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Flux Calibration

Due to recent improvements to the stellar atmospheric models for the primary standard stars, CALSPECv11, as well as the re-examination of the Vega spectral flux, the STIS instrument team is working to update the flux calibration and zeropoints for all affected modes.

Team Lead: Joleen Carlberg

Recalibration Lead: Svea Hernandez


Implementation Timeline for Flux Calibration Changes

The STIS team has worked towards prioritizing the most impacted and widely used modes, both spectroscopic and imaging. We detail the planned releases below that will include the new sensitivity curves (for spectroscopic modes) and photometry keyword tables (for imaging modes). The timeline for this implementation is tentative and subject to change.

Release Target Date Description Status
1st Release April 2022

High Priority Spectroscopic MAMA/CCD Modes
     (April 2022 STAN)

2nd Release November 2022 High Priority Echelle Modes
     (January 2023 STAN; May 2023 STAN)
3rd Release July 2023 NUV-MAMA Imaging Modes & Lower Priority Echelle Modes     (July 2023 STAN) Complete
4th Release Spring 2024 Lower Priority Spectroscopic MAMA/CCD Modes On-going
5th Release Summer 2024 FUV-MAMA/CCD Imaging Modes On-going


Comprehensive Filter/Grating Release Schedule

Mode Detector Filter/Grating Cenwave Release Status
Spectroscopic/Long Slit FUV-MAMA G140L 1425 1st Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Long Slit FUV-MAMA G140M 1222 4th Release On-going
Spectroscopic/Echelle FUV-MAMA E140M 1425 1st Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Echelle FUV-MAMA E140H 1416/1271 4th Release On-going
Imaging FUV-MAMA F25SRF2   5th Release On-going
Imaging FUV-MAMA F25QTZ   5th Release On-going
Imaging FUV-MAMA 25MAMA   5th Release On-going
Spectroscopic/Long Slit NUV-MAMA G230L 2376 1st Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Long Slit NUV-MAMA G230M 1933 4th Release On-going
Spectroscopic/Echelle NUV-MAMA E230M 1978/2707 2nd Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Echelle NUV-MAMA E230M 2415 2nd Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Echelle NUV-MAMA E230H 2713/2263 3rd Release Complete
Imaging NUV-MAMA F25QTZ   3rd Release Complete
Imaging NUV-MAMA F25SRF2   3rd Release Complete
Imaging NUV-MAMA F25CN182   3rd Release Complete
Imaging NUV-MAMA F25CN270   3rd Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Long Slit CCD G750L 7751 2nd Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Long Slit CCD G430L 4300 1st Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Long Slit CCD G230LB 2375 1st Release Complete
Spectroscopic/Long Slit CCD G430M 3936/4194 4th Release On-going
Spectroscopic/Long Slit CCD G750M 7283/8561 4th Release On-going
Imaging CCD 50CCD   5th Release On-going
Imaging CCD F28x50LP   5th Release On-going
Imaging CCD F28x50OIII   5th Release On-going
Imaging CCD F28x50OII   5th Release On-going


NOTE: The STIS Team has yet to determine a release number for any STIS modes not listed in the table above.

Last Updated: 01/08/2024

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