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Activities/Learning Tasks

I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of Classroom Observation Checklist for greater focus. I will
analyze my observation with help of the statements in the checklist then reflect on my observation and analysis.

Resource Teacher: __Luiden Lumbao_________ Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/Year Level: __Grade 12 - HUMSS___ Subject Area: _Arts__Date: _11/15/2021__
Category/Feature Response
The class session starts and ends on ✓ The teacher starts the class on
time in an orderly, organized fashion. time and ends exactly on time.
Teacher introduces the learning ✓ The teacher first introduces the
goals for the class session, which goals and objectives of the
are visible to participants. lesson.
Materials are made available to ✓ Yes, the teacher uploads the
help students who cannot be online materials in their stream.
or have a technical difficulty (e.g., a
recording of a live class is given
after class for viewing; materials for
performing offline are made
Session provides variety in ✓ It is presented on screen
visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or through a powerpoint
auditory activities to enhance presentation
student learning and
Reviews “netiquette” and expectation ✓ No further instructions
for engagement and behavior
Utilizes and controls webcam/audio ✓ The teacher utilizes well the
features to optimize interactions equipment for instruction.
Checks for responsiveness ✓ The teacher corresponds with
(demonstrated through polls, body the votations in their
language, nods, simple checks or Messenger Group Chat.
emoji, “thumbs up” to signal
Provides calming exercises or ✓ The instruction used simple
opportunities to feel similar to and normal routine in
his/her school routine (stretches, discussion.
provides a virtual “rug” area, uses
familiar routines, refers to special
connections that learners have at
Uses names, and makes references ✓ The teacher gives practical
to connect learners’ interests, family examples that will relate to
traditions, home languages and the lives of his students.
cultures, values or special pets,
relatives, etc. as part of the learning
Creates opportunities for interaction ✓ There is no breakout rooms
between students (breakout rooms, but there is a Group Chat.
use of chat, collaborative google
Demonstrates effective pedagogies ✓ The teacher used his
for engaged learning pedagogy in teaching.
Builds in and pauses in the lesson to ✓ Yes, it happens in some times
provide opportunities for students to for opportunities.
ask questions and promptly responds
to questions.
Addresses potentially disruptive ✓
behaviors before they impact learning
Demonstrates an in-depth ✓ The teacher gives detailed
knowledge of the subject matter instructions.
Responds confidently to student ✓ He actively entertains the
inquiries classroom inquiries.
Speaks about course content ✓ The instruction fully tackled
with confidence and authority about the course content.
and is able to admit error
and/or insufficient knowledge
Visual aids are clear, legible, and ✓ It is organized using powerpoint
effective. presentation.
Provides class generalized ✓ Even with the detailed type of
constructive and encouraging instruction, he generalized it at
feedback on how to improve their the end of the instruction.
comprehension or performance in
Attends respectfully to student ✓
comprehension or puzzlement.
Types of assessments are suitable for ✓ There is no Assessment
distance learning environment and happened during my
provide immediate feedback observation.
Assesses students both informally ✓ N/A
and formally within the online or
remote classroom through use of
games, quizzes, online tests, etc.
What teaching-learning practice during the observation shows the use of the
following instructional strategy/teaching approach:
1. Demonstration- Teacher demonstrates the lesson through the classroom discussion.
2. Simulation – the teacher gives example of problems that made the students think of it for a
given time.
3. Games- During my observation, there is no any games held.
4. Problem-based Learning – Teacher keep giving questions to the students.
5. Developmentally appropriate – The lesson fits with the learners needs.
6. Constructivist – There are questions that the students tend to think pf it in which they create
their own knowledge from it.
7. Inquiry-based – The students are free to ask questions about the lessons being addressed
8. Collaborative – during my observation, there is no collaborative work done.
9. Inclusive – This caters the individual preferences and needs of the students by giving global
approaches to them.
10. Reflective – The lesson gives insights that will be reflected by the students in mind and in their
everyday lives.
Was instruction teacher-centered or student-centered? Did the teacher lecture all
the time? Were the students involved in the teaching-learning process? How? Or
were they mere passive recipients of instruction?

During my observation to a class, I observe that the instruction is teacher-centered that did
not require the students to participate in the discussion thus the teacher gives chances to the class
to share their insights but no one from them responds. The students become the listeners to the
teacher and may let them take notes about the lessons delivered. Yes, they are merely passive
recipients of the instruction.

Unlike the traditional face-to-face classroom environment, online or

virtual environment is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) is imaginary and not in a physical sense. It has no corners or
walls and it can be set up with the support of technology.

As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual


I discovered that the use of technology is more effective and become

knowledgeable on it use. I can implement a limited synchronous class to my
students and give them easy ways to learn independently at home using the
worksheets and other mode like videos to watch.

How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?

They give responses using chats and other common responses like
agreeing to the teacher’s statement.

Which of the following is/are your analyses of online learning environment? Check one or

✓ It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.

