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List of Previous Releases

Release Date HST JWST Notes
2024.5.2 8/23/24   x Patch build for JWST proposers and observers who use Windows machines.
2024.5.1 8/22/24   x Major release for JWST. Required upgrade for JWST Cycle 4 proposal preparation. Also recommended for people working on previously approved JWST observing programs. (But contact [email protected] for help if you are on a Windows machine.) What's new for JWST?
2024.3.4 6/25/24 x   Patch release for HST. What's new for HST Cycle 32 Phase 2? 
2024.3.3 6/11/24 x x Required update for both HST and JWST. What's new for HST Cycle 32 Phase 2?  What's new for JWST?
2024.1 2/23/24   x

Required update for JWST.  What's new for JWST?

(HST proposers can can continue to use APT 2023.7.3 or upgrade to APT 2024.1.)

2023.7.3 1/16/24 x  

Major release for HST. Required upgrade for HST Cycle 32 proposal preparation. Also recommended for people working on previously approved HST observing programs. What's new for HST Cycle 32 Phase I?

(Not needed for JWST work.)

2023.7.1 12/1/23 x x Required update for both HST and JWST. What's new for HST Cycle 31 Phase 2?  What's new for JWST?
2023.5.2 9/14/23   x Minor release for JWST. Needed by operations and people preparing approved pure parallel programs.
2023.5.1 8/24/23 x x

Major release for JWST. Required for JWST Cycle 3 proposal preparation. Also required for people working on JWST observing programs. What's new for JWST?

Major HST release. Required for HST Phase II program preparation and edits. What's new for HST Cycle 31 Phase 2?

2023.3.4 7/3/23 x x Patch release for HST and JWST. Important for HST users doing Bright Object checking. What's new for HST Phase II?
2023.3.2 5/25/23 x x

Major release for JWST. Required for people working on previously approved JWST observing programs. What's new for JWST?

Minor release for HST, but still recommended for people working on previously approved HST observing programs. What's new for HST Phase II?

2023.1.1 2/23/23 x x

Major release for HST. Required for HST Cycle 31 proposal preparation. Also recommended for people working on previously approved HST observing programs. What's new for HST Cycle 31 Phase I?

Major release for JWST. Required for people working on previously approved JWST observing programs. What's new for JWST?

2022.7.3 12/19/22   x

Patch only needed by JWST observers working on Cycle 1 pure parallel programs.  What’s new for JWST

2022.7.2 12/14/22   x

Patch recommended for JWST proposers (especially those working on revising earlier proposals). What’s new for JWST

2022.7.1 11/17/22 x x

Major release for JWST. Required for JWST Cycle 2 proposal preparation. Also required for people working on JWST observing programs. What's new for JWST?

Minor HST release. Recommended, but not required.

2022.5.3 9/14/22   x

Patch needed by JWST NIRSpec and MIRI MRS and Coron programs only. What’s new for JWST


8/25/22   x Patch needed by JWST GTOs only.


8/19/22 x x

Major release for JWST. Required for all people working on JWST observing programs. What's new for JWST?

Minor HST release. Recommended, but not required. What's new for HST Cycle 30 Phase 2?

2022.4 6/16/22 x  

Major HST release. Required for HST Phase II program preparation and edits. What's new for HST Cycle 30 Phase 2?

If you are working on JWST please keep your copy of  APT 2022.3.1 because APT 2022.4 does not support JWST.

2022.3.1 6/6/22   x

Patch release: Needed by people working on JWST NIRSpec commissioning programs. Recommended for others working on JWST commissioning. (No changes for HST.) 


5/16/22 x x

Major release for JWST. Required for all people working on JWST observing programs. What's new for JWST?

Minor HST release. Only needed if you are working on a Target of Opportunity.


4/1/22   x

Patch release: Needed by JWST people working on commissioning. (No changes for HST.)  What's new for JWST?

2022.1.1 3/4/22   x

Patch release: Needed by JWST people working on commissioning. (No changes for HST, but this release can be used to submit HST Cycle 30 Proposals.) What's new for JWST?

2022.1 2/11/22 x x

First release for JWST since APT 2021.3. What's new for JWST?

Major HST release: Required for HST Cycle 30 Phase I proposal preparation. What's new for HST Cycle 30 Phase I?


12/16/21 x  

Minor HST release: Recommended but not required. What's new for HST Cycle 29 Phase I?  What's new for HST Cycle 29 Phase 2? If you are working on JWST please keep your APT 2021.3 version because APT 2021.5 does not support JWST.

2021.3 8/27/21 x x

Minor HST and JWST release: Recommended but not required for either mission. What's new for JWST?  What's new for HST Cycle 29 Phase 2?

