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Moradabad Institute of Technology

Session (2023-24)



Submitted to Submitted By
Name Vedant Saxena
Ms. Bindu Rani e
Roll No 2300820700059
Year & Semester 1ST YEAR 2ND SEM
S. No. Topic Date Remark Sign
1. Create a student table using MS Excel
2. Prepare a Pivot Table in Excel
Show the working with Drill down on
3. Pivots and Summarize Pivot Data by
“Average” or some other formula.
Show the working with Pivot Table to
analyzing data using goal seek and
solver and using Goal Seek to determine
the interest rate.
Creating a Scenario in Excel and show
that how can we provide the input?
Show the steps to perform the edit
6. operation in Scenario.
Show the steps to Merging Scenarios
7. from Other Workbooks.
Understanding chart types, column
8. chart, bar chart, line chart, pie chart.
Draw the column chart for the following
9. data set.
Create a PivotChart report from an
10. existing PivotTable report.
Assignment 1

Objective: Create a student table using Microsoft Excel

Step 1. Open MS Excel: Start > Search Box> MS Excel, now press Enter.
Step 2. Make 4 columns namely, Subject | Name | Marks | Percentage.
Step 3. Now, Enter various subject names in the Subject column
Step 4. Now, Enter names of various Students enrolled in corresponding subjects
Step 5. Now, Enter marks obtained by students in each subject, in corresponding Marks
Step 6. Now, Calculate percentage of each student out of 20 subject wise, use the formula
Step 7. Use shortcut Ctrl + S to save the sheet.

Assignment 2

Objective: Prepare a pivot table using Microsoft Excel

Step 1. Create/Open a table to work on.
Step 2. Select the desired table area to be used for the pivot.
Step 3. From Insert menu > Select Pivot Table > Check if the “table range” is as desired
Step 4. Select whether you want to use a new worksheet or the same sheet. And Click OK
Step 5. Now Drag and Drop the desired columns from the “Pivot table Field List” according to your
Step 6. You will see changes in the “Pivot table area”.
Step 7. You could use Marks in values (change the value field setting and choose Average)
Step 8. You could use Percentage in values (change the value field setting and choose Average)
Step 9. Choose Subject in Rows Labels (This will give a student-wise average marks and percentage
for each subject)
Step 10. Pivot table is Ready, Press Ctrl + S to save your work.

Assignment 4

Objective: Show the working with Pivot Table to analyzing data using goal seek
and solver and using Goal Seek to determine desired data.
Step 1. Create a table to work on.
Step 2. Make sure the desired cell has a formula.
Step 3. From the Menu bar > Data > Data Tools > What-If Analysis > Goal Seek
Step 4. Now from the dialog box > Fill the desired value in the “To Value” column.
Step 5. Now select the range of cells to be modified to be filled in “By changing cell”.
Step 6. Now click Okay and observe the changes.

Following Snapshots shows two examples when, Total was to be change from 89 to 92. And when
percentage was to change from 74% to 82%.

Assignment 5

Objective: Creating a Scenario in Excel and show that how can we provide the
Step 1. Create a table with data.
Step 2. Go to Data > What-if Analysis > Scenario Manager.
Step 3. Enter an identifier name for the scenario.
Step 4. From the dialog box, Select Add to create a new scenario. Let say “MAX”
Step 5. Now select the prospective range of cells.
Step 6. Enter the susceptive values for the range.
Step 7. Click Ok and now from the dialog box, click on summary to see the results.

 Created a Max Scenario

 Generated a Summary
 Added another scenario :
Assignment 6

Objective: Show the steps to perform the edit operation in Scenario.

Step 1. Open a workbook in which scenarios were already created
Step 2. Go to Data > What-if Analysis > Scenario Manager.
Step 3. Now from the list choose the scenario to be edited
Step 4. Choose the Edit option from the Dialog Box.
Step 5. Edit the Values in the edit dialog box.
Step 6. Click OK, and Now Generate a Summary to see the results.

 Edited the Min Scenario

 Before Edit
 After Edit

 Final Change :
Assignment 7

Objective: Show the steps to Merging Scenarios from Other Workbooks.

Step 1. Open a workbook in which scenarios were already created
Step 2. Go to Data > What-if Analysis > Scenario Manager.
Step 3. Now from the list choose the scenario to be merged.
Step 4. Choose the Merge option from the Dialog Box.
Step 5. Choose the workbook which has your desired scenario you wish to merge
Step 6. Click OK, and Now Generate a Summary to see the results.

 Merge Dialog Box :

 Select the other workbook :

 Choose the Sheet with Scenarios :

 Updated List :
Assignment 8

Objective: Understanding chart types, column chart, bar chart, line chart, pie
Step 1. Open a workbook with data in it.
Step 2. Select the cell area with desired data that you wish to represent in a graph.
Step 3. Now from the Insert tab > Charts.
Step 4. Choose the most suitable chart type.
Step 5. Now from the dialog box choose the chart style and click OK.

Assignment 9

Objective: Draw the column chart for the following data set.

Step 1. Open a workbook with data in it.
Step 2. Select the cell area with desired data that you wish to represent in a graph.
Step 3. Now from the Insert tab > Charts.
Step 4. Choose the Column Chart or Bar Chart type.
Step 5. Now from the dialog box choose the chart style and click OK.

Assignment 10

Objective: Create a PivotChart report from an existing PivotTable report.

Step 1. Open a workbook with data desired data.
Step 2. Select the cell area with desired data that you wish to use in the pivot table analysis.
Step 3. Now from the Insert tab > Tables > Pivot Dropdown> Pivot Graph.
Step 4. Choose the range, and place you want your Pivot chart to be created and Click OK
Step 5. Drag and drop your respective fields that you want in your graph.
Step 6. Graph will be created in realtime.


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