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The Institute’s Role in the History of Space Exploration

Although the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) was not established until 1981, its roots can be traced back to Dr. Lyman Spitzer’s vision for what would become the Hubble Space Telescope in a document published in 1946. This interactive timeline invites viewers to explore the role the U.S. plays in space exploration, from the launch of the world’s first satellites to the discoveries led by Hubble and other space telescopes. Many items on the page expand: Click through to read more and see additional photos and videos. As STScI hits new milestones—like the launch and beginning of operations of the James Webb Space Telescope—events will be added to cover the breaking science results. 

Chronological Events

STScI Milestones
Space Exploration

Edwin Hubble Definitively Demonstrates the Universe Is Expanding

Edwin Hubble seated at the Hooker telescope at Mt. Wilson Observatory
January 17, 1929

The astronomer convinces his peers with a landmark publication.


‘Astronomical Advantages of an Extra-terrestrial Observatory’

Lyman Spitzer at Princeton University circa 1948
September 1, 1946

Lyman Spitzer publishes a report arguing for an observatory that orbits the Earth.


The Dawn of the Space Age

Sputnik 1 launches
October 4, 1957
The Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I, the world’s first artificial satellite, and with it, the Space Age.

Explorer 1 Launches

Explorer 1 launches
January 31, 1958

The United States launches its first satellite.


Congress Passes the Space Act

President Eisenhower with T. Keith Glennan and Hugh L. Dryden
July 29, 1958
This major piece of legislation establishes the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

NASA Names Nancy Grace Roman Its First Chief of Astronomy

Dr. Nancy Grace Roman with a telescope model

In her role, she oversaw the planning and development of large programs, including the Hubble Space Telescope.


A Declaration to Land a Man on the Moon

President John F. Kennedy addresses the U.S. Congress
May 25, 1961
President John F. Kennedy gave a seminal speech to Congress, urging lawmakers to fund and develop technologies to meet this goal.

NASA Launches First of Four Orbital Astronomical Observatories

NASA launches first Orbital Astronomical Observatory
April 8, 1966
The solar-powered satellite makes ultraviolet observations and allows NASA to learn how to build and launch observatories. Credit: NASA.

A View of Earth from the Moon

Frst view of Earth from the Moon
August 23, 1966
NASA’s Lunar Orbiter I takes an image of Earth, the world’s first, during the spacecraft’s 16th orbit around the Moon. Credit: NASA.

Formalizing the Idea for a Space-based Telescope

The National Academy of Sciences publishes a report that lays out the benefits of a large space telescope.

U.S. Astronauts Walk on the Moon

Apollo 11’s lunar lander on the Moon
July 20, 1969
NASA's Apollo 11 crew collects samples and leaves a flag to commemorate the historic accomplishment.

The European Space Agency (ESA) Joins the Large Space Telescope Project

September 17, 1975
In return for providing project funding, NASA guarantees telescope time to European astronomers.

The National Academy of Sciences Publishes ‘Institutional Arrangements for the Space Telescope’


By establishing an independent institute, the authors argue, the telescope will be open to the worldwide scientific community.


Budget Approved for Space Telescope

A landscape view of the U.S. Capitol building
U.S. Congress grants $200 million to build the telescope, which initiates design and assembly of the project.

Design of the Space Telescope Begins

Large Space Telescope design in 1978
NASA selects companies to begin building the telescope and its instruments.

The Space Telescope Science Institute Is Founded

STScI staff outside a temporary office space on the Hopkins Homewood campus

The institute becomes the base for scientific operations for the Space Telescope.


Dedicating the Hubble Space Telescope

Edwin Hubble with a photograph of a galaxy in 1940

NASA honors the late astronomer, Edwin P. Hubble, for his groundbreaking studies by naming the space-based telescope after him.


STScI Headquarters Open

A landscape view of the Muller building
A building on the Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus in Baltimore, Maryland, becomes the institute’s new base of operations.

Shuttle Flights Are Grounded

The space shuttle Challenger at liftoff
January 28, 1986
The explosion of NASA’s space shuttle Challenger prevented the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope for more than four years.