2021.2 6/29/21 X X

Major HST release. Required for HST Phase II program preparation and edits. What's new for HST Cycle 29 Phase 2?

Major JWST release. Required for JWST Cycle 1 proposal preparation. What's new for JWST?

2021.1 5/11/21 X X Minor HST and JWST release: Recommended but not required for either mission. What's new for JWST?
2020.5 12/18/20 X X

Major release: Required for HST Cycle 29 Phase I proposal preparation. What's new for HST Cycle 29 Phase I?

(Worth installing for JWST for bugs fixes.)

2020.4.1 10/1/20   X Patch release: Recommended for JWST Proposers building NIRSpec MSA programs. (Addresses a performance issue in MPT.)
2020.4 9/8/20 X X

JWST release. Required for JWST Cycle 1 proposal preparation. What's new for JWST?

Minor HST release: Not needed for HST proposal preparation and submission. (But there is a helpful fix in the labeling of constraints in the Visit Planner.)

2020.3.1 6/23/20 X X Patch release: Recommended for HST and JWST Proposers. (This patch is required for all people working on HST/WFC3/UVIS proposals.)
2020.3 6/9/20   X

Major JWST release. Required for JWST Cycle 1 proposal preparation. What's new for JWST?

People writing HST programs need not upgrade.

2020.2.1 6/1/20 X  

Major HST release. Required for HST Phase II program preparation and edits. What's new for HST Cycle 28 Phase 2?

JWST Proposers need not upgrade.

2020.2 3/10/20 X X Major JWST release: Required for JWST Phase I proposal preparation and submission. What's new for JWST?
Minor HST release: Not needed for HST proposal preparation and submission.
2020.1.2 2/18/20 X X

Patch release: Recommended for both HST and JWST Proposers. It addresses a problem with combining Proposal Information and Proposal PDF Attachment into a single PDF.

2020.1.1 1/22/20 X X

Major JWST release: Recommended for JWST Phase I proposal preparation and submission. What's new for JWST?
Major HST release: Recommended for HST proposal preparation and submission. What's new for HST Cycle 28 Phase I?

27.3 9/16/19   X Major JWST release: Recommended for JWST proposal preparation and submission. What's new for JWST?
27.2 6/27/19 X   Major HST release: Recommended for HST Phase II proposal preparation and submission. What's new for HST Cycle 27 Phase II?
27.1.1 6/3/19   X JWST release: Recommended for JWST users. What's new for JWST? 
HST Proposers need not upgrade.
27.1 3/8/19   X JWST release: Recommended for JWST users. What's new for JWST? 
HST Proposers need not upgrade.
27.0.1 2/14/19 X   Minor HST release: Recommended for HST users.
27.0 2/5/19 X   Major HST release: Recommended for HST Phase I proposal preparation and submission. What's new for HST Cycle 27 Phase I?
26.2.3 12/21/18   X Minor JWST release: Needed by operations.
26.2.2 12/5/18 X   Minor HST release: Recommended for HST users.
26.2.1 12/3/18 X   Minor HST release: Recommended for HST users.
26.2 11/1/18 X   Major HST release: Recommended for HST Phase II proposal preparation and submission. What's new for HST Cycle 26 Phase II?
26.1.1 10/8/18   X JWST release: Recommended for JWST users.
26.0.5 9/21/18 X   Minor HST release: Needed by operations.
26.0.4 7/5/18 X   Minor HST release: Needed by operations.
26.0.3 6/25/18   X Minor JWST release: Recommended for people working on commissioning proposals. No changes for HST.
26.0.2 5/14/18 X   Major release: Recommended for HST Phase I proposal preparation and submission. What's new for HST Cycle 26 Phase I? 
Recommended for people working on accepted JWST programs. What's new for JWST?
25.4.4 3/14/18 X X Minor release: Fixes a regression in Aladin; recommended for users of the Aladin tool.
25.4.3 2/20/18   X Minor JWST release: Mainly proposal processing performance enhancements; recommended for all JWST proposers, but especially those preparing Solar System proposals. What's new for JWST?
25.4.2 1/16/18   X Minor JWST release: Recommended for JWST observers preparing proposals.
25.4.1 12/5/17 X X Major JWST release: Recommended for JWST observers preparing proposals.
Very minor HST release. 11/20/17 X X Major JWST release: Recommended for JWST GTOs preparing to submit their programs. What's new for JWST? 
Very minor HST release.
25.2.3 8/3/17   X Minor JWST release: Recommended for JWST proposers preparing NIRSpec MSA observations or Solar System observations.
25.2.2 7/10/17   X Minor JWST release: Recommended for JWST GTOs who need to edit proposal ID and JWST proposers working on multivisit observations with parallels (data volume issue).
25.2.1 7/3/17 X   Minor HST release: Recommended for HST proposers who need to change Cycle 23 and 24 HST COS FUV proposals.
25.2 6/21/17 X X Major HST release: Recommended for HST Phase II proposal preparation and submission. What's new for HST Cycle 25 Phase II? 
There are also some bug fixes for JWST. They have been added to the What's new for JWST?)
25.1.1 6/1/17   X Major release: JWST DD-ERS proposal development. What's new for JWST?
25.0.5 4/10/17   X Minor release: For JWST operations. Also fixes the Solar System target name resolver and the fixed target name resolver for NED.
25.0.4 3/16/17   X

