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Crystal Reports

This page includes a listing of Crystal Reports that are available to agencies as an interim reporting solution until all SWIFT data is available through OBIEE, the EPM Data Warehouse query and reporting tool. Data for these reports comes from views within the EPM Data Warehouse. Additional reports will be added as they become available.
Users must have Crystal Reports version 8.5 or greater and Oracle 11g Client software installed in order to view the reports. Please check HERE for important information including instructions, system requirements, and parameter information.

The AR Detail for Certification Report selects AR data required for your AR Certification. It allows you to select data based on

  • Business Unit range (BU-SRC-ID),
  • Fiscal Year (AR-JH-FISCAL-YEAR - Fiscal Year from the AR Journal Header) and
  • GL Posted Date Range (AR-JH-POSTED-DATE - GL Posted Date from the AR Journal Header)

The report has been written to easily export the data to Excel. The Report Layout provides the columns required for the AR Certification report with Business Unit, required Chartfields (Fund, Account, Sub Account, Appropriation Id and Dept Id) and Amount columns for Billings, Payments, Write Offs, Close Activity and Intra Inter Agcy. The report provides totals by Business Unit as well as an Agency Total.

Last Update: 8/27/2013

Same as AR Detail Report for Certification listed above - for use with Crystal 11.

Last Update: 8/28/2013

Displays Budget, Pre-encumbered, Encumbered, Expended and Available amounts, by GL Account, subtotaled by Payroll/Non-Payroll allotment, totaled by Expense Budget Fin Dept ID. Main source is Commitment Control tables.

Last Update: 7/25/13

Header display includes Appropriation, Cancellation, Reduction, Other Class, Estimated Revenue, Collected Revenue, Balance Forwards, Transfers, Allotted, Not Allotted, Pre-encumbered, Encumbered, Expended, and Cash Balance amounts and more as well as Appropriation ID attributes including Budget Program, Budget Activity, Budget Authority Option and more; detail displays Payroll: Budget, Expended, Available, and Non Payroll: Budget, Pre-encumbered, Encumbered, Expended, Available amounts, by Allotment Fin Dept ID, totaled by Appropriation ID. Main source is Commitment Control tables.

Last Update: 12/23/11

Displays PO/Req ID, Buyer ID, PO Date, Contract ID, Vendor ID and Name, PO Description, Project coding, and more. Displays PO/Req Amount, Activity Amount and Open Obligation Amount by PO/Req Distribution Line subtotaled by GL Account, totaled by Expense Budget Fin Dept ID. Open Amount ties out to Commitment Control tables with an indicator for unposted expenditures. Main source is Open Encum summary extract.

Last Update: 1/8/13

Same as Encumbrance Report listed above - for use with Crystal 11.

Last Update: 1/8/13

Data includes expenditure transactions from all sources. Time period selection is by GL Posted Date. To reconcile to current budget totals choose 'Posted To' = today's date to include transactions not yet posted to GL (these are transactions with posted date = Null or the default date 1/1/1753). For best performance limit DeptID to a specific Dept ID value (e.g. From H5530999 To H5530999) or limit DeptID to your Agency range (e.g. From H5500000 To H5599999). Display includes Transaction ID (Voucher ID for A/P source, Deposit ID for A/R source, Item for BI source, Journal ID for other sources), GL Posted Date, Accounting Date, Vendor ID, Vendor Name, Purchase Order Number, Invoice Number, Line Description, Warrant/EFT Number, Paid Amount, and more, subtotaled by GL Account, totaled by Expense Budget Fin Dept ID. Main source is PS-X3-Expenditures.

Last Update: 3/11/15

Same as Expenditure Detail X3 Report listed above - for use with Crystal 11

Last Update: 3/11/15

Data includes collected revenue transactions from all sources. Time period selection is by GL Posted Date. To reconcile to current budget totals choose 'Posted To' = today's date to include transactions not yet posted to GL (these are transactions with posted date = Null or the default date 1/1/1753). For best performance limit DeptID to a specific Dept ID value (e.g. From H5530999 To H5530999) or limit DeptID to your Agency range (e.g. From H5500000 To H5599999). Display includes Transaction ID, (Voucher ID for A/P source, Deposit ID for A/R source, Journal ID for other sources), GL Posted Date, Accounting Date, Customer ID, Customer Name, A/R Item Number, Line Description, Customer Payment ID, Paid Amount, and more, subtotaled by GL Account/Sub Account (Class), totaled by Revenue Budget Fin Dept ID. Main source is PS-X2-Receipts.

Last Update: 1/8/13

Displays Item ID, Entry Type, Bill Code, Customer ID and Name, Invoice Date, Due Date, Last Receipt Date, Line Description, Dispute Code, and more. Displays Original Item Amount, Closed Amount and Open Balance Amount by Revenue (or Expense) accounting string subtotaled by GL Account, totaled by Dept ID. Intended to report transactions recorded against Accounts Receivable 120001; does not display Federal Accounts Receivable 120101. "On Account" items can be viewed in the clearing accounting string (Approp G9RTREA DeptID -). Main Source is Open Recv Header and Line extracts.

Last Update: 1/8/13

Displays Federal Award Summary. General Award Information, Billing Limit, Appropriation, FinDepId,Budget, Pre-encumbered, Encumbered, Expended, Balance, Billed Amount, Cash Balance, Available to Budget (over/under billing limit) and Adjusted Award Balance. Sorted by Award, Project, Activity, Appropriation, FinDepId, Fund, Analysis Type, Account subtotaled by each sort field and totaled by Award. Main data source is PS-X-S-W-FEDAID. Additional tables PS-X-S-W-FEDAIDPRJ, PS-X-BUS-UNIT-FS.BUSINESS-UNIT, PS-X-PROJECT, PS-X-S-PROJ-ACTVY, and PS-X-S-PSXLATITEM are used.

Last Update: 12/23/11

Displays Federal Award Summary. General Award Information, Billing Limit, Budget, Pre-encumbered, Encumbered, Expended, Balance, Billed Amount, Cash Balance, Available to Budget (over/under billing limit) and Adjusted Award Balance. Sorted by Award, subtotaled by Project and totaled by Award. Main data source is PS-X-S-W-FEDAID. Additional tables PS-X-BUS-UNIT-FS.BUSINESS-UNIT, PS-X-PROJECT, and PS-X-S-PSXLATITEM are used.

Last Update: 12/23/11

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