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Simulated JWST Observations

Simulated JWST data sets offer observers the opportunity to directly explore data products, formatting, and processing. Such data may be ideal for testing your analysis tools and techniques. The expandable sections below contain links to the publicly accessible simulations created by both STScI and community members. Some simulations have associated Jupyter notebooks that can be downloaded and run on your own machine to illustrate some combination of (1) simulating the data, (2) processing the data with the JWST pipeline, and (3) analyzing the data. Limitations to any data set are included in the ReadMe. 

Simulated data are designed to emulate the different stages of the JWST pipeline using the correct structure and formatting. For more information on the different pipeline stages (1, 2, 3) and JWST data products, see the JDox pages on Understanding Data Files and the JWST Data Reduction Pipeline.

Public JWST Tools To Create Simulated Data

Several of these simulations are based on public tools that can be installed and run by the user. Follow the links below for further instructions:

Simulations by Instrument

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For technical assistance, please contact the JWST Help Desk.


The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.