targets achieved)
Achievement of outcomes: Proportion of trainees successfully
certified; Proportion of trainees facilitated with wage/self employment.
(20 marks if placement is 100%. Thereafter marks proportionate to
%age of wage employment achieved)
Quality of training: Training infrastructure; Training methodology;
Trainer Quality; Trainees Assessed vis--vis Trainees Enrolled; Trainees
Certified vis--vis Trainees Assessed; Feedback from Monitoring
agency/team. (10 marks if all the above parameters are as per norms.
Thereafter marks proportionate to %age of facilities available)
Quality of placement: Work conditions of placement secured for
trainees; Trainee job- retention record; Average salary of placed
trainees (indicative table below)

Average salary range in which trainees placed Marks categorisation

Rs.8,500 Rs.10,000permonth Lowest percentile(0-35)- 5 marks

Rs.10,000Rs.15,000permonth Middle percentile(>35 upto 70)-7

AboveRs.15,000permonth Highest percentile(>70)- 10 marks

International placement above certain wages 5 marks

7. Appendices
Appendix I
Format Covering Letter

The Mission Director,

Haryana Skill Development Mission,
Skill Development & Industrial Training Department
30 Bays Building, Sector-17C, Chandigarh

Dear Sir,

Subject: Empanelment of Center of Excellence for Imparting

Employment Driven Skill Training to the Graduate Youth of

This is in response to the RFP issued by the Haryana Skill

Development Mission (Ref. No....) dated We
(Name of the Bidder) are keen to
get our facility at .. empanelled
with HSDM as a Center of Excellence and hereby express our interest in
being considered for the same.

Please find enclosed one Original and one True Copy of our
Proposal. We have also attached the requisite Processing Fee of Rs. 10,000/-
in the form of
Demand Draft No. ................... dated .............. drawn on
.............................. We hereby confirm that:
1. The RFP is being submitted by
which is the Bidder in accordance with the conditions stipulated in
the RFP.

2. We have examined in detail and have understood the terms and

conditions stipulated in the RFP issued by HSDM and in any
subsequent communication sent by HSDM. We agree and undertake to
abide by all these terms and conditions. Our RFP is consistent with all
the requirements of submission as stated in the RFP or in any of the
subsequent communications from HSDM.

3. The information submitted in our RFP is complete and correct to

the best of our knowledge and understanding. We would be solely
responsible for any errors or omissions in our RFP. We acknowledge
that HSDM will be relying on the information provided in the RFP and
the documents accompanying such RFP.

for Selection of Bidders for empanelment of Central of Excellence to impart skill
development training in Haryana, and we certify that all information provided
in the application is true And correct; nothing has been omitted
which renders such information misleading; and all documents
accompanying such RFP are true copies of their respective originals.
4. We acknowledge the right of HSDM to reject our RFP without assigning
any reason or otherwise and hereby waive, to the fullest extent
permitted by applicable law, our right to challenge the same on any
account whatsoever.
5. We declare that we satisfy all legal requirements and meet all the
eligibility criteria laid down in the RFP.
6. This RFP is unconditional and we hereby undertake to abide by the
terms and conditions of the RFP.
7. We understand that any work sanctioned in pursuance to the
empanelment process detailed in this RFP shall be on the terms and
conditions specified in the Letter of Award/ Work Order/ Agreement
pertaining to such work, which shall be thoroughly reviewed and
accepted by us before undertaking such work.

8. We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or

indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice.

For and on behalf of: Signature:

Name: Designation:

(Company Seal)
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)


The Covering Letter is to be submitted by Company Secretary/ Authorized

Representative and Signatory on the organizations letterhead with his/her
dated signature and seal.

Appendix II
Affidavit for not being blacklisted

(Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper by Company Secretary/ Authorized

Representative and Signatory of the Bidder with his/her dated signature and
company seal)

I/ We, on behalf of
..................................................... (Name of Bidder), with its
registered office at
.......................................................... do hereby declare that
the above-mentioned Bidder has not ever been blacklisted/ debarred by any
State/Central Government authority / Donor Agency.

For and on behalf of:


(Company Seal)
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)

AppendixIII Format
Bidders Details
(To be provided by Company Secretary or Authorized Signatory on
Letterhead with his/her dated signature and company seal)
Sr. No. Description Details Document at
Page No.

