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ACS-WFC-MOSAIC-LINE pointing patterns

ACS WFC Mosaic Line graph

This is a one-dimensional mosaic pattern, with the following allowable parameter ranges:

     Pattern_Number: 1 
       Pattern_Type: ACS-WFC-MOSAIC-LINE
    Pattern_Purpose: MOSAIC
   Number_Of_Points: 2-9
      Point_Spacing: 10.0 - 130.0 (arcseconds)
       Line_Spacing: 10.0 - 130.0 (arcseconds)
   Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG
     Pattern_Orient: 0.0 - 360.0  (degrees)     
Angle_Between_Sides: 0.0 - 360.0  (degrees) 
     Center_Pattern: ?            (YES or NO)

The following versions of this Pattern_Type are projected onto the detector pixel space in the graphic above.

The default pattern is a compromise between increasing the field-of-view (to ~200x300 arcseconds) and covering the interchip gap -- all with the same guide stars.

       Pattern_Type: ACS-WFC-MOSAIC-LINE
    Pattern_Purpose: MOSAIC
   Number_Of_Points: 2
      Point_Spacing: 96.816
       Line_Spacing: 0.
   Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG
     Pattern_Orient: 90.0
Angle_Between_Sides: N/A
     Center_Pattern: YES
POS TARG equivalent:  0.000, -48.116
                      0.000,  48.116
Last Updated: 01/31/2024

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