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Abell 370
Abell 370 is a massive galaxy cluster in the middle of a field of almost 8,000 galaxies

The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) is a third-generation Hubble Space Telescope (HST) instrument installed in March 2002 during HST Servicing Mission 3B. The ACS CCD Electronics Box and Low Voltage Power Supply incrementally failed in June 2006 and January 2007, causing the loss of the ACS Wide Field Channel (WFC) and High Resolution Channel (HRC). 

The replacement components (CEB-R and LVPS-R) installed on 16 May 2009 during HST Servicing Mission 4 (SM4), successfully restored the function of the WFC but not that of the HRC. Consequently, only the WFC and the Solar Blind Channel (SBC) are available to observers. 

Current Status

HRC is not operational.

SBC is operating nominally.

WFC is operating nominally.

Improved Absolute Astrometry for WFC3 and ACS

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Results: 207
Showing 5 matching items
  1. (ACS ISR 2024-03) The Evolution of Post-SM4 Bias Striping Noise in the ACS/WFC

    August 02, 2024M. C. McDonald and N. A. Grogin
  2. (ACS ISR 2024-02) The Impact of CTE on Point Source Detection in Simulated ACS/WFC Imaging Data

    May 14, 2024D. V. Stark and N. A. Grogin
  3. (ACS ISR 2024-01) Evolution of Sink Pixels in ACS/WFC and Connection to Charge Transfer Efficiency

    April 30, 2024A. M. Guzman and J. E. Ryon
  4. (ACS ISR 2023-06) The ACS/WFC Focus-Diverse ePSF Webtool

    November 10, 2023G. S. Anand et al.
  5. (ACS ISR 2023-04) Dithering for ACS and WFC3 Primes and Parallels

    October 18, 2023J. Anderson and N. A. Grogin

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  1. ACS STAN November 2023

    November 29, 2023

ACS Software Updates


  • Released Nov 13, 2023
  • New ePSFs tools
  • Miscellaneous maintenance
  • Released May 23, 2023
  • Update to the skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects() function in
  • Documentation updates

HSTCAL v2.7.4

  • Released on February 08, 2022
  • CALACS updated to Version 10.3.5

Last Updated: 03/04/2024

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