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General Observer Programs in Cycle 1


The Cycle 1 General Observers (GO) program provides the worldwide astronomical community with the first extensive opportunity to make observations with JWST. Approximately 6,000 hours were awarded to observing programs using the full suite of JWST instrumentation. Scientists also proposed for archival analysis of data from DD ERS programs and public GTO programs, theoretical investigations, and the development of software tools relevant to JWST observations. Science observations will begin following a 6-month commissioning period after launch.

To view details about a specific program, select a category below, then click the Program ID. For reference:

  • Small programs: ≤ 25 hours
  • Medium programs: > 25 and ≤ 75 hours
  • Large programs: >75 hours

NOTE: The listing of Co-PIs in the tables below has been limited to 4. Proposals with more than 4 Co-PIs are denoted with an asterisk. The full listing is available with the proposal.

Science Categories for GO Proposals


BOTS = Bright Object Time-series

FS = Fixed Slit

GTS = Grism Time Series

IFU = Integral Field Unit

LRS = Low Resolution Spectroscopy

MOS = Multi-object Spectroscopy

MRS = Medium Resolution Spectroscopy

SOSS = Single-object Slitless Spectroscopy

TSO = Time Series Observation

WFSS = Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy

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The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.