Minor release: The bulk of the work was for JWST. People working on HST Phase I do not have to download this new version. APT 25.0.4 should be used for GTO development. (A future release of APT will support DD-ERS proposal submission.)

25.0.3 1/26/17 X X

Major HST release: What's new for HST Cycle 25 Phase I?

APT 25.0.3 should be used to inform JWST DD-ERS Letters of Intent and GTO target selection. A future release of APT will support DD-ERS proposal submission. 

24.3 8/22/16   X The bulk of the work was for JWST development (to support OTIS testing).
24.2 6/27/16 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 24 Phase II?
24.1.2 5/16/16   X The bulk of the work was for JWST development.
24.0.1 2/19/16     Minor release: For operations and to reduce the required number of science keywords.
24.0 2/9/16 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 24 Phase I?
23.4.4 1/28/16   X Minor release: For JWST operations only.
23.4.3 12/1/15   X Minor release: For JWST operations only.
23.4.2 11/9/15 X X The bulk of the work was for JWST development, but some new shared features like Edit>Find.
23.2.1 6/24/15     Minor release: For operations.
23.2 6/23/15 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 23 Phase II?
23.1.1 5/5/15   X Minor release: For JWST development.
23.1 5/1/15 X X The bulk of the work was for JWST development.
Minor changes made for HST.
23.0.1 2/12/15 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 23 Phase I?
22.4.1 10/31/14 X X The bulk of the work was for JWST development.
Minor bug fixes made for HST.
22.2.1 8/4/14     Minor release: Mostly for operations.
22.2 6/25/14 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 22 Phase II?
22.1.1 5/27/14     Minor release: Mostly for operations.
22.1 4/22/14 X X The bulk of the work was for JWST development.
Minor bug fixes made for HST.
22.0.2 3/17/14   X Minor release: One corrects the schedulability you see with the Phase I Visit Planner if you have Orientation constraints (some observation may become more schedulable). The other is a fix that allows APT to run on Linux using the fvwm2 windowing system.
22.0.1 3/6/14     Minor release: For operations only.
22.0 2/12/14 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 22 Phase I?
21.4.2 12/31/13   X This release contains look and feel changes to the JWST MSA planning tool.
21.4.1 12/3/13 X X The bulk of the work was for JWST development; only minor bug fixes were made for HST. But with this release APT has been upgraded to use Java 7. And as previously announced, this will require Macs be upgraded to OSX 10.7.3 or later and Linux boxes be upgraded to RHEL 5.5 or later. If you need to you can skip taking this release. (APT may warn that you need to upgrade but you can ignore the warning.) But note that you will need to upgrade your machine to work on Cycle 22 Proposals.
21.2.3 11/8/13 X   Minor release:  For HST operations.
21.2.2a 9/25/13 X   Minor release:  For HST operations.
21.2.2 8/15/13 X   Minor release:  For HST operations.
21.2.1a 7/10/13 X   Minor release:  For HST operations.
21.2.1 7/26/13 X   Minor release:  For HST operations. But all HST users need to install this release to be compatible with operations.
21.2 5/30/13 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 21 Phase II?
21.1.1 5/15/13 X   Minor release: Solely for HST operations. HST users do not need to install this release.
21.1 4/23/13   X Minor release: For JWST development. HST users do not need to install this release.
21.0.1 2/15/13 X X This is a required upgrade. All users must take this release in order to communicate with the servers.
21.0 1/16/13 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 21 Phase I?
20.4.1 11/8/12 X   Minor release:  Adds support for ACS Post-FLASH.
20.4 10/9/12 X X Bulk of the work was for JWST development.
Minor release for HST.
20.2.3 8/15/12     Minor release: Updates for Spatial Scans.
20.2.2 7/18/12 X   Minor release: New COS lifetime aperture positions and updates for pure parallel observations.
20.2.1 6/26/12 X X Minor release: Fixes a problem with WFC3 Spatial Scans as well as two problems on Linux machines (submitting and running the Orbit and Visit Planners). Please take this release if you are using Spatial Scans or run on Linux.
20.2 6/6/12 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 20 Phase II?
20.1 4/18/12 X X Major release: Mostly for JWST testing.
