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FY16-17 Governor Dayton's Budget Recommendations

The FY 2016-17 biennium began July 1, 2015 and ended on June 30, 2017. The operating budget for the FY2016-17 biennium was enacted by the Legislature and signed into law in June 2015. Below you will find the Governor's original budget recommendations, based on the November 2014 Budget and Economic Forecast, for the biennium (released January 27, 2015); revised budget recommendations, based on the February 2015 Budget and Economic Forecast (released March - May 2015); and supplemental budget recommendations, based on the February 2016 Budget and Economic Forecast (released March 15, 2016).

Supplemental Budget Recommendations

Published March 2016 - April 2016

Revised Budget Recommendations

Published March - May 2015

Supporting Documents

Original FY 2016-17 Budget Recommendations

Published January 27, 2015

Supporting Documents

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