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Science Research Themes Being Studied with HST

Nearly 30 years since launch, the Hubble Space Telescope established and retains its role at the forefront of astronomy, covering astrophysics ranging from studies of the diverse objects in our own Solar System, probing star formation processes and planetary system formation, discovery and characterization of exoplanets, investigation the parameters governing the assembly of galaxies, dissecting the mysteries of the high-redshift universe and pursuing questions relating to the origin of life.

Artistic Rendering of the solar system
Solar System

Contributing to our understanding of planetary atmospheres

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Artistic rendering of the Trappist-1

Revealing the complexity of other worlds

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Star forming region N11
Stars and Their Environments

Understanding the lifecycles of stars

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Messier galaxy

Revealing the diverse collection of galaxies in the Universe

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Artistic Rendering of Protoplanetary Disk

Revealing the structure and the contents of the universe with HST

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