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Mini-ambient Results

Mini-ambient results

Just prior to TV1 testing, WFC3 underwent a limited set of tests with the instrument under ambient conditions. We referred to this testing as "mini-ambient".

UVIS Detector Oddities found during mini-ambient

TV1 Results

TV1 testing used the flight UVIS detector (build 1), but a backup IR detector (FPA64).

Below is a list of ISRs supplying TV1 test results.


Explanation of filter ghost results by Tom Brown.

ISR 2005-27: The behaviour of the WFC3 UVIS and IR Analog-to-Digital Converters
M. Robberto and B. Hilbert 22 Sep 2005

ISR 2005-21: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing: UVIS Broadband Flat Fields
H. Bushouse 01 Jun 2005

ISR 2005-20: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing: UVIS Science Performance Monitor
H. Bushouse, O. Lupie 24 May 2005

ISR 2005-18: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - Repeatability of the Channel Select Mechanism
T. Brown 10 May 2005

ISR 2005-17: Ground Tests of the WFC3 UVIS Grism
S. Larsen, H. Bushouse, J. R. Walsh 04 May 2005

ISR 2005-16: Scientific Impacts of UVIS Channel Filter Ghosts
H. Bond, T. Brown 15 Apr 2005

ISR 2005-13: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - UVIS Readnoise and Dark Current
B. Hilbert, S. Baggett 28 Mar 2005

ISR 2005-11: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - Image Stability
T. Brown 04 Mar 2005

ISR 2005-10: WFC3 UVIS PSF Evaluation in Thermal-Vacuum Test #1
G. Harting 03 Mar 2005

ISR 2005-09: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum and Ambient Testing: Calibration Subsystem Performance
S. Baggett 02 Mar 2005

ISR 2005-08: WFC3 Thermal Vac Testing: UVIS Gain Results
S. Baggett 24 Feb 2005

ISR 2005-05: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing: UVIS Crosstalk
S. Baggett, R. Hill, G. Hartig, A. Waczynski, Y. Wen 09 Feb 2005

ISR 2005-04: WFC3 Flight Detector Alignment Characterization in Thermal-Vacuum Test #1
G. Hartig 05 Feb 2005

ISR 2005-02: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - UVIS Channel Throughput
T. Brown, I. N. Reid 03 Feb 2005

ISR 2005-01: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - UVIS Channel Ghosts
T. Brown 02 Feb 2005

ISR 2004-14: Stability and Accuracy of the WFC3 UVIS Shutter
B. Hilbert 20 Dec 2004

ISR 2004-13: WFC3 UVIS Dark Current and Readnoise from Ambient Testing
B. Hilbert, S. Baggett 10 Aug 2004

ISR 2004-12: Ambient Testing of UVIS Filter Ghosts
T. Brown, O. Lupie 26 Jul 2004

ISR 2004-11: WFC3 UVIS Crosstalk Images
S. Baggett, G. Hartig, E. Cheung 12 Jul 2004

ISR 2004-05: UVIS Throughput, as measured in the December 2003/January 2004 science verification/calibration campaign
N. Reid 17 May 2004

ISR 2004-04: Filter Ghosts in the WFC3 UVIS Channel
T. Brown 17 May 2004

ISR 2004-03: WFC3 Science Calibration Plan: Part 4, Test Procedures
N. Reid 27 Feb 2004

ISR 2004-02: WFC3 Science Calibration: Summary assessment of December 2003/January 2004 science verification/calibration campaign
N. Reid 24 Feb 2004

ISR 2004-01: Readnoise and Dark Current in WFC3 Flight CCD Ambient Data
S. Baggett, B. Hilbert 23 Feb 2004


ISR 2006-05: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing: IR Flat Fields
M. Sosey and H. Bushouse 26 Sep 2006

ISR 2006-01: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing: IR Channel Subarray Photometry
B. Hilbert 18 May 2006

ISR 2005-30: Calibration of Temperature Related WFC3 Dark Current Variations
B. Hilbert and M. Robberto 15 Dec 2005

ISR 2005-29: WFC3 2004 Thermal Vacuum Campaign: IR channel linearity (flat field illumination - SMS IR04)
M. Robberto and B. Hilbert 07 Dec 2005

ISR 2005-27: The behaviour of the WFC3 UVIS and IR Analog-to-Digital Converters
M. Robberto and B. Hilbert 22 Sep 2005

ISR 2005-25: WFC3-IR Thermal Vacuum Testing: IR Channel Dark Current
B. Hilbert and M. Robberto 22 Aug 2005

ISR 2005-24: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing: IR Science Performance Monitor
H. Bushouse, O. Lupie 17 Aug 2005

ISR 2005-22: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - IR Channel Ghosts & Baffle Scatter
T. Brown 08 Jun 2005

ISR 2005-18: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - Repeatability of the Channel Select Mechanism
T. Brown 10 May 2005

ISR 2005-15: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - IR Channel Readnoise
B. Hilbert 12 Apr 2005

ISR 2005-14: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - IR Channel Gain
B. Hilbert 11 Apr 2005

ISR 2005-12: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - IR Channel Throughput
T. Brown, I. N. Reid, D. F. Figer 15 Mar 2005

ISR 2005-11: Results of WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing - Image Stability
T. Brown 04 Mar 2005

ISR 2005-09: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum and Ambient Testing: Calibration Subsystem Performance
S. Baggett 02 Mar 2005

ISR 2005-07: Ground Tests of the WFC3 NIR Grisms
S. Larsen, H. Bushouse, J. R. Walsh 23 Feb 2005

ISR 2005-06: WFC3 Thermal Vacuum Testing: IR Grism Focus and Tilt Anomalies
H. Bushouse, G. Hartig 10 Feb 2005

ISR 2005-04: WFC3 Flight Detector Alignment Characterization in Thermal-Vacuum Test #1
G. Hartig 05 Feb 2005

ISR 2005-03: WFC3 IR Channel Corrector Alignment
G. Hartig 04 Feb 2005

ISR 2004-03: WFC3 Science Calibration Plan: Part 4, Test Procedures
N. Reid 27 Feb 2004

ISR 2004-02: WFC3 Science Calibration: Summary assessment of December 2003/January 2004 science verification/calibration campaign
N. Reid 24 Feb 2004

Last Updated: 06/02/2023

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