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Access to the Galactic Emission Line Object Atlas files

The GALACTIC Emission Line Object Atlas consists of model spectra of the Orion Nebula and the planetary nebula, NGC 7009 in the wavelength range from 0.1 to 1.1 μm. For details about how the templates were constructed see below. To download the spectra, go to GALACTIC ATLAS.

The continuum of the Orion's template contains the nebular contribution plus a combination of Kurucz model atmospheres to simulated the stellar contribution. The fluxes of the UV, optical and near-IR emission lines from different sources are also incorporated into the template (J.R. Walsh, private comm).

The continuum of the planetary nebula has a nebular component and a hot stellar component simulated by an 80000K black body. The fluxes of the UV, optical and near-IR emission lines, from different sources, are also incorporated into the template (J.R. Walsh, private communication).

Details about how each individual template has been constructed can be found in the headers of the FITS files.

Table 1: List of Templates in the Galactic Atlas

File Name Spectral coverage
orion_template 1000 - 11000 model: cont+lines
pn_template 1000 - 11000 model: cont+lines



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