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  1. NASA's Roman Space Telescope to Investigate Galactic Fossils

    August 29, 2024Release ID: 2024-205

    Scientists will study nearby galaxies to uncover galactic formation history and dark matter

    Artist’s concept of spiral galaxy at the center of a much larger spherical halo of stars, with ground-based photograph pulled out to show details of the central core and spiral arms.
  2. NASA's Roman Space Telescope Could Help Researchers Detect the Universe’s First Stars

    May 09, 2024Release ID: 2024-204

    Tidal disruption events offer an opportunity to locate the elusive stars.

    An illustration of a star being torn apart by a black hole.
  3. How NASA's Roman Telescope Will Measure Ages of Stars

    April 04, 2024Release ID: 2024-203

    Roman will separate young, quickly rotating stars from older, more slowly rotating stars.

    Our Sun as an orange globe with small, dark sunspots on its surface
  4. NASA's Roman to Use Rare Events to Calculate Expansion Rate of Universe

    February 07, 2024Release ID: 2024-202

    Lensed supernovae offer precise, independent measurement

    A field of galaxies on the black background of space. Some are blue and white, others glow yellow. In the middle of the field is a cluster of five yellowish spiral and elliptical galaxies that form a foreground galaxy cluster. There is one spiral galaxy just below the cluster that has a yellow-whiteish core and is surrounded by diffuse blue material. This galaxy is outlined by a white box, and lines extend from the box’s corners that leads to an enlarged view at the right. Four arrows point at yellow faint points of light that circle the central glow of the galaxy.
  5. NASA's Roman to Search for Signs of Dark Matter Clumps

    January 17, 2024Release ID: 2024-201

    The Roman Space Telescope’s fine resolution and panoramic views will allow researchers to examine streams of stars pulled from globular star clusters.

    An illustration of the Andromeda galaxy takes up about one third of the view. A few irregularly shaped lines representing globular cluster streams are present. Some globular cluster streams are shown with gaps.
  6. STScI Appoints New Mission Head for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

    September 20, 2023Release ID: 2023-202

    Dr. Kristen McQuinn will assume her new role in January 2024.

    A portrait of a smiling woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing glasses and a dark long-sleeved shirt, with her arms crossed.
  7. STScI Awarded Multi-Year Contract Extension for Roman Space Telescope Science Operations

    May 19, 2023Release ID: 2023-201

    STScI’s responsibilities include engaging the scientific community in the definition of Roman’s core community surveys.

    A model of the Roman Space Telescope pointing left, with mirror cover open and mirror reflecting a light purple shade, on an artistic background of purple clouds and scattered galaxies
  8. How NASA’s Roman Telescope Will Scan for Showstopping Explosions

    November 03, 2022Release ID: 2022-049

    Roman is set to help researchers detect more kilonovae, helping us learn significantly more about these “all-star” smashups.

    Two bright blue circular shapes that appear to be joined are left of center. They are illustrations of neutron stars merging. Debris, which is also white and bright blue, emanates in misshapen patterns primarily from where they are joining at the center.
  9. Studying Galaxy Growth Spurts in the Early Universe with NASA’s Roman

    June 27, 2022Release ID: 2022-018

    Roman will bring new insights into the time known as “cosmic noon.”

    Deep field with multiple galaxies and pull-outs of spectra for four galaxies.
  10. A New Understanding of Galaxy Evolution with NASA's Roman Space Telescope

    September 21, 2021Release ID: 2021-048

    Roman will combine the power of imaging and spectroscopy to gain fresh insights into how the universe works

    a field of galaxies with colored lines
  11. Ground System for NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Moves Into Development

    July 29, 2021Release ID: 2021-041

    STScI Will Host Roman’s Science Operations Center and Data Archive

    Artist's conception of Roman Space Telescope
  12. Roman Space Telescope Could Image 100 Hubble Ultra Deep Fields at Once

    January 11, 2021Release ID: 2021-003

    A Roman Ultra Deep Field would collect millions of galaxies, including some of the rarest and most distant

    Roman large field of view comparison to the Hubble ultra deep field
  13. Ground System for NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Completes Major Review

    July 24, 2020Release ID: 2020-41

    STScI Will Host Roman’s Science Operations Center and Data Archive

    Roman Field of View of the Eagle Nebula
  14. WFIRST Telescope Named For 'Mother of Hubble' Nancy Grace Roman

    May 20, 2020Release ID: 2020-35

    STScI Will Serve as the Roman Space Telescope’s Science Operations Center

    Illustration of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
  15. WFIRST Telescope Named For 'Mother of Hubble' Nancy Grace Roman

    May 20, 2020Release ID: 2020-35

    STScI Will Serve as the Roman Space Telescope’s Science Operations Center

    Illustration of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

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The NASA Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is managed by NASA/GSFC with participation of STScI, Caltech/IPAC, and NASA/JPL.

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