NASA Space Shuttle Flights Resume

Discovery liftoff in 1988
September 29, 1988
Space shuttle Discovery successfully launched with five astronauts. Credit: NASA.

STScI Hosts the Next Generation Space Telescope Workshop

An artist’s concept of a 10-meter telescope in high-Earth orbit
September 13-15, 1989
Formed before Hubble launches, workshop attendees formalized ideas for the observatory that would follow.

Guide Star Catalog Published

Digitized Sky Survey image of the Whirlpool Galaxy, M51
The Guide Star Catalog, developed by a team at the Space Telescope Science Institute, revolutionized the way astronomers locate and lock onto star positions to gather data.

Creating a New Path for Scientific Research


The Hubble Fellowship Program provides the freedom to focus on astronomical research at universities across the U.S.


Hubble Space Telescope Is Launched and Deployed

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April 24-25, 1990
A new age of astronomy and astrophysics dawns as the Hubble Space Telescope is launched aboard the space shuttle Discovery.

Hubble Sees First Light

Hubble's first image compared to a photograph taken by the Irénée du Pont telescope
May 20, 1990
The first image from the Hubble Space Telescope highlights the advantage of photographing stars from above Earth's atmosphere.

Flaw in Hubble’s Primary Mirror

Hubble's primary mirror being ground
June 1990
Hubble’s first images reveal a flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, preventing it from focusing.

STScI Convenes Hubble Strategy Panel, Recommends COSTAR

STScI Director Riccardo Giacconi gathers experts to address the flaw in Hubble’s mirror and salvage scientific operations.

First Science Paper Based on Hubble Data Is Published

A Hubble Space Telescope image of galaxy NGC 7457

An article in the Astrophysical Journal presented findings from galaxy NGC 7457.


NASA’s Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory Launches

The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
April 5, 1991
One of NASA’s Great Observatories determines the locations of gamma rays and sends alerts to support other telescopes.

Astronomers Announce the First Confirmed Discovery of a Planet Orbiting a Star Other than the Sun

Artist’s conception of planets orbiting the pulsar PSR B1257+12
Confirmation of planets orbiting a neutron star 2,300 light-years from Earth opens a new frontier of astronomy and planetary science.
In January 1992, astronomers confirmed the existence of planets outside our solar system (depicted in an artist’s conception). The three exoplanets—Draugr, Poltergeist, and Phobetor—were detected based on anomalies in the rotation rate of the pulsar. Thousands of exoplanets have been confirmed since. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Providing Access to Astronomical Targets to All

May 1992

Following the 1989 release of the Guide Star Catalog, STScI releases the first compressed digitized sky survey project on CD-ROM.


Correcting the Aberration

An astronaut repairing the space shuttle Endeavor
December 2-13, 1993
During a multi-day mission, astronauts repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

U.S. Congress Funds NASA’s Great Observatories Program

A chart showing each telescope above the wavelength region it was built to observe
The program, which includes four space-based telescopes, becomes official after it is funded by Congress.

Existence of Supermassive Black Holes Confirmed

Spectrum of gas disk in active Galaxy M87
May 25, 1994

Conclusive evidence confirms existence of gravitationally collapsed objects predicted by Einstein.


Hubble Captures Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter

An inset showing the impact site of a comet on Jupiter
July 16, 1994
Photographs of the impact of a comet on a planet mark the first-ever observations of two Solar System objects colliding.

Hubble Photographs Pillars of Gas and Dust in the Eagle Nebula

Pillars of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula

The iconic image of the "Pillars of Creation" exhibits the superior imaging power of the Hubble Space Telescope.


Astronomers Release Spectacular Color Panorama of the Orion Nebula

Mosaic showing a portion of the Orion Nebula made by combining 45 separate images
Mosaic of Hubble images reveals hundreds of hot young stars surrounded by glowing protoplanetary disks and sheds new light on star and planet formation.

