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Spring Arbor University School of Education Lesson Plan Essential Elements Title: La Familia Part II (The Family) Subject:

Spanish (World Languages) Grade Level: 4th Grade Time Allotted: 50 minutes Materials Required: Adjective Vocabulary Family Character Cut-Outs Family Vocabulary Cards Vocabulary Pocket Chart _____________________________________________________________________________________ Michigan Curriculum Framework: 1.1.N.SL.e
Ask questions about physical appearance, character and personality traits of friends, family, classmates and answer using a list of traits

Present brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in target language such as self, friends, family, home, and school

I can share descriptions of my family to my class and Pen Pal in Spanish. Yo puedo compartir descripciones de mi familia a mi clase y mi Pen Pal en espaol. I can ask and answer questions in Spanish about the physical appearance of family members using a list of traits Puedo preguntar/contestar a las preguntas en espaol sobre la apariencia fsica de miembros de la familia utilizando la lista de rasgos.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Time Essential Elements Allotted 4 min. 1. Anticipatory Set: Remember yesterday how we made our Family Characters and we talked a little bit about how to describe them using Spanish terms like madre, padre, to . . . etc. Today, we are going to use some other terms to describe our family members and answer the question; Cmo es _______ ? (How is/What are they like) Could you give me some examples of adjectives that you would use to describe someone? (Teacher writes on board; tall, skinny, short, intelligent, . . . etc). 1 min. 2. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson:
We will be focusing on Spanish adjectives to answer the question Cmo es ________? By the end of the lesson, you will be able to say something more about each family member in your Character Family.

40 min.

5 min.

3. Plan for Instruction: Teacher models examples of their own Family Characters by forming sentences in Spanish and using the adjective vocabulary, example; Question: Cmo es t ta? (How is your aunt?/What is she like?) Answer: Mi ta es inteligente. = My aunt is intelligent. (noun+is+adjective) Students practice describing their Family Characters using sentence structure (noun+is+adjective). Students write down examples using the Cmo es? Worksheet 4. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations): For students who do not yet feel comfortable speaking or need more practice forming the sentences before they speak, they may write down their sentences to share with their partners. For students who finish the worksheet early, they may flip to the backside and answer the question; Cmo eres t? (How are you/What are you like?) by using the format: Soy __________ (I am _________ ). 5. Assessment: Student understanding will be checked informally when they share examples of adjectives. Students will be formal formatively assessed on this day through written examples on the Cmo es? Worksheet that is not graded, but allows student practice. Students will be formally summative assessed on the third day through the Pen Pal letter and rubric that combines family and adjective vocabulary learned. 6. Closure: Now that you have finished asking and answering questions in Spanish using the adjectives, can I have a few volunteers that will tell me in Spanish two of their sentences they have written down describing another classmates family characters? (Students give examples and teacher positively encourages speaking and corrects as they repeat what student has said, example; Student: Angela said, Mi ta es alto . . . Teacher: Oh! Angela said Mi ta es alta, so her aunt is tall. Thank you for sharing!

Example of Family Character Cut-Outs

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Examples for Vocabulary Pocket Chart Family Vocabulary la abuela the grandmother el abuelo the grandfather la madre the mother el padre the father el hermano the brother la hermana the sister el hermanastro the half brother la hermanastra the half sister el to the uncle la ta the aunt el primo the cousin (boy) la prima the cousin (girl) el beb the baby el perro the dog el gato the cat el pez the fish

Adjectives to describe Family aburrido(a) boring alto(a) tall bajo(a) short bueno(a) good curioso(a) curious delgado(a) thin dulce sweet fuerte strong gordo(a) fat grande big guapo(a) pretty hermoso(a) beautiful honesto(a) honest interesante interesting joven young pequeo(a) small perezoso(a) lazy tranquilo(a) calm viejo(a) old *Remind students that the adjectives must fit in both number and gender with the word it is describing.

Verb examples to conjugate: tener(tengo) to have(I have) llamarse (me llamo, se llama) to call oneself (I call myself, he/she calls himself/herself)

Cmo es?
a) Find una pareja (a partner) b) Ask them about their family members in Spanish C) Write down their answers in Spanish Remember to use: Cmo es tu (family character) ?

Nombre de mi pareja (Name of my partner): __________________________________________________

Nombre de mi pareja (Name of my partner): __________________________________________________

Nombre de mi pareja (Name of my partner): __________________________________________________

Nombre de mi pareja (Name of my partner): __________________________________________________

If you finish early, flip to the back of this page and write describing yourself; Question: Cmo eres? What are you like? Answer: Yo soy (adjective) I am _____________

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