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Becoming an STScI Postdoctoral Fellow

The Space Telescope Science Institute’s Postdoctoral Fellowship offers promising early career scientists opportunities to pursue independent research while gaining valuable insight into the operations and support of major NASA observatories, including the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman), and the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST).

The fellowship provides four years of support at the institute for postdoctoral researchers who are interested in or have experience in space- or ground-based astronomical observations, observatory systems, astronomical instrumentation, or data archives. Researchers experienced with theoretical, computational, or data analysis techniques that could be applied to support observatory science are also encouraged to apply.

Awardees spend 50% of their time in support of our missions and 50% on independent research. The fellowship includes a competitive salary, generous benefits, and a budget to cover research expenses. Fellows are selected based on applicants’ accomplishments and proposed research. Applicants must have received (or expect to receive) a PhD in astronomy, physics, or a related discipline before the commencement of the fellowship.

Selection Criteria and Weightings

The following selection criteria and weightings will be used for all applications received before the deadline. Please tailor your application and cover letter to address these criteria to the best of your ability. Selection committees account for career length and opportunities available when scoring applications.

Proposed Scientific Research, Past Research, and Potential (40%)

STScI relies on observational, theoretical, and instrumental scientific research to drive the boundary of what’s possible with space telescope missions. This criteria also encompasses past research, productivity, scientific impact, and publication record.  Does the applicant have a demonstrated potential for creating a successful research program at STScI? Does their proposed research have the potential for lasting impact? Is there a feasible and technically accurate plan for the work?  

Technical Preparation and Potential for Mission Support (30%)

Technical preparation encompasses the applicant’s education, experience, technical abilities, and potential for succeeding in a multi-mission support environment.  For example, does the person have a demonstrated potential to successfully work in an STScI Division or Mission (e.g. mission/observatory support, user support, instrument calibration, science policy, data science)? Does the applicant demonstrate some familiarity with STScI’s missions and modes of operation? Could the person work successfully in teams that are diverse in background, seniority, or specialty? 

Leadership Potential (30%)

STScI seeks future leaders who embody the core values of the Institution, such as service, integrity, and excellence. The overall application includes evidence for the applicant’s independence, creativity, capability, grit, and potential to be a leader during their tenure at STScI or within the larger astronomical community. The proposal demonstrates that the applicant can also navigate leading multiple high priority items simultaneously. Special emphasis is placed on those areas that align with STScI’s strategic goals.  

Application and Past Fellows

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