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About the Data

About the data -image Differences in state accounting and budget data

Minnesota's open checkbook provides direct access to the public to data in the statewide accounting system (SWIFT). This information is based upon daily accounting data and actual agencies' revenue and expenditure transactions. The data is updated nightly. As such, the financial information may be different from state budget data that is based upon spending authority, source of  funding and forecast information.
Direct access to accounting system data is most useful for determining how agency spends its monies, monthly and year-to-date comparisons, and identifying specific categories of spending (i.e.  salaries, travel, contracts, etc).

On the other hand, budget-based data is most commonly referenced for state spending totals, forecast information, and broad snapshots of agency and statewide spending. There are several useful links for state budget information:
Common differences between budget-based and SWIFT accounting data for historical and current years are highlighted below: 

Statewide Totals 

* Statewide totals in SWIFT will be different from those reported in the budgetary consolidated fund statements. SWIFT includes all funds, while budget consolidated fund statements report only operating funds - excluding the following fund types: Internal Service, Enterprise, Pension Trust Funds, Capital Projects, Investment Pools, and Component Units that does not use the state's accounting system.

Fund Level:

* Fund totals and agency totals in SWIFT will be different from those reported in the budgetary consolidated fund statements. SWIFT data is updated daily. Budgetary consolidated fund statements data include budgeted revenues, total appropriations and forecasts for selective programs that are updated at the end of legislative sessions - and with the November and February state forecasts.

Agency Level:

* Agency totals in SWIFT may be different from those reported in the budget consolidated fund statements. The budgetary statements do not include non-operating fund or interagency transfers, balances carried forward, and other authorized actions that may occur during the year. Finally, budget statements show the authorized sources of funding and authorized available amounts - even though the final expenditure may occur in a different fund or agency.
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