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Post-Observation Resources for Hubble

Retrieving Data

MAST is the primary archive and distribution center for HST data, distributing science, calibration, and engineering data to HST users and the astronomical community at large. MAST contains both the raw and calibrated data for all HST observations. Both raw and calibrated data are in standard FITS formats that are described in the instrument and data handbooks.

Data Analysis

HST data analysis support is provided via software tools, supporting documentation, and other auxiliary support information. 

Exception Report Instructions

If there is a problem with observations, the Principal Investigator (PI) will recieve an exception report via email. It is the responsibility of the PI to inspect their data for any anomalies and to determine if a repeat is necessary. Some common issues to look for are outlined on the exception report page.

Reporting Problems

Hubble Observation Problem Reports (HOPRs, pronounced "hopper") provide a mechanism for you to inform the STScI when a problem has occurred with the implementation, scheduling, execution, or data processing of your observations. It is also the means by which the Principal Investigator (PI) makes the request for failed observations to be repeated. If you have questions about the quality of your data and if it needs to be repeated, please see the exception report instructions or contact the HST Help Desk. Your Program Coordinator (PC) may help you with the mechanics of filing a HOPR if needed. Please note that there are deadlines for submitting a HOPR, so it is advisable to inspect the data promptly.

In some cases, the Guide Star Acquisition process can only acquire a single guide star. There may be some degree of drift in roll which can happen over time, the degree of which can vary depending on factors such as the length of the exposure, time of an exposure or set of exposures, and the distance between the target and the guide star in the focal plane. This general principle applies to all instruments in the focal plane. For an ACS-specific example, please see GS ACQ Failed to Single Guide Star.

Hubble Legacy Archive

The Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) provides enhanced Hubble products and advanced browsing capabilities.

Hubble Space Telescope Help Desk

Access and browse the HST knowledge base or contact the HST Help Desk to get help, make a request, or report a problem.

Hubble Spectroscopic Legacy Archive (HSLA)

The Hubble Spectroscopic Legacy Archive (HSLA) provides the community with all raw and associated combined spectra for COS far-ultraviolet data publicly available in the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). These data are packaged into 'smart archives' according to target type and scientific themes to facilitate the construction of archival samples for common science uses. 

High-Level Science Products

High-Level Science Products (HLSP) are community contributed, fully processed images and spectra that are ready for scientific analysis. HLSP also include files such as object catalogs, spectral atlases, and README files describing a given set of data. Information for contributing your data to be a HLSP at MAST can be found in the HLSP How-To Guide.

Publishing HST Results

Guidelines and requirements for acknowledging use of HST Data in a scientific journal.

Press Releases of Newsworthy Research

The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) News Team supports scientists with newsworthy results based on HST data. The NASA policy is to disseminate discoveries to the public about the findings derived from the Hubble Space Telescope. The process and submission form is described in the Science Resources area. Learn more about the method and procedures for press release creation at STScI. The most recent public releases of HST data are available at the HST news center


HST Help Desk 

Please contact the HST Help Desk with any questions.