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Learning JWST Data Analysis With the JWebbinars

STScI hosts JWebbinars to teach the JWST community about tools and methods to analyze data from the James Webb Space Telescope. Each JWebbinar provides virtual, hands-on instruction on common data analysis methods for JWST observations.

Typical JWebbinar topics include:

  • Overview of data analysis tools and data products
  • The JWST pipeline for imaging
  • The JWST pipeline for spectroscopy
  • Analyzing IFUs and spectral cubes
  • Analyzing MIRI photometry
  • Analyzing time series spectroscopy
  • Accessing data in MAST

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The JWebbinars are led by experts from STScI and the JWST Observer community. Participants are given hands-on experience with the data analysis tools. A virtual programming environment is provided so that participants will not be required to install software prior to attending the event.

The JWST data analysis ecosystem is based on Python and it is recommend that participants be familiar with basic Python coding and the Jupyter notebook interface to get the most out of the JWebbinars.

JWebbinar Registration

To register for a JWebbinar, please click on the links in the Information & Registration section below. After registration closes, you will receive an email with instructions pertaining to your particular JWebbinar. NOTE: This email and others from the organizer will come from from jwebbinars AT stsci DOT edu. Please make sure your spam filter does not block emails from this address. You will also receive an email with a Slack invitation, as there will be a Slack channel for the JWebbinar. Lastly, you will receive an email from Webex with the link to connect to the meeting.

Recordings of the JWebbinars and the accompanying material will be made available shortly after the class meets. Even if you plan to only use the offline material, if you register you will receive an email when the materials are posted to this website. Materials and Videos are available below. 

If you have questions about the JWebbinars, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions or contact the JWST Help Desk.

JWebbinar Schedule and Materials

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Webb Space Telescope insignia


For technical assistance, please contact the JWST Help Desk.


The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.