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Instrument testing performed prior to WFC3 installation on HST

WFC3 un­­derwent multiple iterations of fully integrated instrument testing on the ground at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Limited preliminary tests were performed during ambient (i.e. non-operational) conditions. Official final tests were performed under thermal vacuum (TV) conditions; the TV data were acquired to characterize the instrument performance and allow for preliminary reference file generation. The first two TV sessions took place in the winter of 2004 and spring of 2007. TV3 testing was performed in 2008. For each TV testing session, we provide a list of relevant Instrument Science Reports (ISRs) for both the UVIS and IR detectors. 

TV3 Results

February and March of 2008. Flight UVIS and IR detectors were in place.

TV3 science reports

TV2 Results

Summer 2007. Note: backup UVIS and IR detectors were in place (build 2 and FPA129, respectively).

TV2 science reports

TV1 Results

Winter 2004. The flight detector for UVIS was in place (build 1) and a backup detector in place for IR (FPA64).

TV1 science reports

Mini-Ambient Results

Winter 2004, prior to TV1 testing. The flight detector for UVIS was in place (build 1) and a backup detector in place for IR (FPA64).

Mini-Ambient analysis

TV Supporting Documents


For historical reference, we provide supporting documents from the thermal vacuum calibration plans.


Last Updated: 08/14/2024

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