Hubble Deep Field: The Image that Changed Everything

Several hundred galaxies in an array of new shapes and colors revealed by Hubble Deep Field
January 15, 1996
In one stunning image Hubble alters our perception of the universe, revealing a small fraction of sky crowded with galaxies.

Hubble Reveals the Surface of Pluto

The surface of Pluto from the European Space Agency’s Faint Object Camera
March 7, 1996
For the first time since Pluto’s discovery in 1930, astronomers directly imaged details on its surface.

The Dressler Report: Recommending the Next Generation Space Telescope

May 1996

The HST & Beyond Committee recommends a large near-infrared telescope as the next major mission to follow Hubble.


Expanding Hubble’s View

Astronaut Steven L. Smith during repair of the Hubble Space Telescope
February 11-21, 1997
During the second servicing mission, astronauts install two advanced instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope.

The Next Generation Space Telescope: Ambitious, Yet Achievable

Early James Webb Space Telescope illustration
June 1997

AURA publishes the “technological roadmap” to guide the development of a large-aperture infrared telescope to succeed Hubble.


A Comprehensive Data Archive Is Established

MAST logo
October 1997
The Multi-mission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST) includes data from the ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared range.

International Space Station Construction Begins

U.S. astronauts connect the American Unity and Russian Zarya modules of the ISS
The unprecedented global collaboration took 10 years and more than 30 missions to assemble in-orbit.

Astronomers Announce that the Universe Is Accelerating, Driven by a Mysterious Dark Energy

Three Type 1a supernovae imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope
Observations of distant supernovae fundamentally change our understanding of the universe.

Measuring the Expansion Rate of the Universe

Spiral galaxy NGC 4603 imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope
May 1999
Astronomers use Hubble Space Telescope observations to refine the Hubble constant, significantly narrowing down the age of the universe.

Engineering Firms and Partners Selected to Begin Studies for the Next Generation Space Telescope

July 7, 1999

NASA selects Lockheed Martin and TRW to conduct Phase A mission studies, preliminary analysis of the design, and cost. Instrument studies also include the participation of the European Space Agency and Canadian Space Agency, the project’s international partners.


Chandra X-ray Observatory Launches

The Chandra X-ray observatory photographed during separation
July 23, 1999
The member of NASA’s Great Observatories program goes on to make a significant discovery about dark energy.

Remodeling Hubble in Space

Discovery's cargo bay and the Earth's horizon are reflected in a helmet visor
December 19-27, 1999

Astronauts upgrade the observatory with new gyros, a new computer, and other enhancements.


STScI Publishes Guide Star Catalog II

January 2000
The all-sky catalog contains the positions, proper motions, classifications, and magnitudes for almost a billion objects.

First Crew Boards the International Space Station

ISS Expedition 1 crew members
November 2, 2000

U.S. astronaut Bill Shepherd and Russian cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev become the first crew of the ISS.


Astronomers Announce First Direct Measurement of an Exoplanet Atmosphere

Artist’s conception of the Jupiter-sized exoplanet and its Sun-like star

Hubble Space Telescope detects sodium in the atmosphere of a hot-Jupiter orbiting a star 150 light-years from Earth.


Making Hubble’s Instruments More Powerful

An astronaut floats above in the Space Shuttle Columbia’s cargo bay
March 1-12, 2002
The crew of the space shuttle Columbia dramatically updates the telescope's imaging power.

NASA Names the Next Generation Space Telescope in Honor of James E. Webb

James E. Webb
September 10, 2002
The second NASA administrator led more than 75 space science missions during his tenure in the 1960s.

STScI’s Founding Director Receives the Nobel Prize

Dr. Riccardo Giacconi
October 8, 2002
Dr. Riccardo Giacconi is recognized for his pioneering contributions to astrophysics, specifically cosmic X-ray sources.

Hubble Looks Further with Help from Supercluster Abell 1689

Supercluster Abell 1689 shows arcs surrounding the center of the image
January 7, 2003

Newly installed Advanced Camera for Surveys uses the natural phenomenon of gravitational lensing to magnify distant galaxies.


