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About COS

The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) was installed on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in May 2009. COS performs high-sensitivity, medium- and low-resolution spectroscopy of astronomical objects in the 815-3200 Å wavelength range. COS significantly enhances the spectroscopic capabilities of HST at ultraviolet wavelengths, providing observers with unparalleled opportunities for observing faint sources of ultraviolet light.

The primary science objectives of the instrument are the study of the origins of large scale structure in the Universe, the formation and evolution of galaxies, the origin of stellar and planetary systems, and the cold interstellar medium.

COS spectrum of a massive star in the LMC

This COS spectrum of a massive star in the LMC encodes information about the properties of its stellar wind, the intervening interstellar and circum-galactic media, enabling a wide range of legacy studies.


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Results: 198
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  1. ISR 2024-08: Simulating the 600s flash for SPLIT-wavecals at LP6

    July 08, 2024K. Rowlands et al.
  2. ISR 2024-07: Cycle 29 COS NUV Wavelength Scale Monitor

    June 17, 2024D.M. French
  3. ISR 2024-06: The COS Data Quality Flags and Updates to the Bad Pixel Table for Lifetime Position 4

    May 07, 2024E. M. Frazer et al.
  4. ISR 2024-05: COS LP6 Exploratory Resolution Program

    March 28, 2024K. Rowlands et al.
  5. ISR 2024-04: Cycle 30 COS/FUV Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitor

    March 27, 2024K. Rowlands & R. Sankrit

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  1. February 2024 STAN

    February 26, 2024
  2. January 2024 STAN

    January 04, 2024

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Last Updated: 02/26/2024

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