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P R O D U C T P R O F I L E PureWay-C™ is a

proprietary, Patent
Pending, proven
INTRODUCTION Table 1. PureWay-C™ Absorption and Retention form of vitamin C
vs other forms of Vitamin C
PureWay-C™ is different than other forms of that contains lipid
vitamin C because it includes naturally derived metabolites of lipid
lipid metabolites of lipid triglycerides and citrus triglycerides and
bioflavonoids to enhance the uptake, distribution citrus bioflavonoids,
and release kinetics of ascorbic acid. The
for better delivery,
lipid metabolites are derived from safe plant
sources, and mixed with ascorbic acid during the absorption and uptake
manufacturing process. of vitamin C.

In PureWay-C™, fatty acids act as ascorbic acid

carriers to increase intestinal absorption and
vascular distribution of Vitamin C and enhance
cellular uptake kinetics which allows ascorbic
acid to enter cells in a safe, quick and effective PRODUCT ADVANTAGES
manner. Citrus bioflavonoids protect the vitamin
C from oxidizers and contribute to the antioxidant Proprietary Vitamin C: PureWay-C™ Vitamin C is mixed with lipid metabolites and citrus
bioflavonoids and delivered efficiently to the human body.
capability of PureWay-C™.
Clinically Proven: Documented with research studies (in vitro and clinical trials) comparing it also
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OVERVIEW with other Vitamin C forms.
Research conducted at Adelphi University (New
High Bioavailability: More rapidly absorbed (233% higher) and highly retained by the body
York), compared cellular uptake of several forms of than other forms of Vitamin C. Vitamin C levels were then determined by high pressure liquid
vitamin C and found that two hours after treatment chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection (EC).
with the vitamin, human T-lymphocyte treated with
Efficacy: PureWay-C™ outperforms other forms of Vitamin C in key metabolic functions where
PureWay-C™ contained higher vitamin C level than Vitamin C is known to play a role.
any other treatment group evaluated1 (Table1).
High amount of Vitamin C: Minimum 90% Vitamin C on product specification.
A study conducted by researchers from the
University of Miami School of Medicine found that Exceptional safety: GRAS-affirmed and stomach-friendly.
the average serum vitamin C level was higher in
Good stability profile: Stable for 3 years. Used in liquid applications.
the group taking PureWay-C™ for a 24 hour period
following intake. The study consisted of healthy Water Soluble (extra-fine grade)
volunteers who went on a two week long vitamin
C-restricted diet and then received a single 1,000 mg Vegan
supplement of vitamin C taking either PureWay-C™
Halal and Kosher
or one of several other vitamin C forms2.

1. Weeks BS, Perez PP: Absorption rates and free radical scavenging values of vitamin C-lipid metabolites in human lymphoblastic cells. Med Sci Monit, 2007; 13(10): BR205-210.
2. Pancorbo D, Vazquez C, Fletcher MA: Vitamin C-lipid metabolites: Uptake and retention and effect on plasma C-reactive protein and oxidized LDL levels in healthy volunteers. Med Sci Monit, 2008; 14(11): CR547-551.

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P R O D U C T P R O F I L E about

The University of Miami School of Medicine SAFETY

researchers also determined that the level One Innovation Labs is a global
PurWay C™ is GRAS-affirmed. PureWay-C™ science-based company specializing
of C-reactive protein (marker of systemic has not been associated with any of the adverse in R&D and manufacturing of unique,
inflammation in the body) and oxidized low effects that may occur when taking high dosages safe and efficacious proprietary
density lipoprotein (LDL) decreased when healthy of vitamin C. Stomach upset and any other adverse ingredients, among them PureWay-C™.
volunteers took PureWay-C™. Researchers found effects where not observed during the clinical
that 24 hours after intake of PureWay-C™ the studies with PureWay-C™. Moreover, a survey was
serum level of C-reactive protein decreased 15.6% conducted and participants completed a symptom
and oxidized LDL dropped 8.4%. Oxidized LDL is check-list. Neither, nausea, heartburn, epigastric
associated with increased cardiovascular risk 2. pain, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nor any other
adverse symptoms were reported.
Moreover, PureWay-C™ has been found to outperform
other Vitamin C forms in metabolic functions where
Vitamin C is known to play a role, as well as in
antioxidant activity. Adelphi University researchers
found that in ex vivo studies, PureWay-C™ stimulates
neurite outgrowth, improve fibroplast adhesion
during wound healing, and protects the immune
system from inflammation substantially better than
the other forms of Vitamin C evaluated3 .


PureWay-C™ is available in Europe in three different grades.


Granular Powder Min 90% -20 Mesh Tablets, blends

Capsules, blends,
Fine Powder Min 90% -60 Mesh
functional foods
Gee Lawson is a division of LEHVOSS (UK) Ltd. Any information
Softgels, liquid capsules, or recommendations made for use of Seller’s materials do not
Extra-Fine Powder Min 90% -100 Mesh functional beverages, affect in any way Buyer’s obligation to examine and/or test
dairy products the Seller’s goods with regard to their suitability for Buyer’s
purposes especially with regard to consumer use. No information
given by the Seller is to be construed in any way as a guarantee
regarding characteristics or duration of use, unless such
information has been explicitly given as a guarantee.
The data produced for this document is for Business to Business
information purposes only and not for consumer use, and it is the
result of material analysis and literature review. None of the co-
2. Pancorbo D, Vazquez C, Fletcher MA: Vitamin C-lipid metabolites: Uptake and retention and effect on plasma C-reactive protein and oxidized LDL levels in healthy volunteers. Med Sci Monit, 2008; 14(11): CR547-551. factors are specified in the product specification or guaranteed
3. Weeks BS, Perez P: A novel vitamin C preparation enhances neurite formation and fibroblast adhesion and reduces xenobiotic-induced T-cell hyperactivation. Med Sci Monit, 2007; 13(3): BR51-58. in each batch supplied.

HELPLINE +44 (0) 20 8343 5400

[email protected] |

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