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The COS FUV microchannel plate detector’s efficiency at converting incoming photons into detectable events decreases with usage. This depletion of the detector’s gain (i.e. gain sag) results in unusable regions of the COS/FUV detector. The main culprit of gain sag in the COS/FUV detector is Lyα geocoronal emission at 1216 Å that fills the COS 2.5” aperture whenever the G130M grating is used with the 1291/1300/1309/1318/1327 cenwaves on Segment B.

In order to mitigate this gain sag, a number of strategies have been employed since the installation of COS on HST. These range from moving to different lifetime positions, to managing the high voltage to extract a smaller amount of charge, to re-distributing the cenwave usage so that Lyα does not produce a gain-sag hole in a given location.

We are now at a point where none of the strategies above will, without any other changes, allow us to continue operating the COS/FUV detector to 2025. To address this, a COS2025 policy has been developed. This policy, with the goal of retaining full science capability of COS/FUV to 2025, places restrictions on the G130M cenwaves allowed at Lifetime Positions 4 and 5.

Summary of Supported and Available Modes

Table 1a summarizes the default lifetime positions for each COS/FUV science mode, following the COS2025 policy. Table 1b summarizes alternative lifetime positions that can be used for certain G130M and G160M observations, with appropriate justification. Table 2 summarizes the lifetime positions for COS/FUV dispersed-light acquisitions.

Supported and Available Science Modes vs. Lifetime Position

Supported and Available Science Modes vs. Lifetime Position

Supported and Available Target Acquisition Modes vs. Lifetime Position


Wavelength Range Tool

To assist users in preparing their Phase II proposals we have developed a COS/FUV wavelength range tool that allows users to visualize the COS/FUV wavelength ranges in light of the restrictions on G130M setting usage put in place to maximize the lifetime of the COS/FUV detector.  For wavelength range information in tabular form, please see Section 5.10 of the COS Instrument Handbook and the tables below.

Wavelength Ranges Affected by Gain Sag on Segment B

The COS2025 strategy allows users to obtain Segment = B data with G130M/1291/FP-POS=3,4. Over time, Lyα airglow will sag these detector regions, which will become un-usable. This means that other settings, projecting light into these detector regions will also be affected. Tables 3a) and 3b) below summarize the wavelength ranges that will be affected for all the gratings. Users should consider carefully whether a wavelength region of interest falls in any of the affected wavelength ranges given in Tables 3a) and 3b).

G130M Settings

G160M Settings


Last Updated: 08/02/2024

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