✓ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform.
✓ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses.
✓ Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive environment.
If you were to reteach the class, would you be teacher-centered or student-centered?
- If I would be given the chance to reteach, I would be student-centered because my
students are in their Senior High School level and they need to learn through a learner
centered approach which will let them participate, analyze and create during the lesson

If you abide by the pedagogical approaches that the K to 12 law states, will you be
more teacher-centered or student-centered in approach? Explain your answer.

- The K to 12 curricula aims to give a high standard curriculum for the students
that may allow them to be more independent in their learning progress. The role
of the teachers as stated in the K to 12 curriculum guide is now the Facilitator of
learning which will be guiding students as they learn on their own.
As a future teacher I feel that the online learning environment can be safe if I
become the model to my students on proper utilization of online platforms
especially the Google Features. It will start with me since I believe that my
students will also reflect on me like doing what I used to do in the class.
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is good in some ways. It
gives the students a flexible learning in which they can learn anywhere they are
and whatever they are doing but the reality of the students that are suppose to
be going to school, interacting and studying practically are continuously losing.
Everyone needs to adjust.
Between teacher-centered and student-centered approach, the latter must be
more pedagogically sound because even R.A. 10533, the Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013 mandates it for K to 12. Write reflections about it. Or is it
better to use both approaches?
People's perceptions of classroom management have been based on
behavioral theories of teaching and learning for many years. The employment of
tactics that bring students' conduct under stimuli control is the primary emphasis
for classroom management in a behavioral model (Brophy, 1999). These behavioral
techniques to classroom management are in line with a "traditional" or
transmission method of teaching. However, perceptions of good education have
evolved in the previous decade. Educators are increasingly being urged to use
constructivist learning methods in their classrooms (Brophy, 1999; Dollard and
Christensen, 1996).
The structuring of the physical environment, the establishment of norms
and procedures, the building of productive relationships, and the prevention and
response to misconduct are all part of classroom management. The students
clearly and passionately conveyed that personalized learning has empowered them
to take ownership of their education. They don’t feel that they need to get
permission from the teacher for every move they make in the classroom, and are
more frequently turning to their own problem-solving or the aid of peers as a first
Today, my stand is that advanced student-centered instruction must be
implemented more in virtual context. It is accomplished by assisting students in
discovering their own potential with the assistance of facilitators, who are
teachers. The acknowledgement of authority comes from the teacher in both
teacher-centered and student-centered education; the distinction is that students
are the builders of their own learning.
Other asynchronous tasks:

Task 1. Find at least one sample (whether through a lesson plan video or a description) of each of these

1. Demonstration - A teaching demonstration is a process that teaches learners how to compete a task
using actual materials. The audience level and size can impact the effectiveness of the demonstration
(Smith, Wenderoth, & Tyler 2013).

2. Simulation - are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a "world" defined by the teacher.
They represent a reality within which students interact. The teacher controls the parameters of this
"world" and uses it to achieve the desired instructional results. Students experience the reality of the
scenario and gather meaning from it.

3. Games - are interactive unlike books or movies that involve more passive consumption they may also
encourage students to explore new topics and approaches to learning that they otherwise would not

4. Problem-based Learning - PBL is a student-centered approach to learning that involves groups of

students working to solve a real-world problem, quite different from the direct teaching method of a
teacher presenting facts and concepts about a specific subject to a classroom of students.

5. Developmentally appropriate - The idea is that the program should fit the child; the child shouldn't
have to fit the program.

6. Constructivist - based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of
meaning and knowledge construction rather than passively receiving information. Learners are the makers
of meaning and knowledge.

7. Inquiry-based - This form of learning enhances comprehension rather than memorizing facts and taking
notes, students are now encouraged to discuss ideas among their peers.

8. Collaborative - a teaching framework focused on providing multiple instructional approaches to

learning. A teacher's lesson would be accompanied by additional instruction from another teacher,
students, or activity.

9. Inclusive - ensures that students with significant cognitive disabilities are presented accessible and
engaging instructional activities

10. Reflective - a process through which teachers analyze their instructional practices. Through reflective
teaching, teachers are able to understand what areas might be improved or changed for better learning
Task 2. Watch this video:
Task 3.

Questions that didn’t encourage higher- order thinking skills

1. Do you have students who have problems in comprehension?

2. How many percent of the world’s forests are endangered?

Questions that encourage higher- order thinking skills

1. As adults (or teachers) how can we prompt children to think about how their perspective may
differ from other people’s?
2. What are the interventions that we need to foster this type of thinking skill?
3. Do some questions have more than one correct answer?
4. What are some questions that have more than one correct answer?
5. What is the most threatening cause of forest endangerment?
6. What practical ways can a person do to minimize environmental problems?
7. How do we respond or follow up when students explain their stand on certain things?
8. What type of questions would make the learners conscious of their schemas?

Task 4. Write three questions that encourage critical thinking following the three steps
1. What is the implication of using musical pieces in chorale groups?
2. Why is it important to learn how to read musical notations?
3. How can you determine the key and pitch of a certain music?

My Learning Rubric
18 1.25

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