Space Shuttle Columbia Breaks Apart Upon Re-entry

Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia STS-107 launch at Kennedy Space Center
February 1, 2003
All seven crew members died and NASA grounded its shuttle program. Credit: NASA.

NASA Unveils First Detailed Image of the Infant Universe

Full-sky map of the cosmic microwave background radiation
February 2003

Detailed map of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) gives unprecedented view of the afterglow of the big bang.


The Spitzer Space Telescope Launches

The Spitzer Space Telescope against the infrared sky
August 25, 2003
The fourth and final member of NASA’s Great Observatories program launches, studying the universe in infrared.

Hubble Ultra Deep Field

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field shows an estimated 10,000 galaxies
Astronomers use Hubble to look back in time with humanity’s deepest portrait of the visible universe.

Rover Lands on Mars

Spirit captures a picture of its own tracks near Husband Hill
January 3, 2004
The Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, search for answers about the history of water on the Red Planet.

Hubble Servicing Mission 4 Canceled

January 16, 2004
NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe cites safety concerns following the loss of the space shuttle Columbia and its crew.

Construction Begins on the Next Generation Space Telescope

March 3, 2004
Projects that require the most extensive work begin, including science instruments and the 18 primary mirror segments.

Space Shuttle Discovery Launches Successfully

Space Shuttle Discovery launches successfully
July 26, 2005
After more than two years of research and upgrades, NASA’s shuttle program returns to flight. Credit: NASA.

Discovery of a Kuiper Belt Object Larger than Pluto

July 29, 2005

Initially described as the tenth planet, the discovery ignites debate about the definition of a planet.


Astronomers Announce Discovery of Convincing Evidence for Dark Matter

Hubble, Chandra, and Magellan composite of dark and normal matter
Observations of a distant galaxy cluster show that dark matter is truly distinct from normal matter.

Hubble Captures Images of ‘Tenth Planet’ Slightly Larger Than Pluto

An artist’s concept of Kuiper Belt object 2003 UB313
April 11, 2006
The finding causes astronomers to cast doubt on how to classify Pluto—as a planet or a dwarf planet.

Pluto Is Reclassified as a Kuiper Belt Object

Four images combined with color data to create an enhanced color global view of Pluto
August 24, 2006
An international group of astronomers refine what it means to classify a planet in our solar system.

Hubble’s Servicing Mission Reinstated

October 31, 2006
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin announced that the fifth and final servicing mission was tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2008.

Hubble Makes First Detection of Organic Molecules on an Exoplanet

Artist’s conception of HD 189733b in front of its star
March 19, 2008
The Hubble Space Telescope detects methane in the atmosphere of a Jupiter-sized planet in a distant solar system.

Hubble Reaches 100,000 Orbit Milestone

August 11, 2008

In its 18th year of service, the telescope reached the landmark number of orbits at 7:42 AM EDT.

Read the Release


Scientists Report First Direct Observation of an Exoplanet in Visible Light

Debris and exoplanet Fomalhaut b orbiting Fomalhaut
November 13, 2008
The Hubble Space Telescope directly photographs a planet orbiting a star outside our solar system.

NASA’s Kepler Mission Launches

An artist’s illustration of Kepler-444
March 7, 2009

The spacecraft surveyed our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover hundreds of exoplanets in or near the habitable zone.


Completing the Final Hubble Servicing Mission

An astronaut works on the Hubble Space Telescope during a spacewalk
May 11-24, 2009

Astronauts install two new instruments and repair two others, enhancing the telescope.


Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) Begins

Bright white galaxy at top center and a range of other smaller red or blue galaxies as dots or ellipiticals, all set against a black background
August 2010

The first of three ambitious Multi-cycle Treasury Programs commences with a comprehensive study of the early universe.


Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) Named Top Space-based Priority in Decadal Survey

New Worlds, New Horizons report cover over infrared image
August 13, 2010

WFIRST, now known as the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, is designed to address a wide range of questions in astrophysics. Credit: National Academies.


Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) Program Launches

galaxy cluster MACS 1206
November 2010

The second of three ambitious Multi-cycle Treasury Programs begins its study of galaxies, dark matter, and dark energy.


First Private Company Successfully Launches and Lands a Spacecraft

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches
December 8, 2010
The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches the capsule named Dragon, which orbits Earth and lands safely three hours later in the Pacific. Credit: NASA, Alan Ault.

Hubble Makes One Millionth Science Observation

An illustrated map of Hubble’s first million observations across the entire sky
July 4, 2011

By this point, its observations amount to more than 50 terabytes of data.

Read the Release

An illustrated map of Hubble’s first million scientific observations across the entire sky. Credit: NASA, ESA, and R. Thompson.

NASA Ends the Space Shuttle Program

Ribbons of steam and smoke trail space shuttle Atlantis
July 8-21, 2011
The successful launch and reentry of Atlantis marks the final flight of the 30-year program.

STScI Dark Energy Researcher Shares 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics

STScI astrophysicist Adam Riess
October 4, 2011
Astrophysicist Adam Riess is recognized for his leadership in the 1998 discovery that the expansion rate of the universe is increasing.

10,000th Paper Published Based on Hubble Science

December 6, 2011

STScI announced the publication of the 10,000th refereed science paper based on Hubble observations, solidifying the telescope’s place among the most prolific astronomical endeavors in history.

Read the Release


MAST Renamed in Honor of U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski

MAST logo
April 5, 2012
NASA’s repository for ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared observations recognizes the support of the longtime Senator.

eXtreme Deep Field

The Hubble eXtreme Deep Field
September 25, 2012

Hubble’s XDF image reaches much fainter galaxies and includes very deep exposures.


Water Vapor Plumes Detected on Europa

Artist’s conception of a water vapor plume on Europa’s icy crust
December 2012
Hubble detects a subsurface ocean on Jupiter’s moon.

NASA’s Ambitious Frontier Fields Program Begins

A Frontier Fields image showing the immense mass of Abell 2744
October 24, 2013
NASA’s Great Observatories team up to look deeper into the universe than ever before.

Hubble Scouts Kuiper Belt Objects for NASA’s New Horizons Spacecraft

Larger bright white objects and smaller objects shown with teal circles in two frames.
July 1, 2014

The telescope identifies objects 4 billion miles from Earth, one of which later proves to be a suitable target.


Hubble Space Telescope Revisits the Iconic Pillars of Creation

Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula
January 5, 2015
Visible and infrared images of immense towers of gas and dust highlight 20 years of improvements in Hubble capabilities.

Panorama of the Andromeda Galaxy Is Largest Hubble Image Ever Assembled

A panorama of the Andromeda galaxy as a mosaic of 7,398 Hubble exposures
January 5, 2015
The images cover more than 61,000 light-years of our nearest galactic neighbor.

NASA Proceeds with Successor to the James Webb Space Telescope

Artist's conception of WFIRST
February 18, 2016

WFIRST will have the same sensitivity and resolution as NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope with 100 times the field of view.


Discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 Solar System

This to-scale illustration depicts the TRAPPIST-1 system viewed from Earth’s direction
February 22, 2017
NASA announces the discovery of seven Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting a single star.

Gravitational and Light Waves Detected from the Same Celestial Event for the First Time

Hubble Space Telescope observed a stellar flare fading after a neutron star merger that also caused a gravitational wave
August 17, 2017
Worldwide effort is heralded as the beginning of multi-messenger astronomy.

Cassini Spacecraft Ends Its Mission to Saturn

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft plunges into Saturn
September 15, 2017
After 17 years exploring Saturn, its rings, and moons, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft plunges into the gas giant. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Launches

An artist's conceptual illustration of TESS
April 18, 2018

The mission will catalog thousands of planet candidates.


First Image of a Black Hole

black hole
April 10, 2019

The Event Horizon Telescope captured an image of light warped around the supermassive black hole of galaxy M87. Credit: EHT Collaboration.