1. Name of Legal Entity

2. Status / Constitution of the Bidder

3. Name of Registering Authority

4. Registration Number

5. Date of Registration

6. Place of Registration

7. PAN Card Number

8. GST Identification Number

For and on behalf of:


(Company Seal)
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)

Note: Copy of appropriate registration / incorporation certificate along with a

copy of PAN card should be appended as a part of this form. Copies of all
documents should be appended in the same order as mentioned in the
table. All financial documents should be duly certified by a Chartered

Appendix IV
Format Financial Capability Statement
(Duly signed by the Authorised Representative and certified by a Chartered

On the basis of audited financial statements, I/We hereby submit

that................................. (Name of Bidder), having registered office
at..................................................................,has annual turnover, net
profit/loss, net worth and annual turnover from skill development activities, in
past three consecutive financial years (2014-15and 2015-16, 2016-

S. Financial Annual Net Annual Net worth Annual Turnover from skill
No. Year Turnover Profit / Loss development activities/
(Rs.Lakhs) (Rs.Lakhs) (Rs.Lakhs) programmes (Rs. Lakhs)

1. 2014-15
2. 2015-16
3. 2016-17

For and on behalf of:



(Company Seal)
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)


1. Bidder is required to submit the audited financial statements for the past
three years (2014-15,2015-16 and 2016-17 ).
2. Bidders who have not been in existence for three financial years may
provide details pertaining to the duration of their existence.
3. All supporting documents should be duly certified by a Chartered

Appendix V
Format Training and Placement Record
Training and Placement Record in Past 3 Financial Years
Sector Details Total no. of Graduates Total no. of Average salary
for which employability Graduates range of placed
training completed (A) placed after candidates (C)
training (B)

Total (all sectors) for past

3 financial years

Note 1: Data may be provided for financial years 2014-15, 2015-16

and2016-17 or calendar years 2014, 2015 & 2016.
Note 2: Bidders are requested to furnish information in an organised
manner as per the format mentioned above and guidelines mentioned
Note 3: Please attach Supporting Document corresponding to each item
under (A, B, C)

For and on behalf of:


(Company Seal)
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)

1. Supporting evidence for placements must be provided as below:

For No. of Candidates Trained, the following is required:

a) Certificate by a Chartered Accountant stating the number of
trainees for whom skill training has been completed by the
Bidder as per the conditions stated in the note under Clause
For No. of Trainees Placed in India, the following is required:

1. Certificate by a Chartered Accountant stating the number of
trainees placed after skill training by the Bidder during the last 3
financial years.

For No. of Trainees Placed Internationally , the

following is required:

1. Certificate by a Chartered Accountant stating the number of

trainees placed internationally after skill training by the Bidder
during the last two financial years.

Appendix VI
Format Additional Information
(i) Bidders understanding of skill development, and the impact of
training on graduate employability in the state of Haryana

(ii) Bidders approach & methodology for Graduate Training &

Delivery (including Mobilization, Training Delivery, Quality

(iii) Bidders experience and strength in securing national and

international placement for trainees
(iv) Trainer details (All-India)

Sr. No. Description Details

1. No. of permanent trainers, along with their sector(s) of
2. No. of contractual trainers, along with their sector(s) of
Qualifications of
4. Permanent Faculty
5. No. (and basic details) of career counsellors working for
the Bidder, if any

(v) Additional details furnished by Bidder

(Bidder may use this space to give other details regarding themselves and
their experience in design and delivery of employability programs)

For and on behalf of:

(Company Seal)
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)

Appendix VII
Format Board Resolution for Proposal Submission
(To be furnished by the Bidder)

Certified true copy of the resolution passed at the meeting of the

Board of
Directors of <Name of Organization> at their meeting held
on <Date> at <Time> at


Resolved that the consent of the Board of Directors is hereby accorded to

submit the Bid and other necessary documents for Request for Proposal for
Empanelment of Center of Excellence for Imparting Employment Driven
Skill Training to the Graduate Youth of Haryana

Signed on behalf of:

(Signature of Authorized Representative(s) of the Board)

Name: Designation:

Signature of:

Designation: Company Secretary

Appendix VIII
Format Authorization
(On Company Letterhead)


This is to authorize Mr./ Ms. son/ daughter/ wife of

and presently residing at , who is

presently employed with us and/or holding the position of ,
for doing in our name and signing on our behalf all such acts, deeds and things as are
required in connection with submission of our bid for Empanelment of Center of
Excellence for Imparting Employment Driven Skill Training to the Graduate
Youth of Haryana including but not limited to signing and submission of all
applications, bids and other documents, participating in Bidders' conferences
and providing information / responses to Haryana Skill Development Mission
(HSDM), representing us in all matters before H SDM or concerned Authority,
signing and execution of all contracts including the Agreement and undertakings
consequent to acceptance of our bid, and generally dealing with the Authority in all
matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our bid for the said Project
and/or upon award thereof to us and/or till the entering into of the Agreement with

Signed on behalf of


(Name, Title and Address)

Appendix I X
Format Pre-Bid Queries

Name of the Prospective Bidder/ Agency:

Contact Person:
Telephone No.:

S. No Reference Page Clause No. Observation / Suggestion by the

No. in the RFP Clarification sought Prospective Bidder
/ Agency


Pre-Bid queries from Prospective Bidders will be accepted in this format only.


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