One nice new HST feature is a more robust and flexible target importer.
20.0.3 3/19/12     Minor release: For mostly operational purposes. (No need to re-download.)
20.0.2 2/2/12     Minor release: Fixes a problem for ESA scientists at STScI and people using the exposure coverage exporter. (No need to re-download unless you are affected.)
20.0.1 1/18/12     Minor release: Fixes a firewall connectivity issue. (No need to redownload if APT is already working for you.)
20.0 1/11/12     Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 20 Phase I?
19.4 10/26/11 X   Major release: No requirement to upgrade. There are several enhancements that people might find valuable if they are writing a new Phase II (such as labels for visits, and a utility for renumbering visits).
19.2.1 8/17/11 X   Minor release: Most external users do not need to take this one. If you are working on a WFC3/IR Grism observation, please take this release.
19.2 6/2/11 X   Major HST release: What was new for Cycle 19 Phase II?
19.0 1/14/11 X   Major HST release: What was new for Cycle 19 Phase I?
18.4 10/27/10     Major release: Most external users do not need to take this one. The most interesting enhancement is support for proper motion in Aladin and the Bright Object Tool. There is now an option to have the pointing be moved to an epoch of 6 months from now and not the epoch of the supplied coordinates.
18.2.5 9/30/10     Minor release. Most external users do not need to take this one. But if you are doing Bright Object checking for COS please take this release.
18.2.4 9/9/10     Minor release: Most external users do not need to take this one. But, as with 18.2.3, if you are doing Bright Object checking using the GALEX data, please take this release.
18.2.3 8/12/10     Minor release: Most external users do not need to take this one. If you are doing Bright Object checking using the GALEX data, please take this release.
18.2.2 7/20/10     No users need to upgrade to this version. It corrects a problem with operational processing only.
18.2.1 7/12/10 X   Minor release: Most external users do not need to take this one. If you are interested in using the BOT to do persistence checking for WFC3/IR, please take this release.
18.2 6/4/10 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 18 Phase II?
18.0.4 5/11/10 X   Minor release:  Fixes an issue with processing pure parallel proposals.
18.0.3 3/24/10 X   Minor release:  Fixes a problem with the Visit Planner that was introduced in 18.0.2. This problem made Phase II visits with tight orient constraints appear more schedulable than they are.
18.0.2 2/22/10 X   Minor release: The only Phase I update is to include COS and WFC3 in the list of Instruments for Archival proposals.
18.0.1 1/13/10 X   Minor release: Fix for Cycle 17 COS/G140L/1230 programs.
18.0 1/7/10 X   Major HST release: What's new for Cycle 18 Phase I?
17.5 11/2/09 X   Minor release: Consists mostly of infrastructure changes and a few look-and-feel changes. It is not necessary to take this release for submitting Multi Cycle Treasury proposals. This release also adds a beta Phase II mosaic tool. See the preview/training movie.
17.4.3 7/30/09 X   Minor release: To support Multi Cycle Treasury programs. Also contains SMOV updates to positions of apertures.
17.4.2 6/19/09 X   Minor release: Provides a workaround to a bug in the most recent Java upgrade on the Mac. Several other bug fixes.
17.4.1 4/16/09 X   Minor release: Fixed a bug with orbit accounting.
17.4 4/9/09 X   Minor release: Many little bug fixes.
17.2.7 2/2/09 X   Minor release: The changes in this release may affect orbit packing for COS and ACS/WFC. You will be contacted by your PC if any rework is needed.
17.2.6 11/17/08 X   Minor release: In support of the Supplemental Call for Proposal.
17.2.5 9/18/08 X   Minor release: Switches the Target Selector to use the SIMBAD4 server. The old SIMBAD3 server will be turned off soon.
17.2.4 8/28/08 X   Minor release: Fix for problems reprocessing some COS and STIS proposals in the Orbit Planner.
17.2.3 6/25/08 X   Minor release: Displays both chips in Aladin when WFC3 UVIS1 or UVIS2 are the specified at the aperture.
17.2.2 6/17/08 X   Minor release: Adds WFC3 UVIS-CENTER aperture.
17.2.1 6/12/08 X   Minor release: Mostly bug fixes.
17.2 5/28/08 X   Major HST release
17.0.2 2/12/08 X   Minor release
17.0.1 2/5/08 X   Minor release
17.0 1/17/08 X   Major HST release