STScI Selected as WFIRST Science Operations Center

WFIRST set against Milky Way background
July 2019

The contract from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center supports continued systems engineering and design, instrument and science support, and outreach.


Hubble Finds Best Evidence of an Elusive Mid-Sized Black Hole

Illustration of a black hole at the center of an orange system against a background of stars
March 31, 2020

Hubble’s high-resolution imaging reveals an intermediate-mass black hole’s hideout in a star cluster beyond our galaxy.


NASA Names Mission in Honor of Nancy Grace Roman

Black-and-white portrait of Dr. Nancy Grace Roman
May 20, 2020

The Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope is renamed to honor NASA’s first chief of astronomy.


NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Passes Comprehensive Systems Test

The Webb telescope in a well-lit, white clean room.
July 13, 2020

Over 15 days, staff worked 24/7 to successfully test all of the observatory’s systems.


NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Completes Major Ground System Review

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July 24, 2020

STScI will host the Roman Space Telescope’s science operations center and data archive.


Hubble Launches Large Ultraviolet-Light Survey of Nearby Stars

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November 5, 2020

The ULLYSES program will create an invaluable dataset of spectral templates for astronomical research.


Decadal Survey Proposes New Missions and Programs

Planets and nebulas in the background with caption superimposed on image introducing the Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s report. An illustration of two merging neutron stars is on the left, a frame from a numerical cosmology simulation of the early universe is at the center, and illustrations of recently discovered exoplanets along with a notional spectrum of an Earth-like planet appear at right.
November 4, 2021

Astronomers recommend a tiered approach to lower the risks and costs of space-based telescopes.


NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Launches

The Ariane 5 rocket flying through clouds during launch.
December 25, 2021

The premier infrared space observatory is designed to make discoveries that will transform our understanding of the universe.


Webb’s First Images Display the Universe in a New Light

Illustration representing Webb science. The background is deep blue with scattered points of light of different size and brightness. Running from left to right through the middle is a jagged line representing a light spectrum (a graph of brightness versus wavelength of light). The area below the spectrum has a rainbow pattern from red on the left to purple on the right. The coloring is semi-transparent (the blue starry background is visible behind it) and fades toward the bottom. In the middle, superimposed on the starry background and part of the spectrum is a large hexagon outlined in gold, with two hexagonal outlines behind it. Within the hexagon is an illustration of space with shapes representing objects and materials at different distances and points in time that Webb is investigating: a large planet with hints of cloud formations; beams of matter jetting out from the center of a galaxy; galaxies of different shapes and sizes; nebulous cloudy wisps; and stars with 8-pointed diffraction patterns.
July 12, 2022

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope released observations of five targets to demonstrate the capabilities of its instrument suite.


Webb Confirms Its First Exoplanet

Illustration of a planet and its star on a black background. The planet is large, in the foreground at the center and the star is smaller, in the background and also at the center. The planet is rocky and has no atmosphere. The top quarter of the planet (the side facing the star) is lit, while the rest is in shadow. The star is bright yellowish-white, with no clear features.
January 11, 2023

The planet is rocky and almost precisely the same size as Earth, but whips around its star in only two days.


Hubble Sees Possible Runaway Black Hole Creating a Trail of Stars

A Hubble image of a black field is speckled with white, yellow, and reddish galaxies. In the center is a small, white-bordered, boxed area that contains one, long, thin, diagonal streak of whitish-blue stars. The diagonal line looks like a scratch on a photograph. It is positioned near the bottom-left corner to the top right corner of the box. Two galaxies also reside within the box. One irregular-looking galaxy, in the top right corner, appears to be connected to the line. Another elliptical-looking galaxy appears in the bottom-right corner of the box. To the right of the small box is a larger white-bordered box that contains a magnified view of the contents of the smaller box. In this magnified view, a white knot appears prominently at the bottom tip of the stream of stars.
April 6, 2023

Bizarre 200,000-light-year-long chain of young blue stars links a galaxy to its escaping black hole.